Esempio n. 1
 def _buildmsg(self,
     if not isinstance(message, basestring): message = str(message)
     if strins:
         if split:
             return (self.assembleMsgWLen('PRIVMSG %s :%s' % (target, msg),
                     for msg in message.split("\n"))
             return self.assembleMsgWLen('PRIVMSG %s :%s' %
                                         (target, message),
         fmt = 'PRIVMSG %s :%%s' % (target, )
         if split:
             msgs = []
             for msg in message.split("\n"):
                 for m in splitEncodedUnicode(
                         self.calcAvailableMsgLength(fmt % ""),
                     msgs.append(fmt % m[0])
             return msgs[:4]
             if check:
                 # blindly truncate message useful for checkSendMsg
                 return fmt % message
                 # auto trim message so we don't look bad when sending non interpolated message (check=false)
                 return fmt % splitEncodedUnicode(
                     self.calcAvailableMsgLength(fmt % ""),
Esempio n. 2
	def _buildmsg(self, target, message, split=False, check=False, strins=None, **kwargs):
		if not isinstance(message, basestring): message = str(message)
		if strins:
			if split:
				return (self.assembleMsgWLen('PRIVMSG %s :%s' % (target, msg), strins=strins, **kwargs) for msg in message.split("\n"))
				return self.assembleMsgWLen('PRIVMSG %s :%s' % (target, message), strins=strins, **kwargs)
			fmt = 'PRIVMSG %s :%%s' % (target,)
			if split:
				msgs = []
				for msg in message.split("\n"):
					for m in splitEncodedUnicode(message, self.calcAvailableMsgLength(fmt % ""), encoding=self.settings.encoding, n=4):
						msgs.append(fmt % m[0])
				return msgs[:4]
				if check:
					# blindly truncate message useful for checkSendMsg
					return fmt % message
					# auto trim message so we don't look bad when sending non interpolated message (check=false)
					return fmt % splitEncodedUnicode(message, self.calcAvailableMsgLength(fmt % ""), encoding=self.settings.encoding)[0][0]
Esempio n. 3
	def assembleMsgWLen(self, s, strins=None, fcfs=False, joinsep=None):
		enc = self.settings.encoding
		if isinstance(strins, basestring):
			sl = self.calcAvailableMsgLength(s.format(""))
			if sl <= 0: # case where template string is already too big
				return splitEncodedUnicode(s, len(s)+sl, encoding=enc)[0][0]
			return s.format(splitEncodedUnicode(strins, sl, encoding=enc)[0][0])
		ls = len(strins)
		if joinsep is not None: 
			# lj is len(joinsep) when comparing to avail in fcfs add 2 to allow some
			# room for start of next element at least
			if isinstance(joinsep, unicode): lj = len(joinsep.encode(enc))
			else: lj = len(joinsep)
		if isIterable(strins):
			if joinsep is not None: avail = self.calcAvailableMsgLength(s.format("")) # must be only one replacement
			else: avail = self.calcAvailableMsgLength(s.format(*[""]*ls)) # format with empty strins to calc max avail
			if avail < 0: # case where template string is already too big
				s = s.format(*[""]*ls)
				return splitEncodedUnicode(s, len(s)+avail, encoding=enc)[0][0]
			if fcfs:
				# first come first served
				if not isinstance(strins, list): 
					raise ValueError("Require list/tuple, dict, or string for strins.")
				for i, rep in enumerate(strins):
					# get trimmed replacement and the length of that trimmed replacement
					rep, lrep = splitEncodedUnicode(rep, avail, encoding=enc)[0]
					# track remaining message space left
					avail -= lrep
					#append joinsep if there's room, else make avail 0
					if (joinsep is not None) and (i != ls-1): 
						if avail < lj+2: 
							avail = 0
							rep = rep+joinsep
							avail -= lj
					# replace the replacement with the trimmed version
					strins[i] = rep
				if joinsep is not None: return s.format("".join(strins))
				else: return s.format(*strins)
				# round 2, even divide
				if joinsep is not None: segmentlength = int(floor(avail / ls)) - (ls-1*lj)
				else: segmentlength = int(floor(avail / ls))
				if isinstance(strins, tuple):
					strins = list(strins)
				for i, sr in enumerate(strins):
					if (joinsep is not None) and (i != ls-1):
						strins[i] = splitEncodedUnicode(sr, segmentlength, encoding=enc)[0][0]+joinsep
						strins[i] = splitEncodedUnicode(sr, segmentlength, encoding=enc)[0][0]
				if joinsep is not None: return s.format("".join(strins))
				else: return s.format(*strins)
		elif isinstance(strins, dict):
			# total space available for message
			avail = self.calcAvailableMsgLength(s.format(**dict(((key, "") for key in strins.keys())))) # format with empty strins to calc max avail
			if avail < 0: # case where template string is already too big
				s = s.format(**dict(((key, "") for key in strins.keys())))
				return splitEncodedUnicode(s, len(s)+avail, encoding=enc)[0][0]
			if fcfs:
