def command(cls, irc_c, msg, cmd): if len(cmd.args['root']) < 1: raise CommandError("Specify a page's URL whose shortest search " "term you want to find.") pages = [DB.get_article_info(p_id)['title'] for p_id in DB.get_articles([])] try: title = DB.get_article_info( DB.get_articles( [{'type': 'url', 'term': cmd.args['root'][0]}] )[0])['title'] except IndexError: raise MyFaultError("I couldn't find the page with that URL.") single_string = shortest.get_substring(title, pages) print("Single string:", single_string) helen_style = shortest.get_multi_substring(title, pages) if single_string is None and helen_style is None: raise MyFaultError("There's no unique search for {} (\"{}\")" .format(cmd.args['root'][0], title)) msg.reply("Shortest search for \x02{}\x0F · {}" .format(cmd.args['root'][0], shortest.pick_answer(single_string, helen_style)))
def command(cls, irc_c, msg, cmd): if(defer.check(cmd, 'jarvis', 'Secretary_Helen')): return if len(cmd.args['root']) > 1 or not all(map(isint, cmd.args['root'])): raise CommandError("Specify the number of the article you want " "(or none to see the choices)") elif len(cmd.args['root']) == 0: number = 0 else: number = int(cmd.args['root'][0]) page_ids = DB.get_showmore_list(msg.raw_channel) if len(page_ids) == 0: raise MyFaultError("I have nothing to show more of.") if number > len(page_ids): raise MyFaultError("I only have {} results for the last search." .format(len(page_ids))) pages = [DB.get_article_info(p_id) for p_id in page_ids] if number == 0: msg.reply("{} saved results (use to choose): {}".format( len(pages), showmore.parse_multiple_titles(pages))) else: msg.reply("{}/{} · {}".format( number, len(page_ids), showmore.parse_title(pages[number-1])))
def command(cls, irc_c, msg, cmd): # Check that we are actually able to do this # (might have to move to end for defer check) if (defer.check(cmd, 'jarvis', 'Secretary_Helen')): return # Parse the command itself search.expandargs(cmd) # check to see if there are any arguments if len(cmd.args) == 1 and len(cmd.args['root']) == 0: raise CommandError("Must specify at least one search term") # fullname is deprecated for tars if 'fullname' in cmd: raise CommandError("TARS does not support fullname search - " "wrap your search in quotemarks instead") # Set the return mode of the output selection = { 'ignorepromoted': 'ignorepromoted' in cmd, 'order': 'fuzzy', 'limit': None, 'offset': 0 } # order, limit, offset if 'order' in cmd: if len(cmd['order']) != 1: raise CommandError("When using the order argument " "(--order/-o), exactly one order type must " "be specified") if cmd['order'][0] in ['recent', 'recommend', 'random', 'fuzzy', 'none']: if cmd['order'] == 'none': selection['order'] = None else: selection['order'] = cmd['order'][0] else: raise CommandError("Selection return order ('{}') must be " "one of: recent, recommend, random, " "fuzzy, none".format(cmd['order'][0])) if 'limit' in cmd: if len(cmd['limit']) != 1: raise CommandError("When using the limit argument " "(--limit/-l), exactly one limit must " "be specified") if isint(cmd['limit'][0]): if int(cmd['limit'][0]) > 0: selection['limit'] = int(cmd['limit'][0]) elif int(cmd['limit'][0]) == 0: selection['limit'] = None else: raise CommandError("When using the limit argument " "(--limit/-l), the limit must be at " "least 0") else: raise CommandError("When using the limit argument " "(--limit/-l), the limit must be an integer") if 'offset' in cmd: if len(cmd['offset']) != 1: raise CommandError("When using the offset argument " "(--offset/-f), exactly one offset must " "be specified") if isint(cmd['offset'][0]): if int(cmd['offset'][0]) >= 0: selection['offset'] = int(cmd['offset'][0]) else: raise CommandError("When using the offset argument " "(--offset/-f), the offset must be at " "least 0") else: raise CommandError("When using the offset argument " "(--offset/-f), the offset must be an integer") if 'random' in cmd: selection['order'] = 'random' selection['limit'] = 1 if 'recommend' in cmd: selection['order'] = 