Esempio n. 1
class Analyzer(object):
    """Base Analyzer class. Used in L{Looper<looper.Looper>}.

    Your custom analyzers should inherit from this class, as done
    in this U{very simple example<>}.
    An analyzer L{processes<process>} L{events<event.Event>}.
    The analyzer can read information from the L{event<event.Event>} by accessing the event data members::
      print event.iEv
    It can also add information to the L{event<event.Event>} by adding new attributes dynamically to the event
      event.the_variable = 0.03
    Each event is processed by a L{sequence<config.Sequence>} of analyzers in well-defined order.
    The information added to the event by a given analyzer can be used by subsequent analyzers. 
    Important attributes:
    @param cfg_ana: configuration parameters for this analyzer (e.g. to specify a pt cut).
    @param cfg_comp: configuration parameters for the data or MC component (e.g. DYJets).
    @param looperName: name of the L{Looper<looper.Looper>} which runs this analyzer.
    @param dirName: analyzer directory name, where you can write anything you want.
    @param verbose: boolean indicating whether the analyzer is in verbose mode.
    @param counters: dictionary of counters, empty by default.
    @param averages: dictionary of averages, empty by default.
    @param mainLogger: main logger, managed by the L{Looper<looper.Looper>} and common to all analyzers
    @param logger: logger specific to this analyzer. 

    def __init__(self, cfg_ana, cfg_comp, looperName ):
        """Create an analyzer.
        Done by L{Looper<looper.Looper>} based on the contents of the heppy configuration file.

        @param cfg_ana: configuration parameters for this analyzer (e.g. to specify a pt cut)
        @param cfg_comp: configuration parameters for the data or MC component (e.g. DYJets)
        @param looperName: name of the L{Looper<looper.Looper>} which runs this analyzer.
        self.class_object = cfg_ana.class_object
        self.instance_label = cfg_ana.instance_label =
        self.verbose = cfg_ana.verbose
        self.cfg_ana = cfg_ana
        self.cfg_comp = cfg_comp
        self.looperName = looperName
        if hasattr(cfg_ana,"nosubdir") and cfg_ana.nosubdir:
            self.dirName = self.looperName
            self.dirName = '/'.join( [self.looperName,] )
            os.mkdir( self.dirName )

        # this is the main logger corresponding to the looper.
        self.mainLogger = logging.getLogger( looperName )
        # this logger is specific to the analyzer
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(
        self.logger.propagate = False
        self.logger.addHandler( logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) )
        log_level = logging.CRITICAL
        if hasattr(self.cfg_ana, 'log_level'):
            log_level = self.cfg_ana.log_level

        self.beginLoopCalled = False

    def beginLoop(self, setup):
        """Overload this method if you need to create objects or initialize variables
        at the beginning of the processing of the event sample.
        If you do so, make sure to execute this method::
          super(YourAnalyzerClass, self).beginLoop(setup) 
        Automatically called by L{Looper<looper.Looper>}, for all analyzers.        
        self.counters = Counters()
        self.averages = Averages() 'beginLoop ' + )
        self.beginLoopCalled = True

    def endLoop(self, setup):
        """Overload this method if you need to perform tasks at the end of the processing.
        Files should be written or closed in L{write}, not here.  

        Automatically called by L{Looper<looper.Looper>}, for all analyzers.
        #print self.cfg_ana '' ) str(self) ) '' )

    def process(self, event ):
        """Process event. 
        Each analyzer in the sequence is passed the same event object.
        Each analyzer can access, modify, and store event information, of any type.

        Automatically called by L{Looper<looper.Looper>}, for all analyzers.

    def write(self, setup):
        """Overload this method if you want to close or write files.
        If you do so, make sure to execute this method::
          super(YourAnalyzerClass, self).write(setup) 
        Automatically called by L{Looper<looper.Looper>}, for all analyzers.
        self.counters.write( self.dirName )
        self.averages.write( self.dirName )
        if len(self.counters):
        if len(self.averages):

    def __str__(self):
        """A multipurpose printout. Should do the job for most analyzers."""
        ana = str( self.cfg_ana )
        count = ''
        ave = ''
        if hasattr(self, 'counters') and len( self.counters.counters ) > 0:
            count = '\n'.join(map(str, self.counters.counters))
        if hasattr(self, 'averages') and len( self.averages ) > 0:
            ave = '\n'.join(map(str, self.averages))
        return '\n'.join( [ana, count, ave] )
Esempio n. 2
class Analyzer(object):
    """Base Analyzer class. Used in Looper.

