def schedule_edit(schedule, new=False): print(schedule) sqlConn = SqlHelper() sqlStr = """UPDATE schedule SET startdate={0}, enddate={1}, sunday={2}, monday={3}, tuesday={4}, wednesday={5}, thursday={6}, friday={7}, saturday={8}, starttime={9}, duration={10}, repeating={11}, station={12} WHERE id={13}""".format(schedule['startdate'], schedule['enddate'], schedule['sunday'], schedule['monday'], schedule['tuesday'], schedule['wednesday'], schedule['thursday'], schedule['friday'], schedule['saturday'], schedule['starttime'], schedule['duration'], schedule['repeat'], schedule['station'], schedule['id']) print(sqlStr) sqlConn.execute(sqlStr)
def water_usage_stats(): sqlConn = SqlHelper() sqlStr = """ SELECT DISTINCT dripnodes.sid, SUM((duration / 60 )) as runmins, (SELECT sum((gph * count)) as totalgph from dripnodes where dripnodes.sid=history.sid) as totalgph, stations.notes FROM history INNER JOIN dripnodes ON dripnodes.sid=history.sid INNER JOIN stations ON WHERE starttime >= (CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL 30 DAY) GROUP BY dripnodes.sid ORDER BY dripnodes.sid ASC; """ results = {'water_usage': []} for d in results['water_usage'].append({ 'sid': int(d[0]), 'notes': str(d[3]), 'run_mins': int(d[1]), 'total_gph': float(d[2]), 'usage_last_30': float((d[1] / 60) * d[2]) }) return results
def get_schedule(station=None): this_date = int(str('-', '')) result = [] sqlConn = SqlHelper() schedules = [] if station is None: sqlStr = """SELECT * FROM schedule WHERE enddate > {0} AND startdate <= {1} ORDER BY station ASC""".format( this_date, this_date) schedules = for sched in schedules: data = { "id": sched[0], "startdate": sched[1], "enddate": sched[2], "sunday": sched[3] == 1, "monday": sched[4] == 1, "tuesday": sched[5] == 1, "wednesday": sched[6] == 1, "thursday": sched[7] == 1, "friday": sched[8] == 1, "saturday": sched[9] == 1, "station": sched[10], "starttime": sched[11], "duration": sched[12], "repeat": sched[13] == 1 } result.append(data) return result
def list(self): schedules = [] sqlStr = ''' SELECT * FROM schedule where station={0}'''.format( self.sid) sqlConn = SqlHelper() sched_data = for sched in sched_data: s = StationSchedule(self.sid) s.sched_id = sched[0] s.startdate = sched[1] s.enddate = sched[2] s.sunday = sched[3] s.monday = sched[4] s.tuesday = sched[5] s.wednesday = sched[6] s.thursday = sched[7] s.friday = sched[8] s.saturday = sched[9] s.sid = self.sid # sched[10] s.starttime = sched[11] s.duration = sched[12] s.repeat = sched[13] schedules.append(s) return schedules
def list_gpio(): sqlConn = SqlHelper() gpio_pins = [] sqlStr = "SELECT * FROM gpio_pins ORDER BY gpio asc" pins = for i in pins: gpio_pins.append({'gpio': i[0], 'notes': i[1]}) return gpio_pins
def get_chart_stats(cid, days=30): sqlStr = "" sqlConn = SqlHelper() results = {"labels": [], "series": [], "data": []} station_data = {} stations = [] for s in"SELECT DISTINCT id FROM stations WHERE common=0"): stations.append(s[0]) for station in stations: station_data[station] = {station: {}} if cid == 1: # chart1 in js app d1 = [] sqlStr = """SELECT DISTINCT sid, SUM(duration / 60) FROM history WHERE starttime >= (CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL {0} DAY) AND schedule_id>0 GROUP BY sid ORDER BY sid ASC""".format(days) td = for d in td: try: station_data[d[0]]['scheduled'] = int(d[1]) except Exception as e: station_data[d[0]]['scheduled'] = 0 results['series'].append('Scheduled'.format(days)) d2 = [] sqlStr = """SELECT DISTINCT sid, SUM(duration / 60) FROM history WHERE starttime >= (CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL {0} DAY) AND schedule_id=0 GROUP BY sid ORDER BY sid ASC""".format(days) td = for d in td: try: station_data[d[0]]['unscheduled'] = int(d[1]) except Exception as e: station_data[d[0]]['unscheduled'] = 0 results['series'].append('Unscheduled'.format(days)) results['labels'] = stations sorted_data = sorted(station_data.