def on_enter_available_tutors(self, reply_token): from app import Booking, populateDB fromTime = self.dateQuery - timedelta(hours=3) toTime = self.dateQuery + timedelta(hours=3) availableBookings = Booking.query.filter(fromTime < Booking.time).filter( Booking.time < toTime).filter(Booking.available).order_by(Booking.time).all() if len(availableBookings) < 1: populateDB() availableBookings = Booking.query.filter(fromTime < Booking.time).filter( Booking.time < toTime).filter(Booking.available).order_by(Booking.time).all() availableBookings = availableBookings[0:(5 if len( availableBookings) > 5 else len(availableBookings))] elements = [] for booking in availableBookings: elements.append(LineAPI.makeCarouselElement( booking.tutor.picture, f"Tutor {} \nDate (MM/DD):{booking.time.month}/{} \nTime: {booking.time.hour}:00", "Schedule now", f"SET_BOOKING {}" )) if len(elements) > 0: LineAPI.sendCarousel(reply_token=reply_token, elements=elements) else: LineAPI.send_reply_message( reply_token, "Sorry, no tutors available at the moment") LineAPI.sendButtons(reply_token, [ LineAPI.makeDatetimePickerAction("Pick other date"), 'Main' ], 'More Options:') LineAPI.commitMessages()
def on_enter_sample_week(self, reply_token): today = datetime.utcnow().replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0) plusOneWeek = today + timedelta(days=7) from app import Booking, populateDB availableBookings = Booking.query.filter(today < Booking.time).filter( Booking.time < plusOneWeek).filter(Booking.available).all() if len(availableBookings) < 1: populateDB() availableBookings = Booking.query.filter(today < Booking.time).filter( Booking.time < plusOneWeek).filter(Booking.available).all() availableBookings = random.sample(availableBookings, 5 if len( availableBookings) > 5 else (len(availableBookings) - 1)) elements = [] for booking in availableBookings: elements.append(LineAPI.makeCarouselElement( booking.tutor.picture, f"Tutor {} \nDate (MM/DD):{booking.time.month}/{} \nTime: {booking.time.hour}:00", "Schedule now", f"SET_BOOKING {}" )) if len(elements) > 0: LineAPI.sendCarousel(reply_token=reply_token, elements=elements) else: LineAPI.send_reply_message( reply_token, "Sorry, no tutors available at the moment") LineAPI.sendButtons(reply_token, [ LineAPI.makeDatetimePickerAction("Pick a date"), 'More times', 'Main' ], 'More Options:') LineAPI.commitMessages()
def on_enter_schedule_class(self, reply_token): datePicker = LineAPI.makeDatetimePickerAction("Pick a date") LineAPI.sendButtons( reply_token, [datePicker, "This week"], 'When do you want your class?' ) LineAPI.commitMessages()
def on_enter_price(self, reply_token): quick_reply = LineAPI.makeQuickReplyTexts([ 'Tutors', 'Main' ]) LineAPI.send_reply_message( reply_token, reply_msg=chatClientFSM.price_text, quickReply=quick_reply) LineAPI.commitMessages()
def on_enter_main(self, reply_token): quick_reply = LineAPI.makeQuickReplyTexts([ 'Prices', 'Tutors', 'Book class', 'My schedule' ]) LineAPI.send_reply_message( reply_token, chatClientFSM.main_menu_text, quickReply=quick_reply) LineAPI.commitMessages()
def on_enter_all_bookings(self, reply_token): from app import Booking bookings = Booking.query.filter(Booking.available == False).all() message = "" print(bookings) for i, booking in enumerate(bookings): if i < 10 and booking: message = (message + f"Booking id: {}, tutor {} with {}\n") LineAPI.send_reply_message(reply_token,message) LineAPI.commitMessages()
def on_enter_show_schedule(self,reply_token): from app import Client client = Client.query.filter(Client.line_id == self.lineId).first() message = "" bookings = client.bookings for booking in bookings: message = message + f"Class with tutor {} at {booking.time.hour}:00 on the {booking.time.month}/{}.\n" LineAPI.send_reply_message(reply_token, message, LineAPI.makeQuickReplyTexts([ 'Main' ])) LineAPI.commitMessages()