				# first come first served (NOTE: This doesn't make much sense for an unordered thing like a dictionary)
				# hopefully we are passed an ordered dictionary or something that extends from dict.
				for key, rep in strins.iteritems():
					rep, lrep = splitEncodedUnicode(rep, avail, encoding=enc)[0]
					strins[key] = rep
					avail -= lrep
				return s.format(**strins)
				# round 2, even divide
				segmentlength = int(floor((avail / ls)))
				for key, value in strins.iteritems():
					strins[key] = splitEncodedUnicode(value, segmentlength, encoding=enc)[0][0]
				return s.format(**strins)
			raise ValueError("Require list/tuple, dict, or string for strins.")
Esempio n. 4
	def assembleMsgWLen(self, s, strins=None, fcfs=False, joinsep=None):
		enc = self.settings.encoding
		if isinstance(strins, basestring):
			sl = self.calcAvailableMsgLength(s.format(""))
			if sl <= 0: # case where template string is already too big
				return splitEncodedUnicode(s, len(s)+sl, encoding=enc)[0][0]
			return s.format(splitEncodedUnicode(strins, sl, encoding=enc)[0][0])
		ls = len(strins)
		if joinsep is not None: 
			# lj is len(joinsep) when comparing to avail in fcfs add 2 to allow some
			# room for start of next element at least
			if isinstance(joinsep, unicode): lj = len(joinsep.encode(enc))
			else: lj = len(joinsep)
		if isIterable(strins):
			if joinsep is not None: avail = self.calcAvailableMsgLength(s.format("")) # must be only one replacement
			else: avail = self.calcAvailableMsgLength(s.format(*[""]*ls)) # format with empty strins to calc max avail
			if avail < 0: # case where template string is already too big
				s = s.format(*[""]*ls)
				return splitEncodedUnicode(s, len(s)+avail, encoding=enc)[0][0]
			if fcfs:
				# first come first served
				if not isinstance(strins, list): 
					raise ValueError("Require list/tuple, dict, or string for strins.")
				for i, rep in enumerate(strins):
					# get trimmed replacement and the length of that trimmed replacement
					rep, lrep = splitEncodedUnicode(rep, avail, encoding=enc)[0]
					# track remaining message space left
					avail -= lrep
					#append joinsep if there's room, else make avail 0
					if (joinsep is not None) and (i != ls-1): 
						if avail < lj+2: 
							avail = 0
							rep = rep+joinsep
							avail -= lj
					# replace the replacement with the trimmed version
					strins[i] = rep
				if joinsep is not None: return s.format("".join(strins))
				else: return s.format(*strins)
				# round 2, even divide
				if joinsep is not None: segmentlength = int(floor(avail / ls)) - (ls-1*lj)
				else: segmentlength = int(floor(avail / ls))
				if isinstance(strins, tuple):
					strins = list(strins)
				for i, sr in enumerate(strins):
					if (joinsep is not None) and (i != ls-1):
						strins[i] = splitEncodedUnicode(sr, segmentlength, encoding=enc)[0][0]+joinsep
						strins[i] = splitEncodedUnicode(sr, segmentlength, encoding=enc)[0][0]
				if joinsep is not None: return s.format("".join(strins))
				else: return s.format(*strins)
		elif isinstance(strins, dict):
			# total space available for message
			avail = self.calcAvailableMsgLength(s.format(**dict(((key, "") for key in strins.keys())))) # format with empty strins to calc max avail
			if avail < 0: # case where template string is already too big
				s = s.format(**dict(((key, "") for key in strins.keys())))
				return splitEncodedUnicode(s, len(s)+avail, encoding=enc)[0][0]
			if fcfs:
				# first come first served (NOTE: This doesn't make much sense for an unordered thing like a dictionary)
				# hopefully we are passed an ordered dictionary or something that extends from dict.
				for key, rep in strins.iteritems():
					rep, lrep = splitEncodedUnicode(rep, avail, encoding=enc)[0]
					strins[key] = rep
					avail -= lrep
				return s.format(**strins)
				# round 2, even divide
				segmentlength = int(floor((avail / ls)))
				for key, value in strins.iteritems():
					strins[key] = splitEncodedUnicode(value, segmentlength, encoding=enc)[0][0]
				return s.format(**strins)
			raise ValueError("Require list/tuple, dict, or string for strins.")