def main(args): start = time.time() video_reader = VideoReader(args.video_path) frame_counter = 0 video_reader.start() width, height, fps, frame_count = video_reader.get_video_details() print(width, height, fps, frame_count) time.sleep(0.01) while video_reader.more(): frame_start_time = time.time() frame = convert_to_gray(frame) convert_to_rgb(frame) resize_image(frame) frame_duration = time.time() - frame_start_time frame_counter += 1 cv2.imwrite( '{}/{}.jpg'.format(args.frames_op_path, frame_counter), frame) print('Completed processing frame no: {} in {}(s)'.format( frame_counter, frame_duration)) time.sleep(0.001) duration = time.time() - start missed_frames = missing_frames(args.frames_op_path, frame_count) print('Total time taken: {}'.format(duration)) print('Total number of frames {}'.format(frame_counter)) print('Frames per sec: {}'.format(frame_counter/duration)) print('Frames missed while processing: /n', missed_frames)
def enqueue_image(uri, img): if isinstance(img, str): img = cv2.imread(img) if img is None: print("You have pushed an image with path: ", img, "the path is invalid, skipped.") return # force resize here to avoid input image shape inconsistent # if the shape is consistent, it would not affect the data img = helper.resize_image(img, settings.IMAGE_HEIGHT, settings.IMAGE_WIDTH) data = cv2.imencode(".jpg", img)[1] img_encoded = helper.base64_encode_image(data) d = {"uri": uri, "image": img_encoded} inf = try: if inf['used_memory'] >= inf['maxmemory'] * settings.input_threshold: raise redis.exceptions.ConnectionError DB.xadd("image_stream", d) print("Write to Redis successful") except redis.exceptions.ConnectionError: print("Redis queue is full, please wait for inference " "or delete the unprocessed records.") time.sleep(settings.interval_if_error) except redis.exceptions.ResponseError as e: print(e, "Redis memory is full, please dequeue or delete.") time.sleep(settings.interval_if_error)
def resize_images(list_images, width): ''' Resize images :param list_images: List of Images :param width: width final image resize :return: ''' for img in list_images: image_resized = helper.resize_image(img, width)
def _load_data(): input_list = [] target_list = [] for cat in range(len(_captcha_provider.chars)): char = _captcha_provider.chars[cat] char_images = dataset_manager.get_training_char_images(char) for image in char_images: target_list.append(cat) input_list.append( helper.resize_image(image, _std_height, _std_width).flatten()) inputs = numpy.array(input_list, dtype=theano.config.floatX) targets = numpy.array(target_list, dtype=numpy.int64) return inputs, targets
def _load_data(): input_list = [] target_list = [] for cat in range(len(_captcha_provider.chars)): char = _captcha_provider.chars[cat] char_images = dataset_manager.get_training_char_images(char) for image in char_images: target_list.append(cat) input_list.append(helper.resize_image( image, _std_height, _std_width ).flatten()) inputs = numpy.array(input_list, dtype=theano.config.floatX) targets = numpy.array(target_list, dtype=numpy.int64) return inputs, targets
def POST(self): i = web.input() uri = i['img'] data_to_64 ='base64,(.*)', uri).group(1) data = StringIO.StringIO() # data.write(base64.decodestring(data_to_64)) data.write(data_to_64.decode('base64')) im = resize_image(data) print np.asarray(im) X = np.asarray(im).flatten() label = classifier.predict(normalize_features(X)) print label return label[0]
def get_classification(self, image): """Determines the color of the traffic light in the image Args: image (cv::Mat): image containing the traffic light Returns: int: ID of traffic light color (specified in styx_msgs/TrafficLight) """ #TODO implement light color prediction self.saver.restore(self.sess, tf.train.latest_checkpoint(MODEL_DIR)) #print("graph: ",self.graph.get_operations()) #print("self.saver: ", self.saver) #print("Image: ", image.shape) resized_img = helper.resize_image(image) print("resized shape: ", resized_img.shape) mean_pixel = np.array([104.006, 116.669, 122.679], dtype=np.float32) #preproc_img = helper.preprocess(resized_img, mean_pixel) expanded_img = np.expand_dims(resized_img, axis=0) print('--------------- Getting classification --------------') # Placeholders relu_op = self.graph.get_tensor_by_name('Classifier/Relu_2:0') summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(LOG_DIR, graph=self.sess.graph) # softmax = tf.nn.softmax(logits) # with tf.Session() as sess: # output =, feed_dict={logits: logit_data}) predictions =, feed_dict={ "input_images:0": expanded_img, "keep_prob:0": 1. }) print("Predictions: ", predictions) predictions = np.squeeze(predictions) #squeeze array to 1 dim array softmax = helper.calc_softmax(predictions) max_index = np.argmax(softmax) print("Softmax: ", softmax) print("argmax: ", max_index) return max_index print('--------------- Classification complete -------------')
