########## URL CONFIGURATION ROOT_URLCONF = '%s.urls' % SITE_NAME ########## END URL CONFIGURATION ########## KEY CONFIGURATION # Try to load the SECRET_KEY from our SECRET_FILE. If that fails, then generate # a random SECRET_KEY and save it into our SECRET_FILE for future loading. If # everything fails, then just raise an exception. try: SECRET_KEY = open(SECRET_FILE).read().strip() except IOError: try: with open(SECRET_FILE, 'w') as f: f.write(gen_secret_key(50)) except IOError: raise Exception('Cannot open file `%s` for writing.' % SECRET_FILE) ########## END KEY CONFIGURATION # See http://django-facebook.readthedocs.org/en/latest/index.html AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ( 'django_facebook.auth_backends.FacebookBackend', 'django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend', ) # Uncomment once you've created an app with user profiles # AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE = 'MYUSERAPP.UserProfile'
) # Absolute filesystem path to the secret file which holds this project's # SECRET_KEY. Will be auto-generated the first time this file is interpreted. SECRET_FILE = normpath(join(DJANGO_ROOT, 'deploy', 'SECRET')) ########## KEY CONFIGURATION ############## # Try to load the SECRET_KEY from our SECRET_FILE. If that fails, then generate # a random SECRET_KEY and save it into our SECRET_FILE for future loading. If # everything fails, then just raise an exception. try: SECRET_KEY = open(SECRET_FILE).read().strip() except IOError: try: SECRET_KEY = gen_secret_key(50) with open(SECRET_FILE, 'w') as f: f.write(SECRET_KEY) except IOError: raise Exception('Cannot open file `%s` for writing.' % SECRET_FILE) ########## END KEY CONFIGURATION # List of callables that know how to import templates from various sources. TEMPLATE_LOADERS = ( 'django.template.loaders.filesystem.Loader', 'django.template.loaders.app_directories.Loader', # 'django.template.loaders.eggs.Loader', ) MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = ( 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware',