Esempio n. 1
class experiment:
	'''experiment variables'''
	# None at the moment

	def __init__(self, name="Uninitialized Experiment"): = name
		self.initialized = False
		self.trained = False
		self.num_trains = 0
		self.trained = False
		self.exp = {} # this is our experiment meta-data. Dictionary with lots of parameters
		self.filepath = None
		self.W = None

	def read(self, filepath, loadW=False):

		self.filepath = filepath

		if self.filepath == None:
			raise Exception("No filepath initialized for this experiment")

		expfile = open(filepath, 'rb')

		# Read in the experiment file

		# swallow everything in memory
		block =
		lines = block.split("\n")
		# free our in-core file copy asap
		del block

		# First, set a line index for reading in the input
		i = 0

		print "Reading in experiment: {}".format(filepath)

		# Now read in the experiment line by line and fill in data
		while i < len(lines):
			if not lines[i].startswith("#") and lines[i] != '\n' and lines[i] != '':
				line = lines[i].split(None, 1)
				# used to be line = lines[i].split('\t')
					self.exp[line[0]] = int(line[1])
					self.exp[line[0]] = line[1]
			i += 1

			if self.exp['train_pct'] > 100 or self.exp['train_pct'] <= 0:
				raise Exception("train_pct must be > 0 and <= 100")
			self.exp['train_pct'] = 100

		# get the dictionary of phase times
		self.exp['phase_times'] = json.loads(self.exp['phase_times'])

		# get the dictionary of delay times
		self.exp['phase_var'] = json.loads(self.exp['phase_var'])

		if "gauss_inputs" in self.exp:
			self.exp['gauss_inputs'] = util.isTrue(self.exp['gauss_inputs'])
			self.exp['gauss_inputs'] = False

		for phase in self.exp['phase_times']:
			self.exp['phase_times'][phase] = int(self.exp['phase_times'][phase])

		for phase in self.exp['phase_var']:
			self.exp['phase_var'][phase] = util.isTrue(self.exp['phase_var'][phase])

		if not 'name' in self.exp:
			if not 'directory' in self.exp:
				self.exp['name'] = "default_name"
				self.exp['name'] = self.exp['directory'].split('/')[-1]

		if not 'directory' in self.exp:
			self.exp['directory'] = None
		elif not self.exp['directory'].endswith('/'):
			self.exp['directory'] += '/'

		if not 'train_file' in self.exp:
			self.exp['train_file'] = "{}.train".format(self.exp['name'])

		if "version" in self.exp:
			self.exp['input_layer'] = self.exp["num_locs"] + 4
			self.exp["version"] = 1
			self.exp['input_layer'] = self.exp['input_side']*self.exp['input_side'] + 4

		if loadW == True:
			self.exp["W"] = "W"
			self.exp["W"] = None

		self.rnn = HessianRNN(layers=[self.exp['input_layer'], self.exp['hidden_layer'], self.exp['out_layer']], struc_damping=0.5,
					 use_GPU=False, debug=False, loadW=loadW, dataPath=self.exp['directory'])

		np.set_printoptions(edgeitems = 10)

		self.exp['epath'] = self.exp['directory'] + self.exp['name'] + '.exp'

		self.initialized = True

	def createTrainSet(self):

		trainFilepath = "{}{}".format(self.exp['directory'], self.exp['train_file'])

		if self.exp['version'] == 1:
			if self.exp['type'] == "simple":
				pass # ig.simpleGen()
			elif self.exp['type'] == "attention":
				ig.attenGen(self.exp['input_side'], self.exp['num_locs'], self.exp['phase_times'],
							self.exp['phase_var'], self.exp['train_pct'], filepath=self.exp['directory'],
			elif self.exp['type'] == "selection":
				ig.selGen(self.exp['input_side'], self.exp['num_locs'], self.exp['phase_times'],
							self.exp['phase_var'], self.exp['train_pct'], filepath=self.exp['directory'],
			elif self.exp['type'] == "combined":
				ig.combGen(self.exp['input_side'], self.exp['num_locs'], self.exp['phase_times'],
							self.exp['phase_var'], self.exp['train_pct'], filepath=self.exp['directory'],
				raise Exception("Experiment type not in list: {}".format(self.exp['type']))
		elif self.exp['version'] == 2:
		elif self.exp['version'] == 3:
		elif self.exp['version'] == 4:
		elif self.exp['version'] == 5:
			raise Exception("Unkown Exp Version")

	def getTrainInputs(self):
		return util.readTrials(self.exp['directory'] + self.exp['train_file'])

	def getTestInputs(self):
		return util.readTrials(self.exp['directory'] + "Unused_Locs.train")

	def train(self, loadW=False):
		if loadW is True:
			if self.exp['W'] is None:
				loadW = "{}W".format(self.exp['directory'])
				loadW = "{}{}".format(self.exp['directory'], self.exp['W'])

		if self.exp['directory'] == None or self.exp['directory'] == '':
			trainFilepath = self.exp['train_file']
			trainFilepath = "{}{}".format(self.exp['directory'], self.exp['train_file'])

		ret = util.readTrials(trainFilepath)

		inputs = ret['inputs']
		targets = ret['targets']
		inputNames = ret["inputNames"]
		targetNames = ret["targetNames"]