def predict(img): # data should be a numpy array of that has not been resized # helper.show_image(img) data = helper.resize_image(img,_std_height, _std_width).flatten() # load the saved model classifier = pickle.load( open(os.path.join(c.get('dataset'), 'best_model.pkl'), 'rb')) # compile a predictor function predict_model = theano.function( inputs=[classifier.input], outputs=classifier.logRegressionLayer.y_pred, ) predicted_values = predict_model([data]) print('Image is ' + _captcha_provider.chars[predicted_values]) return _captcha_provider.chars[predicted_values]
def predict(img): # data should be a numpy array of that has not been resized # helper.show_image(img) data = helper.resize_image(img, _std_height, _std_width).flatten() # load the saved model classifier = pickle.load( open(os.path.join(c.get('dataset'), 'best_model.pkl'), 'rb')) # compile a predictor function predict_model = theano.function( inputs=[classifier.input], outputs=classifier.logRegressionLayer.y_pred, ) predicted_values = predict_model([data]) print('Image is ' + _captcha_provider.chars[predicted_values]) return _captcha_provider.chars[predicted_values]
def __process_frames(self): self.__log('Started processing frames') while not self.complete: if not self.q.empty(): edisn_frame = self.q.get() if type(edisn_frame) is type(None): self.__log('Processed last frame') ray.get( self.grayscale_converter.process_frame.remote( ray.put(edisn_frame))) # self.grayscale_converter.process_frame(edisn_frame) self.complete = True del edisn_frame else: self.__log('Processing frame {}'.format( edisn_frame.frame_number)) edisn_frame.resize_start_time = time.time() edisn_frame.frame_resized = resize_image( edisn_frame.frame_rgb) edisn_frame.resize_end_time = time.time() ray.get( self.grayscale_converter.process_frame.remote( ray.put(edisn_frame))) # self.grayscale_converter.process_frame(edisn_frame) del edisn_frame else: # self.__log('Queue empty. Sleeping for 1ms') time.sleep(0.001)
def image_dequeue(): image_ids = [] images = [] batch = None queue = DB.lrange(settings.IMAGE_QUEUE, 0, settings.BATCH_SIZE - 1) for record in queue: record = json.loads(record.decode("utf-8")) image = helper.base64_decode_image(record["image"]) image = helper.byte_to_mat(image, dtype=settings.IMAGE_DTYPE) image = helper.resize_image(image, settings.IMAGE_WIDTH, settings.IMAGE_HEIGHT, settings.IMAGE_MIN_SCALE) print(np.nonzero(image)) image = helper.NHWC2HCHW(image) # check to see if the batch list is None if batch is None: batch = image # otherwise, stack the data else: batch = np.vstack([batch, image]) images.append(image) image_ids.append(record["id"]) DB.ltrim(settings.IMAGE_QUEUE, len(image_ids), -1) return image_ids, images, batch
def predict(img): # data should be a numpy array that has not been resized data = helper.resize_image(img, _std_height, _std_width).flatten() predicted_values = _get_predict_model()([data]) return _captcha_provider.chars[predicted_values]
from sklearn.externals import joblib from helper import resize_image import numpy as np im = resize_image('number5.png') X = np.asarray(im).flatten() classifier = joblib.load('model.pkl') label = classifier.predict(X) print label
def predict(self, data): """ See for details on the schema of `data` and the required schema of the outputs returned by this function. """ input_files = data["files"] input_annotations = data["annotations"] input_args = data["args"] outputs = [] for file in input_files: if file["content_type"] != "application/dicom": continue arr, ds = read_image_dicom(BytesIO(file["content"])) if self.histogram_eq: arr = histogram_equalize(arr[:, :, 0]) * 255 arr = np.stack((arr, ) * 3, -1) image = preprocess_image(arr.copy()) image, scale = resize_image(image) if keras.backend.image_data_format() == "channels_first": image = image.transpose((2, 0, 1)) # run network with self.graph1.as_default(): with self.session1.as_default(): boxes, scores, labels = self.model.predict_on_batch( np.expand_dims(image, axis=0), )[:3] # correct boxes for image scale boxes /= scale # select indices which have a score above the threshold indices = np.where(scores[0, :] > self.score_threshold)[0] # select those scores scores = scores[0][indices] # find the order with which to sort the scores scores_sort = np.argsort(-scores)[:100] # select detections image_boxes = boxes[0, indices[scores_sort], :] image_scores = scores[scores_sort] image_labels = labels[0, indices[scores_sort]] image_detections = np.concatenate( [ image_boxes, np.expand_dims(image_scores, axis=1), np.expand_dims(image_labels, axis=1), ], axis=1, ) boxes[:, :, 2] -= boxes[:, :, 0] boxes[:, :, 3] -= boxes[:, :, 1] rsna_boxes = boxes[0, indices[scores_sort], :] selection = np.where(image_scores > self.score_threshold)[0] import gc gc.collect() if len(selection) == 0: output = { "type": "NONE", "study_uid": str(ds.StudyInstanceUID), "series_uid": str(ds.SeriesInstanceUID), "instance_uid": str(ds.SOPInstanceUID), "frame_number": None, } outputs.append(output) else: for i in selection: elem = rsna_boxes[i, :] data = { "x": int(elem[0]), "y": int(elem[1]), "width": int(elem[2]), "height": int(elem[3]), } output = { "type": "ANNOTATION", "study_uid": str(ds.StudyInstanceUID), "series_uid": str(ds.SeriesInstanceUID), "instance_uid": str(ds.SOPInstanceUID), "frame_number": None, "class_index": 0, "probability": 1.0, "data": data, } outputs.append(output) return outputs