def period(epos, Population=False, Occurrence=False, Observation=False, Tag=False, color='C1'): ''' Model occurrence as function of orbital period''' f, ax = plt.subplots() helpers.set_axis_distance(ax, epos, Trim=True) ax.set_xlim(0.5, 200) ax.set_ylabel(r'Planet Occurrence 1-4 $R_\bigoplus$') ax.set_yscale('log') pfm = epos.pfm eta = epos.modelpars.get('eta', Init=True) if not 'R' in pfm: pfm['R'], _ = epos.MR(pfm['M']) if Tag: # function that return a simulation subset based on the tag subset = { 'Fe/H<=0': lambda tag: tag <= 0, 'Fe/H>0': lambda tag: tag > 0 } ''' Bins ''' #xbins= np.geomspace(1,1000,10)/(10.**(1./3.)) xbins = np.geomspace(0.5, 200, 15) ''' Plot model occurrence or observed counts''' weights = np.full(pfm['np'], eta / pfm['ns']) if 'draw prob' in pfm and not Tag: prob = pfm['draw prob'][pfm['ID']] weights *= prob * pfm['ns'] # system weights sum up to 1 # histograms if Tag: for key, f in subset.iteritems(): toplot = f(pfm['tag']) #& (pfm['R']>1.) weights = np.where(toplot, eta, 0.) / f(pfm['system tag']).sum() ax.hist(pfm['P'], bins=xbins, weights=weights, histtype='step', label=key, color='#88CCEE' if key == 'Fe/H<=0' else '#332288') else: ax.hist(pfm['P'], bins=xbins, weights=weights, color=color) if Tag: fname = '.tag' ax.set_title( + ': Disk Fe/H') ax.legend(fontsize='small', loc='lower right') else: fname = '', '{}model/input.period{}'.format(epos.plotdir, fname))
def periodinner(epos, MC=False, N=False, Input=False, MCMC=False, color='C1'): # plot multiplicity f, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_title('Period of the Innermost Planet') #ax.set_xlabel('Orbital Period [days]') ax.set_ylabel('Planet Counts') #ax.set_xscale('log') #ax.set_xlim(epos.xtrim) helpers.set_axis_distance(ax, epos, Trim=True) #bins= np.geomspace(*epos.xtrim) bins = epos.MC_xvar #pdf= regression.sliding_window_log(P, None, xgrid) #, width=2. ) #ax3.plot(xgrid, pdf, ls='-', marker='', color=clrs[k % 4],label='{} x{:.3f}'.format(sg['name'], sg['weight'])) # MC data if MC or MCMC: ss = epos.synthetic_survey if MCMC: for ss in epos.ss_sample: ax.hist(ss['multi']['Pinner'], bins=bins, color='b', alpha=0.1, histtype='step') else: ax.hist(ss['multi']['Pinner'], bins=bins, color=color, histtype='stepfilled', label='Simulated') if hasattr(epos, 'pfm'): ax.hist(epos.pfm['Pin'], bins=bins, color='C7', histtype='step', label='Input', ls=':') # Solar system analologs (from # Pcut=45 # Pcut=130 # print 'P_in > {} days:'.format(Pcut) # print ' obs: {}'.format((epos.obs_zoom['multi']['Pinner']>Pcut).sum()) # print ' sim: {}'.format((ss['multi']['Pinner']>Pcut).sum()) # print '' #if False: if hasattr(epos, 'ss_extra'): # advance color cycle # ax._get_lines.get_next_color() ax.plot([], []) ax.plot([], []) # plot extra epos runs for ss in epos.ss_extra: ax.hist(ss['multi']['Pinner'], bins=bins, histtype='step', label=ss['name']) if N: # Innermost is nth planet #ax.hist(ss['multi']['PN'][0], bins=bins, # ec='k', histtype='step', label='actual inner planet') # Not actual inner planet ax.hist(np.concatenate(ss['multi']['PN'][1:]), bins=bins, color='r', histtype='stepfilled', label='Not Inner Planet') else: ax.hist(epos.obs_zoom['multi']['Pinner'], bins=bins, ec='C3', histtype='step', label='Kepler', ls='--') else: # observed all