indices = [i for i, rb in enumerate(rel_box_sizes) if rb == relbox] avg_dh = calc.add_mean([avg_dhs[i] for i in indices]) std_dh = calc.add_std([std_dhs[i] for i in indices]) n = [num_measurements[i] for i in indices] errorbars_dict[relbox] = [avg_dh, std_dh, sum(n)] # Assume that the best approximation is for the smallest box size if relbox == min(unique_relboxes): print(f"D_H = {avg_dh:.6f} +- {std_dh / sum(n):.0e}") best_dh = avg_dh best_error_dh = std_dh / sum(n) calc.plot_errorbars(errorbars_dict, r"$\bar{D}_H \pm \sigma_{\bar{D}_H}$", color=color, axis=ax) ranges = [0.7 * min(unique_relboxes), 1.05 * max(unique_relboxes)] # correct_dh = 1.375 # plt.plot(ranges, # [correct_dh, correct_dh], # c=const.COLOR_MAP["green"], # label=rf"$D_H^G = {correct_dh}$") # Ugly way of getting the [(1, 64), (1, 32), ...] fractions = list( reversed(sorted([ur.as_integer_ratio() for ur in unique_relboxes]))) labels = [] for f in fractions:
avg_dh = calc.add_mean([avg_dhs[i] for i in indices]) std_dh = calc.add_std([std_dhs[i] for i in indices]) n = [num_measurements[i] for i in indices] errorbars_dict[u_relbox] = [avg_dh, std_dh, sum(n)] if u_relbox == min_relbox: print(f"D_H = {avg_dh:.5f} += {std_dh/np.sqrt(sum(n)):.0e}") # quit() x_relbox.append(u_relbox) y_lnnumboxes.append(avg_dh * np.log(1 / u_relbox)) print(y_lnnumboxes) print(x_relbox) print(calc.bootstrap(fit_function, x_relbox, y_lnnumboxes)) quit() # :data_dict: dict - Assumed to be {x0: [avg(y0), std(y0), num_measurements(y0)], x1: ...} calc.plot_errorbars(errorbars_dict, r"$\bar D_H \pm \sigma_{\bar D_H}$", color=c, axis=plt) # Ugly way of getting the [(1, 64), (1, 32), ...] fractions = list(reversed(sorted([(ub).as_integer_ratio() for ub in unique_rel_boxes]))) labels = [] for f in fractions: ln = f"{f[0]}" ld = f"{f[1]}" l = r"$\frac{" + ln + r"}{" + ld + r"}$" labels.append(l) plt.xscale("log") positions = sorted([ub for ub in unique_rel_boxes]) plt.xticks(positions, labels, fontsize=14)
rc('text', usetex=True) if __name__ == '__main__': # Sudbo d_s = 2.287 d_s_std = 2 * 10**(-3) # Prokof'ev d_p = 1.7655 d_p_std = 2 * 10**(-3) # box counting result d_bc = 1.77468 d_bc_std = 4 * 10**(-6) calc.plot_errorbars({0: [d_s, d_s_std, 1]}, label="Hove, Mo and Sudbo", color=const.COLOR_MAP["red"]) calc.plot_errorbars({1: [d_p, d_p_std, 1]}, label="Prokof'ev and Svistunov", color=const.COLOR_MAP["blue"]) calc.plot_errorbars({2: [d_bc, d_bc_std, 1]}, label="Box dimension", color=const.COLOR_MAP["black"]) plt.xticks([0, 1, 2], [], rotation=45) plt.legend(loc=1) plt.ylabel(r"$D_H$") plt.title(rf"Comparison of fractal dimensions on a $3D$ XY lattice") # illu.save_figure("dimenson_comparison_XY")
# box counting result d_bc = 1.35193 d_bc_std = 5 * 10**(-4) labels = [ "Box dimension", "Scaling dimension", "Geometric $D_H$ $2D$ Ising", "Self avoiding walk", "Random walk" ] plt.scatter(0, d_rw, c=const.COLOR_MAP["black"], label="Random walk") plt.scatter(1, d_saw, c=const.COLOR_MAP["yellow"], label="Self avoiding walk") plt.scatter(2, d_dg, c=const.COLOR_MAP["green"], label="Geometric $D_H$ Ising") calc.plot_errorbars({3: [d_bc, d_bc_std, 1]}, label="Box dimension, Ising", color=const.COLOR_MAP["red"]) calc.plot_errorbars({4: [d_sc, d_sc_std, 1]}, label="Scaling dimension, Ising", color=const.COLOR_MAP["blue"]) plt.xticks([0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [], rotation=45) plt.legend(loc=1) plt.ylabel(r"$D$") plt.title(rf"Comparison of fractal dimensions on a $2D$ lattice") # illu.save_figure("dimenson_comparison")
simulation_data = process_file("./data/loop_lengths128x128.txt") clean_processed_data(simulation_data, exclude_system_size=[]) # plot_syssize_vs_looplength(simulation_data) errorbar_data = {} for size in simulation_data: errorbar_data[size] = [ np.average(simulation_data[size]), np.std(simulation_data[size]), len(simulation_data[size]) ] calc.plot_errorbars( errorbar_data, # label=r"$\bar{D}_H \pm \sigma_{\bar{D}_H}$", color=const.COLOR_MAP["black"]) plot_syssize_vs_fit(simulation_data) plt.title("Maximum loop length on a 2D Ising lattice") plt.xlabel("Linear system size") plt.ylabel("Loop length") plt.legend() savefig = False if savefig: illu.save_figure(f"maximum_loop_length_for_2D_Ising")
fig, ax = plt.subplots() color = const.COLOR_MAP["black"] avg_es = [] for size in simulation_data: if 2 * size in simulation_data: avg_es.append(calc.add_mean(simulation_data[size][0])) simulation_data[size][0] = calc.add_mean(simulation_data[2 * size][0]) - calc.add_mean(simulation_data[size][0]) simulation_data[size][1] = calc.add_std(simulation_data[2 * size][1]) - calc.add_std(simulation_data[size][1]) simulation_data[size][2] = sum(simulation_data[size][2]) simulation_data.pop(max(list(simulation_data.keys()))) calc.plot_errorbars(simulation_data, r"$\Delta \bar{E} \pm \sigma_{\Delta \bar{E}}$", color=color, axis=ax) # xdata system_sizes = np.array(list(simulation_data.keys())) # ydata average_energy = np.array(avg_es) stderr_pars = calc.bootstrap(fit_function, system_sizes, average_energy, 10000) print(stderr_pars) opt_pars = list(stderr_pars.keys()) # # Used for plotting against the fitted function xdata = np.linspace(min(system_sizes), max(system_sizes), 50) # colors = ["#966842", "#f44747", "#eedc31", "#7fdb6a", "#0e68ce"] plt.loglog(xdata, fit_function(xdata, *opt_pars),\ c="#0e68ce",\ label=fr"$\propto L^{{ 1 / ({1 / opt_pars[1]:.2f}) }}$")
# All indices for t = temp # NOTE: Done since the order of the data is random indices = [i for i, t in enumerate(temperatures) if t == temp] avg_w = calc.add_mean([avg_winding_number[i] for i in indices]) std_w = calc.add_std([std_winding_number[i] for i in indices]) n = [number_measurements[i] for i in indices] errorbars_dict[temp] = [avg_w, std_w, sum(n)] # For plotting lines between averages avg_ws.append(avg_w) if temp in closest_temps_to_tc: closest_ws_to_tc.append(avg_w) calc.plot_errorbars(errorbars_dict, f"${int(size)}^3$", color=c, axis=ax) ax.plot(unique_temperatures, avg_ws, color=c, linewidth=1.2) zoomed_data[size] = [unique_temperatures, avg_ws] plot_dict[size] = errorbars_dict # Get all permutations of Tc # Use the same thinking as distribution law for multiplication tcs = [] perm_indices = [2 * l for l in range(len(closest_ws_to_tc) // 2)] sizes = list(simulation_data.keys()) # will be size0 * size1 corresponding to each intersection weights = [] for i in perm_indices: # print(i)
if __name__ == '__main__': simulation_data = process_file("./data/susceptibility.txt") clean_processed_data(simulation_data, exclude_system_size=[]) # plot_hist_of_error(simulation_data) plot_setup() # plot_syssize_vs_susc(simulation_data) errorbar_data = {} for size in simulation_data: errorbar_data[size] = [np.average(simulation_data[size]), np.std(simulation_data[size]), len(simulation_data[size])] calc.plot_errorbars(errorbar_data, label=r"$\bar{\chi} \pm \sigma_{\bar{\chi}}$", color=const.COLOR_MAP["black"]) plot_syssize_vs_fit(simulation_data) # plt.xticks(list(simulation_data.keys()), # list(simulation_data.keys())) plt.legend() savefig = True if savefig: illu.save_figure("susceptibility128x128Ising") #