'recommend' selection['limit'] = 1 if 'newest' in cmd: selection['order'] = 'recent' selection['limit'] = 1 # What are we searching for? searches = [] strings = [] if len(cmd.args['root']) > 0: strings = cmd.args['root'] searches.extend([{'term': s, 'type': None} for s in strings]) # Add any regexes regexes = [] if 'regex' in cmd: if len(cmd['regex']) == 0: raise CommandError( "When using the regular expression filter " "(--regex/-x), at least one regex must " "be specified" ) for regex in cmd['regex']: try: re.compile(regex) except re.error as e: raise CommandError( "'{}' isn't a valid regular expression: {}" .format(regex, e) ) regexes.append(regex) # don't append the compiled - SQL doesn't like that searches.extend([{'term': r, 'type': 'regex'} for r in regexes]) # Set the tags tags = {'include': [], 'exclude': []} if 'tags' in cmd: if len(cmd['tags']) == 0: raise CommandError( "When using the tag filter (--tag/-t), at " "least one tag must be specified" ) for tag in cmd['tags']: if tag[0] == "-": tags['exclude'].append(tag[1:]) continue if tag[0] == "+": tags['include'].append(tag[1:]) continue tags['include'].append(tag) searches.append({'term': tags, 'type': 'tags'}) # Set the author authors = {'include': [], 'exclude': []} if 'author' in cmd: if len(cmd['author']) == 0: raise CommandError( "When using the author filter " "(--author/-a), at least one author must " "be specified" ) for author in cmd['author']: if author[0] == "-": authors['exclude'].append(author[1:]) continue if author[0] == "+": authors['include'].append(author[1:]) continue authors['include'].append(author) searches.append({'term': authors, 'type': 'author'}) # Set the rating # Cases to account for: modifiers, range, combination ratings = MinMax() if 'rating' in cmd: if len(cmd['rating']) == 0: raise CommandError( "When using the rating filter " "(--rating/-r), at least one rating must " "be specified" ) for rating in cmd['rating']: if ".." in rating: rating = rating.split("..") if len(rating) > 2: raise CommandError("Too many ratings in range") try: rating = [int(x) for x in rating] except ValueError: raise CommandError( "Ratings in a range must be plain numbers" ) try: ratings >= min(rating) ratings <= max(rating) except MinMaxError as e: raise CommandError(str(e).format("rating")) elif rating[0] in [">", "<", "="]: pattern = r"^(?P<comp>[<>=]{1,2})(?P<value>[0-9]+)" match =, rating) if match: try: rating = int('value')) except ValueError: raise CommandError("Invalid rating comparison") comp ='comp') try: if comp == ">=": ratings >= rating elif comp == "<=": ratings <= rating elif comp == "<": ratings < rating elif comp == ">": ratings > rating elif comp == "=": ratings >= rating ratings <= rating else: raise CommandError( "Unknown operator in rating comparison" ) except MinMaxError as e: raise CommandError(str(e).format("rating")) else: raise CommandError("Invalid rating comparison") else: try: rating = int(rating) except ValueError: raise CommandError( "Rating must be a range, comparison, or number" ) # Assume =, assign both try: ratings >= rating ratings <= rating except MinMaxError as e: raise CommandError(str(e).format("rating")) searches.append({'term': ratings, 'type': 'rating'}) # Set created date # Cases to handle: absolute, relative, range (which can be both) createds = MinMax() if 'created' in cmd: if len(cmd['created']) == 0: raise CommandError( "When using the date of creation filter " "(--created/-c), at least one date must " "be specified" ) created = cmd['created'] # created is a list of date selectors - ranges, abs and rels # but ALL dates are ranges! created = [DateRange(c) for c in created] # created is now a list of DateRanges with min and max try: for key, selector in enumerate(created): if selector.max is not None: createds <= selector.max if selector.min is not None: createds >= selector.min except MinMaxError as e: raise CommandError(str(e).format("date")) searches.append({'term': createds, 'type': 'date'}) # Set category categories = {'include': [], 