ax.hist(epos.multi['Pinner'], bins=bins, color='0.7', label='Kepler all') ''' Initial distribution or zoomed observations ''' if Input and epos.Parametric: Pingrid = np.geomspace(*epos.xtrim) _, _, pdf0_X, _ = draw_PR(epos, Init=True, ybin=epos.yzoom, xgrid=Pingrid) norm = 0.95 * ax.get_ylim()[1] / max(pdf0_X) ax.plot(Pingrid, pdf0_X * norm, marker='', ls='-', color='r', label='Intrinsic') prefix = 'output' if MC else 'survey' suffix = '.index' if N else '' suffix = '.input' if Input else suffix if MCMC: prefix = 'mcmc' if MC: ax.legend(loc='upper right', shadow=False, prop={'size': 14}, numpoints=1), '{}{}/innerperiod{}'.format(epos.plotdir, prefix, suffix))
def periodradius(epos, Nth=False, MC=True): f, (ax, axR, axP) = helpers.make_panels(plt) if MC: sim = epos.synthetic_survey ID = sim['ID'] P = sim['P'] Y = sim['Y'] outdir = 'output' title = 'Simulated Detections' else: ID = epos.obs_starID P = epos.obs_xvar Y = epos.obs_yvar outdir = 'survey' title = r'Planet Candidates (score$\geq$0.9)' ''' plot R(P), main panel''' ax.set_title(title) helpers.set_axes(ax, epos, Trim=True) ''' Period side panel ''' helpers.set_axis_distance(axP, epos, Trim=True) #axP.set_yscale('log') #axP.set_ylim([2e-3,5]) #axP.set_yticks([0.01,0.1,1]) #axP.set_yticklabels(['1%','10%','100%']) axP.yaxis.tick_right() axP.yaxis.set_ticks_position('both') #axP.tick_params(axis='y', which='minor',left='off',right='off') #axP.hist(sim['P'], bins=epos.MC_xvar, color='0.7') ''' Radius side panel''' helpers.set_axis_size(axR, epos, Trim=True, In=epos.MassRadius) #axR.set_xscale('log') #axR.set_xlim([2e-3,5]) #axR.set_xticks([1,10,100,1000]) #axR.set_xticklabels(['1','10','100','1000'], rotation=70) for tick in axR.get_xticklabels(): tick.set_rotation(70) #axR.tick_params(axis='x', which='minor',top='off',bottom='off') #axP.tick_params(axis='y', which='minor',left='off',right='off') ''' which multiplanets to color ''' # single, multi= EPOS.multi.indices(sim['ID']) # for k, (label, subset) in enumerate(zip(['single','multi'],[single, multi])): # ax.plot(sim['P'][subset], sim['Y'][subset], ls='', marker='.', mew=0, ms=5.0, \ # label=label) if Nth: single, multi, ksys, multis = EPOS.multi.nth_planet(ID, P) suffix = '.nth' label_single = 'single' else: single, multi, ksys, multis = EPOS.multi.indices(ID) suffix = '' label_single = '1' ax.plot(P[single], Y[single], ls='', marker='.', \ color='0.7', label=label_single) ''' Multiplanets with colors''' Stacked = True plist = [] ylist = [] colors = [] CDF = False #stacked histogram for k, subset in zip(ksys, multis): ht, = ax.plot(P[subset], Y[subset], ls='', marker='.', \ label=k) if not CDF: if Stacked: plist.insert(0, P[subset]) ylist.insert(0, Y[subset]) colors.insert(0, ht.get_color()) # pdf else: axP.hist(P[subset], bins=epos.MC_xvar, color=ht.get_color(), histtype='step') if k == ksys[-1]: axP.hist(P[single], bins=epos.MC_xvar, color='0.7', histtype='step') else: # cumulative Plist = np.sort(P[subset]) axP.step(Plist, np.arange(Plist.size, dtype=float) / Plist.size) if Stacked: plist.append(P[single]) ylist.append(Y[single]) colors.append('0.7') axP.hist(plist, bins=epos.MC_xvar, color=colors, histtype='barstacked') axR.hist(ylist, bins=epos.MC_yvar, orientation='horizontal', color=colors, histtype='barstacked') else: #axR.hist(Y,orientation='horizontal', bins=epos.MC_yvar, color='0.7') axR.hist(Y, orientation='horizontal', bins=epos.MC_yvar, color='k', histtype='step') axR.hist(Y[single], orientation='horizontal', bins=epos.MC_yvar, color='0.7') #ax.legend(loc='lower left', shadow=False, prop={'size':14}, numpoints=1) ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 1.0), markerscale=2, frameon=True, borderpad=0.2, handlelength=1, handletextpad=0.2), '{}{}/PR.multi{}'.format(epos.plotdir, outdir, suffix))
