Esempio n. 1
def matchpairs():
    if request.method == 'POST':
        #fill students/coaches with the users seelcted by the teacher
        students,coaches =[],[]
        for key,value in request.form.items():
            if value == "on":
                if key[:3] == "stu":
        #match the students and coaches
        pairs,iteration = match(students,coaches)

        #error checking
        if pairs == 0:
            return("Too many students. Not enough coaches.")
        #insert pairs into database
        for student,coach in pairs.items():
            dbexecute("INSERT INTO pairs (studentEmail,coachEmail,iteration) VALUES(?,?,?)", (student,coach,iteration))

        return redirect(url_for("teacher"))
    #if GET request
        #select all students and coaches so teacher can select
        sturows = dbexecute("SELECT * FROM student;")
        coachrows = dbexecute("SELECT * FROM coach;")
        if session.get("acc_type") == "teacher":
            print("userid = "+session.get("user_id"))
            return render_template("match.html",sturows=sturows,coachrows=coachrows)
            return "you aren't a teacher"
Esempio n. 2
def imageupload():
    if request.method == 'POST':
        image = None
        #get task text data that has been posted
        for key,value in request.form.items():
            if key[:-1] == "task":
                taskID = int(key[-1])
                tasktext = value
        #get image data that has been posted
        for key,value in request.files.items():
            image = bytearray(

        #update/insert task data
        if image:
            dbexecute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO studentTask (studentEmail,taskID,submissionTime,text,\
            photo) VALUES(?,?,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,?,?)", (session["user_id"],taskID,tasktext,image))
            dbexecute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO studentTask (studentEmail,taskID,submissionTime,text)\
             VALUES(?,?,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,?)", (session["user_id"],taskID,tasktext))

        return redirect("/profile")
        return render_template("imageupload.html")
Esempio n. 3
def teacher():

    if session["acc_type"] != "teacher":
        return render_template("error.html",errorMessage="You are not a teacher.")

    #sql aggregate query
    #select all students in current iteration
    students = dbexecute("SELECT email,firstName,lastName,uniqueCode FROM student WHERE email in \
        (SELECT studentEmail FROM pairs WHERE iteration = (SELECT MAX(iteration) FROM pairs))")
    #maximum amount of tasks/wagon wheel/eval to be completed for the progress bar
    maxAmount = len(dbexecute("SELECT * FROM task")) + 3
    for student in students:
        # for every student get the number of tasks etc. completed
        wagonCompleted = len(dbexecute("SELECT * FROM wagonwheel WHERE studentEmail = ?",(student["email"],)))
        evalCompleted = len(dbexecute("SELECT * FROM studentEvaluation WHERE email = ?",(student["email"],)))
        taskRows = dbexecute("SELECT taskID FROM studentTask WHERE studentEmail = ?",(student["email"],))
        for task in taskRows:
        tasksCompleted = len(list(dict.fromkeys(taskList)))
        student["completed"] = wagonCompleted+evalCompleted+tasksCompleted

    return render_template("teacher.html",students=students,maxAmount=maxAmount)
Esempio n. 4
def choosesuperpower():
    #coach selects a superpower from dropdown
    #database is updated
    chosensp = request.form.get("superpower")
        powerid = dbexecute(
            "SELECT superpowerID from superpower WHERE superpower = ?", (chosensp,))[0]["superpowerID"]
        return render_template("choosesuperpower.html",errorMessage="Please choose a superpower.")

    dbexecute("UPDATE coach SET superpowerID = ? WHERE email = ?",
               (powerid, session["user_id"]))

    return redirect(url_for("coach"))
Esempio n. 5
def login():
    if request.method == 'POST':

        # Ensure username was submitted
        if not request.form.get("email"):
            return ("must provide email")

        # Ensure password was submitted
        elif not request.form.get("pass"):
            return ("must provide password")

        # Query database for username
        sturows = dbexecute("SELECT * FROM student WHERE email = ?",

        coachrows = dbexecute("SELECT * FROM coach WHERE email = ?",

        teachrows = dbexecute("SELECT * FROM teacher WHERE email = ?",

        pw = hashlib.md5(request.form.get("pass").encode())
        # check if user is a student and has correct password
        if len(sturows) == 1 and pw.hexdigest() == sturows[0]["password"]:
            #set session email address
            session["user_id"] = request.form.get("email")
            session["acc_type"] = "student"
            return redirect(url_for("profile"))

