Esempio n. 1
def standup_send(token, channel_id, message):
    Send message in standup
    # Checking is the token exist
    if helper_functions.check_token(token).get('token_status'):
        raise error.AccessError(description="Token invalid")

    u_id = helper_functions.check_token(token).get('u_id')

    #If channel valid
    if helper_functions.check_channelid_valid(channel_id):
        raise error.InputError(description="Channel_id invalid")

    #If startup is active in channel
    if standup_active(token, channel_id)['is_active'] == False:
        raise error.InputError(description="Startup is not currently active")

    #If message is more than 1000 characters
    if len(message) > 1000:
        raise error.InputError(description="Message length too long")

    #Make a new message
    for user in auth.registered_users:
        if user['u_id'] == u_id:
            handle_str = user['handle']

    string = str(handle_str) + ": " + str(message)

    #Append message to CHANNELSMSG
    return {}
Esempio n. 2
def standup_start(token, channel_id, length):
    Begin the standup
    # Checking is the token exist then getting their u_id
    if helper_functions.check_token(token).get('token_status'):
        raise error.AccessError(description="Token invalid")

    #If channel valid
    if helper_functions.check_channelid_valid(channel_id):
        raise error.InputError(description="Channel_id invalid")

    #If startup is active in channel
    if standup_active(token, channel_id)['is_active'] == True:
        raise error.InputError(description="Startup is currently active")

    #Get the time it will end
    dt_finish = + timedelta(seconds=length)
    time_finish = dt_finish.timestamp()

    #Append startup to STANDUPS
        'channel_id': channel_id,
        'time_finish': int(time_finish)

    #Append to CHANNELMSGS
    CHANNELSMSG[channel_id] = []

    t = threading.Timer(int(length),
                        args=[token, channel_id])

    return {'time_finish': int(time_finish)}
Esempio n. 3
def channel_invite(token, channel_id, u_id):
    Inviting a user to join the channel.
    #Checked invalid channel
    if helper_functions.check_channelid_valid(channel_id):
        raise error.InputError("Channel not valid")

    # user id is not valid
    if helper_functions.check_uid_valid(u_id):
        raise error.InputError("User not valid")

    # user token is invalid
    if helper_functions.check_token(token).get('token_status'):
        raise error.InputError(description="Token invalid")

    auth_id = helper_functions.check_token(token).get('u_id')

    #If token is in channel
    if helper_functions.check_u_id_in_channel(auth_id, channel_id):
        raise error.AccessError("Authorised user not in channel")

    #User already in channel
    if helper_functions.check_u_id_in_channel(u_id, channel_id) == False:
        raise error.AccessError("Already in channel")

    # add to user to channel if everything is valid
    # details_user =  {u_id, email, name_first, name_last, handle_str}
    for user in channels.channel_data:
        if user.get("channel_id") == channel_id:

    return {}
Esempio n. 4
def channel_addowner(token, channel_id, u_id):
    When a user is added as an owner to the channel.

    #Checked invalid channel
    if helper_functions.check_channelid_valid(channel_id):
        raise error.InputError("Channel not valid")

    # user token is invalid
    if helper_functions.check_token(token).get('token_status'):
        raise error.InputError(description="Token invalid")

    u_id_for_token = helper_functions.check_token(token).get("u_id")

    #Check if they are an owner
    if helper_functions.check_uid_owner_in_channel(u_id_for_token, channel_id):
        raise error.AccessError(
            "Authorised user not in channel or flockr owner")

    #If u_id already owner
    if helper_functions.check_uid_owner_in_channel(u_id, channel_id) == False:
        raise error.InputError("u_id already owner")

    #Append u_id to list of owners
    for user in channels.channel_data:
        if user.get("channel_id") == channel_id:

    return {}
Esempio n. 5
def channel_leave(token, channel_id):
    When a user leaves the channel.
    # user token is invalid
    if helper_functions.check_token(token).get('token_status'):
        raise error.InputError(description="Token invalid")

    user_id = helper_functions.check_token(token).get("u_id")

    #Checked invalid channel
    if helper_functions.check_channelid_valid(channel_id):
        raise error.InputError("Channel not valid")

    #User already in channel
    if helper_functions.check_u_id_in_channel(user_id, channel_id):
        raise error.AccessError("Already in channel")

    for current_channel in channels.channel_data:
        if current_channel.get("channel_id") == channel_id:
            for members in current_channel.get("member_ids"):
                if user_id == members:

    return {}
Esempio n. 6
def channel_details(token, channel_id):
    Presenting the details of the channel.
    #Checked invalid channel
    if helper_functions.check_channelid_valid(channel_id):
        raise error.InputError("Channel not valid")

    # user token is invalid
    if helper_functions.check_token(token).get('token_status'):
        raise error.InputError(description="Token invalid")

    user_id = helper_functions.check_token(token).get('u_id')

    #User already in channel
    if helper_functions.check_u_id_in_channel(user_id, channel_id):
        raise error.AccessError("Not in channel")