def period(epos, Population=False, Occurrence=False, Observation=False, Tag=False, color='C1', Zoom=False, Rbin=[1., 4.]): ''' Model occurrence as function of orbital period''' f, ax = plt.subplots() helpers.set_axis_distance(ax, epos, Trim=True) ax.set_xlim(0.5, 200) ax.set_ylabel( r'Planet Occurrence {:.2g}-{:.2g} $R_\bigoplus$'.format(*Rbin)) ax.set_yscale('log') pfm = epos.pfm eta = epos.modelpars.get('eta', Init=True) if not 'R' in pfm: pfm['R'], _ = epos.MR(pfm['M']) if Tag: # function that return a simulation subset based on the tag subset = { 'Fe/H<=0': lambda tag: tag <= 0, 'Fe/H>0': lambda tag: tag > 0 } ''' Bins ''' #xbins= np.geomspace(1,1000,10)/(10.**(1./3.)) #xbins= np.geomspace(0.5,200,15) dwP = 0.3 # bin width in ln space if Zoom: xbins = np.exp( np.arange(np.log(epos.xzoom[0]), np.log(epos.xzoom[-1]) + dwP, dwP)) else: xbins = np.exp( np.arange(np.log(epos.xtrim[0]), np.log(epos.xtrim[-1]) + dwP, dwP)) ''' Plot model occurrence or observed counts''' weights = np.full(pfm['np'], eta / pfm['ns']) if 'draw prob' in pfm and not Tag: prob = pfm['draw prob'][pfm['ID']] weights *= prob * pfm['ns'] # system weights sum up to 1 # histograms if Tag: for key, f in subset.iteritems(): toplot = f(pfm['tag']) #& (pfm['R']>1.) weights = np.where(toplot, eta, 0.) / f(pfm['system tag']).sum() ax.hist(pfm['P'], bins=xbins, weights=weights, histtype='step', label=key, color='#88CCEE' if key == 'Fe/H<=0' else '#332288') else: ax.hist(pfm['P'], bins=xbins, weights=weights, color=color, histtype='step') if Tag: fname = '.tag' ax.set_title( + ': Disk Fe/H') ax.legend(fontsize='small', loc='lower right') else: fname = '' if Occurrence: cut = (Rbin[0] < epos.obs_yvar) & (epos.obs_yvar < Rbin[-1]) weights = epos.occurrence['planet']['occ'][cut] ax.hist(epos.obs_xvar[cut], bins=xbins, weights=weights, histtype='step', color='k'), '{}occurrence/model.period{}'.format(epos.plotdir, fname)) # elif Observation: # counts else:, '{}model/input.period{}'.format(epos.plotdir, fname))
def panels_radius(epos, Population=False, Occurrence=False, Observation=False, Tag=False, color='C0', clr_obs='C3', Shade=True, Fancy=True, Zoom=False): f, (ax, axR, axP) = helpers.make_panels(plt, Fancy=Fancy) pfm = epos.pfm eta = epos.modelpars.get('eta', Init=True) title = '' if not 'R' in pfm: pfm['R'], _ = epos.MR(pfm['M']) if Tag: # function that return a simulation subset based on the tag subset = { 'Fe/H<=0': lambda tag: tag <= 0, 'Fe/H>0': lambda tag: tag > 0 } ''' Bins ''' dwR = 0.2 # bin width in ln space dwP = 0.3 if Zoom: xbins = np.exp( np.arange(np.log(epos.xzoom[0]), np.log(epos.xzoom[-1]) + dwP, dwP)) ybins = np.exp( np.arange(np.log(epos.yzoom[0]), np.log(epos.yzoom[-1]) + dwR, dwR)) else: xbins = np.exp( np.arange(np.log(epos.xtrim[0]), np.log(epos.xtrim[-1]) + dwP, dwP)) ybins = np.exp( np.arange(np.log(epos.ytrim[0]), np.log(epos.ytrim[-1]) + dwR, dwR)) ''' Plot