Esempio n. 1
def CPU_move():
    board = deepcopy(BOARD)  # make copy of original board to simulate plays
    message = Message(EVENT.SEND_BOARD, board)
    comm.bcast(message.to_dict(), root=MASTER_PID)

    tasks = helpers.generate_tasks(BOARD.total_columns, DEPTH)
    results = dict()
    for i in range(1, BOARD.total_columns + 1):
        results[i] = list()

    while len(tasks):
        status = MPI.Status()
        # wait on message from any worker
        data = comm.recv(source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, status=status)
        # parse message
        message = Message.from_dict(data)
        # get ready worker ID
        from_pid = status.Get_source()

        if message.type == EVENT.SEND_TASK:
            # if message was request for task
            send_task_msg = Message(EVENT.SEND_TASK, tasks.pop())
            # send that worker next task
            helpers.send_msg_to_worker(send_task_msg, from_pid)

        if message.type == EVENT.SEND_RESULT:
            data = message.payload  # [result, column]

    message_board_complete = Message(EVENT.BOARD_COMPLETE)
    for pid in range(1, SIZE):
        helpers.send_msg_to_worker(message_board_complete, pid)

    return helpers.calculate_best_move(results)
Esempio n. 2
def worker_process():
    while True:
        data = comm.bcast(None, root=0)
        board_message = Message.from_dict(data)

        if board_message.type == EVENT.SEND_BOARD:
            # get board copy from payload
            board: Board = board_message.payload
            while True:
                # send request for task
                # receive task
                task_message = helpers.recv_msg(MASTER_PID)
                # if current move is calculated, go request new board
                if task_message.type == EVENT.BOARD_COMPLETE:

                moves_made = 0
                last_mover = Mover.CPU

                tasks: List = task_message.payload
                for i, move in enumerate(tasks):
                    # play moves from task and check if move leeds to game over
                    mover = Mover.CPU if i % 2 == 0 else Mover.PLAYER
                    if board.is_move_legal(move):
                        board.move(move, mover)
                        moves_made += 1
                        last_mover = mover
                        if board.is_game_over():
                            send_result = Winner.CPU if mover == Mover.CPU else Winner.PLAYER
                                        (send_result, tasks[0])))

                result = board.evaluate(last_mover, DEPTH - len(tasks))
                    Message(EVENT.SEND_RESULT, (result, tasks[0])))

                for _ in range(moves_made):
                    board.undo_move()  # clean moves

        time.sleep(1)  # only while waiting for board