Esempio n. 1
def runEighPoint(im1, im2, pts1, pts2, M):
    F = eightpoint(pts1, pts2, M)
        hp.displayEpipolarF(im1, im2, F)
    except Exception:
    np.savez('../results/files/q2_1.npz', F=F, M=M)
Esempio n. 2
def testEightPoint():
    im1 = cv2.imread('../data/im1.png')
    im2 = cv2.imread('../data/im2.png')
    pts = np.load('../data/some_corresp.npz')
    pts1 = pts["pts1"]
    pts2 = pts["pts2"]
    M = max((im1.shape[0], im1.shape[1]))
    F = eightpoint(pts1, pts2, M)
    from helper import displayEpipolarF
    displayEpipolarF(im1, im2, F)
    np.savez('q2_1.npz', F=F, M=M)
Esempio n. 3
def runRansac(pts1noisy, pts2noisy, M, im1, im2):
    F = eightpoint(pts1noisy, pts2noisy, M)
    F_ransac, _ = ransacF(pts1noisy, pts2noisy, M)

        hp.displayEpipolarF(im1, im2, F)
    except Exception:

        hp.displayEpipolarF(im1, im2, F_ransac)
    except Exception:
Esempio n. 4
def q5_1(I1, I2, M):
    with np.load("../data/some_corresp_noisy.npz") as data:
        pts1 = data['pts1']
        pts2 = data['pts2']

    inliers = len(pts1)
    # F = eightpoint(pts1, pts2, M)
    F, inliers = ransacF(pts1=pts1, pts2=pts2, M=M, nIters=200, tol=4.5)
    print(f"F:\n{F} matched {np.sum(inliers)}/{len(pts1)} points")

    I1 = I1[::, ::, ::-1]
    I2 = I2[::, ::, ::-1]
    displayEpipolarF(I1, I2, F)
Esempio n. 5
def runSevenPoint(im1, im2, pts1, pts2, M):
    dist = np.power(np.subtract(pts1[:, 0], pts2[:, 0]), 2) + np.power(
        np.subtract(pts1[:, 1], pts2[:, 1]), 2)
    points = dist.argsort()[:7]
    pts1_temp = pts1[points, :]
    pts2_temp = pts2[points, :]
    Farray = sevenpoint(pts1, pts2, M)
    for i in range(0, Farray.shape[2]):
        F = Farray[:, :, i]
            hp.displayEpipolarF(im1, im2, F)
        except Exception:
    # saving the best F
             F=Farray[:, :, 0],
Esempio n. 6
def q2_1(I1, I2, M):

    # Find the fundamental matrix
    with np.load("../data/some_corresp.npz") as data:
        pts1 = data['pts1']
        pts2 = data['pts2']

    F = eightpoint(pts1=pts1, pts2=pts2, M=M)
    # np.savez(q2_1_file, F=F, M=M)

    # sanity check
    with np.load(q2_1_file) as data:
        F = data['F']
        assert F.shape == (3, 3), f"F shape is {F.shape} instead of (3, 3)"
        M = data['M']

    # Display epipolar lines
    I1 = I1[::, ::, ::-1]
    I2 = I2[::, ::, ::-1]
    displayEpipolarF(I1, I2, F)
Esempio n. 7
def testSevenPoint():
    im1 = cv2.imread('../data/im1.png')
    im2 = cv2.imread('../data/im2.png')
    pts = np.load('../data/some_corresp.npz')
    indexes = [0, 1, 17, 19, 58, 91, 109]
    # 157 231
    # 309 284
    # 132 329
    # 474 384
    # 62 154
    # 425 223
    # 236 159
    pts1 = pts["pts1"][indexes]
    pts2 = pts["pts2"][indexes]
    M = max((im1.shape[0], im1.shape[1]))
    Farray = sevenpoint(pts1, pts2, M)

    F = Farray[0]
    from helper import displayEpipolarF
    displayEpipolarF(im1, im2, F)
    np.savez('q2_2.npz', F=F, M=M, pts1=pts1, pts2=pts2)
Esempio n. 8
import helper
import numpy as np

import submission

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

img1 = plt.imread("../data/im1.png")
img2 = plt.imread("../data/im2.png")

h, w, c = img1.shape
points = np.load("../data/some_corresp.npz")
p1 = points['pts1']
p2 = points['pts2']
M = max(h, w)