        # check if user is a coach and has correct password
        if len(coachrows) == 1 and pw.hexdigest() == coachrows[0]["password"]:
            #set session email address
            session["user_id"] = request.form.get("email")
            session["acc_type"] = "coach"
            return redirect(url_for("coach"))

        # check if user is a teacher and has correct password
        if len(teachrows) == 1 and pw.hexdigest() == teachrows[0]["password"]:
            #set session email address
            session["user_id"] = request.form.get("email")
            session["acc_type"] = "teacher"
            return redirect(url_for("teacher"))

        return render_template("index.html",errorMessage = "Incorrect Email/Password")

    #if it is a GET request
        return render_template("testing.html")
Esempio n. 6
def studenteval():
    #get student's evaluation from HTML text field
    evaluation = request.form.get("studenteval")
    if len(evaluation) > 0:
        #check if the student has already written an evaluation
        existingEval = dbexecute("SELECT * FROM studentEvaluation WHERE email = ?",(session["user_id"],))
        if len(existingEval) == 0:
            #if it is the first time insert into database
            dbexecute("INSERT INTO studentEvaluation (email,text) \
                VALUES(?,?)", (session["user_id"], evaluation))
            #if after the first time, update the database
            dbexecute("UPDATE studentEvaluation SET text=? WHERE email =?",(evaluation,session["user_id"]))

    return redirect("/profile")
Esempio n. 7
def viewpairs():
    #sql aggregate function
    #select all pairs in the current iteration
    pairs = dbexecute("SELECT coach.firstName as coachFName,coach.lastName as coachLName,\
        student.firstName as stuFName,student.lastName as stuLName FROM coach,student,pairs \
        WHERE pairs.coachEmail = and pairs.studentEmail = and \
        pairs.iteration = (SELECT MAX(iteration) FROM pairs);")
     #return template with current pair data
    return render_template("viewpairs.html",pairs=pairs)
Esempio n. 8
def coachEval():

    #get coach's evaluation from HTML text field
    evaluation = request.form.get("coacheval")
    if len(evaluation) > 0:
        #sql aggregate function
        #select existing evaluation if it exists
        existingEval = dbexecute("SELECT * FROM coachEvaluation WHERE email = ? AND\
         iteration=(SELECT MAX(iteration) FROM pairs)",(session["user_id"],))
        #if it is the first time insert into database
        if len(existingEval) == 0:
            dbexecute("INSERT INTO coachEvaluation (email,text,iteration) \
                VALUES(?,?,(SELECT MAX(iteration) FROM pairs))", (session["user_id"], evaluation))
            #if after the first time, update the database
            dbexecute("UPDATE coachEvaluation SET text=? WHERE email =?",(evaluation,session["user_id"]))

    return redirect("/coach")
Esempio n. 9
def forgotPwEmail():
    if request.method == 'POST':
        session["codeCorrect"] = False
        email = request.form.get("email")
        allEmails = dbexecute("SELECT email FROM student;") + dbexecute("SELECT email FROM coach;")
        if email in str(allEmails):
            #generate reset password code and add it to the database 
            resetCode = randint(1000000,9999999)
            dbexecute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO forgotPassword (email,resetCode,dateCreated) VALUES (?,?,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)",(email,resetCode))

            # Send the email via gmail's  server, over SSL 
            me = "*****@*****.**"
            my_password = "******"

            msg = MIMEMultipart('alternative')
            msg['Subject'] = "Reset Password Code"
            msg['From'] = me
            msg['To'] = email

            html = '<html><body><p>Your reset password code is '+str(resetCode)+'</p></body></html>'
            part2 = MIMEText(html, 'html')


            emailsession = smtplib.SMTP_SSL('')

            emailsession.login(me, my_password)

            emailsession.sendmail(me, email, msg.as_string())

            #save the email for which the password is being reset
            session["resetEmail"] = email

            return render_template("forgotPwCode.html")

            return render_template("error.html",errorMessage="Invalid email.")
    # return the html page on a GET request
        return render_template("forgotPwEmail.html")
Esempio n. 10
def fillwheel(wagonNum):
    if wagonNum not in [0,1]:
        return "Error"
    #get wagon wheel data items from respective dropdowns
        diary = int(request.form.get("diary"))
        time = int(request.form.get("time"))
        packing = int(request.form.get("packing"))
        org = int(request.form.get("org"))
        filing = int(request.form.get("filing"))
        locker = int(request.form.get("locker"))
        return render_template("fillwheel.html",wagonNum=wagonNum,errorMessage="Please fill all dropdowns.")
    #insert into database
    dbexecute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO wagonwheel (studentEmail,initOrFinal,timeManagement,filing,\
    	organizationTime,packingBag,hwDiary,lockerUse) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", (session["user_id"],wagonNum, time, filing, org, packing, diary, locker))

    return redirect("/profile")
Esempio n. 11
def forgotPwCode():
    #compare entered code to actual code
    codeEntered = request.form.get("code")
    email = session["resetEmail"]
    actualCode = dbexecute("SELECT resetCode from forgotPassword WHERE email = ?",(email,))
    if len(actualCode) == 0:
        return render_template("error.html",errorMessage="Invalid code")
    #go to the reset password page if the codes match
    if actualCode[0]["resetCode"] == codeEntered:
        session["codeCorrect"] = True
        return render_template("resetpassword.html")
        return render_template("error.html",errorMessage="Invalid code")
Esempio n. 12
def coach():
    if session.get("acc_type") == "coach":
        superpowerEntered = dbexecute("SELECT superpowerID FROM coach WHERE email = ?",(session["user_id"],))[0]["superpowerID"]
        if not superpowerEntered:
            return render_template("choosesuperpower.html")

        #try to get assigned student's unique code
            studentUniqueCode = dbexecute("SELECT uniqueCode FROM student,pairs WHERE \
       = pairs.studentEmail AND pairs.coachEmail = ? \
                AND iteration=(SELECT MAX(iteration) FROM pairs);",(session.get("user_id"),))[0]["uniqueCode"]
        #student may not be matched to a student for the current iteration
            return render_template("error.html",errorMessage="You have not been assigned to a student.")
        #try to select evaluation if written
            coachEval = dbexecute("SELECT text FROM coachEvaluation WHERE email = ? AND iteration = (SELECT MAX(iteration) FROM pairs)",(session["user_id"],))[0]["text"]
        return render_template("coach.html",uniqueCode=studentUniqueCode,coachEval=coachEval)
        return render_template("error.html",errorMessage="You are not a coach")
Esempio n. 13
def resetPassword():
    if not session["codeEntered"]:
        return render_template("error.html",errorMessage="Sorry you can't access this page.")
    pw = hashlib.md5(request.form['password'].encode())
    confirmpw = hashlib.md5(request.form['confirmpw'].encode())

    if pw.hexdigest() != confirmpw.hexdigest():
        return render_template("error.html",errorMessage="Passwords not the same/Password must be at least 8 characters")

    #update the password on the database
    studentAccount = len(dbexecute("SELECT * FROM student WHERE email = ?",(session["resetEmail"],))) > 0
    if studentAccount:
        dbexecute("UPDATE student set password = ? WHERE email = ?",(pw.hexdigest(),session["resetEmail"]))
        dbexecute("UPDATE coach set password = ? WHERE email = ?",(pw.hexdigest(),session["resetEmail"]))
    dbexecute("DELETE FROM forgotPassword WHERE email = ?",(session["resetEmail"],))
    return redirect("/")
Esempio n. 14
def profile():
    #must be a student to access profile
    if session["acc_type"] != "student":
        return render_template("error.html",errorMessage="You are not a student.")

    #select all tasks
    tasks = dbexecute("SELECT * FROM task")

    # get unique code
    uniqueCode = dbexecute("SELECT uniqueCode FROM student WHERE email = ?",(session["user_id"],))[0]

    #select wagon wheel data for the student
        initWagonwheel = dbexecute("SELECT * FROM wagonwheel WHERE studentEmail = ? AND initOrFinal = 0",(session["user_id"],))[0]
        return render_template("fillwheel.html",wagonNum=0)
        finalWagonwheel = dbexecute("SELECT * FROM wagonwheel WHERE studentEmail = ? AND initOrFinal = 1",(session["user_id"],))[0]
        finalWagonwheel = {}
    # try to select student's evaluation
        evaluation = dbexecute("SELECT * FROM studentEvaluation WHERE email = ?",(session["user_id"],))[0]
    #set evaluation to blank if it hasn't been entered
    # if the student has not filled the wagon wheel yet, redirect them to fill it 
    if len(initWagonwheel) == 0:
        return render_template("fillwheel.html",wagonNum=0)
    #select tasks user has completed
    usertasks = dbexecute("SELECT * FROM studentTask WHERE studentEmail = ?",(session["user_id"],))

    for task in tasks:
        #set deafults for all tasks
        task["text"]= "Enter text here"
        task["image"] = "No"
        #update image and task data if it has been completed
        for usertask in usertasks:
            if task["taskID"] == usertask["taskID"]:
                task["text"] = usertask["text"]
                #update image data if it has been uploaded
                if usertask["photo"]!= None:
                    task["image"] = b64encode(usertask["photo"]).decode("utf-8")