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(0)) for i in sorted_data: if 'scheduled' in i[1]: d1.append(i[1]['scheduled']) else: d1.append(0) if 'unscheduled' in i[1]: d2.append(i[1]['unscheduled']) else: d2.append(0) results['data'].append(d1) results['data'].append(d2) return results
def station_edit(station): sqlConn = SqlHelper() sqlStr = """UPDATE stations SET gpio='{0}', notes='{1}' WHERE id={2}""".format(station['gpio_pin'], station['notes'], station['sid']) print(sqlStr) sqlConn.execute(sqlStr)
def get_station_nodes(): sqlConn = SqlHelper() sqlStr = """ SELECT * FROM dripnodes ORDER BY sid ASC """ results = {'dripnodes': []} for dn in node = {'id': dn[0], 'sid': dn[2], 'gph': dn[1], 'count': dn[3]} results['dripnodes'].append(node) return results
def add(self, gpio_pin, notes=''): sqlConn = SqlHelper() try: self.gpio_pin = gpio_pin self.notes = notes sqlStr = '''INSERT INTO stations (ID, GPIO, NOTES) VALUES ({0}, {1}, \'{2}\')'''.format( self.sid, self.gpio_pin, self.notes) sqlConn.execute(sqlStr) except Exception as e: raise e
def load(self): sqlConn = SqlHelper() try: sqlStr = ''' SELECT * FROM stations WHERE id={0}'''.format( self.sid) data =[0] self.gpio_pin = data[1] self.notes = data[2] self.details = data[3] except Exception as e: raise e
def get_last_station_run(): sqlConn = SqlHelper() results = {} stations = list_stations() for station in stations: sqlStr = "SELECT (starttime + INTERVAL {0} HOUR) FROM history WHERE sid={1} ORDER BY starttime DESC LIMIT 1".format( CONFIG.SETTINGS['LOCALOFFSET'], station['sid']) try: results[station['sid']] =[0][0] except: results[station['sid']] = None return results
def add_or_edit_station_nodes(dripnode, new=False): sqlConn = SqlHelper() sqlStr = "" if new: sqlStr = """ INSERT INTO dripnodes (gph, sid, count) VALUES ({0},{1},{2}) """.format(dripnode['gph'], dripnode['sid'], dripnode['count']) else: sqlStr = """ UPDATE dripnodes SET gph={0}, sid={1}, count={2} WHERE id={3} """.format(dripnode['gph'], dripnode['sid'], dripnode['count'], dripnode['id']) sqlConn.execute(sqlStr)
def get_current_tasks(self): sqlConn = SqlHelper() if str(self.today_cache['day']) + str( self.today_cache['time']) != self.last_datetime: sqlStr = """SELECT id, station, duration from schedule WHERE ( startdate <= CAST(replace(date(NOW()), '-', '') AS UNSIGNED) and enddate > CAST(replace(date(NOW()), '-', '') AS UNSIGNED) ) and {0}=1 and starttime={1} """.format(self.today_cache['day'], self.today_cache['time']) return else: pass
def dripnodes_edit(nodes_data, new=False, delete=False): sqlConn = SqlHelper() sqlStr = "" if new: sqlStr = """ INSERT INTO dripnodes (gph, sid, count) VALUES ({0}, {1}, {2}); """.format(nodes_data['gph'], nodes_data['sid'], nodes_data['count']) elif delete: sqlStr = """ DELETE FROM dripnodes WHERE gph={0} AND sid={1} """.format(nodes_data['gph'], nodes_data['sid']) else: sqlStr = """ UPDATE dripnodes SET gph={0}, sid={1}, count={2} WHERE sid={1} and gph={0}; """.format(nodes_data['gph'], nodes_data['sid'], nodes_data['count']) sqlConn.execute(sqlStr)