		if not loadW:
			isSuccess = train_saccade(self.num_trains, inputNames, targetNames,
									  inputs, targets, self.rnn)
			self.num_trains += 1
			if isSuccess != True:
				print "Error: Overfitting in batch run"
				return False
			print "Training Successful \(0_0)/"
			# Indicate that we finished at least one training cycle and may now load old weights
			self.trained = True
			print "Loading weights from previous training"
			print "\n\n\n(0_0)\n\n\n"
			isSuccess = train_saccade(self.num_trains, inputNames, targetNames,
									  inputs, targets, self.rnn, load_weights=loadW)
			self.num_trains += 1
			if isSuccess != True:
				print "Error: Overfitting in batch run"
				return False
			print "Training Successful \(0_0)/"

		return True

	def test(self, W=None):
		raise Exception("Function not implemented yet")

	def testError(self):
		"""Compute RMS error of the testing set"""

		testFilepath = "{}{}".format(self.exp['directory'], "Unused_Locs.train")

		ret = util.readTrials(testFilepath)

		return self.rnn.error(inputs=ret['inputs'], targets=ret['targets'])

	def trainError(self):
		"""Compute RMS error of the training set"""

		trainFilepath = "{}{}".format(self.exp['directory'], self.exp['train_file'])

		ret = util.readTrials(trainFilepath)

		return self.rnn.error(inputs=ret['inputs'], targets=ret['targets'])

	def __repr__(self):
		return "Experiment Object, Name: {}".format(

	def __str__(self):
		return "\nExperiment Data: \n\n{}\n".format(self.exp)
Esempio n. 2
	def read(self, filepath, loadW=False):

		self.filepath = filepath

		if self.filepath == None:
			raise Exception("No filepath initialized for this experiment")

		expfile = open(filepath, 'rb')

		# Read in the experiment file

		# swallow everything in memory
		block =
		lines = block.split("\n")
		# free our in-core file copy asap
		del block

		# First, set a line index for reading in the input
		i = 0

		print "Reading in experiment: {}".format(filepath)

		# Now read in the experiment line by line and fill in data
		while i < len(lines):
			if not lines[i].startswith("#") and lines[i] != '\n' and lines[i] != '':
				line = lines[i].split(None, 1)
				# used to be line = lines[i].split('\t')
					self.exp[line[0]] = int(line[1])
					self.exp[line[0]] = line[1]
			i += 1

			if self.exp['train_pct'] > 100 or self.exp['train_pct'] <= 0:
				raise Exception("train_pct must be > 0 and <= 100")
			self.exp['train_pct'] = 100

		# get the dictionary of phase times
		self.exp['phase_times'] = json.loads(self.exp['phase_times'])

		# get the dictionary of delay times
		self.exp['phase_var'] = json.loads(self.exp['phase_var'])

		if "gauss_inputs" in self.exp:
			self.exp['gauss_inputs'] = util.isTrue(self.exp['gauss_inputs'])
			self.exp['gauss_inputs'] = False

		for phase in self.exp['phase_times']:
			self.exp['phase_times'][phase] = int(self.exp['phase_times'][phase])

		for phase in self.exp['phase_var']:
			self.exp['phase_var'][phase] = util.isTrue(self.exp['phase_var'][phase])

		if not 'name' in self.exp:
			if not 'directory' in self.exp:
				self.exp['name'] = "default_name"
				self.exp['name'] = self.exp['directory'].split('/')[-1]

		if not 'directory' in self.exp:
			self.exp['directory'] = None
		elif not self.exp['directory'].endswith('/'):
			self.exp['directory'] += '/'

		if not 'train_file' in self.exp:
			self.exp['train_file'] = "{}.train".format(self.exp['name'])

		if "version" in self.exp:
			self.exp['input_layer'] = self.exp["num_locs"] + 4
			self.exp["version"] = 1
			self.exp['input_layer'] = self.exp['input_side']*self.exp['input_side'] + 4

		if loadW == True:
			self.exp["W"] = "W"
			self.exp["W"] = None

		self.rnn = HessianRNN(layers=[self.exp['input_layer'], self.exp['hidden_layer'], self.exp['out_layer']], struc_damping=0.5,
					 use_GPU=False, debug=False, loadW=loadW, dataPath=self.exp['directory'])

		np.set_printoptions(edgeitems = 10)

		self.exp['epath'] = self.exp['directory'] + self.exp['name'] + '.exp'

		self.initialized = True
    for temp in range(trial_time):
        row = np.array(lines[index].split(' '))
            data = row[0:num_targets].astype(np.float32)
            print row
        index += 1
        targets[trial][temp] = data

    assert(lines[index] == 'end') # verify where we are
    index += 1

# create a recurrent NN
rnn = HessianRNN(layers=[lay[0], lay[1], lay[3]], struc_damping=0.5,
             use_GPU=False, debug=False, loadW = wFileString)

#create an output file for the activations. I don't actually use this yet.
# out2 = open("activations", "wb+")

# shows activations for each time step for each input
index = 1
for i, t in zip(inputs, targets):
    j = np.asarray(i)
    # print >> out2, "\nTrail Num: {}".format(index)
    index += 1
    hidden = rnn.forward(j, rnn.W)[-2]
    out = rnn.forward(j, rnn.W)[-1]
    # for x in range(len(output)):
    #     for y in range(len(output[x][0])):