Esempio n. 1
def test_growth():
    """Tests GrowthRegion, ManagerInst, and Source over a 4-time step

    A linear growth demand (y = x + 2) is provided to the growth region. Two
    Sources are allowed in the ManagerInst, with capacities of 2 and 1.1,
    respectively. At t=1, a 2-capacity Source is expected to be built, and at
    t=2 and t=3, 1-capacity Sources are expected to be built.
    holdsrtn = [1]  # needed because nose does not send() to test generator
    sim_input = "./input/growth.xml"
    tmp_file = str(uuid.uuid4()) + ".h5"
    cmd = ["cyclus", "-o", tmp_file, "--input-file", sim_input]
    yield check_cmd, cmd, '.', holdsrtn
    rtn = holdsrtn[0]
    if rtn != 0:
        return  # don't execute further commands
    output = tables.open_file(tmp_file, mode = "r")
    # Tables of interest
    paths = ["/AgentEntry",]
    # Check if these tables exist
    yield assert_true, table_exist(output, paths)
    if not table_exist(output, paths):
        if os.path.isfile(tmp_file):
            print("removing {0}".format(tmp_file))
            return  # don't execute further commands

    # Get specific tables and columns
    agent_entry = output.get_node("/AgentEntry")[:]

    # Find agent ids of source and sink facilities
    agent_ids = agent_entry["AgentId"]
    proto = agent_entry["Prototype"]
    depl_time = agent_entry["EnterTime"]

    source1_id = find_ids("Source1", proto, agent_ids)
    source2_id = find_ids("Source2", proto, agent_ids)
    assert_equal(len(source2_id), 1)
    assert_equal(len(source1_id), 2)

    assert_equal(depl_time[np.where(agent_ids == source2_id[0])], 1)
    assert_equal(depl_time[np.where(agent_ids == source1_id[0])], 2)
    assert_equal(depl_time[np.where(agent_ids == source1_id[1])], 3)
    if os.path.isfile(tmp_file):
        print("removing {0}".format(tmp_file))
def test_dynamic_capacitated():
    """Tests dynamic capacity restraints involving changes in the number of
    source and sink facilities.

    A source facility is expected to offer a commodity of amount 1,
    and a sink facility is expected to request for a commodity of amount 1.
    Therefore, number of facilities correspond to the amounts of offers
    and requests.

    At time step 1, 3 source facilities and 2 sink facilities are deployed, and
    at time step 2, additional 2 sink facilities are deployed. After time
    step 2, the older 2 sink facilities are decommissioned.
    According to this deployment schedule, at time step 1, only 2 transactions
    are expected, the number of sink facilities being the constraint; whereas,
    at time step 2, only 3 transactions are expected, the number of source
    facilities being the constraint. At time step 3, after decommissioning 2
    older sink facilities, the remaining number of sink facilities becomes
    the constraint, resulting in the same transaction amount as in time step 1.
    # Cyclus simulation input for dynamic capacitated
    sim_inputs = ["./input/dynamic_capacitated.xml"]

    for sim_input in sim_inputs:
        holdsrtn = [1]  # needed because nose does not send() to test generator
        tmp_file = str(uuid.uuid4()) + ".h5"
        cmd = ["cyclus", "-o", tmp_file, "--input-file", sim_input]
        yield check_cmd, cmd, ".", holdsrtn
        rtn = holdsrtn[0]
        if rtn != 0:
            return  # don't execute further commands

        output = tables.open_file(tmp_file, mode="r")
        # Tables of interest
        paths = ["/AgentEntry", "/Resources", "/Transactions", "/AgentExit"]
        # Check if these tables exist
        yield assert_true, table_exist(output, paths)
        if not table_exist(output, paths):
            if os.path.isfile(tmp_file):
                print("removing {0}".format(tmp_file))
            return  # don't execute further commands

        # Get specific tables and columns
        agent_entry = output.get_node("/AgentEntry")[:]
        agent_exit = output.get_node("/AgentExit")[:]
        resources = output.get_node("/Resources")[:]
        transactions = output.get_node("/Transactions")[:]