    #return details about channel
    channel_detail = {
        'name': 'name',
        'owner_members': [],
        'all_members': [],

    for curr_channels in channels.list_of_all_channels:
        if curr_channels.get('channel_id') == channel_id:
            channel_detail['name'] = curr_channels['name']

    for curr_channels in channels.channel_data:
        if curr_channels.get('channel_id') == channel_id:
            user_ids = curr_channels.get("member_ids")
            for user in user_ids:
                for user_detail in auth.registered_users:
                    if user_detail['u_id'] == user:
                        member_details = {
                            'u_id': user,
                            'name_first': user_detail['first_name'],
                            'name_last': user_detail['last_name'],
                            'profile_img_url': user_detail['profile_img_url'],

    for curr_channels in channels.channel_data:
        if curr_channels.get('channel_id') == channel_id:
            user_ids = curr_channels.get("owner_ids")
            for user in user_ids:
                for user_detail in auth.registered_users:
                    if user_detail['u_id'] == user:
                        owner_details = {
                            'u_id': user,
                            'name_first': user_detail['first_name'],
                            'name_last': user_detail['last_name'],
                            'profile_img_url': user_detail['profile_img_url'],

    return channel_detail
Esempio n. 7
def channel_join(token, channel_id):
    When a user joins the channel.
    # user token is invalid
    if helper_functions.check_token(token).get('token_status'):
        raise error.InputError(description="Token invalid")

    user_id = helper_functions.check_token(token).get("u_id")

    #Checked invalid channel
    if helper_functions.check_channelid_valid(channel_id):
        raise error.InputError("Channel not valid")

    # channel is private
    channel_is_public = False
    for chan_status in channels.channel_data:
        if chan_status['channel_id'] == channel_id:
            if chan_status['is_public'] == True:
                channel_is_public = True

    if channel_is_public == False:
        raise error.AccessError("Channel is private")

    #If flock owner add to owner
    for user in auth.registered_users:
        if user.get('u_id') == user_id:
            if user.get('permissions') == 1:
                #Append u_id to list of owners
                for user in channels.channel_data:
                    if user.get("channel_id") == channel_id:
                        return {}

    for current_channel in channels.channel_data:
        if channel_id == current_channel['channel_id']:

    return {}
Esempio n. 8
def standup_active(token, channel_id):
    Check if standup is active
    # Checking is the token exist
    if helper_functions.check_token(token).get('token_status'):
        raise error.AccessError(description="Token invalid")

    #If channel valid
    if helper_functions.check_channelid_valid(channel_id):
        raise error.InputError(description="Channel_id invalid")

    #Check if standup active in channel
    is_active = False
    time_finish = None
    for channel in STANDUPS:
        if channel['channel_id'] == channel_id:
            is_active = True
            time_finish = channel['time_finish']

    return {'is_active': is_active, 'time_finish': time_finish}
Esempio n. 9
def channel_removeowner(token, channel_id, u_id):
    When a user is removed as owner from the channel.

    #Checked invalid channel
    if helper_functions.check_channelid_valid(channel_id):
        raise error.InputError("Channel not valid")

    # user token is invalid
    if helper_functions.check_token(token).get('token_status'):
        raise error.InputError(description="Token invalid")

    u_id_for_token = helper_functions.check_token(token).get("u_id")

    #If user is an owner
    if helper_functions.check_uid_owner_in_channel(u_id_for_token, channel_id):
        raise error.AccessError(
            "Authorised user not in channel or flockr owner")

    #Check if u_id is an owner. If so then remove
    u_id_not_owner = True
    for user in channels.channel_data:
        if user.get('channel_id') == channel_id:
            #check if u_id is owner
            for owner in user.get('owner_ids'):
                if owner == u_id:
                    u_id_not_owner = False
        if u_id_not_owner == False:

    if u_id_not_owner == True:
        raise error.InputError("U_id not an owner")

    return {}
Esempio n. 10
def channel_messages(token, channel_id, start):
    Return up to 50 messages.
    #Checked invalid channel
    if helper_functions.check_channelid_valid(channel_id):
        raise error.InputError("Channel not valid")

    # user token is invalid
    if helper_functions.check_token(token).get('token_status'):
        raise error.InputError(description="Token invalid")

    u_id = helper_functions.check_token(token).get("u_id")

    #User already in channel
    if helper_functions.check_u_id_in_channel(u_id, channel_id):
        raise error.AccessError("Not in channel")

    #return messages
    for channel in channels.channel_data:
        if channel.get("channel_id") == channel_id:
            messages = channel.get("messages")
            messages = list(reversed(messages))
            num_messages = len(messages)

    if num_messages == 0 and start == 0:
        return {"messages": [], "start": start, "end": -1}

    #If start is larger than number of items in messages
    if start >= num_messages:
        raise error.InputError("Start value older than latest message")

    #Append message to a list
    index_message = start
    end = int(index_message) + 50
    counter = 0
    return_messages = []

    while counter < 50:
        get_index = start + counter
        if get_index >= end or get_index >= num_messages:

        #Seeing if user has reacted
        is_this_user_reacted = False

        if u_id in messages[get_index].get('reacts')[0]['u_ids']:
            is_this_user_reacted = True

        newmsg = {
            'reacts': [{
        counter += 1

    if counter < 50:
        end = -1

    return {"messages": return_messages, "start": start, "end": end}