def on_enter_set_class(self, reply_token): LineAPI.send_reply_message(reply_token, "Great, now we just need some info to book your " + "personal class with one of our best tutors!") LineAPI.sendButtons(reply_token, ['Log in'], 'Booked a class before?') LineAPI.send_reply_message( reply_token, "How do we call you? (Write your name please)") LineAPI.commitMessages()
def on_enter_registered_client(self, reply_token, repeated: bool = False): if repeated: LineAPI.send_reply_message( reply_token, '(Wrong input or not registered before)') LineAPI.send_reply_message(reply_token, 'Please write your phone number', LineAPI.makeQuickReplyTexts([ 'go back' ])) LineAPI.commitMessages() pass
def on_enter_tutors_sample(self, reply_token): from app import Tutor LineAPI.send_reply_message( reply_token, reply_msg="These are some of our tutors:") # Send carousel of 5 random tutors: tutor_profiles = Tutor.query.all() tutor_profiles = random.sample(tutor_profiles, 5) elements = [LineAPI.makeCarouselElement(tutor.picture,, ('Rating: ' + str(tutor.rating))) for tutor in tutor_profiles] LineAPI.sendCarousel(reply_token, elements) quick_reply = LineAPI.makeQuickReplyTexts([ 'More Tutors', 'Book a class', 'Main' ]) LineAPI.send_reply_message( reply_token, reply_msg="Time to book a class?", quickReply=quick_reply) LineAPI.commitMessages()
def on_enter_book_class(self, reply_token): # TODO: Add booking logic # Add client to the database table from app import Client, Booking, db client = Client.query.filter(Client.line_id == self.lineId).first() if not client: client = Client(line_id=self.lineId, name=self.userName, phone=self.phoneNumber) db.session.add(client) db.session.commit() booking = Booking.query.get( booking.client_id = booking.available = False db.session.commit() # Send event to TimeTree token = getAccessToken("250", booking.tutor.timetree_id) print(token) res = create_event(token, f"{}'s class with {}", booking.time, (booking.time + timedelta(hours=1)), f"Scheduled class with {}\n" + "Contact info: \n" + f"Phone number: {}") print(res) # Send response to Client LineAPI.send_reply_message(reply_token, "Thanks for trusting us with your learning. \n" + f"{} will soon " + "be contacting you for setting up the meeting. \n" + "Have a nice day.", LineAPI.makeQuickReplyTexts([ 'Main' ])) LineAPI.commitMessages()
def on_enter_query_schedule(self, reply_token, reEntering: bool = False): from app import Client client = Client.query.filter(Client.line_id == self.lineId).first() LineAPI.send_reply_message(reply_token, f"Hi {}, to confirm your identity please input your phone number." ) if reEntering : LineAPI.send_reply_message(reply_token, "(Wrong number)") LineAPI.commitMessages()
def on_enter_get_phone(self, reply_token, invalid: bool = False): if invalid: LineAPI.send_reply_message( reply_token, "How do we contact you? (Please insert a valid phone number") else: LineAPI.send_reply_message( reply_token, "How do we contact you? (Please insert your phone number") LineAPI.commitMessages()
def on_enter_confirm_data(self, reply_token): LineAPI.send_reply_message(reply_token, "You've entered the following contact info: \n" + f"Name: {self.userName} \n" + f"Phone number: {self.phoneNumber}" ) qr = LineAPI.makeQuickReplyTexts([ "Yes", "No" ]) LineAPI.send_reply_message(reply_token, "Is this correct?", qr) LineAPI.commitMessages()
def on_enter_not_user(self, reply_token): LineAPI.send_reply_message(reply_token, "Sorry you're not a user yet, book a class to become a registered user", LineAPI.makeQuickReplyTexts([ 'Main' ]))