        # Find agent ids of source and sink facilities
        agent_ids = agent_entry["AgentId"]
        agent_impl = agent_entry["Spec"]
        depl_time = agent_entry["EnterTime"]
        exit_time = agent_exit["ExitTime"]
        exit_ids = agent_exit["AgentId"]

        source_id = find_ids(":agents:Source", agent_impl, agent_ids)
        sink_id = find_ids(":agents:Sink", agent_impl, agent_ids)

        # Test for 3 sources and 4 sinks are deployed in the simulation
        yield assert_equal, len(source_id), 3
        yield assert_equal, len(sink_id), 4

        # Test that source facilities are all deployed at time step 1
        for s in source_id:
            yield assert_equal, depl_time[np.where(agent_ids == s)], 1
        # Test that first 2 sink facilities are deployed at time step 1
        # and decommissioned at time step 2
        for i in [0, 1]:
            yield assert_equal, depl_time[np.where(agent_ids == sink_id[i])], 1
            yield assert_equal, exit_time[np.where(exit_ids == sink_id[i])], 2
        # Test that second 2 sink facilities are deployed at time step 2
        # and decommissioned at time step 3
        for i in [2, 3]:
            yield assert_equal, depl_time[np.where(agent_ids == sink_id[i])], 2
            yield assert_equal, exit_time[np.where(exit_ids == sink_id[i])], 3

        # Check transactions
        sender_ids = transactions["SenderId"]
        receiver_ids = transactions["ReceiverId"]
        trans_time = transactions["Time"]
        trans_resource = transactions["ResourceId"]
        # Track transacted resources
        resource_ids = resources["ResourceId"]
        quantities = resources["Quantity"]

        # Check that transactions are between sources and sinks only
        for s in sender_ids:
            yield assert_equal, len(np.where(source_id == s)[0]), 1

        for r in receiver_ids:
            yield assert_equal, len(np.where(sink_id == r)[0]), 1

        # Total expected number of transactions
        yield assert_equal, len(trans_time), 7
        # Check that at time step 1, there are 2 transactions
        yield assert_equal, len(np.where(trans_time == 1)[0]), 2
        # Check that at time step 2, there are 3 transactions
        yield assert_equal, len(np.where(trans_time == 2)[0]), 3
        # Check that at time step 3, there are 2 transactions
        yield assert_equal, len(np.where(trans_time == 3)[0]), 2

        # Check that at time step 1, there are 2 transactions with total
        # amount of 2
        quantity = 0
        for t in np.where(trans_time == 1)[0]:
            quantity += quantities[np.where(resource_ids == trans_resource[t])]
        yield assert_equal, quantity, 2

        # Check that at time step 2, there are 3 transactions with total
        # amount of 3
        quantity = 0
        for t in np.where(trans_time == 2)[0]:
            quantity += quantities[np.where(resource_ids == trans_resource[t])]
        yield assert_equal, quantity, 3

        # Check that at time step 3, there are 2 transactions with total
        # amount of 2
        quantity = 0
        for t in np.where(trans_time == 3)[0]:
            quantity += quantities[np.where(resource_ids == trans_resource[t])]
        yield assert_equal, quantity, 2

        if os.path.isfile(tmp_file):
            print("removing {0}".format(tmp_file))
def test_dynamic_capacitated():
    """Tests dynamic capacity restraints involving changes in the number of
    source and sink facilities.

    A source facility is expected to offer a commodity of amount 1,
    and a sink facility is expected to request for a commodity of amount 1.
    Therefore, number of facilities correspond to the amounts of offers
    and requests.

    At time step 1, 3 source facilities and 2 sink facilities are deployed, and
    at time step 2, additional 2 sink facilities are deployed. After time
    step 2, the older 2 sink facilities are decommissioned.
    According to this deployment schedule, at time step 1, only 2 transactions
    are expected, the number of sink facilities being the constraint; whereas,
    at time step 2, only 3 transactions are expected, the number of source
    facilities being the constraint. At time step 3, after decommissioning 2
    older sink facilities, the remaining number of sink facilities becomes
    the constraint, resulting in the same transaction amount as in time step 1.
    # Cyclus simulation input for dynamic capacitated
    sim_inputs = ["./input/dynamic_capacitated.xml"]

