Esempio n. 1
    def elu(x: Union[float, Decimal], alpha: Union[float, Decimal]) -> Decimal:
        The ELU activation function
        x = coerce_decimal(x)

        if x >= 0:
            return x

        # Hack to prevent node from dying
        if x < -64:
            x = Decimal(64)

        alpha = coerce_decimal(alpha)
        return alpha * (Decimal(e)**x - 1)
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, name: str, alpha: Union[float, Decimal]):
        An ELU node with an initialised alpha constant

        :param alpha: A constant defined as the value of ELU(x) when x approaches -inf

        self.alpha = coerce_decimal(alpha)
Esempio n. 3
    def sigmoid(x: Union[float, Decimal]) -> Decimal:

        x = coerce_decimal(x)

        if x <= 23025853.232525551691:
            # Hack to prevent overflow error
            return Decimal('1.00000000122978901313257153E-10000001')
        elif x <= 62:
            # Hack to prevent sigmoid this function from returning '1', which will cause the node to die
            return 1 / (1 + Decimal(e)**-x)
            return 1 / (1 + Decimal(e)**Decimal(-62))
Esempio n. 4
    def set_weight(self, i: 'Node', weight: Union[float, Decimal]):
        Set a connection's weight.

        :param i: The the input node to set the weight of
        :param weight: The weight value

        assert i in self.inputs, f"Can't set weight - {} is not an input of {}!"

        weight = coerce_decimal(weight)

        self.inputs[i] = weight
Esempio n. 5
    def assign_inputs(self, input_values: List[Union[float, Decimal]]):
        Set the constant activation value for the network's input nodes to the values in input_values

        :param input_values:
                A list of values to set the input_nodes activations to. Values are set according to index order.
                i.e. input_nodes[idx].activation = input_values[idx]
        assert len(input_values) == len(
        ), "len(input_values) need to match len(Network.input_nodes)"

        input_values = [coerce_decimal(i) for i in input_values]

        for idx, i in enumerate(self.input_nodes):
            i.activation = input_values[idx]
Esempio n. 6
    def calc_dloss_dactivation(self, n: 'network.Network',
                               ground_truths: List[Union[float, Decimal]],
                               iteration: int) -> Decimal:
        Use recursion to "backpropagate" d(loss) / d(self.activation) for all connected nodes in the network.
        Start the recursion off by calling this on the INPUT nodes.

        This is the first-half of d(loss) / d(weight)

        :param n:
                    The network object containing the output_nodes which are the stop cases for the recursion,
                    and the evaluate_dloss_doutput function which evaluates the derivative of loss-against-output-nodes
                    for the stop cases.
        :param ground_truths:
                    The list of ground truth values - same as the one passed in to Network.evaluate_loss()
        :param iteration:
                    The current iteration number
        :return: Returns d(loss) / d(self.activation)

        # Since this function recurses through all connections in the tree, the same nodes may be re-evaluated
        # multiple times. As such, use the cached value of dloss_dactivation if the iter parameter
        # matches self.last_derivative_eval_iter.
        if iteration == self.last_derivative_eval_iter:
            return self.dloss_dactivation

        ground_truths = [coerce_decimal(x) for x in ground_truths]

        if self in n.output_nodes:
            # Stop case
            self.dloss_dactivation = n.evaluate_dloss_doutput(
                self, ground_truths)
            # Propagate recursion
            self.dloss_dactivation = sum([
                o.calc_derivative_against(self) *
                o.calc_dloss_dactivation(n, ground_truths, iteration)
                for o in self.outputs

        self.last_derivative_eval_iter = iteration

        return self.dloss_dactivation
Esempio n. 7
    def connect(self,
                node: 'Node',
                weight: Optional[Union[float, Decimal]] = None):
        Connect self's output to node's input

        :param node: The node which receives this node's output as input
        :param weight: Optional preset weight. If not provided, evaluates to a random number in the interval [-1, 1)

        # NOTE: This can't be expressed as a default parameter as the pseudo random generator uses
        #       time as the sole independent variable, and there is only one method being created, hence
        #       all the instances of this node will be initialized to the same value, making the neural
        #       network essentially a linear regression model.
        if weight is None:
            weight = Decimal(random() * 2 - 1)

        weight = coerce_decimal(weight)

        node.inputs[self] = weight
Esempio n. 8
    def evaluate_loss(self, ground_truths: List[Union[float,
                                                      Decimal]]) -> Decimal:
        Evaluates the loss score using the Mean-Square Error function.
        Note that this function uses the previously cached activation values. Forward propagation must
        be performed before calling this function

        :param ground_truths:
        assert len(ground_truths) == len(self.output_nodes), \
            "Number of ground truths need to match number of output nodes!"

        ground_truths = [coerce_decimal(x) for x in ground_truths]

            square_error = sum([(self.output_nodes[i].activation - g)**2
                                for i, g in enumerate(ground_truths)])
        except Overflow:

        mean_square_error = square_error / len(self.output_nodes)
        return mean_square_error
Esempio n. 9
    def __init__(self, name: str, constant_value: Union[float, Decimal]):

        constant_value = coerce_decimal(constant_value)

        self.activation = constant_value
Esempio n. 10
    def update_weights(self,
                       step_size: Union[float, Decimal],
                       momentum: Union[float, Decimal],
                       decay: Union[float, Decimal],
                       log: bool = False) -> List[Decimal]:
        Updates weights for connections to input nodes using the previously calculated d(loss)/d(activation) value,
        while applying common weight update techniques (momentum & weight decay) to improve training.

        NOTE: calc_dloss_dactivation must be evaluated first, otherwise this won't work!

        :param step_size:
                The step size hyperparameter.
                (new weight = old weight - step size * d(loss) / d(weight)

        :param log:
                Set True to output weight update info on the console

        :param momentum:
                How much of the previous weight update is applied to the current weight update.
                (1 --> 100%, 0 --> 0%)
                Using momentum prevents the network from getting stuck in local minimas.
                (Imagine a ball rolling down the loss function curve. If there is a pothole in the curve, momentum
                may allow the ball to not be stuck.)

        :param decay:
                How much of the previous weight to subtract the current weight by.
                (1 --> 100%, 0 --> 0%)
                This will make the weight gravitate towards zero, so that the weights won't explode to NaN.

        :return: a list of dloss_dweights for checking if the node is dying.

        dloss_dweights = [
            self.dloss_dactivation * da_di
            for da_di in self.calc_dinputweights_dactivation()

        step_size = coerce_decimal(step_size)
        momentum = coerce_decimal(momentum)
        decay = coerce_decimal(decay)

        for idx, node in enumerate(self.inputs):
            prev_weight = self.inputs[node]

            weight_change = -step_size * dloss_dweights[idx]
            weight_momentum = self.prev_weight_change[idx] * momentum

            weight_decay = -prev_weight * decay
            final_weight_change = weight_change + weight_momentum + weight_decay

            new = self.inputs[node] + final_weight_change

            if final_weight_change > 10:
                    f'WARN: Possible exploding weight {} --> {}: {self.inputs[node]}'
                    f" {'+' if final_weight_change >= 0 else '-'} {final_weight_change}"
                    f" --> {new}")

            if log:
                    f"Weight update {} --> {}: {self.inputs[node]}"
                    f" {'+' if final_weight_change >= 0 else '-'} {final_weight_change}"
                    f" --> {new} (dloss: {dloss_dweights[idx]}, "
                    f"step: {weight_change}, momentum: {weight_momentum}, decay: {weight_decay})"
            self.inputs[node] = new

            self.prev_weight_change[idx] = final_weight_change

        return dloss_dweights