F = submission.sevenpoint(p1, p2, M)


helper.displayEpipolarF(img1, img2, F)
 pts1 = pts[a[0]]
 pts2 = pts[a[1]]
 image1 = cv2.imread(
     '/home/geekerlink/Desktop/Computer Vision/Homeworks/hw4/hw4/data/im1.png'
 image2 = cv2.imread(
     '/home/geekerlink/Desktop/Computer Vision/Homeworks/hw4/hw4/data/im2.png'
 im_width = image1.shape[1]
 im_height = image1.shape[0]
 #calculating the scaling factor
 M = max(im_height, im_width)
 M = float(M)
 #calculating the fundamental matrix
 F = submission.eightpoint(pts1, pts2, M)
 helper.displayEpipolarF(image1, image2, F)
 #seven point algorithm
 F_seven_temp = submission.sevenpoint(pts1, pts2, M)
 errorvalue = []
 for i in range(0, 3):
     least_error = np.sum(np.square(np.subtract(F, F_seven_temp[i])))
 error_index = np.argmin(errorvalue)
 F_seven = F_seven_temp[error_index]
 helper.displayEpipolarF(image1, image2, F_seven)
 #intrinsic parameters
 intrinsic = np.load(
     '/home/geekerlink/Desktop/Computer Vision/Homeworks/hw4/hw4/data/intrinsics.npz'
 b = intrinsic.files
 k1 = intrinsic[b[0]]
Esempio n. 10
import numpy as np
import cv2
from helper import displayEpipolarF
from submission import eightpoint, ransacF

im1 = cv2.imread('../data/im1.png')[:, :, ::-1]
im2 = cv2.imread('../data/im2.png')[:, :, ::-1]
corresp = np.load('../data/some_corresp_noisy.npz')
pts1 = corresp['pts1']
pts2 = corresp['pts2']
M = np.max(im1.shape)

print('======no RANSAC=======')
F1 = eightpoint(pts1, pts2, M)
displayEpipolarF(im1, im2, F1)

F2, _ = ransacF(pts1, pts2, M)
displayEpipolarF(im1, im2, F2)
Esempio n. 11
import numpy as np
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import submission as sub
import helper
data = np.load('../data/some_corresp.npz')
im1 = plt.imread('../data/im1.png')
im2 = plt.imread('../data/im2.png')

N = data['pts1'].shape[0]
M = 640

# 2.1
F8 = sub.eightpoint(data['pts1'], data['pts2'], M)
helper.displayEpipolarF(im1, im2, F8)
np.savez('q2_1.npz', F=F8, M=M)

# 2.2
pts1 = np.array([[256,270],[162,152],[199,127],[147,131],[381,236],[193,290],[157,231]])
pts2 = np.array([[257,266],[161,151],[197,135],[146,133],[380,215],[194,284],[157,211]])
Farray = sub.sevenpoint(pts1, pts2, M)
helper.displayEpipolarF(im1, im2, Farray[1])
np.savez('q2_2.npz', F=Farray[1], M=M, pts1=pts1, pts2=pts2)

# 3.1
intrinsic = np.load('../data/intrinsics.npz')
K1, K2 = intrinsic['K1'], intrinsic['K2']
E = sub.essentialMatrix(F8, K1, K2)
Esempio n. 12
        # print('win2 shape',win2.shape)
        dist_tmp = np.sum((win2-win1)**2 * weight)

        if dist_tmp < dist:
            dist = dist_tmp
            x2_ans = x2[i]
            y2_ans = y2[i]
    return x2_ans, y2_ans

Q6.1 Multi-View Reconstruction of keypoints.
    Input:  C1, the 3x4 camera matrix
            pts1, the Nx3 matrix with the 2D image coordinates and confidence per row
            C2, the 3x4 camera matrix
            pts2, the Nx3 matrix with the 2D image coordinates and confidence per row
            C3, the 3x4 camera matrix
            pts3, the Nx3 matrix with the 2D image coordinates and confidence per row
    Output: P, the Nx3 matrix with the corresponding 3D points for each keypoint per row
            err, the reprojection error.
def MultiviewReconstruction(C1, pts1, C2, pts2, C3, pts3, Thres):
    # Replace pass by your implementation

if __name__ == '__main__':
    image1 = np.load('../data/img1.png')
    image2 = np.load('../data/img2.png')
    F = eightpoint()
Esempio n. 13
#     roots=np.roots([a0,a1,a2,a3])
#     roots=np.real(roots)
#     print('roots=',roots)
#     T = np.array([[1/M, 0,   0],
#                  [0,   1/M, 0],
#                  [0,   0,   1]])
#     Farray=np.zeros([3,3,len(roots)])
#     for i in range(len(roots)):
#         F=roots[i] * F1 + (1 - roots[i]) * F2
#         # [U1, S1, V1] = np.linalg.svd(F)
#         # S1[2]=0
#         # F =,np.diag(S1)).dot(V1)
#, F).dot(T)
#         Farray[:,:,i]=F
#     np.savez('../data/q2_2.npz', F=F, M=M, pts1=pts1,pts2=pts2)
#     return Farray

if __name__ == '__main__':
    data = np.load('../data/some_corresp.npz')
    im1 = plt.imread('../data/im1.png')
    im2 = plt.imread('../data/im2.png')