    for sim_input in sim_inputs:
        holdsrtn = [1]  # needed because nose does not send() to test generator
        tmp_file = str(uuid.uuid4()) + ".h5"
        cmd = ["cyclus", "-o", tmp_file, "--input-file", sim_input]
        yield check_cmd, cmd, '.', holdsrtn
        rtn = holdsrtn[0]
        if rtn != 0:
            return  # don't execute further commands
        output = tables.open_file(tmp_file, mode = "r")
        # Tables of interest
        paths = ["/AgentEntry", "/Resources", "/Transactions", "/AgentExit"]
        # Check if these tables exist
        yield assert_true, table_exist(output, paths)
        if not table_exist(output, paths):
            if os.path.isfile(tmp_file):
                print("removing {0}".format(tmp_file))
            return  # don't execute further commands

        # Get specific tables and columns
        agent_entry = output.get_node("/AgentEntry")[:]
        agent_exit = output.get_node("/AgentExit")[:]
        resources = output.get_node("/Resources")[:]
        transactions = output.get_node("/Transactions")[:]

        # Find agent ids of source and sink facilities
        agent_ids = agent_entry["AgentId"]
        agent_impl = agent_entry["Spec"]
        depl_time = agent_entry["EnterTime"]
        exit_time = agent_exit["ExitTime"]
        exit_ids = agent_exit["AgentId"]

        source_id = find_ids(":agents:Source", agent_impl, agent_ids)
        sink_id = find_ids(":agents:Sink", agent_impl, agent_ids)

        # Test for 3 sources and 4 sinks are deployed in the simulation
        yield assert_equal, len(source_id), 3
        yield assert_equal, len(sink_id), 4

        # Test that source facilities are all deployed at time step 1
        for s in source_id:
            yield assert_equal, depl_time[np.where(agent_ids == s)], 1
        # Test that first 2 sink facilities are deployed at time step 1
        # and decommissioned at time step 2
        for i in [0, 1]:
            yield assert_equal,\
                    depl_time[np.where(agent_ids == sink_id[i])], 1
            yield assert_equal,\
                    exit_time[np.where(exit_ids == sink_id[i])], 2
        # Test that second 2 sink facilities are deployed at time step 2
        # and decommissioned at time step 3
        for i in [2, 3]:
            yield assert_equal,\
                    depl_time[np.where(agent_ids == sink_id[i])], 2
            yield assert_equal,\
                    exit_time[np.where(exit_ids == sink_id[i])], 3

        # Check transactions
        sender_ids = transactions["SenderId"]
        receiver_ids = transactions["ReceiverId"]
        trans_time = transactions["Time"]
        trans_resource = transactions["ResourceId"]
        # Track transacted resources
        resource_ids = resources["ResourceId"]
        quantities = resources["Quantity"]

        # Check that transactions are between sources and sinks only
        for s in sender_ids:
            yield assert_equal, len(np.where(source_id == s)[0]), 1

        for r in receiver_ids:
            yield assert_equal, len(np.where(sink_id == r)[0]), 1

        # Total expected number of transactions
        yield assert_equal, len(trans_time), 7
        # Check that at time step 1, there are 2 transactions
        yield assert_equal, len(np.where(trans_time == 1)[0]), 2
        # Check that at time step 2, there are 3 transactions
        yield assert_equal, len(np.where(trans_time == 2)[0]), 3
        # Check that at time step 3, there are 2 transactions
        yield assert_equal, len(np.where(trans_time == 3)[0]), 2

        # Check that at time step 1, there are 2 transactions with total
        # amount of 2
        quantity = 0
        for t in np.where(trans_time == 1)[0]:
            quantity += quantities[np.where(resource_ids == trans_resource[t])]
        yield assert_equal, quantity, 2

        # Check that at time step 2, there are 3 transactions with total
        # amount of 3
        quantity = 0
        for t in np.where(trans_time == 2)[0]:
            quantity += quantities[np.where(resource_ids == trans_resource[t])]
        yield assert_equal, quantity, 3

        # Check that at time step 3, there are 2 transactions with total
        # amount of 2
        quantity = 0
        for t in np.where(trans_time == 3)[0]:
            quantity += quantities[np.where(resource_ids == trans_resource[t])]
        yield assert_equal, quantity, 2

        if os.path.isfile(tmp_file):
            print("removing {0}".format(tmp_file))