def combine_database_files(databases): """ Combine all the database files into one database, return name of main database """ sorted(databases) conn = get_connection(db_name=databases[0]) cursor = conn.cursor() for db in databases[1:]: # get current db count cursor.execute('''SELECT MAX(sentence_no) from words''') sentences_so_far = cursor.fetchone()[0] # update sentence count in current db temp_conn = get_connection(db_name=db) temp_cursor = temp_conn.cursor() temp_cursor.execute( '''UPDATE words SET sentence_no = sentence_no + ?''', [sentences_so_far]) temp_conn.commit() temp_conn.close() # attach next db to main db db2_name = 'db' + str(uuid4()).replace('-', '')[:6] cursor.execute('''ATTACH ? AS ?;''', [db, db2_name]) cursor.execute( 'INSERT INTO main.words SELECT * FROM {}.words;'.format(db2_name)) conn.commit() conn.close() return databases[0]
def get_games() -> Union[str, Tuple[str, int]]: week_id, error = try_get_param("weekId", int) if week_id == None: return error, 400 c = get_connection() result = c.execute( """ select t1.original_city team1_original_city, t1.original_mascot team1_original_mascot, team1_city, t1.mascot team1_mascot, t1.team_id team1_id, t2.original_city team2_original_city, t2.original_mascot team2_original_mascot, team2_city, t2.mascot team2_mascot, t2.team_id team2_id, g.game_id from game g inner join team t1 on t1.team_id = g.team1_id inner join team t2 on t2.team_id = g.team2_id where g.week_id = ? """, (week_id, ), ).fetchall() fields = ["originalCity", "originalMascot", "city", "mascot", "id"] response = get_team_structure(result, fields) return json.dumps(response)
def connect(userid, requesterid): """ Route for sending a connection request to a user """ # Checks if connection between users exist connection = get_connection(conn, int(requesterid), int(userid)) # If connection does not exist yet, create connection if connection == None: create_connection(conn, int(requesterid), int(userid)) flash("Connection request sent!", "success") return redirect("/profile/" + userid)
def get_weeks() -> Union[str, Tuple[str, int]]: year, error = try_get_param("year", int) if year == None: return error, 400 c = get_connection() result = c.execute( """select week_id, week_name from week where year = ? order by week_order""", (year, ), ).fetchall() return json.dumps(result)
def create_words_tables(databases): """Create the table to store the words""" for db_name in databases: connection = get_connection(db_name=db_name) cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute( '''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS words( word TEXT, sentence_no INTEGER, file_no INTEGER);''' ) cursor.execute('''DELETE FROM words''') cursor.execute('''DROP INDEX IF EXISTS word_index''') connection.commit() connection.close() return True
def add_data_to_db(filename, file_no): """ Read data from file and populate words table - returns number of sentences analyzed """ connection = get_connection(file_no=file_no) with open(filename, 'r') as f: # final sentence may not be a complete sentence, save and prepend to next chunk leftovers = '' sentence_no = 0 # store batch word inserts here word_rows = [] for chunk in read_in_chunks(f): # lazy way of reading our file in case it's large # prepend leftovers to chunk chunk = leftovers + chunk # run nlp chunk_doc = nlp(chunk) # tokenized sentences from chunk sents = [sent.string.strip() for sent in chunk_doc.sents] # save for next chunk leftovers = sents[-1] for s in sents[:-1]: sentence_no += 1 # add sentence to db add_sentence_to_word_rows(s, word_rows, sentence_no, file_no) if len(word_rows) >= BULK_INSERT_SIZE: insert_word_rows(connection, word_rows) del word_rows[:] # saves us the pain of reassigning and waiting for a garbage collector if word_rows: # insert leftovers into word rows, then left over word rows into db sentence_no += 1 add_sentence_to_word_rows(leftovers, word_rows, sentence_no, file_no) insert_word_rows(connection, word_rows) insert_word_rows(connection, [['z'*25, 0, file_no]]) connection.commit() connection.close() return sentence_no
def get_scores() -> Union[str, Tuple[str, int]]: week_id, error = try_get_param("weekId", int) if week_id == None: return error, 400 c = get_connection() result = c.execute( """ with max_score as ( select max(s.score_order), s.score_id from score s inner join game g on g.game_id = s.game_id where g.week_id = $1 group by g.game_id, quarter ) select g.game_id, s.quarter, s.time, s.scoring_team_id, s.detail, s.team1_game_score, s.team2_game_score, s.team1_misery_index, s.team2_misery_index, s.score_order, case when ms.score_id is null then false else true end is_last_of_quarter from score s inner join game g on g.game_id = s.game_id left outer join max_score ms on ms.score_id = s.score_id where g.week_id = $1 order by g.game_id, score_order """, (week_id, ), ).fetchall() fields = ["gameScore", "miseryIndex"] response = get_team_structure(result, fields) return json.dumps(response)
def accept(otheruserid): """ Handles connection acceptance """ # Queries database for connection connection = get_connection(conn, session["user_id"], int(otheruserid)) # Checks for existing connection if connection == None: flash("Connection does not exist.", "danger") return redirect(url_for('connections')) # Checks permission for acceptance if session["user_id"] != connection["receiver_id"]: flash("You don't have permission to do that.", "danger") return redirect(url_for('connections')) # If everything is ok, accept connection and redirect accept_connection(conn, connection["id"]) flash("Connection request accepted!", "success") return redirect(url_for('connections'))
def profile(userid): """ Render profile page """ # Get user profile user = get_user_profile(conn, userid) # Get connection between profile user and logged user connection = get_connection(conn, session["user_id"], int(userid)) # Get location location = get_location(conn, userid) # Get user occupations occupations = get_all_occupations(conn, userid) # Get instruments instruments = get_all_instruments(conn, userid) # Get pages pages = get_all_pages(conn, userid) return render_template("profile.html", user=user, connection=connection, location=location, occupations=occupations, instruments=instruments, pages=pages)
q = channel.queue_declare(queue='completed') while completed < len(filenames): method_frame, header_frame, body = channel.basic_get('completed') if method_frame: completed += 1 sentences.append(int(body)) channel.basic_ack(method_frame.delivery_tag) else: pass # no message returned time.sleep(2)'Combining database files...') main_db_name = combine_database_files(database_names) # combine databases'Indexing database...') conn = get_connection(db_name=main_db_name) cursor = conn.cursor() add_index_to_db(cursor) conn.commit() # final commit if outputfile: print_db(cursor, outputfile) else: print_db(cursor) conn.close() # close db connection total_time = round(( - start_time).total_seconds(), 2) print('success!!\n\nFinished in {} seconds.'.format(total_time))
def get_years() -> str: c = get_connection() db_response = c.execute( """select distinct year from week order by year desc""").fetchall() result = sql_result_values(db_response) return json.dumps(result)