Esempio n. 1
def brent_factorise(n, iterations=None):
    """ Perform Brent's variant of Pollard's rho factorization algorithm to
        attempt to find a non-trivial factor of the given number number, n.
        If iterations > 0, return None if no factors are found within its range
    y, c, m = (randint(1, n - 1) for _ in range(3))
    r, q, g = 1, 1, 1
    i = 0
    while g == 1:
        x = y
        for _ in range(r):
            y = _pollard_brent_func(c, n, y)
        k = 0
        while k < r and g == 1:
            ys = y
            for _ in range(min(m, r - k)):
                y = _pollard_brent_func(c, n, y)
                q = (q * abs(x - y)) % n
            g = helpers.gcd(q, n)
            k += m
        r *= 2
        if iterations:
            i += 1
            if i == iterations:
                return None

    if g == n:
        while True:
            ys = _pollard_brent_func(c, n, ys)
            g = helpers.gcd(abs(x - ys), n)
            if g > 1:
    return g
Esempio n. 2
def g(n):
	if n == 4:
		return 13
		if gcd(n, g(n-1)) != 1:
			print n, g(n - 1), gcd(n, g(n - 1))
		return g(n - 1) + gcd(n, g(n - 1))
Esempio n. 3
def attempt_to_solve(a, n, b, m):
	d = gcd(n, m)
	reduced_a = a % d 
	reduced_b = b % d 
	if reduced_a != reduced_b:
		return 0
		n_pf = pfs[n]
		m_pf = pfs[m]
		L = []
		for (prime, power) in n_pf.items():
			if prime in m_pf and m_pf[prime] >= power:
				# do nothing for now
				r = 1
				L.append((a % (prime**power), prime**power))
		for (prime, power) in m_pf.items():
			if prime in n_pf and n_pf[prime] > power:
				# do nothing
				r = 1
				L.append((b % (prime**power), prime**power))

		answer = crt(L)
		return answer % (n * m / d)
Esempio n. 4
def attempt_to_solve(a, n, b, m):
    d = gcd(n, m)
    reduced_a = a % d
    reduced_b = b % d
    if reduced_a != reduced_b:
        return 0
        n_pf = pfs[n]
        m_pf = pfs[m]
        L = []
        for (prime, power) in n_pf.items():
            if prime in m_pf and m_pf[prime] >= power:
                # do nothing for now
                r = 1
                L.append((a % (prime**power), prime**power))
        for (prime, power) in m_pf.items():
            if prime in n_pf and n_pf[prime] > power:
                # do nothing
                r = 1
                L.append((b % (prime**power), prime**power))

        answer = crt(L)
        return answer % (n * m / d)
Esempio n. 5
def compute_at_value(fib_sequence_recurring_part, x, modulus):
    total = 0
    if is_terminating_expression(x, modulus):
        pow_of_x = 1
        while (x**pow_of_x) % modulus != 0:
            total += fib_sequence_recurring_part[pow_of_x] * pow(
                x, pow_of_x, modulus)
            total %= modulus
            pow_of_x += 1
        return total
        # Need to do a little math to determine periodicity of solution
        fib_period = len(fib_sequence_recurring_part)
        pow_period = 1
        while pow(x, pow_period, modulus) != 1:
            pow_period += 1
        total_period = fib_period * pow_period / gcd(fib_period, pow_period)

        for pow_of_x in xrange(total_period):
            total += fib_sequence_recurring_part[pow_of_x % fib_period] * pow(
                x, pow_of_x, modulus)
            total %= modulus

        total *= 10**15 / total_period
        total %= modulus
        remaining_portion = 10**15 % total_period

        for pow_of_x in xrange(remaining_portion + 1):
            total += fib_sequence_recurring_part[pow_of_x % fib_period] * pow(
                x, pow_of_x, modulus)
            total %= modulus

        return total
Esempio n. 6
def get_periodic_fraction(n):
    l = []
    num_part_1 = 1
    num_part_2 = -int(n**0.5)
    den = 1
    while(l.count(l[-1]) == 1):
        den,num_part_1,num_part_2 = num_part_1**2*n-num_part_2**2,num_part_1*den,-den*num_part_2
        num_part_2 -= den*l[-1][0]
        d = gcd(gcd(abs(den),abs(num_part_1)),gcd(abs(den),abs(num_part_2)))
        den,num_part_1,num_part_2 = int(den/d),int(num_part_1/d),int(num_part_2/d)
    x = [l[i][0] for i in range(len(l)-1)]
Esempio n. 7
    def distance(self, observation):
        dist = np.inf
        for obs in self.observations:
            d = gcd(obs.ra, obs.dec, observation.ra, observation.dec)
            if d < dist:
                dist = d