    N = data['pts1'].shape[0]  # N=110
    M = 640
    pts1 = data['pts1']
    pts2 = data['pts2']
    Farray = sub.sevenpoint(pts1[7:14, :], pts2[7:14, :], M)
    print('F=', Farray[:, :, 2])
    helper.displayEpipolarF(im1, im2, Farray[:, :, 2])
Esempio n. 14
pts2 = corresp['pts2']

# select 7 points
N = pts1.shape[0]
select_ids = [53, 17, 43, 46, 27, 56, 77]
pts1 = pts1[select_ids, :].copy()
pts2 = pts2[select_ids, :].copy()

M = np.max(im1.shape)

Farray = sevenpoint(pts1, pts2, M)

for idx, F in enumerate(Farray):
    print('visualizing F%d' % idx)
    displayEpipolarF(im1, im2, F)

print('Enter the id of F which is correct:')
correct_id = int(input())
assert 0 <= correct_id < len(Farray)
F_correct = Farray[correct_id]
np.savez('q2_2.npz', F=F_correct, M=M, pts1=pts1, pts2=pts2)
visualizing F0
[[ 1.37155686e-08 -8.61003099e-08 -8.27427609e-04]
 [ 2.16183531e-07  1.90452142e-09 -2.92701083e-05]
 [ 7.89066675e-04  1.84620407e-05  3.37863104e-03]]
visualizing F1
[[-1.48732736e-07  2.26439993e-06 -2.62220314e-04]
 [-1.97195996e-06 -2.63484236e-06  2.05684451e-03]
 [ 3.33774809e-04 -8.47499098e-04 -1.28974831e-01]]
Esempio n. 15
    M = np.max(I1.shape)

    data = np.load("../data/some_corresp.npz")
    pts1 = data['pts1']
    pts2 = data['pts2']

    data = np.load("../data/templeCoords.npz")
    x1 = data['x1']
    y1 = data['y1']

    F = eightpoint(pts1, pts2, M)

    np.savez_compressed('./q2_1.npz', F=F, M=M)

    helper.displayEpipolarF(I1, I2, F)

    bestF, Farray_best, points1, points2 = BestFSevenPoints(pts1, pts2, M)

    np.savez_compressed('./q2_2.npz', F=bestF, M=M, pts1=points1, pts2=points2)

    helper.displayEpipolarF(I1, I2, bestF)

    E = essentialMatrix(F, K1, K2)

    Ms = helper.camera2(E)

    M2, M1, C2, C1, Points = findM2_function(K1, K2, Ms, pts1, pts2)

    np.savez_compressed('./q3_3.npz', M2=M2, C2=C2, P=Points)
Esempio n. 16
    pts = np.load('../data/some_corresp_noisy.npz')
    pts1 = pts["pts1"]
    pts2 = pts["pts2"]
    im1 = plt.imread('../data/im1.png')
    im2 = plt.imread('../data/im2.png')

    M = np.max(np.shape(im1))
    # F = eightpoint(pts1, pts2, M)
    nIters = 200
    tol = 0.002
    args = []
    args.append((pts1, pts2, M, nIters, tol))

    p = Pool()
    F =, args)
    F = np.array(F).reshape(3, 3)
    # F, inliers = ransacF(pts1, pts2, M)
    print("F = ", F)

    intrinsics = np.load('../data/intrinsics.npz')
    K1 = intrinsics["K1"]
    K2 = intrinsics["K2"]
    E = essentialMatrix(F, K1, K2)
    print("E = ", E)

    helper.displayEpipolarF(im1, im2, F)
Esempio n. 17
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import submission as sub
import helper as hp

data = np.load('../data/some_corresp.npz')
im1 = plt.imread('../data/im1.png')
im2 = plt.imread('../data/im2.png')
K_matrices = np.load('../data/intrinsics.npz')

N = data['pts1'].shape[0]
M = 640

# 2.1
#F8 = sub.eightpoint(data['pts1'], data['pts2'], M)
#F = F8

F7 = sub.sevenpoint(data['pts1'][21:28, :], data['pts2'][21:28, :], M)
hp.displayEpipolarF(im1, im2, F7)

E = sub.essentialMatrix(F, K_matrices['K1'], K_matrices['K2'])