class RelayController: def __init__(self): self.sqlConn = SqlHelper() self.__setup_pins() def __setup_pins(self): pins = [] sqlStr = """SELECT gpio FROM gpio_pins""" for pin in pins.append(pin[0]) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) for pin in pins: GPIO.setup(pin, GPIO.OUT, initial=CONFIG.SETTINGS['GPIO_RELAY_OFFSTATE']) def __reset(self): GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) self.__setup_pins def __log_relay_activity(self, sid, duration, schedule_id): sqlStr = """ INSERT INTO history (sid, schedule_id, duration, starttime) VALUES ({0},{1},{2},'{3}')""".format(sid, schedule_id, duration, self.sqlConn.execute(sqlStr) def __get_gpio_from_sid(self, sid): sqlStr = """ SELECT gpio FROM stations WHERE id={0}""".format(sid) gpio =[0] return gpio def activate_relay(self, sid, duration, schedule_id=0): pin = self.__get_gpio_from_sid(sid) self.__log_relay_activity(sid, duration, schedule_id) timer = 0 GPIO.output(pin, CONFIG.SETTINGS['GPIO_RELAY_ONSTATE']) GPIO.output(CONFIG.SETTINGS['COMMON_WIRE_GPIO'], CONFIG.SETTINGS['GPIO_RELAY_ONSTATE']) while timer < duration: sleep(1) timer += 1 GPIO.output(pin, CONFIG.SETTINGS['GPIO_RELAY_OFFSTATE']) GPIO.output(CONFIG.SETTINGS['COMMON_WIRE_GPIO'], CONFIG.SETTINGS['GPIO_RELAY_OFFSTATE'])
def station_history(sid=None, days=7): sqlConn = SqlHelper() sqlStr = "" if sid is None: sqlStr = "SELECT * FROM history WHERE starttime >= (CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL {0} DAY) ORDER BY id DESC".format( days) else: pass history_json = {'history': []} for hist in history_json['history'].append({ 'id': hist[0], 'sid': hist[1], 'schedule_id': hist[2], 'duration': hist[3], 'starttime': hist[4] }) return history_json
def chart_stats_chrono(days=7): sqlConn = SqlHelper() sqlStr = """SELECT DISTINCT DAYOFWEEK((starttime + INTERVAL {0} HOUR)) as day, SUM(duration / 60) as mins FROM history WHERE starttime >= (CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL {1} DAY) GROUP BY day ORDER BY day ASC""".format(CONFIG.SETTINGS['LOCALOFFSET'], days) sqlStr2 = """SELECT DISTINCT DAYOFWEEK((starttime + INTERVAL {0} HOUR)) as day, SUM(duration / 60) as mins FROM history WHERE starttime >= (CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL {1} DAY) AND schedule_id>0 GROUP BY day ORDER BY day ASC""".format(CONFIG.SETTINGS['LOCALOFFSET'], days) sqlStr3 = """SELECT DISTINCT DAYOFWEEK((starttime + INTERVAL {0} HOUR)) as day, SUM(duration / 60) as mins FROM history WHERE starttime >= (CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL {1} DAY) AND schedule_id=0 GROUP BY day ORDER BY day ASC""".format(CONFIG.SETTINGS['LOCALOFFSET'], days) results = { "labels": [ 'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday' ], "series": ['Total', 'Scheduled', 'Unscheduled'], # durations (starttime + sec(duration)), per series "data": [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]] } # parser.parse('January 11, 2010').strftime("%A") sql_data = sql_data2 = sql_data3 = if sql_data is not None and len(sql_data) > 0: for d in sql_data: results['data'][0][int(sunday_fix(d[0]))] = int(d[1]) if sql_data2 is not None and len(sql_data2) > 0: for d in sql_data2: results['data'][1][int(sunday_fix(d[0]))] = int(d[1]) if sql_data3 is not None and len(sql_data3) > 0: for d in sql_data3: results['data'][2][int(sunday_fix(d[0]))] = int(d[1]) return results
def list_stations(): sqlConn = SqlHelper() stations = [] sqlStr = 'SELECT * FROM stations WHERE common=0 ORDER BY ID ASC LIMIT 500' data = for s in data: sid = s[0] station = Station(sid) station.load() schedules = station.list_schedules() station_json = { 'gpio_pin': station.gpio_pin, 'sid': station.sid, 'notes': station.notes, 'details': station.details, 'schedule': [] } for s in schedules: station_json['schedule'].append(s.__dict__) stations.append(station_json) return stations