    Your custom analyzers should inherit from this class

    def __init__(self, cfg_ana, cfg_comp, looperName ):
        """Create an analyzer.

        Parameters (also stored as attributes for later use):
        cfg_ana: configuration parameters for this analyzer (e.g. a pt cut)
        cfg_comp: configuration parameters for the data or MC component (e.g. DYJets)
        looperName: name of the Looper which runs this analyzer.

        dirName : analyzer directory, where you can write anything you want
        self.class_object = cfg_ana.class_object
        self.instance_label = cfg_ana.instance_label =
        self.verbose = cfg_ana.verbose
        self.cfg_ana = cfg_ana
        self.cfg_comp = cfg_comp
        self.looperName = looperName
	if hasattr(cfg_ana,"nosubdir") and cfg_ana.nosubdir:
       	    self.dirName = self.looperName
            self.dirName = '/'.join( [self.looperName,] )
            os.mkdir( self.dirName )

        # this is the main logger corresponding to the looper.
        # each analyzer could also declare its own logger
        self.mainLogger = logging.getLogger( looperName )
        # print self.mainLogger.handlers
        self.beginLoopCalled = False

    def beginLoop(self, setup):
        """Automatically called by Looper, for all analyzers."""
        self.counters = Counters()
        self.averages = Averages() 'beginLoop ' + )
        self.beginLoopCalled = True

    def endLoop(self, setup):
        """Automatically called by Looper, for all analyzers."""
        #print self.cfg_ana '' ) str(self) ) '' )

    def process(self, event ):
        """Automatically called by Looper, for all analyzers.
        each analyzer in the sequence will be passed the same event instance.
        each analyzer can access, modify, and store event information, of any type."""

    def write(self, setup):
        """Called by Looper.write, for all analyzers.
        Just overload it if you have histograms to write."""
        self.counters.write( self.dirName )
        self.averages.write( self.dirName )

    def __str__(self):
        """A multipurpose printout. Should do the job for most analyzers."""
        ana = str( self.cfg_ana )
        count = ''
        ave = ''
        if hasattr(self, 'counters') and len( self.counters.counters ) > 0:
            count = '\n'.join(map(str, self.counters.counters))
        if hasattr(self, 'averages') and len( self.averages ) > 0:
            ave = '\n'.join(map(str, self.averages))
        return '\n'.join( [ana, count, ave] )
Esempio n. 3
class Analyzer(object):
    """Base Analyzer class. Used in L{Looper<looper.Looper>}.

    Your custom analyzers should inherit from this class, as done
    in this U{very simple example<>}.
    An analyzer L{processes<process>} L{events<event.Event>}.
    The analyzer can read information from the L{event<event.Event>} by accessing the event data members::
      print event.iEv
    It can also add information to the L{event<event.Event>} by adding new attributes dynamically to the event
      event.the_variable = 0.03
    Each event is processed by a L{sequence<config.Sequence>} of analyzers in well-defined order.
    The information added to the event by a given analyzer can be used by subsequent analyzers. 
    Important attributes:
    @param cfg_ana: configuration parameters for this analyzer (e.g. to specify a pt cut).
    @param cfg_comp: configuration parameters for the data or MC component (e.g. DYJets).
    @param looperName: name of the L{Looper<looper.Looper>} which runs this analyzer.
    @param dirName: analyzer directory name, where you can write anything you want.
    @param verbose: boolean indicating whether the analyzer is in verbose mode.
    @param counters: dictionary of counters, empty by default.
    @param averages: dictionary of averages, empty by default.
    @param mainLogger: main logger, managed by the L{Looper<looper.Looper>} and common to all analyzers
    @param logger: logger specific to this analyzer. 
    def __init__(self, cfg_ana, cfg_comp, looperName):
        """Create an analyzer.
        Done by L{Looper<looper.Looper>} based on the contents of the heppy configuration file.

        @param cfg_ana: configuration parameters for this analyzer (e.g. to specify a pt cut)
        @param cfg_comp: configuration parameters for the data or MC component (e.g. DYJets)
        @param looperName: name of the L{Looper<looper.Looper>} which runs this analyzer.
        self.class_object = cfg_ana.class_object
        self.instance_label = cfg_ana.instance_label =
        self.verbose = cfg_ana.verbose
        self.cfg_ana = cfg_ana
        self.cfg_comp = cfg_comp
        self.looperName = looperName
        if hasattr(cfg_ana, "nosubdir") and cfg_ana.nosubdir:
            self.dirName = self.looperName
            self.dirName = '/'.join([self.looperName,])

        # this is the main logger corresponding to the looper.
        self.mainLogger = logging.getLogger(looperName)

        # this logger is specific to the analyzer
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(
            logging.FileHandler('/'.join([self.dirName, 'log.txt'])))
        self.logger.propagate = False
        log_level = logging.CRITICAL
        if hasattr(self.cfg_ana, 'log_level'):
            log_level = self.cfg_ana.log_level

        self.beginLoopCalled = False

    def beginLoop(self, setup):
        """Overload this method if you need to create objects or initialize variables
        at the beginning of the processing of the event sample.
        If you do so, make sure to execute this method::
          super(YourAnalyzerClass, self).beginLoop(setup) 
        Automatically called by L{Looper<looper.Looper>}, for all analyzers.        
        self.counters = Counters()
        self.averages = Averages()'beginLoop ' +
        self.beginLoopCalled = True

    def endLoop(self, setup):
        """Overload this method if you need to perform tasks at the end of the processing.
        Files should be written or closed in L{write}, not here.  

        Automatically called by L{Looper<looper.Looper>}, for all analyzers.
        #print self.cfg_ana'')'')

    def process(self, event):
        """Process event. 
        Each analyzer in the sequence is passed the same event object.
        Each analyzer can access, modify, and store event information, of any type.

        Automatically called by L{Looper<looper.Looper>}, for all analyzers.

    def write(self, setup):
        """Overload this method if you want to close or write files.
        If you do so, make sure to execute this method::
          super(YourAnalyzerClass, self).write(setup) 
        Automatically called by L{Looper<looper.Looper>}, for all analyzers.
        if len(self.counters):
        if len(self.averages):

    def __str__(self):
        """A multipurpose printout. Should do the job for most analyzers."""
        ana = str(self.cfg_ana)
        count = ''
        ave = ''
        if hasattr(self, 'counters') and len(self.counters.counters) > 0:
            count = '\n'.join(map(str, self.counters.counters))
        if hasattr(self, 'averages') and len(self.averages) > 0:
            ave = '\n'.join(map(str, self.averages))
        return '\n'.join([ana, count, ave])
Esempio n. 4
class Analyzer(object):
    """Base Analyzer class. Used in Looper.

    Your custom analyzers should inherit from this class
    def __init__(self, cfg_ana, cfg_comp, looperName):
        """Create an analyzer.

        Parameters (also stored as attributes for later use):
        cfg_ana: configuration parameters for this analyzer (e.g. a pt cut)
        cfg_comp: configuration parameters for the data or MC component (e.g. DYJets)
        looperName: name of the Looper which runs this analyzer.

        dirName : analyzer directory, where you can write anything you want
        self.class_object = cfg_ana.class_object
        self.instance_label = cfg_ana.instance_label =
        self.verbose = cfg_ana.verbose
        self.cfg_ana = cfg_ana
        self.cfg_comp = cfg_comp
        self.looperName = looperName
        if hasattr(cfg_ana, "nosubdir") and cfg_ana.nosubdir:
            self.dirName = self.looperName
            self.dirName = '/'.join([self.looperName,])

        # this is the main logger corresponding to the looper.
        self.mainLogger = logging.getLogger(looperName)

        # this logger is specific to the analyzer
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(
            logging.FileHandler('/'.join([self.dirName, 'log.txt'])))
        self.logger.propagate = False
        log_level = logging.CRITICAL
        if hasattr(self.cfg_ana, 'log_level'):
            log_level = self.cfg_ana.log_level

        self.beginLoopCalled = False

    def beginLoop(self, setup):
        """Automatically called by Looper, for all analyzers."""
        self.counters = Counters()
        self.averages = Averages()'beginLoop ' +
        self.beginLoopCalled = True

    def endLoop(self, setup):
        """Automatically called by Looper, for all analyzers."""
        #print self.cfg_ana'')'')

    def process(self, event):
        """Automatically called by Looper, for all analyzers.
        each analyzer in the sequence will be passed the same event instance.
        each analyzer can access, modify, and store event information, of any type."""

    def write(self, setup):
        """Called by Looper.write, for all analyzers.
        Just overload it if you have histograms to write."""
        if len(self.counters):
        if len(self.averages):

    def __str__(self):
        """A multipurpose printout. Should do the job for most analyzers."""
        ana = str(self.cfg_ana)
        count = ''
        ave = ''
        if hasattr(self, 'counters') and len(self.counters.counters) > 0:
            count = '\n'.join(map(str, self.counters.counters))
        if hasattr(self, 'averages') and len(self.averages) > 0:
            ave = '\n'.join(map(str, self.averages))
        return '\n'.join([ana, count, ave])