        return dist
Esempio n. 8
def f(n):
	total = 0

	for a in range(1, n + 1):
		for b in range(1, n + 1 - a):
			if gcd(a, b) != 1:
				total += 1

	total += n - 1
	return total * 6
Esempio n. 9
def get_periodic_fraction(n):
    l = []
    num_part_1 = 1
    num_part_2 = -int(n**0.5)
    den = 1
    l.append([int(n**0.5), den, num_part_1, num_part_2])
    while (l.count(l[-1]) == 1):
        den, num_part_1, num_part_2 = num_part_1**2 * n - num_part_2**2, num_part_1 * den, -den * num_part_2
            int((num_part_1 * n**0.5 + num_part_2) / den), den, num_part_1,
        num_part_2 -= den * l[-1][0]
        d = gcd(gcd(abs(den), abs(num_part_1)), gcd(abs(den), abs(num_part_2)))
        den, num_part_1, num_part_2 = int(den / d), int(num_part_1 / d), int(
            num_part_2 / d)
    x = [l[i][0] for i in range(len(l) - 1)]
    return (x)
Esempio n. 10
    def from_primes(cls, p: int, q: int, public_exp: int = DEFAULT_EXPONENT):
        n = p * q
        m = lcm(p - 1, q - 1)

        e = public_exp
        if gcd(m, e) > 1:
            raise ValueError(f'Prime cannot be one more than a multiple of'\
                              'chosen exponent {e}')

        d = multiplicative_inverse(e, m)

        return cls(n, e, d)
Esempio n. 11
def Pollard_rho(n,N):
    def H(x):
        return (x*x + 1)%N
    x = random.randint(1, N - 1)
    d = gcd(x,N)
    if d != 1: 
        print('Factor found: ', d)
    y = x

    B = 2**(math.ceil(n/2))
    print('try 2^(n/2) = ', B, ' steps')
    i = 0
    while i < B:
        x = H(x)
        y = H(H(y))
        p = gcd((x - y)%N, N)
        if p != 1 and p != 0: 
            print('Factor found: ', p)
        i += 1
Esempio n. 12
def solve(solution_vec, smooth_nums, xlist, N):

    solution_nums = [smooth_nums[i] for i in solution_vec]
    x_nums = [xlist[i] for i in solution_vec]

    Asquare = 1
    for n in solution_nums:
        Asquare *= n

    b = 1
    for n in x_nums:
        b *= n

    a = helpers.isqrt(Asquare)

    factor = helpers.gcd(b - a, N)
    return factor
Esempio n. 13
def kasiski(text, substr_len=3):
    substr_with_pos = {}
    for i, sym in enumerate(text):
        substr = text[i:i + substr_len]
        if substr in substr_with_pos.keys():
            substr_with_pos[substr] = [i]

    possible_key_lengths = []
    for substr, positions in substr_with_pos.items():
        if len(positions) < 3:
        distances = [
            positions[i + 1] - positions[i] for i in range(len(positions) - 1)
        expected_length = helpers.gcd(distances)

    return helpers.choose_most_common_value(possible_key_lengths)
Esempio n. 14
from math import sqrt
from helpers import gcd

limit = 10**9

sqrootlimit = int(sqrt(limit))

total = 0
for a in range(1, sqrootlimit + 1):
	if a % 10 == 0:
		print a
	for b in range(a, sqrootlimit + 1):
		if a * b % (a + b) == 0:
			c = a * b / (a + b)
			if gcd(gcd(a, b), c) == 1:
				x = a * a 
				y = b * b 
				z = c * c
				max_allowable_multiple = limit / y
				# print x,y,z 
				total += max_allowable_multiple * (max_allowable_multiple + 1) * (x + y + z) / 2

print total

[Finished in 134.3s]
Esempio n. 15
from helpers import gcd
from helpers import sieve
primes = sieve(100000)

#answer is the first number n such that ord_{9n}(10) is >1000000

def o(n):
    answer = 1
    while(pow(10,answer,9*n) != 1):
        answer += 1
done = False
count = 3
answer_count = 0
l = []
while(not done):
    if(gcd(10,count) == 1 and count % o(count) == 1 and count not in primes):
        print('answer #%s = %s'%(answer_count+1,count))
        answer_count += 1
        if(answer_count == 25):
    count += 1
print('final answer:',sum(l))
Esempio n. 16
from helpers import gcd

fractions = []
bigNum,bigDen = 1,1

for num in range(10,100):
    numerator = str(num)
    for a in range(1,10):
        if not '0' in numerator:
            if float(numerator)/int(str(a) + numerator[1]) == float(numerator[0])/a:
                fractions.append([num, int(str(a) + numerator[1])])
            if float(numerator)/int(numerator[1] + str(a)) == float(numerator[0])/a:
                fractions.append([num, int(numerator[1] + str(a))])
            if float(numerator)/int(str(a) + numerator[0]) == float(numerator[1])/a:
                fractions.append([num, int(str(a) + numerator[0])])
            if float(numerator)/int(numerator[0] + str(a)) == float(numerator[1])/a:
                fractions.append([num, int(numerator[0] + str(a))])

for fraction in fractions:
    if fraction[0] < fraction[1]:
        bigNum *= fraction[0]
        bigDen *= fraction[1]

