def update_position(id): colleague, who, authorized = update_authorization(current_user, id) if not authorized: return unathorized("Only your own position can you change.", "error") form = UpdatePositionForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): if colleague.position != colleague.position = try: db.session.commit() flash( f"{who} position changed successfully to {}.", "inform") except: db.session.rollback() flash(f"Any error occured. Please try again.", "error") return redirect(url_for("update_position", id=id)) return redirect(url_for("profile", id=id)) return render_template("update_position.html", type="Position", value=colleague.position, form=form, colleague=colleague, avatar=get_avatar(colleague), nav=get_nav(current_user))
def update_email(id): colleague, who, authorized = update_authorization(current_user, id) if not authorized: return unathorized("Only your own email can you change.", "error") form = UpdateEmailForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): if not current_user.check_password( return unathorized("Invalid password. Please log in again.", "warning") if != # save confirmation code to the database and send email confirmation code to the new email: if not set_confirmation_code(colleague, redirect(url_for("login")) return redirect(url_for("confirm_email")) return redirect(url_for("profile", id=id)) return render_template("update_email.html", type="Email",, placeholder=get_placeholder(colleague, current_user, form), form=form, colleague=colleague, avatar=get_avatar(colleague), nav=get_nav(current_user))
def update_first_name(id): colleague, who, authorized = update_authorization(current_user, id) if not authorized: return unathorized("Only your own name can you change.", "error") form = UpdateFirstNameForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): if colleague.first_name != colleague.first_name = try: db.session.commit() flash( f"{who} Firs Name changed successfully to {colleague.first_name}.", "inform") except: flash(f"Any error occured. Please try again.", "error") db.session.rollback() return redirect(url_for("profile", id=id)) return render_template("update_first_name.html", type="First Name", value=colleague.first_name, form=form, colleague=colleague, avatar=get_avatar(colleague), nav=get_nav(current_user))
def delete_colleague(id): colleague, who, authorized = update_authorization(current_user, id) if not authorized: return unathorized( "Cannot to delete the registration of someone else.", "error") form = DeleteColleagueForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): if not current_user.check_password( flash("Invalid password. Please log in again.", "warning") logout_user() return redirect(url_for("login")) # check if the colleague has update_privileg: has_update_privileg = is_auth_privilegs(colleague) if has_update_privileg: flash( f"{colleague.fullname()} an admin with update privilegs.\nPlease remove this privileg before delete the registration.", "warning") return redirect(url_for("colleagues")) remove_avatar_file(colleague) # delete colleague: try: db.session.delete(Colleagues.query.get(id)) db.session.commit() flash( f"{colleague.fullname()} successfully deleted from the database.", "inform") except: db.session.rollback() flash(f"Any error occured. Please try again.", "error") if who == "Your": return redirect(url_for("landing_page")) return redirect(url_for("colleagues")) return render_template("delete_colleague.html", form=form, colleague=colleague, placeholder=get_placeholder(colleague, current_user, form), avatar=get_avatar(colleague), nav=get_nav(current_user))
def upload_avatar(id): colleague, who, authorized = update_authorization(current_user, id) if not authorized: return unathorized( "Only to your account can you upload avatar can you upload.", "error") form = UpdateAvatarForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): filename = print(dir( print( extension = get_extension(filename) # delete previous avatar: old_extension = colleague.avatar if old_extension: old_avatar = f"static/avatars/{}.{old_extension}" if os.path.exists(old_avatar): os.remove(old_avatar) # update colleague avatar: colleague.avatar = extension try: db.session.commit() # save new avatar:"static/avatars/{}.{extension}") flash(f"Your profile photo successfully changed.", "inform") except: db.session.rollback() flash(f"Any error occured. Please try again.", "error") return redirect(url_for("profile", id=id)) return render_template("update_avatar.html", type="Avatar", value="", enctype="multipart/form-data", colleague=colleague, form=form, avatar=get_avatar(colleague), nav=get_nav(current_user))