def schedule_add(schedule): print(schedule) sqlConn = SqlHelper() sqlStr = """INSERT INTO schedule ( startdate, enddate, sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, starttime, duration, repeating, station ) VALUES ( {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {10}, {11}, {12})""".format(schedule['startdate'], schedule['enddate'], schedule['sunday'], schedule['monday'], schedule['tuesday'], schedule['wednesday'], schedule['thursday'], schedule['friday'], schedule['saturday'], schedule['starttime'], schedule['duration'], schedule['repeat'], schedule['station']) print(sqlStr) sqlConn.execute(sqlStr)
def chart_minutes_by_station_per_dow(days=30): sqlConn = SqlHelper() results = { "labels": [ 'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday' ], "series": [], "data": [] } def fill_series(): stationsSql = "SELECT id FROM stations WHERE common=0 ORDER BY id ASC" return [i[0] for i in] results['series'] = fill_series() def populate_data(sid): dataSql = """SELECT sid, DAYOFWEEK((starttime + INTERVAL {0} HOUR)) as day, SUM(duration / 60) as mins FROM history WHERE starttime >= (CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL {1} DAY) AND sid = {2} GROUP BY day ORDER BY day ASC""".format(CONFIG.SETTINGS['LOCALOFFSET'], days, sid) return [i for i in] def parse_day_data(table): result = {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0} for i in table: ind = sunday_fix(i[1]) result[ind] = int(i[2]) return result.values() for sid in results['series']: results['data'].append(list(parse_day_data(populate_data(sid)))) return results
def get_gpio(self): sqlConn = SqlHelper() sqlStr = """ SELECT gpio FROM gpio_pins """ for pin in self.gpio_list.append(pin[0])
def get_schedule_cal(): base = date_list = [base - timedelta(days=x) for x in range(-14, 14)] sqlConn = SqlHelper() events = [] stations = [x[0] for x in"SELECT id FROM stations")] station_colors = {} for i in stations: station_colors[i] = "#%06x" % random.randint(0, 0xFFFFFF) sqlStr = """ SELECT * FROM schedule WHERE (startdate <= CAST(replace(date(NOW()), '-', '') AS UNSIGNED) AND enddate > CAST(replace(date(NOW()), '-', '') AS UNSIGNED) ) """.format() schedules = [] for sched in schedules.append({ "id": sched[0], "startdate": sched[1], "enddate": sched[2], "sunday": sched[3] == 1, "monday": sched[4] == 1, "tuesday": sched[5] == 1, "wednesday": sched[6] == 1, "thursday": sched[7] == 1, "friday": sched[8] == 1, "saturday": sched[9] == 1, "station": sched[10], "starttime": sched[11], "duration": sched[12], "repeat": sched[13] == 1 }) for date in date_list: for event in schedules: # print( # str("%04d" % event['starttime'])[:2], # str("%04d" % event['starttime'])[-2:] # ) wd = date.weekday() if wd == 0 and event['sunday']: events.append({ 'id': event['id'], 'title': "SID #" + str(event['station']) + " for " + str(event['duration'] / 60) + ' min', 'start': str( date.replace( date.year, date.month,, int(str("%04d" % event['starttime'])[:2]), int(str("%04d" % event['starttime'])[-2:]), 0) - timedelta(days=1)), 'end': str( date.replace( date.year, date.month,, int(str("%04d" % event['starttime'])[:2]), int(str("%04d" % event['starttime'])[-2:]), 0) + timedelta(seconds=event['duration']) - timedelta(days=1)), 'backgroundColor': station_colors[event['station']], 'textColor': '#FFF' }) if wd == 1 and event['monday']: events.append({ 'id': event['id'], 'title': "SID #" + str(event['station']) + " for " + str(event['duration'] / 