Esempio n. 1
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Feb 15 15:22:43 2021

@author: Arwin
from helpers.visualize import show_plane
from helpers.create_testobject import plane_with_circle, plane_with_guide

plane_size = (100, 200)
step_size = 0.01

# Create a plane with a circle in the middle which has a diameter
# of 25cm while using a grid with steps of 1cm. The circle has a relative
# permittivity of 4.7.
epsilon_circle = plane_with_circle(plane_size, step_size, 0.25, 4.7)
show_plane(epsilon_circle, step_size)

# Create a plane with a guide in the middle which has a width of 50cm
# while using a grid with steps of 1cm. The sides of the guide have a relative
# permittivity of 4.7.
epsilon_guide = plane_with_guide(plane_size, step_size, 0.25, 4.7)
show_plane(epsilon_guide, step_size)
Esempio n. 2
step_size = 5 #meters

# Define input wave properties
frequency = 1e6 #Hz
input_angle = 90*np.pi/180 #radians

#Define number of farfield samples desired, default 0
farfield_samples = 120

# Define circle in middle of grid as test object
circle_diameter = simulation_size[0]*step_size/10 #meters
circle_permittivity = 4.7 #relative, can be real or complex
epsilon = plane_with_circle(simulation_size, step_size, circle_diameter, circle_permittivity)

# Show plane
show_plane(np.real(epsilon), step_size,'Simulation grid setup','epsilon')

#Calculation of wavelength from user defined frequency
wavelength = speed_of_light/frequency #meters
wvl = 3e8/frequency #meters, rounded wavelength

#Store necessary variables into dictionary for E-field computation
simparams = {
    'simulation_size': simulation_size,
    'step_size': step_size,
    'wavelength': wavelength,
    'input_angle': input_angle,
    'relative_permittivity': epsilon,
    'dynamic_sample_distance': True,
    'size_limits': [0, 2*circle_diameter, 4*circle_diameter],
    'farfield_samples': farfield_samples
# Create epsilon plane
simulation_size = (100, 100
                   )  #number of samples in x- and y-direction, respectively
total_size = 500
#size of grid, meters
step_size = total_size / simulation_size[0]  #meters

# Circle in middle
circle_diameter = total_size / 10  #meters
circle_permittivity = 4.7  #relative (glass)
epsilon_circle = plane_with_circle(simulation_size, step_size, circle_diameter,

# Show plane
           title="Plane on which the field is incident",

# Define input wave properties
frequency = 1e6  #Hz
wavelength = speed_of_light / frequency  #meters
theta_i = 0
input_angle = theta_i * np.pi / 180  #radians
farfield_samples = 120

# Store necessary variables into dictionary for E-field computation
simparams = {
    'simulation_size': simulation_size,
    'step_size': step_size,
frequency = 20e6
wavelength = speed_of_light/frequency
input_angle = 120*np.pi/180

# Create a plane with a circle in the middle
epsilon_circle = plane_with_circle(plane_size, step_size, 10, 4.7)

# Convert grid to dynamic
max_size = 4
size_limits = [0, 6, 12]
locations, location_sizes, epsilon = grid_to_dynamic(epsilon_circle, step_size, size_limits)

# Convert back to test
farfield_samples = 0
epsilon_grid = dynamic_to_grid(locations, epsilon, location_sizes, plane_size, step_size)
show_plane(np.real(epsilon_grid), step_size)

# Plot location points on plane
fig = plt.figure()
for loc in locations:
    plt.scatter(loc[0], loc[1], s=5, color='black')
plt.ylim(0, plane_size[1])
plt.xlim(0, plane_size[0])
plt.xlabel("X [m]")
plt.ylabel("Y [m]")

# Calculate incident wave on locations
E_0 = np.sqrt(mu_0/epsilon_0) # Amplitude of incident wave
E_incident = create_planewave(locations, E_0, wavelength, input_angle, plane_size, step_size)
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Feb 15 15:24:02 2021

@author: Arwin
import numpy as np
from scipy.constants import speed_of_light
from helpers.visualize import show_plane
from helpers.create_incident_wave import create_planewave

plane_size = (200, 100)
step_size = 0.01

# Create a 0.75x0.5meter plane with the amplitude of the electric field of a
# plane wave with a frequency of 1Ghz with an incident angle of 45 degrees.
frequency = 1e9
wavelength = speed_of_light / frequency
E_plane = create_planewave(plane_size, step_size, 1, wavelength,
                           45 * np.pi / 180)
show_plane(np.real(E_plane), step_size)
Esempio n. 6
input_angle = 120 * np.pi / 180
diameter_cylinder = 50
cylinder_permittivity = 4.7

# Create a plane with a circle in the middle
epsilon_circle = plane_with_circle(plane_size, step_size, diameter_cylinder,

# Convert grid to dynamic
max_size = 4
size_limits = [0, 200, 400]
locations, location_sizes, permittivity = grid_to_dynamic(
    epsilon_circle, step_size, size_limits)

# Calculate incident wave on locations
E_0 = np.sqrt(mu_0 /
              epsilon_0)  #Amplitude of incident wave in background medium
E_incident = create_planewave(locations, E_0, wavelength, input_angle,
                              plane_size, step_size)

# Calculate the scattered field
E = martin98(locations, E_incident, permittivity, location_sizes, wavelength,

# Convert dynamic locations to grid
E_grid = dynamic_to_grid(locations, E, location_sizes, plane_size, step_size)

# Show the scattering
           title="E field of algorithm solution")
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Feb 15 15:24:02 2021

@author: Arwin
import numpy as np
from scipy.constants import speed_of_light
from helpers.visualize import show_plane
from helpers.create_incident_wave_bessel import create_planewave
from scipy.special import jv

plane_size = (50, 50)
step_size = 0.05

# Create a 0.75x0.5meter plane with the amplitude of the electric field of a
# plane wave with a frequency of 1Ghz with an incident angle of 45 degrees.
frequency = 1e9
wavelength = speed_of_light / frequency
theta_i = 45
incident_angle = theta_i * np.pi / 180
method = "bessel"
E_0 = 1
epsilon_B = 1
E_plane = create_planewave(plane_size, step_size, E_0, wavelength,
                           incident_angle, 1, method)
           title='Incident field (Bessel) for '
           r'$\theta_i$ = %i' % theta_i)
from domain_integral_equation import domain_integral_equation
from helpers.create_incident_wave_bessel import create_planewave
from validation.TEcil import Analytical_2D_TE

# Create epsilon plane
simulation_size = (50, 50)

# Circle in middle
step_size = 0.05  #meters
circle_diameter = 0.7  #meters
circle_permittivity = 20  #relative
epsilon = plane_with_circle(simulation_size, step_size, circle_diameter,

# Show plane
show_plane(epsilon, step_size, title="Plane on which the field is incident")

# Define input wave properties
frequency = 1e9
wavelength = speed_of_light / frequency
theta_i = 270
input_angle = theta_i * np.pi / 180

# Store necessary variables into dictionary for E-field computation
simparams = {
    'simulation_size': simulation_size,
    'step_size': step_size,
    'wavelength': wavelength,
    'input_angle': input_angle,
    'relative_permittivity': epsilon,
    'method': 'bessel'
Esempio n. 9
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Feb 15 15:33:02 2021

@author: Arwin
import numpy as np
from helpers.visualize import show_plane

step_size = 0.01
size = 25
test_values = range(np.square(size))

show_plane(np.reshape(test_values, (size, size)), step_size)