model occurrence or observed counts''' if Observation: # plot model planets * completeness weights = eta * epos.occurrence['model']['completeness'] / pfm['ns'] else: weights = np.full(pfm['np'], eta / pfm['ns']) if 'draw prob' in pfm and not Tag: prob = pfm['draw prob'][pfm['ID']] weights *= prob * pfm['ns'] # system weights sum up to 1 #nonzero= np.where(prob>0, 1., 0.) #weights*= nonzero*(pfm['np']/nonzero.sum()) # histograms if Tag: for key, f in subset.iteritems(): toplot = f(pfm['tag']) #weights= eta*epos.occurrence['model']['completeness'] \ # *np.where(toplot,1.,0.)/f(pfm['system tag']).sum() weights = np.where(toplot, eta, 0.) / f(pfm['system tag']).sum() axP.hist(pfm['P'], bins=xbins, weights=weights, histtype='step', label=key) axR.hist(pfm['R'], bins=ybins, orientation='horizontal', weights=weights, histtype='step') else: # color have to be 1-element lists ?? axP.hist(pfm['P'], bins=xbins, weights=weights, color=[color]) axR.hist(pfm['R'], bins=ybins, orientation='horizontal', weights=weights, color=[color]) ''' Overplot observations? ''' if Population: assert hasattr(epos, 'func') fname = '.pop' + ('.zoom' if Zoom else '') title = epos.title pps, pdf, pdf_X, pdf_Y = periodradius(epos, Init=True) _, _, pdf_X, _ = periodradius(epos, Init=True, ybin=ybins) _, _, _, pdf_Y = periodradius(epos, Init=True, xbin=xbins) pps, _, _, _ = periodradius(epos, Init=True, xbin=xbins, ybin=ybins) #pdf/= np.max(pdf) #pdflog= np.log10(pdf) # in % levels = np.linspace(0, np.max(pdf)) lines = np.array([0.1, 0.5]) * np.max(pdf) if Shade: ax.contourf(epos.X_in, epos.Y_in, pdf, cmap='Purples', levels=levels) #ax.contour(epos.X_in, epos.Y_in, pdf, levels=lines) # Side panels #print 'pps model= {}'.format(eta) axP.plot(epos.MC_xvar, pdf_X * dwP, marker='', ls='-', color='purple') axR.plot(pdf_Y * dwR, epos.in_yvar, marker='', ls='-', color='purple') else: # renormalize xnorm = axP.get_ylim()[1] / max(pdf_X) ynorm = axR.get_xlim()[1] / max(pdf_Y) axP.plot(epos.MC_xvar, pdf_X * xnorm, marker='', ls='-', color=clr_obs) axR.plot(pdf_Y * ynorm, epos.in_yvar, marker='', ls='-', color=clr_obs) elif Observation: fname = '.obs' + ('.zoom' if Zoom else '') title = epos.title + ': Counts' ax.plot(epos.obs_xvar, epos.obs_yvar, ls='', marker='.', ms=5.0, color='0.5') weights = np.full(epos.obs_xvar.size, 1. / epos.nstars) axP.hist(epos.obs_xvar, bins=xbins, weights=weights, histtype='step', color='0.5') axR.hist(epos.obs_yvar, bins=ybins, weights=weights, orientation='horizontal', histtype='step', color='0.5') elif Occurrence: fname = '.occ' + ('.zoom' if Zoom else '') title = epos.title + r': Occurrence, $\eta={:.2g}$'.format(eta) ax.plot(epos.obs_xvar, epos.obs_yvar, ls='', marker='.', ms=5.0, color='0.5') cut = epos.obs_yvar > 0.45 weights = 1. / (epos.occurrence['planet']['completeness'][cut] * epos.nstars) axP.hist(epos.obs_xvar[cut], bins=xbins, weights=weights, histtype='step', color='k') axR.hist(epos.obs_yvar[cut], bins=ybins, weights=weights, orientation='horizontal', histtype='step', color='k') elif Tag: fname = '.tag' ax.set_title(epos.title + ': Tag') axP.legend(frameon=False, fontsize='small') # for k, tag in enumerate(subset): # axP.text(0.98,0.95-0.05*k,tag,ha='right',va='top',color='C1', # transform=axP.transAxes) else: