Esempio n. 1
def parsecsp(ConMatrix, buffer, TypeId, Vars, otpt_dir, operator, otpt):

    if otpt:  # output each input QCN to a single file
        filename = otpt_dir + "InputQCN-" + operator + TypeId
        if not os.path.exists(otpt_dir):
        f = open(filename, "w")

        if globs["qcnNo"] <= 9:
            no_str = "00" + str(globs["qcnNo"])
        elif globs["qcnNo"] <= 99:
            no_str = "0" + str(globs["qcnNo"])
            no_str = str(globs["qcnNo"])

        new_typeid = "" + TypeId
        new_typeid = new_typeid.replace("P10-RandomConstraints",
        new_typeid = str(Vars - 2) + " " + new_typeid + no_str
        print(new_typeid, file=f)

    for line in buffer:

        l = line.strip().replace('(', '').replace(')', '').split()

        if otpt:
            print(line.strip(), file=f)

        # condition to end parsing
        if l == ['.']:

        s = reduce(lambda x, y: x | y, [translateR(i) for i in l[2:]])
        a = int(l[0])
        b = int(l[1])
        #print("l[0] is %d, l[1] is %d" % (a, b))
        ConMatrix[int(l[0])][int(l[1])] = s
        ConMatrix[int(l[1])][int(l[0])] = inv(s)
    if otpt:
def randomScenario(neighbors):

    # initialize constraints
    N = globs["size"]
    Id = 0
    from helpfuncs import B_dict
    with open("allen.identity") as f:
        Id = B_dict[f.readline().strip()]
    if N <= 8:
        ConMatrix = tuple([
            array('B', [
                B_dict['DALL'] if i != j else Id for i in range(len(neighbors))
            ]) for j in range(len(neighbors))
        ConMatrixS = tuple([
            array('B', [0 if i != j else Id for i in range(neighbors)])
            for j in range(neighbors)
    elif N <= 16:
        ConMatrix = tuple([
            array('H', [
                B_dict['DALL'] if i != j else Id for i in range(len(neighbors))
            ]) for j in range(len(neighbors))
        ConMatrixS = tuple([
            array('H', [0 if i != j else Id for i in range(len(neighbors))])
            for j in range(len(neighbors))
        ConMatrix = tuple([
            array('I', [
                B_dict['DALL'] if i != j else Id for i in range(len(neighbors))
            ]) for j in range(len(neighbors))
        ConMatrixS = tuple([
            array('I', [0 if i != j else Id for i in range(len(neighbors))])
            for j in range(len(neighbors))

    unsele_edges = []
    for i in range(len(neighbors)):
        for j in neighbors[i]:  # traverse each edge
            baselist = bitdecoding(ConMatrix[i][j])
            if j > i and len(baselist) > 1:
                unsele_edges.append((i, j))

    while unsele_edges:  # there are edges need to be handled
        ran_e = random.randint(0,
                               len(unsele_edges) -
                               1)  # randomly select an edge
        u, v = unsele_edges[ran_e]
        baselist = bitdecoding(ConMatrix[u][v])

        ran_b = random.randint(0,
                               len(baselist) -
                               1)  # randomly select a base relation
        b = baselist[ran_b]
        ConMatrix[u][v] = b  # substitute the constraint
        ConMatrix[v][u] = inv(b)

            unsele_edges[ran_e])  # after handling an edge, remove it

        # G-consistent
        if not ppc(ConMatrix, neighbors):
            ConMatrix = randomScenario(neighbors)
            print("inconsistency occurs: ppc in random scenario")
            return ConMatrix
    return ConMatrix
Esempio n. 3
def pPC(ConMatrix, neighbors):

    startT = time.time()
    pq = deque([])  # list of entries arranged in a heap
    entry_finder = set([])  # mapping of tasks to entries
    Vars = len(ConMatrix)  #conmatrix行数

    def add_task(task):
        'Add a new task or update the priority of an existing task'
        #  print("enter task")
        if task not in entry_finder:

    def pop_task():
        'Remove and return the lowest priority task. Raise KeyError if empty.'
        task = pq.popleft()
        return task