    #render profile with data
    return render_template("imageupload.html", eval=evaluation, initWheel =initWagonwheel,tasks=tasks,finalWheel = finalWagonwheel,unique = uniqueCode)
Esempio n. 15
def show(code):
    #select student's email
        email = dbexecute("SELECT email from student WHERE uniqueCode=?",(code,))[0]["email"]
    except IndexError:
        return render_template("error.html",errorMessage="Invalid Unique Code")

    # code below is same as student's profile
    tasks = dbexecute("SELECT * FROM task")
    initWagonwheel = dbexecute("SELECT * FROM wagonwheel WHERE studentEmail = ? AND initOrFinal = 0",(email,))[0]
        finalWagonwheel = dbexecute("SELECT * FROM wagonwheel WHERE studentEmail = ? AND initOrFinal = 1",(email,))[0]
        finalWagonwheel = {}

        studenteval= dbexecute("SELECT text FROM studentEvaluation WHERE email = (SELECT email FROM student WHERE uniqueCode = ?)",(code,))[0]["text"]
    except IndexError:
        studenteval = "Evaluation Not Entered Yet."
    usertasks = dbexecute("SELECT * FROM studentTask WHERE studentEmail = ?",(email,))

    for task in tasks:
        task["text"]= "No Text Entered"
        task["image"] = "No"
        for usertask in usertasks:
            if task["taskID"] == usertask["taskID"]:
                task["text"] = usertask["text"]
                if usertask["photo"]!= None:
                    task["image"] = b64encode(usertask["photo"]).decode("utf-8")
    #try to select coach's evaluation
        coacheval = dbexecute("SELECT text FROM coachEvaluation WHERE email = (SELECT coachEmail FROM pairs WHERE \
            studentEmail = (SELECT email FROM student WHERE uniqueCode = ?) and iteration = (SELECT MAX(iteration) \
            FROM pairs)) and iteration = (SELECT MAX(iteration) FROM pairs)",(code,))[0]["text"]
    except IndexError:
        coacheval = "Evaluation Not Entered Yet."

    return render_template("profile.html", initWheel =initWagonwheel,tasks=tasks,finalWheel = finalWagonwheel,studenteval=studenteval,coacheval=coacheval)
Esempio n. 16
def addaccount():
    if request.method == 'POST':
        #clear currently logged in user

        #get data from HTML form
        fnm = request.form['fnm']
        lnm = request.form['lnm']
        email = request.form['email']
        pw = hashlib.md5(request.form['pw'].encode())
        confirmpw = hashlib.md5(request.form['confirmpw'].encode())
        year = int(request.form['year'])
        acctype = request.form['type']

        #check for dubaicollege email address
        if not'^[A-Za-z]+[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\$',email):
            return render_template("register.html",error="Please use a valid email.")

        #ensure password is entered correctly twice
        if pw.hexdigest() != confirmpw.hexdigest():
            return render_template("register.html",error="Passwords not the same/Password must be at least 8 characters")

        #if student checkbox ticked, insert student data into database
        if acctype == 'student':
            #generate unique code
            unique = randint(10000, 99999)
            currentCodeRows = dbexecute("SELECT uniqueCode FROM student;")
            currentCodes = []
            isCodeUnique = True
            for i in currentCodes:
            while str(unique) in currentCodes:
                unique = randint(10000, 99999)

                dbexecute("INSERT INTO student (uniqueCode, firstName,lastName,email,password,yearGroup) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?)",
                              (unique, fnm, lnm, email, pw.hexdigest(),year))
            except sqlite3.IntegrityError:
                return render_template("register.html",error="Email already in the system")

            #insert coach info into database
                dbexecute("INSERT INTO coach (firstName,lastName,email,password,yearGroup) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)",
                              (fnm, lnm, email, pw.hexdigest(), year))
            except sqlite3.IntegrityError:
                return render_template("register.html",error="Email already in the system")
        #set user session
        session["user_id"] = request.form['email']

        #student must fill wagon wheel. Coach must select superpower
        if acctype == "student":
            session["acc_type"] = "student"
            return render_template("fillwheel.html",wagonNum=0)
            session["acc_type"] = "coach"
            return render_template("choosesuperpower.html")

        return "Error"

        return render_template("register.html")