def gotConnection(conn, authentication): config = process_config(read_config(settings.gitosis_config)) QUEUE = random_queue() yield conn.start(authentication) chan = yield yield chan.channel_open() # Initialize the MQ state yield chan.queue_declare(queue=QUEUE, durable=False, exclusive=False, auto_delete=True) yield chan.exchange_declare(exchange=config['exchange'], type="fanout", durable=True, auto_delete=False) yield chan.queue_bind(queue=QUEUE, exchange=config['exchange']) yield chan.basic_consume(queue=QUEUE, no_ack=True, consumer_tag="smart") queue = yield conn.queue("smart") recv_callback = callback_wrapper(config['projects_dir'], config['git_user'], config['git_server']) yield (queue.get().addCallback(recv_callback, chan, queue)) # This is all about closing the connection nicely yield chan.basic_cancel("smart") yield chan.channel_close() chan0 = yield yield chan0.connection_close() reactor.stop()
def gotConnection(conn, authentication, body): config = process_config(read_config(settings.gitosis_config)) yield conn.start(authentication) chan = yield yield chan.channel_open() msg = Content(body) msg["delivery mode"] = 2 chan.basic_publish(exchange=config['exchange'], content=msg) yield chan.channel_close() chan0 = yield yield chan0.connection_close() reactor.stop()
yield chan.channel_open() msg = Content(body) msg["delivery mode"] = 2 chan.basic_publish(exchange=config['exchange'], content=msg) yield chan.channel_close() chan0 = yield yield chan0.connection_close() reactor.stop() if __name__ == "__main__": import sys if len(sys.argv) != 3: print "%s path_to_spec content" % sys.argv[0] sys.exit(1) config = process_config(read_config(settings.gitosis_config)) spec = txamqp.spec.load(sys.argv[1]) authentication = {"LOGIN": config['user_id'], "PASSWORD": config['password']} delegate = TwistedDelegate() d = ClientCreator(reactor, AMQClient, delegate=delegate, vhost="/", spec=spec).connectTCP(config['host'], config['port']) d.addCallback(gotConnection, authentication, sys.argv[2])
def count_with_bedtools(gff, bam, param_dict): count_file = bam.split(".bam")[0] + "_counts.txt" bedtools_bin = param_dict["bin"] strand = param_dict["strand"] script = "{} coverage -a {} -b {} {}>{}".format(bedtools_bin, gff, bam, strand, count_file) return script # def count_with_bedtools_local(gff, bam, count_file, param_dict): # # strand = True if param_dict["strand"] == "-s" else False # feat = param_dict["feat"] # a = pybedtools.BedTool(gff) # b = pybedtools.BedTool(bam) # counts = a.coverage(b, counts=True, s=strand) # with open(count_file, "w") as fo: # for f in counts.features(): # if feat not in str(f): # continue # else: # identifier = str(f[-2].split("{}=".format(feat))[1].split(";")[0].strip()) # fo.write("{},{}\n".format(identifier, f[-1])) # # return count_file if __name__ == "__main__": args = get_args().parse_args() param_dict = helpers.process_config(args.config)["bedtools"] helpers.process_bedtools_count_output(args.input, args.output, param_dict)