def main(): company = Company.query.get(current_user.company_id) company_id = # display existed Idea Boxes: boxes = db.session.query(Boxes, Admins, Colleagues).filter( Boxes.admin_id ==, == Admins.colleague_id, Colleagues.company_id == company_id).all() # replace any HTML elements and entities from the name: for box in boxes: # query the last activity from the idea table corresponding to the current box activity = db.session.query(func.max( Ideas.create_at)).filter(Ideas.box_id == # query all ideas of the current box: ideas = Ideas.query.filter(Ideas.box_id == box.Boxes.counter = len(ideas) # query the last 5 poster's avatars: posters = [] for poster in ideas[-5:]: data = {"name": poster.sign, "avatar": "incognito-cut.svg"} if poster.sign != "incognito": data["avatar"] = get_avatar( Colleagues.query.get(poster.colleague_id)) posters.append(data) box.Boxes.posters = posters box.Boxes.activity = activity[0] = remove_html( return render_template( "main.html", logo=get_logo(current_user), change_logo=is_auth_company( current_user ), # to add click event to change logo for authorized admin update_box=is_auth_box( current_user), # to add edit icon to authorized admin boxes=boxes, nav=get_nav(current_user))
def profile(id): colleague = Colleagues.query.get(id) if != id: # authenticate admin: if not is_auth_colleague(current_user, colleague): return unathorized( "You cannot to view the profile of someone else.", "error") # admin authorized, view colleague's record: who = "Colleague" else: # colleague view itself: colleague = current_user who = "Your" return render_template("profile.html", avatar=get_avatar(colleague), colleague=colleague, nav=get_nav(current_user))
def update_password(id): colleague, who, authorized = update_authorization(current_user, id) if not authorized: return unathorized("Only your own password can you change.", "error") form = UpdatePasswordForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): if not current_user.check_password( flash("Invalid password. Please log in again.", "warning") logout_user() return redirect(url_for("login")) if != if == try: colleague.set_password( db.session.commit() flash(f"{who} password changed successfully.", "inform") except: db.session.rollback() flash(f"Any error occured. Please try again.", "error") else: flash( f"{who} repeat password does not match. Please try again.", "warning") return redirect(url_for("profile", id=id)) return render_template("update_password.html", type="Password", value="********", form=form, colleague=colleague, placeholder=get_placeholder(colleague, current_user, form), avatar=get_avatar(colleague), nav=get_nav(current_user))
def idea_box(id): # have to check if the current user belong to the same company with the idea box: idea_box = get_idea_box(id, current_user) # log out unathorized user: if not idea_box: return unathorized("You cannot to view this Idea Box.", "error") # authorized admin with box privileg: if is_auth_box(current_user): current_user.is_admin = True # set is_open property to the Boxes; If the closing time already due then cannot to share new idea idea_box.Boxes.is_open = is_open(idea_box.Boxes.close_at) # query all ideas for the choosen box: ideas = Ideas.query.filter(Ideas.box_id == id).all() for idea in ideas: # update ideas with the poster avatar extension: colleague = Colleagues.query.get(idea.colleague_id) idea.avatar = get_avatar(colleague) # change sign code to the corresponded value: idea.position = colleague.position return render_template( "idea_box.html", update_box=is_auth_box( current_user), # to add edit icon to authorized admin box=idea_box.Boxes, ideas=ideas, change_logo=is_auth_company( current_user ), # to add click event to change logo for authorized admin logo=get_logo(current_user), nav=get_nav(current_user))
def create_idea(box_id, idea_id): # if id == 0 create new idea, otherwise update existed idea by id # authenticate user: idea_box = get_idea_box(box_id, current_user) # log out unathorized user: # if idea_box empty then current user belong to different company # if idea box already closed the user modified the url field if not idea_box or not is_open(idea_box.Boxes.close_at): return unathorized("You cannot to edit this Idea.", "error") current_idea = Ideas.query.get(idea_id) colleague = current_user current_user.is_admin = False if idea_id > 0 and current_idea.colleague_id != # this idea belong to different colleague than the current user, check updata_box privileg: if not is_auth_box(current_user): return unathorized("You don't hane privileg to edit this Idea.", "error") else: # current user is an admin with privileg to edit/delete boxes and ideas: current_user.is_admin = True colleague = Colleagues.query.get(current_idea.colleague_id) form = CreateIdeaForm() # change sign-input's labels to the name of current user (name must be hidden for Admins!): form.sign.choices = [ ("incognito", "incognito"), (current_user.user_name, current_user.user_name), (current_user.first_name, current_user.first_name), (current_user.fullname(), current_user.fullname()) ] if not current_user.is_admin else [(current_idea.sign, current_idea.sign)] if form.validate_on_submit(): print("submitted") success = "" error = "" if idea_id == 0: # instantiate new Idea: idea = Ideas(,, box_id=box_id, db.session.add(idea) success = "Thank you for sharing your Idea." error = "Any error occured when post your Idea. Please try again." else: # edit existed idea: error = "Any error occured when edited your Idea. Please try again." if current_idea.idea != current_idea.idea = success += "Your idea successfully edited.\n" if current_idea.sign != current_idea.sign = success += f"Your sign changed to {current_idea.sign}.\n" try: db.session.commit() flash(success, "inform") return redirect(url_for("idea_box", id=box_id)) except: db.session.rollback() flash(error, "error") return redirect( url_for("create_idea", box_id=box_id, idea_id=idea_id)) if idea_id > 0: # edit mode: form.submit.label.text = "Edit my Idea" if not current_user.is_admin else f"Edit {colleague.first_name}'s Idea" = current_idea.idea = current_idea.sign else: = current_user.first_name # set first name by default checked return render_template( "create_idea.html", update_box=is_auth_box( current_user), # to add edit icon to authorized admin box=idea_box.Boxes, avatar="incognito-cut.svg" if == "incognito" else get_avatar(colleague), form=form, colleague=colleague, change_logo=is_auth_company( current_user ), # to add click event to change logo for authorized admin logo=get_logo(current_user), nav=get_nav(current_user))
def update_privilegs(id): colleague = Colleagues.query.get(id) # authenticate colleague: if not is_auth_privilegs(current_user, colleague): return unathorized("You are not authorized to modify privilegs.", "error") form = UpdatePrivilegsForm() admin_privilegs = get_admin(colleague) if form.validate_on_submit(): if not current_user.check_password( flash("Invalid password. Please log in again.", "warning") logout_user() return redirect(url_for("login")) admin = Admins.query.filter( Admins.colleague_id == success = "" error = "" if not admin: # add new admin: admin = Admins(,,,, db.session.add(admin) success += f"{colleague.fullname()} added successfully to the Admin Team.\n " error += f"Any error occured. Please try again.\n " else: # update privilegs: if admin_privilegs.update_company != admin.update_company = success += f"{colleague.fullname()} 'Update Company' privileg successfully changed to {}.\n " error += f"Any error occured. Please try again.\n " if admin_privilegs.update_privilegs != # get all admins of company with update_company privileg: privileg_admins = db.session.query(Colleagues, Admins).filter( == Admins.colleague_id, Colleagues.company_id == current_user.company_id, Admins.update_privilegs == True).all() # check if the colleague is the last admin with update_privileg: if len(privileg_admins) < 2: # refuse the deletion of last privileg admin: flash( f"Deletion refused because You are the last admin with update_privileg.", "warning") return redirect(url_for("privilegs")) admin.update_privilegs = success = f"{colleague.fullname()} 'Update Privilegs' privileg successfully changed to {}.\n " error = f"Any error occured. Please try again.\n " if admin_privilegs.update_colleague != admin.update_colleague = success += f"{colleague.fullname()} 'Update Colleague' privileg successfully changed to {}.\n " error += f"Any error occured. Please try again.\n " if admin_privilegs.update_box != admin.update_box = success += f"{colleague.fullname()} 'Update Idea Box' privileg successfully changed to {}.\n " error += f"Any error occured. Please try again.\n " try: db.session.commit() flash(success, "inform") except: db.session.rollback() flash(error, "error") # delete admin from the table if there is no privilegs: admin = Admins.query.filter( Admins.colleague_id == is_any_privileg = admin.update_company or admin.update_privilegs or admin.update_colleague or admin.update_box if not is_any_privileg: # delete admin: try: db.session.delete(admin) db.session.commit() flash( f"{colleague.fullname()} successfully deleted from the Admin team.", "inform") except: db.session.rollback() flash( f"Any error occured by deleting {colleague.fullname()} from the Adnin team. Please try again.", "error") return redirect(url_for("privilegs")) return render_template("update_privilegs.html", form=form, colleague=colleague, admin=admin_privilegs, avatar=get_avatar(colleague), nav=get_nav(current_user))