    # initialize the queue
    for i in range(Vars):
        for j in range(i + 1, Vars):
            if ConMatrix[i][j] != DALL:
                task = (i, j)

    # as long as the queue is not empty, process it
    while pq:
        (i, j) = pop_task()  # grab the appropriate relation

        # create all triplets to be checked for path consistency
        for k in neighbors[i] & neighbors[
                j]:  # for each common neighbors of i and j

            temp = complex_relations(
                ConMatrix[k][i], ConMatrix[i][j])  # composition of ki and ij
            if temp != DALL:

                # constraint arc (k,i,j)
                temp = temp & ConMatrix[k][j]  # (ki comp ij) & kj

                if temp != ConMatrix[k][
                        j]:  # there is a relation in kj which is not in the composition of ki and ij
                    if not temp:  # kj and the composition of ki ij totally different
                        passT = time.time() - startT
                        globs["ppc_total"] += passT
                        globs["ppc_num"] += 1
                        return False  # inconsistency
                    ConMatrix[k][j] = temp  # remove inconsistent relation
                    ConMatrix[j][k] = inv(temp)
                    if k < j:
                            (k, j)
                        )  # after updating the constraint of kj, update the constraint between their neighbors and them
                        add_task((j, k))

            temp2 = complex_relations(
                ConMatrix[i][j], ConMatrix[j][k])  # composition of ij and jk

            if temp2 != DALL:

                # constraint arc (i,j,k)
                temp2 = temp2 & ConMatrix[i][k]
                if temp2 != ConMatrix[i][k]:
                    if not temp2:
                        passT = time.time() - startT
                        globs["ppc_total"] += passT
                        globs["ppc_num"] += 1
                        return False  # inconsistency
                    ConMatrix[i][k] = temp2
                    ConMatrix[k][i] = inv(temp2)
                    if i < k:
                        add_task((i, k))
                        add_task((k, i))
    # the network is concistent and can't be refined further
    passT = time.time() - startT
    globs["ppc_total"] = globs["ppc_total"] + passT
    globs["ppc_num"] += 1
    return True
Esempio n. 4
def crossVarsB(N, neighbors, S1, S2):
    startT = time.time()
    V1 = [i for i in range(len(N))]
    V2 = []
    while len(V1) > len(V2):
        ran_v = random.randint(0, len(V1) - 1)

    n = globs["size"]
    Id = 0
    from helpfuncs import B_dict
    with open("allen.identity") as f:
        Id = B_dict[f.readline().strip()]
    if n <= 8:
        N1 = tuple([
            array('B', [
                B_dict['DALL'] if i != j else Id for i in range(len(neighbors))
            ]) for j in range(len(neighbors))
        N2 = tuple([
            array('B', [
                B_dict['DALL'] if i != j else Id for i in range(len(neighbors))
            ]) for j in range(len(neighbors))
    elif n <= 16:
        N1 = tuple([
            array('H', [
                B_dict['DALL'] if i != j else Id for i in range(len(neighbors))
            ]) for j in range(len(neighbors))
        N2 = tuple([
            array('H', [
                B_dict['DALL'] if i != j else Id for i in range(len(neighbors))
            ]) for j in range(len(neighbors))
        N1 = tuple([
            array('I', [
                B_dict['DALL'] if i != j else Id for i in range(len(neighbors))
            ]) for j in range(len(neighbors))
        N2 = tuple([
            array('I', [
                B_dict['DALL'] if i != j else Id for i in range(len(neighbors))
            ]) for j in range(len(neighbors))