60) + ' min', 'start': str( date.replace( date.year, date.month,, int(str("%04d" % event['starttime'])[:2]), int(str("%04d" % event['starttime'])[-2:]), 0) - timedelta(days=1)), 'end': str( date.replace( date.year, date.month,, int(str("%04d" % event['starttime'])[:2]), int(str("%04d" % event['starttime'])[-2:]), 0) + timedelta(seconds=event['duration']) - timedelta(days=1)), 'backgroundColor': station_colors[event['station']], 'textColor': '#FFF' }) if wd == 2 and event['tuesday']: events.append({ 'id': event['id'], 'title': "SID #" + str(event['station']) + " for " + str(event['duration'] / 60) + ' min', 'start': str( date.replace( date.year, date.month,, int(str("%04d" % event['starttime'])[:2]), int(str("%04d" % event['starttime'])[-2:]), 0) - timedelta(days=1)), 'end': str( date.replace( date.year, date.month,, int(str("%04d" % event['starttime'])[:2]), int(str("%04d" % event['starttime'])[-2:]), 0) + timedelta(seconds=event['duration']) - timedelta(days=1)), 'backgroundColor': station_colors[event['station']], 'textColor': '#FFF' }) if wd == 3 and event['wednesday']: events.append({ 'id': event['id'], 'title': "SID #" + str(event['station']) + " for " + str(event['duration'] / 60) + ' min', 'start': str( date.replace( date.year, date.month,, int(str("%04d" % event['starttime'])[:2]), int(str("%04d" % event['starttime'])[-2:]), 0) - timedelta(days=1)), 'end': str( date.replace( date.year, date.month,, int(str("%04d" % event['starttime'])[:2]), int(str("%04d" % event['starttime'])[-2:]), 0) + timedelta(seconds=event['duration']) - timedelta(days=1)), 'backgroundColor': station_colors[event['station']], 'textColor': '#FFF' }) if wd == 4 and event['thursday']: events.append({ 'id': event['id'], 'title': "SID #" + str(event['station']) + " for " + str(event['duration'] / 60) + ' min', 'start': str( date.replace( date.year, date.month,, int(str("%04d" % event['starttime'])[:2]), int(str("%04d" % event['starttime'])[-2:]), 0) - timedelta(days=1)), 'end': str( date.replace( date.year, date.month,, int(str("%04d" % event['starttime'])[:2]), int(str("%04d" % event['starttime'])[-2:]), 0) + timedelta(seconds=event['duration']) - timedelta(days=1)), 'backgroundColor': station_colors[event['station']], 'textColor': '#FFF' }) if wd == 5 and event['friday']: events.append({ 'id': event['id'], 'title': "SID #" + str(event['station']) + " for " + str(event['duration'] / 60) + ' min', 'start': str( date.replace( date.year, date.month,, int(str("%04d" % event['starttime'])[:2]), int(str("%04d" % event['starttime'])[-2:]), 0) - timedelta(days=1)), 'end': str( date.replace( date.year, date.month,, int(str("%04d" % event['starttime'])[:2]), int(str("%04d" % event['starttime'])[-2:]), 0) + timedelta(seconds=event['duration']) - timedelta(days=1)), 'backgroundColor': station_colors[event['station']], 'textColor': '#FFF' }) if wd == 6 and event['saturday']: events.append({ 'id': event['id'], 'title': "SID #" + str(event['station']) + " for " + str(event['duration'] / 60) + ' min', 'start': str( date.replace( date.year, date.month,, int(str("%04d" % event['starttime'])[:2]), int(str("%04d" % event['starttime'])[-2:]), 0) - timedelta(days=1)), 'end': str( date.replace( date.year, date.month,, int(str("%04d" % event['starttime'])[:2]), int(str("%04d" % event['starttime'])[-2:]), 0) + timedelta(seconds=event['duration']) - timedelta(days=1)), 'backgroundColor': station_colors[event['station']], 'textColor': '#FFF' }) return events
def __init__(self): self.sqlConn = SqlHelper() self.__setup_pins()