'exclude': []} if 'category' in cmd: if len(cmd['category']) == 0: raise CommandError( "When using the category filter " "(--category/-y), at least one category " "must be specified" ) for category in cmd['category']: if category[0] == "-": categories['exclude'].append(category[1:]) continue if category[0] == "+": categories['include'].append(category[1:]) continue categories['include'].append(category) searches.append({'term': categories, 'type': 'category'}) # Set parent page parents = None if 'parent' in cmd: if len(cmd['parent']) != 1: raise CommandError( "When using the parent page filter " "(--parent/-p), exactly one parent URL " "must be specified" ) parents = cmd['parent'][0] searches.append({'term': parents, 'type': 'parent'}) # FINAL BIT - summarise commands if 'verbose' in cmd: verbose = "Searching for articles " if len(strings) > 0: verbose += ( "containing \"{}\"; ".format("\", \"".join(strings)) ) if len(regexes) > 0: verbose += "matching the regex /{}/; ".format( "/ & /".join(regexes) ) if parents is not None: verbose += ("whose parent page is '{}'; ".format(parents)) if len(categories['include']) == 1: verbose += ( "in the category '" + categories['include'][0] + "'; " ) elif len(categories['include']) > 1: verbose += ( "in the categories '" + "', '".join(categories) + "; " ) if len(categories['exclude']) == 1: verbose += ( "not in the category '" + categories['exclude'][0] + "'; " ) elif len(categories['exclude']) > 1: verbose += ( "not in the categories '" + "', '".join(categories) + "; " ) if len(tags['include']) > 0: verbose += ( "with the tags '" + "', '".join(tags['include']) + "'; " ) if len(tags['exclude']) > 0: verbose += ( "without the tags '" + "', '".join(tags['exclude']) + "'; " ) if len(authors['include']) > 0: verbose += ("by " + " & ".join(authors['include']) + "; ") if len(authors['exclude']) > 0: verbose += ("not by " + " or ".join(authors['exclude']) + "; ") if ratings['max'] is not None and ratings['min'] is not None: if ratings['max'] == ratings['min']: verbose += ( "with a rating of " + str(ratings['max']) + "; " ) else: verbose += ( "with a rating between " + str(ratings['min']) + " and " + str(ratings['max']) + "; " ) elif ratings['max'] is not None: verbose += ( "with a rating less than " + str(ratings['max'] + 1) + "; " ) elif ratings['min'] is not None: verbose += ( "with a rating greater than " + str(ratings['min'] - 1) + "; " ) if createds['min'] is not None and createds['max'] is not None: verbose += ( "created between " + createds['min'].to_datetime_string() + " and " + createds['max'].to_datetime_string() + "; " ) elif createds['max'] is not None: verbose += ( "created before " + createds['max'].to_datetime_string() + "; " ) elif createds['min'] is not None: verbose += ( "created after " + createds['min'].to_datetime_string() + "; " ) if verbose.endswith("; "): verbose = verbose[:-2] msg.reply(verbose) pprint(searches) page_ids = DB.get_articles(searches) pages = [DB.get_article_info(p_id) for p_id in page_ids] pages = search.order(pages, search_term=strings, **selection) if len(pages) >= 50: msg.reply("{} results found - you're going to have to be more " "specific!".format(len(pages))) return if len(pages) > 3: msg.reply("{} results (use to choose): {}".format( len(pages), showmore.parse_multiple_titles(pages))) DB.set_showmore_list(msg.raw_channel, [p['id'] for p in pages]) return if len(pages) == 0: # check if there's no args other than --verbose if set(cmd.args).issubset({'root', 'verbose'}): # google only takes 10 args url = google_search( '"' + '" "'.join(cmd.args['root'][:10]) + '"', num=1 )[0] if url is None: msg.reply("No matches found.") return #pprint.pprint(url) if url['title'].endswith(" - SCP Foundation"): url['title'] = url['title'][:-17] msg.reply( "No matches found. Did you mean \x02{}\x0F? {}" .format(url['title'], url['link']) ) else: msg.reply("No matches found.") return for page in pages: msg.reply(gib.obfuscate(showmore.parse_title(page), DB.get_channel_members(msg.raw_channel)))