Esempio n. 1
    def process(self, curr_node):
        """Process the maze by running through the binary heap, until the end node is found"""

        current_node = self.nodes[curr_node[0]]
        current_node_distance = curr_node[1]

        connected_nodes = 0.0
        total_nodes = len(self.nodes)

        while current_node.end == False:

            connected_nodes += 1
            percent = connected_nodes / total_nodes * 100

                'Investigating {0:18} Number {1} of {2} nodes ({3:3.2f} %)'.
                format(current_node.prettify, int(connected_nodes),
                       total_nodes, percent))

            # Add min node to visited_nodes and remove it from the priority_que

            # Find the adjacent nodes of curr_node
            adjacent_nodes = current_node.adjacent_nodes

            for direction, node_distance in adjacent_nodes.items():

                if node_distance and not (node_distance[0].name
                                          in self.visited_nodes):

                                   node_distance[1] + current_node_distance)


            current_node = self.nodes[self.priority_que.heap[0][0]]
            current_node_distance = self.priority_que.heap[0][1]

        end_node = self.priority_que.delete_min()
        end_node[0] = self.nodes[end_node[0]]

        # Final increment and print of "Investigating Node..."
        connected_nodes += 1
        percent = connected_nodes / total_nodes * 100
            'Investigating {0:18} Number {1} of {2} nodes ({3:3.2f} %)'.format(
                current_node.prettify, int(connected_nodes), total_nodes,

        print('\nEnd node has been found: {}'.format(end_node[0].prettify))
            'The path length from start to end node is {} pixels long'.format(

        return end_node
Esempio n. 2
    def find_nodes(self):
        """Finds and returns nodes in a maze"""

        print 'Finding nodes...'
        maze_copy = self.maze.copy()
        node_dict = self.make_start_end_node()

        for key, node in node_dict.items():
            maze_copy.putpixel((node.x_pos, node.y_pos), self.RED)

        found_nodes = 2
        number_of_nodes = 2

        # Get the rest of the nodes
        for y in xrange(1, self.height - 1):
            for x in xrange(1, self.width):

                pix = self.maze.getpixel((x, y))

                if self.check_white(pix):

                    isNode = True
                    directions = self.get_surroundings(x, y)

                    up_and_down = directions['up'] and directions['down']
                    up_or_down = directions['up'] or directions['down']

                    left_and_right = directions['left'] and directions['right']
                    left_or_right = directions['left'] or directions['right']

                    # Rules for a node (a node is where you can / must change direction while following a path)
                    if up_and_down and not left_or_right:
                        isNode = False

                    elif left_and_right and not up_or_down:
                        isNode = False

                    # Color maze, assign nodes
                    if isNode:

                        node_dict['node_%s_%s' % (x, y)] = self.Node(
                            x, y, surroundings=self.get_surroundings(x, y))

                        found_nodes += 1
                            'Number of nodes found: {}'.format(found_nodes))

                        maze_copy.putpixel((x, y), self.RED)

        print '\n'
        filename = self.maze.filename.replace('cropped', 'nodes')

        return node_dict
Esempio n. 3
    def make_graph(self):
        """Connect the nodes"""

        connected_nodes = 0.0
        total_nodes = len(self.node_dict.keys())
        direction_sums = {
            'up': (0, -1),
            'down': (0, 1),
            'left': (-1, 0),
            'right': (1, 0)

        # Loop through the nodes
        for key, node in self.node_dict.items():

            connected_nodes += 1
            string = '{} nodes connected out of {} ({:.2f} %)'.format(
                connected_nodes, total_nodes,
                connected_nodes / total_nodes * 100)

            # Pull a given node from the dictionary, get some of its attributes
            surroundings = node.surroundings
            x_pos = node.x_pos
            y_pos = node.y_pos

            # Loop through its surroundings, find nodes
            for direction in surroundings:

                path = surroundings[direction]

                if path:

                    # Get the adjacent node and its position in tuple form from check_nodes_in_dir, split them up
                    node_and_pos = self.check_nodes_in_dir(
                        x_pos, y_pos, direction_sums[direction])

                    adj_node = node_and_pos[0]
                    distance = abs((x_pos - node_and_pos[1][0]) +
                                   (y_pos - node_and_pos[1][1]))

                    # Set adjacent node in that direction with the distance
                    node.set_adjacent_nodes(direction, (adj_node, distance))


                    node.set_adjacent_nodes(direction, None)

                'Number of connected nodes: {0:.0f} ({1:.2f} %)'.format(
                    connected_nodes, connected_nodes / total_nodes * 100))

        print '\n'