    for i in range(len(N1)):
        for j in range(i + 1, len(N1)):
            if i in V1 and j in V1:
                N1[i][j] = S1[i][j]
                N1[j][i] = S1[j][i]
                N2[i][j] = S2[i][j]
                N2[j][i] = S2[j][i]
            elif i in V2 and j in V2:
                N1[i][j] = S2[i][j]
                N1[j][i] = S2[j][i]
                N2[i][j] = S1[i][j]
                N2[j][i] = S1[j][i]

    a1 = alpha(N, N1)
    a2 = alpha(N, N2)
    if a1 <= a2:
        S = N1
        S = N2

    unsele_edges = []
    for i in range(len(neighbors)):
        for j in neighbors[i]:
            baselist = bitdecoding(S[i][j])
            if j > i and len(baselist) > 1:
                unsele_edges.append((i, j))

    while unsele_edges:  # if there exist some edges need to be handled
        ran_e = random.randint(0, len(unsele_edges) - 1)
        u, v = unsele_edges[ran_e]

        if S[u][v] & N[u][v] != 0:
            rel = S[u][v] & N[u][v]
            rel = S[u][v]

        rellist = bitdecoding(rel)
        ran_b = random.randint(0, len(rellist) - 1)
        S[u][v] = rellist[ran_b]
        S[v][u] = inv(rellist[ran_b])


        # G-consistent
        ppc(S, neighbors)  #path consistency on the initial graph (partial)

    return S
Esempio n. 5
def crossVarsA(N, neighbors, S1, S2):
    startT = time.time()
    V1 = [i for i in range(len(N))]
    V2 = []
    while len(V1) > len(V2):
        ran_v = random.randint(0, len(V1) - 1)  # randomly choose a variable

    n = globs["size"]
    Id = 0
    from helpfuncs import B_dict
    with open("allen.identity") as f:
        Id = B_dict[f.readline().strip()]
    if n <= 8:
        S = tuple([
            array('B', [
                B_dict['DALL'] if i != j else Id for i in range(len(neighbors))
            ]) for j in range(len(neighbors))
    elif n <= 16:
        S = tuple([
            array('H', [
                B_dict['DALL'] if i != j else Id for i in range(len(neighbors))
            ]) for j in range(len(neighbors))
        S = tuple([
            array('I', [
                B_dict['DALL'] if i != j else Id for i in range(len(neighbors))
            ]) for j in range(len(neighbors))

    for i in range(len(S)):
        for j in range(i + 1, len(S)):
            if i in V1 and j in V1:
                S[i][j] = S1[i][j]
                S[j][i] = S1[j][i]
            elif i in V2 and j in V2:
                S[i][j] = S2[i][j]
                S[j][i] = S2[j][i]

    unsele_edges = []
    for i in range(len(neighbors)):
        for j in neighbors[i]:  # traverse each edge
            baselist = bitdecoding(S[i][j])
            if j > i and len(baselist) > 1:
                unsele_edges.append((i, j))

    while unsele_edges:  # if there exist some edges need to be handled
        ran_e = random.randint(0,
                               len(unsele_edges) -
                               1)  # randomly choose an edge
        u, v = unsele_edges[ran_e]

        if S[u][v] & N[u][v] != 0:
            rel = S[u][v] & N[u][v]
            rel = S[u][v]

        rellist = bitdecoding(rel)
        ran_b = random.randint(0, len(rellist) - 1)
        S[u][v] = rellist[ran_b]
        S[v][u] = inv(rellist[ran_b])