fname = '' if Fancy: plt.suptitle(title, ha='center') #, x=0.05) else: ax.set_title(title) ''' plot main panel''' #helpers.set_axes(ax, epos, Trim=True) helpers.set_axes(ax, epos, Trim=True) if Tag: for key, f in subset.iteritems(): todraw = f(pfm['tag']) ax.plot(pfm['P'][todraw], pfm['R'][todraw], **fmt_symbol) elif 'draw prob' in pfm: #fmt_symbol['alpha']= 0.6*pfm['draw prob'][pfm['ID']] # alpha can't be array todraw = pfm['draw prob'][pfm['ID']] > 0 ax.plot(pfm['P'][todraw], pfm['R'][todraw], color=color, **fmt_symbol) else: ax.plot(pfm['P'], pfm['R'], color=color, **fmt_symbol) ''' Period side panel ''' #axP.yaxis.tick_right() #axP.yaxis.set_ticks_position('both') #axP.tick_params(axis='y', which='minor',left='off',right='off') helpers.set_axis_distance(axP, epos, Trim=True) ''' Mass side panel''' helpers.set_axis_size(axR, epos, Trim=True) #, In= epos.MassRadius), '{}model/input.radius{}'.format(epos.plotdir, fname))
def panels(epos, MCMC=False): f, (ax, axR, axP)= helpers.make_panels(plt) sim=epos.synthetic_survey clr_bf= 'g' ''' plot R(P), main panel''' ax.set_title('Simulated Detections') helpers.set_axes(ax, epos, Trim=True) if epos.MonteCarlo: ax.plot(sim['P'], sim['Y'], ls='', marker='.', color=clr_bf if MCMC else 'C0') else: levels= np.linspace(0,np.max(sim['pdf'])) ax.contourf(epos.MC_xvar, epos.MC_yvar, sim['pdf'].T, cmap='Blues', levels=levels) ''' Period side panel ''' helpers.set_axis_distance(axP, epos, Trim=True) #axP.set_yscale('log') #axP.set_ylim([2e-3,5]) #axP.set_yticks([0.01,0.1,1]) #axP.set_yticklabels(['1%','10%','100%']) axP.yaxis.tick_right() axP.yaxis.set_ticks_position('both') #axP.tick_params(axis='y', which='minor',left='off',right='off') ''' Radius side panel''' helpers.set_axis_size(axR, epos, Trim=True) #, In= epos.MassRadius) #axR.set_xscale('log') #axR.set_xlim([2e-3,5]) #axR.set_xticks([1,10,100,1000]) #axR.set_xticklabels(['1','10','100','1000'], rotation=70) for tick in axR.get_xticklabels(): tick.set_rotation(70) #axR.tick_params(axis='x', which='minor',top='off',bottom='off') #axP.tick_params(axis='y', which='minor',left='off',right='off') ''' Histograms / posterior samples ''' try: xbins= np.geomspace(*epos.xzoom, num=20) ybins= np.geomspace(*epos.yzoom, num=10) except: xbins= np.logspace(*np.log10(epos.xzoom), num=20) ybins= np.logspace(*np.log10(epos.yzoom), num=10) xscale= np.log(xbins[1]/xbins[0]) yscale= np.log(ybins[1]/ybins[0]) if MCMC: histkeys= {'color':'b', 'alpha':0.1} for ss in epos.ss_sample: if epos.MonteCarlo: axP.hist(ss['P zoom'], bins=xbins, histtype='step', **histkeys) axR.hist(ss['Y zoom'], bins=ybins, orientation='horizontal', \ histtype='step', **histkeys) else: axP.plot(ss['P zoom'], ss['P zoom pdf']*xscale, marker='', ls='-', **histkeys) axR.plot(ss['Y zoom pdf']*yscale, ss['Y zoom'], marker='', ls='-', **histkeys) histdict= {'histtype':'step', 'color':clr_bf} else: histdict={} if epos.MonteCarlo: axP.hist(sim['P zoom'], bins=xbins, **histdict) axR.hist(sim['Y zoom'], bins=ybins, orientation='horizontal', **histdict) else: axP.plot(sim['P zoom'], sim['P zoom pdf']*xscale, marker='', ls='-') axR.plot(sim['Y zoom pdf']*yscale, sim['Y zoom'], marker='', ls='-') ''' Observations''' axP.hist(epos.obs_zoom['x'], bins=xbins,histtype='step', color='C1') axR.hist(epos.obs_zoom['y'], bins=ybins, orientation='horizontal',histtype='step', color='C1') ''' Box/ lines''' if epos.Zoom: for zoom in epos.xzoom: axP.axvline(zoom, ls='--', color='k') for zoom in epos.yzoom: axR.axhline(zoom, ls='--', color='k') ax.add_patch(patches.Rectangle( (epos.xzoom[0],epos.yzoom[0]), epos.xzoom[1]-epos.xzoom[0], epos.yzoom[1]-epos.yzoom[0],fill=False, zorder=1) ) #ax.legend(loc='lower left', shadow=False, prop={'size':14}, numpoints=1) fdir= 'mcmc' if MCMC else 'output', '{}{}/pdf.zoom'.format(epos.plotdir, fdir))
def oneD_x(epos, PlotZoom=False, MCMC=False, Occ=False, Log=True): if Occ: fname = 'occurrence/posterior' if MCMC else 'occurrence/input' ybin = epos.yzoom unit = r'$M_\bigoplus$' if epos.RV else r'$R_\bigoplus$' title = r'Planet Occurrence ({1:.1f}-{2:.0f} {0})'.format( unit, *epos.yzoom) else: fname = 'mcmc/posterior' if MCMC else 'input/parametric_initial' ybin = None title = r'Marginalized Distribution ({:.1f}-{:.0f} $R_\bigoplus$)'.format( *epos.ytrim) if not Log: fname += '.linear' # initial guess pps, _, pdf0_X, _ = periodradius(epos, Init=True, ybin=ybin) if MCMC: # best-fit parameters pps, _, pdf_X, _ = periodradius(epos, ybin=ybin) ''' construct the posterior parameters ''' if MCMC: plotsample = epos.samples[np.random.randint(len(epos.samples), size=100)] ''' Orbital Period ''' f, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_title(title) ax.set_ylabel('Occurrence / {}P'.format(epos.plotpars['area'])) #ax.set_xlabel('Orbital Period [days]') #ax.set_xscale('log') #ax.set_xlim(epos.xtrim) helpers.set_axis_distance(ax, epos, Trim=True) if Log: ax.set_yscale('log') if 'occrange' in epos.plotpars: ax.set_ylim(epos.plotpars['occrange']) else: ax.set_ylim([1e-3, 1e1]) else: ax.set_ylim([0, 0.45]) if MCMC: for fpara in plotsample: _, _, xpdf, _ = periodradius(epos, fpara=fpara, ybin=ybin) ax.plot(epos.MC_xvar, xpdf, color='b', alpha=0.1) ax.plot(epos.MC_xvar, pdf0_X, marker='', ls=':', color='k', label='Starting Guess') ax.plot(epos.MC_xvar, pdf_X, marker='', ls='-', color='k', label='Best Fit') else: if 'P break' in epos.fitpars.keys2d: ax.axvline(epos.fitpars.get('P break', Init=True), ls='-', color='gray') ax.plot(epos.MC_xvar, pdf0_X, marker='', ls='-', color='k') # plot posterior excluding low detection regions (arbitrary 2000 planets assumed) if not (epos.RV or epos.MassRadius): cens = np.where(epos.f_det < 1. / 3000., 0, 1.) _, _, cens_pdf_X, _ = periodradius(epos, ybin=ybin, fdet=cens) ax.plot(epos.MC_xvar, cens_pdf_X, marker='', ls='-', color='green', label='biased') if epos.Zoom: for zoom in epos.xzoom: ax.axvline(zoom, ls='--', color='k') if Occ: occbin = epos.occurrence['yzoom'] ax.errorbar(occbin['xc'], occbin['occ'] / occbin['dlnx'], yerr=occbin['err'] / occbin['dlnx'], color='r', marker='_', ls='', capsize=3) #,capthick=2 # lognormal inner disk edge? #from scipy.stats import norm #gauss= 2.*norm(loc=1., scale=0.4).pdf(np.log10(epos.MC_xvar)) #ax.plot(epos.MC_xvar, gauss, ls='-', marker='', color='r') if not Log: if 'Pinner all' in epos.plotpars: xx = np.geomspace(20, 400) a, b, c = epos.plotpars['Pinner all'] ax.plot(xx, a * (xx / b)**c, marker='', ls='-', color='g', label='All Planets') if 'Pinner ylim' in epos.plotpars: ax.set_ylim(epos.plotpars['Pinner ylim']) if MCMC: ax.legend(loc='upper left'), epos.plotdir + fname + '_x')