def get_next_station_run(): local = timezone("America/Los_Angeles") today = int('%w')) sqlConn = SqlHelper() results = {} stations = list_stations() sqlStr = """SELECT * FROM schedule WHERE (startdate <= replace(CAST(CURDATE() AS CHAR), '-', '') AND enddate > replace(CAST(CURDATE() AS CHAR), '-', '')) AND station={0} ORDER BY starttime DESC """ for s in stations: results[s['sid']] = {} for d in['sid'])): if s['sid'] == d[10]: counter = 0 counter -= today daylist = [d[3], d[4], d[5], d[6], d[7], d[8], d[9]] if 1 in daylist: while counter <= 7: counter += 1 if daylist[today] == 1 and d[11] > 0: results[s['sid']]['next_date'] = ).date() + timedelta(days=counter) t = list('{0:04d}'.format(d[11])) t.insert(2, ':') results[s['sid']]['duration'] = d[12] results[s['sid']]['next_time'] = ''.join(t) results[ s['sid']]['next_datetime'] = datetime.combine( results[s['sid']]['next_date'], datetime.min.time()) + timedelta( hours=int(results[s['sid']] ['next_time'].split(':')[0]), minutes=int( results[s['sid']] ['next_time'].split(':')[1])) naive = results[s['sid']]['next_datetime'] localdt = local.localize(naive, is_dst=True) utc_dt = localdt.astimezone(UTC) if utc_dt < utc_dt = utc_dt + timedelta(weeks=1) results[s['sid']]['next_datetime'] = utc_dt else: if (today + counter ) < 6 and daylist[today + counter] == 1 > 0: results[s['sid']]['next_date'] = ).date() + timedelta(days=counter) t = list('{0:04d}'.format(d[11])) t.insert(2, ':') results[s['sid']]['duration'] = d[12] results[s['sid']]['next_time'] = ''.join(t) results[s['sid']][ 'next_datetime'] = datetime.combine( results[s['sid']]['next_date'], datetime.min.time()) + timedelta( hours=int( results[s['sid']] ['next_time'].split(':')[0]), minutes=int( results[s['sid']] ['next_time'].split(':')[1])) naive = results[s['sid']]['next_datetime'] localdt = local.localize(naive, is_dst=True) utc_dt = localdt.astimezone(UTC) if utc_dt < utc_dt = utc_dt + timedelta(weeks=1) results[s['sid']]['next_datetime'] = utc_dt # print(results) return results
def station_activity_timechart(days=30): sqlConn = SqlHelper() results = { "labels": [ '00:00', '01:00', '02:00', '03:00', '04:00', '05:00', '06:00', '07:00', '08:00', '09:00', '10:00', '11:00', '12:00', '13:00', '14:00', '15:00', '16:00', '17:00', '18:00', '19:00', '20:00', '21:00', '22:00', '23:00' ], "series": [], "data": [] } def extract_hours(table): result = { '00': 0, '01': 0, '02': 0, '03': 0, '04': 0, '05': 0, '06': 0, '07': 0, '08': 0, '09': 0, '10': 0, '11': 0, '12': 0, '13': 0, '14': 0, '15': 0, '16': 0, '17': 0, '18': 0, '19': 0, '20': 0, '21': 0, '22': 0, '23': 0, } if len(table) > 0: for row in table: hour = str(str(row[1]).split(' ')[1].split(':')[0]) result[hour] += int(row[2]) sorted_vals = sorted(result.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]) return [v[1] for v in sorted_vals] def fill_series(): stationsSql = "SELECT id FROM stations WHERE common=0 ORDER BY id ASC" return [i[0] for i in] results['series'] = fill_series() def populate_data(sid): dataSql = """SELECT sid, CAST(starttime AS CHAR), (duration / 60) as mins FROM history WHERE starttime >= (CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL {0} DAY) AND sid = {1} """.format(days, sid) return [i for i in] for sid in results['series']: results['data'].append(extract_hours(populate_data(sid))) return results
def schedule_delete(schedule_id): sqlConn = SqlHelper() sqlStr = """DELETE FROM schedule WHERE id={0}""".format(schedule_id) sqlConn.execute(sqlStr)
def delete_station_node(id): sqlConn = SqlHelper() sqlStr = """ DELETE FROM dripnodes WHERE id={0} """.format(id) sqlConn.execute(sqlStr)