        # G-consistent
        if not ppc(
                neighbors):  #path consistency on the initial graph (partial)
            print("Inconsistency occurs in crossConsB")
            return None

    passT = time.time() - startT
    globs["cross_total"] = globs["cross_total"] + passT
    globs["cross_num"] += 1

    return S
Esempio n. 6
def crossConsD(N, neighbors, S1, S2):
    startT = time.time()
    n = globs["size"]
    Id = 0
    from helpfuncs import B_dict
    with open("allen.identity") as f:
        Id = B_dict[f.readline().strip()]
    if n <= 8:
        S = tuple([
            array('B', [
                B_dict['DALL'] if i != j else Id for i in range(len(neighbors))
            ]) for j in range(len(neighbors))
    elif n <= 16:
        S = tuple([
            array('H', [
                B_dict['DALL'] if i != j else Id for i in range(len(neighbors))
            ]) for j in range(len(neighbors))
        S = tuple([
            array('I', [
                B_dict['DALL'] if i != j else Id for i in range(len(neighbors))
            ]) for j in range(len(neighbors))

    # constraint of each edge is set as a random base relation
    unsele = []
    unsele_not0 = []
    unsele_0 = []

    for i in range(len(neighbors)):
        for j in neighbors[i]:
            baselist = bitdecoding(S[i][j])
            if j > i and len(baselist) > 1:
                unsele.append((i, j))

    for (i, j) in unsele:
        if N[i][j] & S[i][j] == 0:
            unsele_0.append((i, j))
            unsele_not0.append((i, j))

    while unsele:  # while there exist unhandled edges

        if unsele_not0:  # if there exist some edges need to be handled which has common relation with the target QCN
            ran_e = random.randint(0, len(unsele_not0) - 1)
            u, v = unsele_not0[ran_e]

            if S[u][v] & N[u][v] != 0:
                rel = S[u][v] & N[u][v]
                rel = S[u][v]

            if S1[u][v] & rel != 0:
                rel = S1[u][v] & rel
            elif S2[u][v] & rel != 0:
                rel = S2[u][v] & rel

            baselist = bitdecoding(rel)
            if len(baselist) > 1:
                ran_b = random.randint(0, len(baselist) - 1)
            elif len(baselist) > 0:
                ran_b = 0
                print("crossover baselist 0 elements")
                return None
            b = baselist[ran_b]
            S[u][v] = b
            S[v][u] = inv(b)


            # G-consistent
            if not ppc(S, neighbors):
                print("Inconsistency occurs in crossConsD")
                return None

            for (i, j) in unsele_not0:
                if N[i][j] & S[i][j] == 0:
                    unsele_0.append((i, j))
                    unsele_not0.remove((i, j))

        elif unsele_0:
            ran_e = random.randint(0, len(unsele_0) - 1)
            u, v = unsele_0[ran_e]

            if S[u][v] & N[u][v] != 0:
                rel = S[u][v] & N[u][v]
                rel = S[u][v]

            if S1[u][v] & rel != 0:
                rel = S1[u][v] & rel
            elif S2[u][v] & rel != 0:
                rel = S2[u][v] & rel

            baselist = bitdecoding(rel)
            if len(baselist) > 1:
                ran_b = random.randint(0, len(baselist) - 1)
            elif len(baselist) > 0:
                ran_b = 0
                print("crossover baselist 0 elements")
                return None
            b = baselist[ran_b]
            S[u][v] = b
            S[v][u] = inv(b)


            # G-consistent
            if not ppc(S, neighbors):
                print("Inconsistency occurs in crossConsD")
                return None

    print("----------------------after while----------------------")
    passT = time.time() - startT
    globs["cross_total"] = globs["cross_total"] + passT
    globs["cross_num"] += 1

    return S
Esempio n. 7
def crossConsA(N, neighbors, S1, S2):
    startT = time.time()
    n = globs["size"]
    Id = 0
    from helpfuncs import B_dict
    with open("allen.identity") as f:
        Id = B_dict[f.readline().strip()]
    if n <= 8:
        S = tuple([
            array('B', [
                B_dict['DALL'] if i != j else Id for i in range(len(neighbors))
            ]) for j in range(len(neighbors))
    elif n <= 16:
        S = tuple([
            array('H', [
                B_dict['DALL'] if i != j else Id for i in range(len(neighbors))
            ]) for j in range(len(neighbors))
        S = tuple([
            array('I', [
                B_dict['DALL'] if i != j else Id for i in range(len(neighbors))
            ]) for j in range(len(neighbors))