Esempio n. 17
def number_of_lattice_points(a, b, c, d):
	twice_area = (b + d) * (a + c)
	num_boundary = gcd(a, b) + gcd(b, c) + gcd(c, d) + gcd(d, a)
	interior_lattice_points = (twice_area - num_boundary) / 2 + 1
	return interior_lattice_points
Esempio n. 18
def f(m, n):
	total = 0
	for k in range(1, n + 1):
		# print k
		total += fact(m * gcd(n, k)) / (fact(gcd(n, k))**m)
	return total / (m * n)
Esempio n. 19
d = x^2 + y^2

from helpers import gcd
from math import sqrt

c_limit = 10**8
d_limit = int(sqrt(c_limit))
xy_limit = int(sqrt(d_limit))

total = 0
for y in range(1, xy_limit + 1):
    #if y % 10 == 0:
    #	print y
    for x in range(y + 1, xy_limit + 1, 2):
        if gcd(x, y) == 1:
            m = x * x - y * y
            n = 2 * x * y
            d = x * x + y * y
            if gcd(m, n) == 1 and (m % 2 == 0
                                   or n % 2 == 0) and d * d <= c_limit:
                a = abs(m * m - n * n)
                b = 2 * m * n
                area = a * b / 2
                if area % 28 != 0 and area % 6 != 0:
                    total += 1

print total

Esempio n. 20
from helpers import gcd
count = 0
for d in range(1,12001):
    n = int(d/3)+1
    while n < d/2:
        if(gcd(n,d) == 1):
            count += 1
        n += 1
Esempio n. 21
from helpers import gcd

def o(n):
    answer = 1
    while(pow(10,answer,9*n) != 1):
        answer += 1
done = False
count = 1000000
while(not done):
    if(gcd(10,count) == 1 and o(count) > 1000000):
        print('answer = ',count)
        done = True
    count += 1
Esempio n. 22
def f(m, n):
    total = 0
    for k in range(1, n + 1):
        # print k
        total += fact(m * gcd(n, k)) / (fact(gcd(n, k))**m)
    return total / (m * n)
Esempio n. 23
from helpers import gcd, memoize

def g(n):
	if n == 4:
		return 13
		if gcd(n, g(n-1)) != 1:
			print n, g(n - 1), gcd(n, g(n - 1))
		return g(n - 1) + gcd(n, g(n - 1))

a = {n : g(n) - n for n in range(4, 1000)}
b = [k for (k, v) in a.items() if k+1 in a and v != a[k + 1]]

print b


Seems like it might just be brute force while storing the current difference g(n) - n.

Let f(n) = g(n) - n.

Then f(n) = g(n-1) + gcd(n, g(n - 1)) - n
          = f(n-1) - 1 + gcd(n, f(n-1) + n - 1).
          = f(n-1) - 1 + gcd(n, f(n-1) - 1)

So f(n) is constant unless gcd(n, f(n-1) - 1) is not 1.
This suggests we prime factorize f(n-1) - 1 at each step       
Esempio n. 24
def get_num_of_cuboids(m,n,k):
    a = k*(m**2-n**2)
    b = 2*k*m*n
    if(a > 2*lim or b > 2*lim):

m = 2
n = 1
count = 0
while(m < 500):
    while(n < m):
        if(gcd(m,n) == 1):
            #if(get_num_of_cuboids(m,n,1) > 0):
            k = 1
            while(get_num_of_cuboids(m,n,k) > 0):
                count += get_num_of_cuboids(m,n,k)
                k += 1
        n += 2
    m += 1
    if(m % 2 == 0):
        n = 1
        n = 2
Esempio n. 25

from math import sqrt
from helpers import gcd

limit = 10**9

sqrootlimit = int(sqrt(limit))

total = 0
for a in range(1, sqrootlimit + 1):
    if a % 10 == 0:
        print a
    for b in range(a, sqrootlimit + 1):
        if a * b % (a + b) == 0:
            c = a * b / (a + b)
            if gcd(gcd(a, b), c) == 1:
                x = a * a
                y = b * b
                z = c * c
                max_allowable_multiple = limit / y
                # print x,y,z
                total += max_allowable_multiple * (max_allowable_multiple +
                                                   1) * (x + y + z) / 2

print total
[Finished in 134.3s]
Esempio n. 26
from helpers import gcd

lim = 1500001

def get_p(m,n):

l = [0 for i in range(lim)]

for m in range(2000):
    n = 1
    while(n < m and get_p(m,n) < lim):
        if(gcd(m,n) == 1 and m%2 != n%2):
            f = 1
            while(f*get_p(m,n) < lim):
                l[f*get_p(m,n)] += 1
                f += 1
        n += 1
count = 0
for i in l:
    if(i == 1):
        count += 1
Esempio n. 27
from helpers import gcd

