def _on_paint(self, event): """ Paint the background using the associated ImageSlice object. """ control = self.control dc = BufferDC(control) # Draw the slider bar: wdx, wdy = control.GetClientSize() dx = max(0, min(wdx - 2, int(round(((wdx - 3) * (self.value - self.low)) / (self.high - self.low))))) factory = self.factory dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(factory.slider_color_)) dc.SetPen(wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN) dc.DrawRectangle(0, 0, dx + 3, wdy) # Draw the rest of the background: dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(factory.bg_color_)) dc.DrawRectangle(dx + 3, 0, wdx - dx - 3, wdy) # Draw the slider tip: dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(factory.tip_color_)) dc.DrawRectangle(dx, 0, 3, wdy) # Draw the current text value (if requested): if factory.show_value: dc.SetBackgroundMode(wx.TRANSPARENT) dc.SetTextForeground(factory.text_color_) dc.SetFont(control.GetFont()) tx, ty, tdx, tdy = self._get_text_bounds() dc.DrawText(self.text, tx, ty) # Copy the buffer to the display: dc.copy()
def _on_paint(self, event): """ Paint the background using the associated ImageSlice object. """ control = self.control dc = BufferDC(control) # Draw the background: factory = self.factory color = factory.color_ if self._x is not None: if factory.active_color_ is not None: color = factory.active_color_ elif self._hover: if factory.hover_color_ is not None: color = factory.hover_color_ if color is None: paint_parent(dc, control) brush = wx.TRANSPARENT_BRUSH else: brush = wx.Brush(color) color = factory.border_color_ if color is not None: pen = wx.Pen(color) else: pen = wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN if (pen != wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN) or (brush != wx.TRANSPARENT_BRUSH): wdx, wdy = control.GetClientSizeTuple() dc.SetBrush(brush) dc.SetPen(pen) dc.DrawRectangle(0, 0, wdx, wdy) # Draw the current text value: dc.SetBackgroundMode(wx.TRANSPARENT) dc.SetTextForeground(factory.text_color_) dc.SetFont(control.GetFont()) tx, ty, tdx, tdy = self._get_text_bounds() dc.DrawText(self.text, tx, ty) # Copy the buffer contents to the display: dc.copy()
def Draw(self, grid, attr, dc, rect, row, col, is_selected): """ Draws the contents of the specified grid cell. """ # Get the model object this cell is being rendered for: model = grid.grid.model object = model.get_filtered_item(row) # Get the draw bounds: x0 = rect.x y0 = rect.y dx = rect.width dy = rect.height # Do all drawing into an off-screen buffer: bdc = BufferDC(dc, dx, dy) # Draw the appropriate theme background: column = self.column if is_selected: theme = (column.get_selected_theme(object) or column.get_cell_theme(object)) else: theme = column.get_cell_theme(object) # If no column theme is specified, try to get the global theme from the # model: if theme is None: if row & 1: theme = model.alt_theme or model.cell_theme else: theme = model.cell_theme if is_selected: theme = model.selected_theme or theme if theme is not None: content = theme.content slice = theme.image_slice slice.fill(bdc, 0, 0, dx, dy) # Set up the correct text color to use: bdc.SetTextForeground(theme.content_color) # Calculate the margins for the draw area: left = slice.xleft + content.left top = slice.xtop + right = slice.xright + content.right bottom = slice.xbottom + content.bottom ox, oy = theme.label.left, else: if is_selected: bg_color = grid.GetSelectionBackground() else: bg_color = attr.GetBackgroundColour() bdc.SetBackgroundMode(wx.SOLID) bdc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(bg_color, wx.SOLID)) bdc.SetPen(wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN) bdc.DrawRectangle(0, 0, dx, dy) # Set up the correct text color to use: bdc.SetTextForeground(attr.GetTextColour()) # Calculate the margins for the draw area: left = right = self.column.horizontal_margin top = bottom = self.column.vertical_margin ox = oy = 0 # Get the alignment information: halign, valign = attr.GetAlignment() # Draw the bar graph (if any): maximum = column.get_maximum(object) if (not is_selected) and (maximum > 0.0): if theme is None: left = right = top = bottom = 0 try: ratio = max(min(column.get_raw_value(object) / maximum, 1.0), -1.0) avail_dx = dx - left - right bar_dx = int(round(ratio * avail_dx)) if halign == wx.ALIGN_CENTRE: bar_dx /= 2 bar_x = left + (avail_dx / 2) + min(0, bar_dx) else: bar_dx = abs(bar_dx) if halign == wx.ALIGN_LEFT: bar_x = left left += self.column.horizontal_margin else: bar_x = avail_dx - bar_dx right += self.column.horizontal_margin if bar_dx > 0: bdc.SetBackgroundMode(wx.SOLID) bdc.SetBrush( wx.Brush(column.get_graph_color(object), wx.SOLID)) bdc.SetPen(wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN) bdc.DrawRectangle(bar_x, top, bar_dx, dy - top - bottom) except: pass if theme is None: left = right = self.column.horizontal_margin top = bottom = self.column.vertical_margin # Get the optional image bitmap and text: bitmap = convert_bitmap(column.get_image(object)) text = grid.GetCellValue(row, col) # If no text or bitmap to display, then we are done: if (bitmap is None) and (text == ''): bdc.copy(x0, y0) return # Get the bitmap size: idx = idy = tdx = tdy = 0 if bitmap is not None: idx = bitmap.GetWidth() idy = bitmap.GetHeight() # Get the text size: if text != '': bdc.SetFont(attr.GetFont()) tdx, tdy = bdc.GetTextExtent(text) # Get the spacing between text and image: if bitmap is not None: idx += self.column.horizontal_margin # Calculate the x-coordinate of the image/text: if halign == wx.ALIGN_LEFT: x = left elif halign == wx.ALIGN_CENTRE: x = (left + ((dx - left - right - tdx - idx) / 2)) else: x = (dx - right - tdx - idx) # Calculate the y-coordinate of the image/text: max_dy = max(tdy, idy) if valign == wx.ALIGN_TOP: y = top elif valign == wx.ALIGN_CENTRE: y = (top + ((dy - top - bottom - max_dy) / 2)) else: y = (dy - bottom - max_dy) # Set up the clipping region to prevent drawing outside the margins: bdc.SetClippingRegion(left, top, dx - left - right, dy - top - bottom) # Draw the image (if left or center aligned): if (bitmap is not None) and (halign != wx.ALIGN_RIGHT): bdc.DrawBitmap(bitmap, x, y + ((max_dy - idy) / 2), True) x += idx # Finally, draw the text: if text != '': bdc.SetBackgroundMode(wx.TRANSPARENT) bdc.DrawText(text, x + ox, y + oy) x += tdx + self.column.horizontal_margin # Draw the image (if right-aligned): if (bitmap is not None) and (halign == wx.ALIGN_RIGHT): bdc.DrawBitmap(bitmap, x, y + ((max_dy - idy) / 2), True) # Discard the clipping region: bdc.DestroyClippingRegion() # Copy the buffer to the display: bdc.copy(x0, y0)