    # constraint of each edge is set as a random base relation
    unsele_edges = []
    for i in range(len(neighbors)):
        for j in neighbors[i]:  # each edge
            baselist = bitdecoding(S[i][j])
            if j > i and len(baselist) > 1:
                unsele_edges.append((i, j))

    while unsele_edges:  # if there exist some edges need to be handled
        ran_e = random.randint(0, len(unsele_edges) - 1)
        u, v = unsele_edges[ran_e]

        ran_s = random.randint(0, 1)
        if ran_s == 0:
            S_1 = S1
            S_2 = S2
            S_1 = S2
            S_2 = S1
        if S[u][v] & N[u][v] != 0:
            rel = S[u][v] & N[u][v]
            rel = S[u][v]

        if S_1[u][v] & rel != 0:
            rel = S_1[u][v] & rel
        elif S_2[u][v] & rel != 0:
            rel = S_2[u][v] & rel

        baselist = bitdecoding(rel)
        ran_b = random.randint(0, len(baselist) - 1)
        b = baselist[ran_b]
        S[u][v] = b
        S[v][u] = inv(b)


        # G-consistent
        if not ppc(S, neighbors):
            print("Inconsistency occurs in crossConsB")
            return None

    passT = time.time() - startT
    globs["cross_total"] = globs["cross_total"] + passT
    globs["cross_num"] += 1
    return S
def exploreNeighborhoodAux(ini_N, ini_neighbors, ini_N_, ini_bestNg, besta):

    N = copy.deepcopy(ini_N)
    neighbors = copy.deepcopy(ini_neighbors)
    N_ = copy.deepcopy(ini_N_)
    bestNg = copy.deepcopy(ini_bestNg)

    # G-consistent
    from ppc import pPC as ppc
    if ppc(N_, neighbors):  #path consistency on the initial graph (partial)

        a = alpha(N, N_)
        if a >= besta:
            return bestNg, besta

        unsele_edges = []
        for i in range(len(neighbors)):
            for j in neighbors[i]:  # traverse each edge
                baselist = bitdecoding(N_[i][j])
                if j > i and len(baselist) > 1:
                    unsele_edges.append((i, j))

        if len(unsele_edges) > 0:  # if there exist unhandled edges
            ran_e = random.randint(0,
                                   len(unsele_edges) -
                                   1)  # randomly choose one
            u, v = unsele_edges[ran_e]
            baselist = bitdecoding(N_[u][v])
            ran_b = random.randint(0,
                                   len(baselist) - 1)  # random base relation

            removeblist = copy.deepcopy(baselist)
            r1 = baselist[ran_b]  # substitute to b
            removeblist.remove(removeblist[ran_b])  # remove b
            r2 = 0
            for k in removeblist:
                r2 = r2 | k
            N1 = copy.deepcopy(N_)
            N2 = copy.deepcopy(N_)
            N1[u][v] = r1
            N1[v][u] = inv(r1)
            N2[u][v] = r2
            N2[v][u] = inv(r2)

            bestNgtmp, bestatmp = exploreNeighborhoodAux(
                N, neighbors, N1, bestNg, besta)  # recursion
            if bestNgtmp is not None and bestatmp is not None:
                bestNg = bestNgtmp
                besta = bestatmp
                if besta <= 0.000001 and besta >= -0.000001:
                    return bestNg, besta

            bestNgtmp, bestatmp = exploreNeighborhoodAux(
                N, neighbors, N2, bestNg, besta)  # recursion
            if bestNgtmp is not None and bestatmp is not None:
                bestNg = bestNgtmp
                besta = bestatmp
        else:  # if there is no unhandled edge
            bestNg = N_
            besta = a

        return bestNg, besta

        return None, None