SMALL_PRIMES = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11]

for p in SMALL_PRIMES:

for r in range(SMALL_PRIMORDIAL):
    if gcd(SMALL_PRIMORDIAL, r) == 1:

def candidate_prime_generator():
    for p in SMALL_PRIMES:
        yield p

    k = 0
    while True:
        for r in CANDIDATE_RESIDUES:
            if k > 0 or r > 1:
                yield SMALL_PRIMORDIAL * k + r
        k += 1

def factor(n):
    if n <= 0:
        raise ValueError

    output = ''
Esempio n. 28
def QS(n, B, I):
    #single polynomial version of quadratic sieve, given smoothness bound B and sieve interval I

    global N
    global root
    global T  #tolerance factor
    N, root, K, T = n, int(sqrt(n)), 0, 1

    if is_probable_prime(N):
        return "prime"

    if isinstance(sqrt(N), int):
        return helpers.isqrt(N)

    print("Attempting to factor {}...".format(N))
    #F,I = size_bound(N)

    print("Generating {}-smooth factor base...".format(B))
    factor_base = find_base(N, B)  #generates a B-smooth factor base

    global F
    F = len(factor_base)

    print("Looking for {} {}-smooth relations...".format(F + T, B))
    smooth_nums, xlist, indices = find_smooth(factor_base, N, I)
    #finds B-smooth relations, using sieving and Tonelli-Shanks

    print("Found {} B-smooth numbers.".format(len(smooth_nums)))


    if len(smooth_nums) < len(factor_base):
        return (
            "Not enough smooth numbers. Increase the sieve interval or size of the factor base."

    print("Building exponent matrix...")
    is_square, t_matrix = build_matrix(smooth_nums, factor_base)
    #builds exponent matrix mod 2 from relations

    if is_square == True:
        x = smooth_nums.index(t_matrix)
        factor = helpers.gcd(xlist[x] + sqrt(t_matrix), N)
        print("Found a square!")
        return factor, N / factor

    print("Performing Gaussian Elimination...")
    sol_rows, marks, M = gauss_elim(
        t_matrix)  #solves the matrix for the null space, finds perfect square
    solution_vec = solve_row(sol_rows, M, marks, 0)
    '''vec = [0]*len(smooth_nums) # prints solution vector
    for i in solution_vec:
        vec[i] = 1
    print("Solution vector found: " + str(vec))'''

    print("Solving congruence of squares...")
    factor = solve(solution_vec, smooth_nums, xlist,
                   N)  #solves the congruence of squares to obtain factors

    for K in range(1, len(sol_rows)):
        if (factor == 1 or factor == N):
            print("Didn't work. Trying different solution vector...")
            solution_vec = solve_row(sol_rows, M, marks, K)
            factor = solve(solution_vec, smooth_nums, xlist, N)
            print("Found factors!")
            return factor, int(N / factor)

    return ("Didn't find any nontrivial factors!")
Esempio n. 29
from helpers import gcd
from helpers import sieve

primes = sieve(100000)

#answer is the first number n such that ord_{9n}(10) is >1000000

def o(n):
    answer = 1
    while (pow(10, answer, 9 * n) != 1):
        answer += 1
    return (answer)

done = False
count = 3
answer_count = 0
l = []
while (not done):
    if (gcd(10, count) == 1 and count % o(count) == 1 and count not in primes):
        print('answer #%s = %s' % (answer_count + 1, count))
        answer_count += 1
        if (answer_count == 25):
    count += 1

print('final answer:', sum(l))
Esempio n. 30
    a = k * (m**2 - n**2)
    b = 2 * k * m * n
    if (a > 2 * lim or b > 2 * lim):
        return (0)
    return (f(a, b))

print(get_num_of_cuboids(10, 1, 1))

print(get_num_of_cuboids(2, 1, 26))
m = 2
n = 1
count = 0
while (m < 500):
    while (n < m):
        if (gcd(m, n) == 1):
            #if(get_num_of_cuboids(m,n,1) > 0):
            k = 1
            while (get_num_of_cuboids(m, n, k) > 0):

                count += get_num_of_cuboids(m, n, k)
                k += 1
        n += 2

    m += 1
    if (m % 2 == 0):
        n = 1
        n = 2
Esempio n. 31
def is_terminating_expression(x, modulus):
    return gcd(x, modulus) > 1