Esempio n. 1
def get_article(category, article):
    cache_dir = app._config['henet']['cache_dir']
    cat_path = dict(app.vars['categories'])[category]['path']
    article_path = os.path.join(cat_path, article)
    article = parse_article(article_path, cache_dir, cat_path)
    return {'article': article, 'category': category,
            'csrf_token': request.csrf_token,
            'filename': os.path.split(article_path)[-1]}
Esempio n. 2
def post_page(page, article):
    data = dict(request.POST.decode())
    cache_dir = app._config['henet']['cache_dir']
    page_path = dict(app.vars['pages'])[page]['path']
    article_path = os.path.join(page_path, article)
    article = parse_article(article_path, cache_dir, page_path)

    # XXX all this update crap should be in a Document() class
    if 'title' in data:
        article['title'] = data['title']
    if 'content' in data:
        article['body'] = data['content']
    if 'date' in data:
        article.set_metadata('date', data['date'])

    with open(article_path, 'w') as f:

    emit(EVENT_CHANGED_CONTENT, article_path=article_path)
    redirect('/page/%s/%s' % (page, article['filename']))
Esempio n. 3
def post_article(category, article):
    data = dict(request.POST.decode())
    cache_dir = app._config['henet']['cache_dir']
    cat_path = dict(app.vars['categories'])[category]['path']
    article_path = os.path.join(cat_path, article)
    article = parse_article(article_path, cache_dir, cat_path)

    # XXX all this update crap should be in a Document() class
    if 'title' in data:
        article['title'] = data['title']
    if 'content' in data:
        article['body'] = data['content']

    for meta in ('location', 'date', 'eventdate'):
        if meta in data:
            article.set_metadata(meta, data[meta])

    with open(article_path, 'w') as f:

    emit(EVENT_CHANGED_CONTENT, article_path=article_path)
    redirect('/category/%s/%s' % (category, article['filename']))