def load_shot(self, shot_input, survey=LATEST_HDR_NAME, dither_pattern=None, fibers=True): """ Load fiber info from hdf5 for given shot_input Parameters ---------- shot_input: str e.g., 20190208v024 or 20190208024 """ self.shot = shot_input self.survey = survey if fibers: self.fibers = Fibers(self.shot, survey=survey) self.shoth5 = self.fibers.hdfile else: self.fibers = None self.shoth5 = None #open_shot_file(self.shot, survey=survey) self.set_dither_pattern(dither_pattern=dither_pattern)
def show_region(self, b): # get closest fiber: self.wave = self.wave_widget.value fibers = Fibers(self.shotid_widget.value) self.coords = SkyCoord( ra=self.im_ra.value * u.deg, dec=self.im_dec.value * u.deg ) idx = fibers.get_closest_fiber(self.coords) multiframe_obj = fibers.table.cols.multiframe[idx].astype(str) self.multiframe = multiframe_obj self.multiframe_widget.value = self.multiframe expnum_obj = fibers.table.cols.expnum[idx] x, y = fibers.get_image_xy(idx, self.wave) self.imw.marker = {"color": "green", "radius": 10, "type": "circle"} self.imw.add_markers(Table([[x - 1], [y - 1]], names=["x", "y"]))
class Extract: def __init__(self, wave=None): """ Initialize Extract class Parameters ---------- wave: numpy 1d array wavelength of calfib extension for hdf5 files, does not need to be set unless needed by development team """ if wave is not None: self.wave = wave else: self.wave = self.get_wave() self.get_ADR() self.log = setup_logging("Extract") self.fibers = None self.set_dither_pattern() def set_dither_pattern(self, dither_pattern=None): """ Set dither pattern (default if None given) Parameters ---------- dither_pattern: numpy array (length of exposures) only necessary if the dither pattern isn't the default """ if dither_pattern is None: self.dither_pattern = np.array([[0.0, 0.0], [1.27, -0.73], [1.27, 0.73]]) else: self.dither_pattern = dither_pattern def get_wave(self): """ Return implicit wavelength solution for calfib extension """ return np.linspace(3470, 5540, 1036) def get_ADR(self, angle=0.0): """ Use default ADR from Karl Gebhardt (adjusted by Greg Zeimann) Parameters ---------- angle: float angle=0 along x-direction, appropriate if observing at PA dither_pattern: numpy array (length of exposures) only necessary if the dither pattern isn't the default """ wADR = [3500.0, 4000.0, 4500.0, 5000.0, 5500.0] ADR = [-0.74, -0.4, -0.08, 0.08, 0.20] ADR = np.polyval(np.polyfit(wADR, ADR, 3), self.wave) self.ADRx = np.cos(np.deg2rad(angle)) * ADR self.ADRy = np.sin(np.deg2rad(angle)) * ADR def load_shot(self, shot_input, survey=LATEST_HDR_NAME, dither_pattern=None, fibers=True): """ Load fiber info from hdf5 for given shot_input Parameters ---------- shot_input: str e.g., 20190208v024 or 20190208024 """ self.shot = shot_input self.survey = survey if fibers: self.fibers = Fibers(self.shot, survey=survey) self.shoth5 = self.fibers.hdfile else: self.fibers = None self.shoth5 = None #open_shot_file(self.shot, survey=survey) self.set_dither_pattern(dither_pattern=dither_pattern) def convert_radec_to_ifux_ifuy(self, ifux, ifuy, ra, dec, rac, decc): """ Input SkyCoord object for sources to extract Parameters ---------- coord: SkyCoord object single ra and dec to turn into ifux and ifuy coordinates """ if len(ifuy) < 2: return None, None ifu_vect = np.array([ifuy[1] - ifuy[0], ifux[1] - ifux[0]]) radec_vect = np.array([(ra[1] - ra[0]) * np.cos(np.deg2rad(dec[0])), dec[1] - dec[0]]) V = np.sqrt(ifu_vect[0]**2 + ifu_vect[1]**2) W = np.sqrt(radec_vect[0]**2 + radec_vect[1]**2) scale_vect = np.array([3600.0, 3600.0]) v = ifu_vect * np.array([1.0, 1.0]) w = radec_vect * scale_vect W = np.sqrt(np.sum(w**2)) ang1 = np.arctan2(v[1] / V, v[0] / V) ang2 = np.arctan2(w[1] / W, w[0] / W) ang1 += (ang1 < 0.0) * 2.0 * np.pi ang2 += (ang2 < 0.0) * 2.0 * np.pi theta = ang1 - ang2 dra = (rac - ra[0]) * np.cos(np.deg2rad(dec[0])) * 3600.0 ddec = (decc - dec[0]) * 3600.0 dx = np.cos(theta) * dra - np.sin(theta) * ddec dy = np.sin(theta) * dra + np.cos(theta) * ddec yc = dx + ifuy[0] xc = dy + ifux[0] return xc, yc def get_fiberinfo_for_coords(self, coords, radius=3.5, ffsky=False, return_fiber_info=False, fiber_lower_limit=3, verbose=False, nmax=5000): """ Grab fibers within a radius and get relevant info, optimised for searching for a longer list of coordinates. Uses Nway (Salvato et al 2018) Parameters ---------- coord: SkyCoord Object a SkyCoord object with multiple ra and dec positions radius: radius to extract fibers in arcsec ffsky: bool Flag to choose local (ffsky=False) or full frame (ffsky=True) sky subtraction return_fiber_info: bool Return full fibers table. This is needed to get additional masking and to debug fiberid weights fiber_lower_limit : int Minimum number of fibers needed in aperture to return a result nmax : int Maximum number of coordinates to consider at once during the match. If you put in more it loops over them. Returns ------- icoord_all : array (length of number of fibers) the indices of the input coordinates where there are sufficient number of fibers to produce an output. To get all the fibers matched to a given input coordinate, select on this column. seps_all : array (length of number of fibers) separation of each fiber from the input coordinates ifux: numpy array (length of number of fibers) ifu x-coordinate accounting for dither_pattern ifuy: numpy array (length of number of fibers) ifu y-coordinate accounting for dither_pattern ra: numpy array (length of number of fibers) Right ascension of fibers dec: numpy array (length of number of fibers) Declination of fibers spec: numpy 2d array (number of fibers by wavelength dimension) Calibrated spectra for each fiber spece: numpy 2d array (number of fibers by wavelength dimension) Error for calibrated spectra mask: numpy 2d array (number of fibers by wavelength dimension) Mask of good values for each fiber and wavelength fiberid: numpy array (length of number of fibers) array of fiberids for fibers used in the extraction. Returned only if return_fiber_info is True multiframe_array: numpy array (length of number of fibers array of amp IDs/multiframe values for each fiber. Return only if return_fiber_info is True """ if not self.fibers: raise Exception("Only supported with preloaded Fibers class") if fiber_lower_limit < 2: raise Exception("fiber_lower_limit must be greater than 2") # remove NaN fibers notnan = np.isfinite(self.fibers.coords.ra.value) & np.isfinite( self.fibers.coords.dec.value) # Save original indices to use later indices_original = np.arange(len(self.fibers.coords.ra.value))[notnan] fibers_cat = { "name": "fibers", "ra": self.fibers.coords.ra.value[notnan], "dec": self.fibers.coords.dec.value[notnan], "error": np.ones(sum(notnan)) } if len(coords) > nmax: if verbose: print("Number of coords exceeds nmax, splitting into sets.") nsets = int(np.ceil(len(coords) / nmax)) else: nsets = 1 for i in range(nsets): # Match the two tables with Nway tcoords = coords[i * nmax:(i + 1) * nmax] cat1 = { "name": "sources", "ra": tcoords.ra.value, "dec": tcoords.dec.value, "error": np.ones(len(tcoords)) } if verbose: ttable, resultstable, separations, errors = _create_match_table( [cat1, fibers_cat], radius, NormalLogger()) else: ttable, resultstable, separations, errors = _create_match_table( [cat1, fibers_cat], radius, NullOutputLogger()) # Shift index along ttable["sources"] = ttable["sources"] + i * nmax # remove sources with no matched fibers ttable = ttable[ttable["fibers"] > -1] if i == 0: table = ttable else: table = table.append(ttable) # Indices of matched positions and fibers icoord_all = table["sources"].to_numpy() idx_all = table["fibers"].to_numpy() seps_all = table["Separation_sources_fibers"].to_numpy() # Remember to grab the fibers using their original table indices table_here = self.fibers.table.read_coordinates( indices_original[idx_all]) ifux = table_here["ifux"] ifuy = table_here["ifuy"] ra = table_here["ra"] dec = table_here["dec"] if ffsky: if self.survey == 'hdr2.1': spec = table_here["spec_fullsky_sub"] / 2.0 else: spec = table_here["calfib_ffsky"] / 2.0 else: spec = table_here["calfib"] / 2.0 spece = table_here["calfibe"] / 2.0 if self.survey == 'hdr2.1': if verbose: print('Removing extinction of E(B-V)=0.02') #apply HDR2.1 E(B-V)=0.02 extinction fix to fiber arrays fix = get_2pt1_extinction_fix() spec /= fix(self.wave) spece /= fix(self.wave) ftf = table_here["fiber_to_fiber"] if self.survey == "hdr1": mask = table_here["Amp2Amp"] mask = (mask > 1e-8) * (np.median(ftf, axis=1) > 0.5)[:, np.newaxis] else: mask = self.fibers.table.read_coordinates(idx_all, "calfibe") mask = (mask > 1e-8) * (np.median(ftf, axis=1) > 0.5)[:, np.newaxis] expn = np.array(table_here["expnum"], dtype=int) mf_array = table_here["multiframe"].astype(str) fiber_id_array = table_here["fiber_id"].astype(str) ifux[:] = ifux + self.dither_pattern[expn - 1, 0] ifuy[:] = ifuy + self.dither_pattern[expn - 1, 1] xc = [] yc = [] for ic in np.unique(icoord_all): sel = (icoord_all == ic) n = len(ifux[sel]) if n >= fiber_lower_limit: txc, tyc = self.convert_radec_to_ifux_ifuy( ifux[sel], ifuy[sel], ra[sel], dec[sel], coords.ra.deg[ic], coords.dec.deg[ic]) else: # if not enough fibers set position to 999 # and flag by setting index to -1 txc = np.array(999.) tyc = np.array(999.) icoord_all[sel] = -1 xc.extend(txc.repeat(n)) yc.extend(tyc.repeat(n)) xc = np.array(xc) yc = np.array(yc) if return_fiber_info: return icoord_all, seps_all, ifux, ifuy, xc, yc, ra, dec, spec, spece, mask, fiber_id_array, mf_array else: return icoord_all, seps_all, ifux, ifuy, xc, yc, ra, dec, spec, spece, mask def get_fiberinfo_for_coord(self, coord, radius=3.5, ffsky=False, return_fiber_info=False, fiber_lower_limit=3, verbose=False): """ Grab fibers within a radius and get relevant info Parameters ---------- coord: SkyCoord Object a single SkyCoord object for a given ra and dec radius: radius to extract fibers in arcsec ffsky: bool Flag to choose local (ffsky=False) or full frame (ffsky=True) sky subtraction return_fiber_info: bool Return full fibers table. This is needed to get additional masking and to debug fiberid weights fiber_lower_limit : int Minimum number of fibers needed in aperture to return a result Returns ------- ifux: numpy array (length of number of fibers) ifu x-coordinate accounting for dither_pattern ifuy: numpy array (length of number of fibers) ifu y-coordinate accounting for dither_pattern ra: numpy array (length of number of fibers) Right ascension of fibers dec: numpy array (length of number of fibers) Declination of fibers spec: numpy 2d array (number of fibers by wavelength dimension) Calibrated spectra for each fiber spece: numpy 2d array (number of fibers by wavelength dimension) Error for calibrated spectra mask: numpy 2d array (number of fibers by wavelength dimension) Mask of good values for each fiber and wavelength fiberid: numpy array (length of number of fibers) array of fiberids for fibers used in the extraction. Returned only if return_fiber_info is True multiframe_array: numpy array (length of number of fibers array of amp IDs/multiframe values for each fiber. Return only if return_fiber_info is True """ if fiber_lower_limit < 2: raise Exception("fiber_lower_limit must be greater than 2") if self.fibers is not None: idx = self.fibers.query_region_idx(coord, radius=radius) if len(idx) < fiber_lower_limit: return None ifux = self.fibers.table.read_coordinates(idx, "ifux") ifuy = self.fibers.table.read_coordinates(idx, "ifuy") ra = self.fibers.table.read_coordinates(idx, "ra") dec = self.fibers.table.read_coordinates(idx, "dec") if ffsky: if self.survey == 'hdr2.1': spec = self.fibers.table.read_coordinates( idx, "spec_fullsky_sub") / 2.0 else: spec = self.fibers.table.read_coordinates( idx, "calfib_ffsky") / 2.0 else: spec = self.fibers.table.read_coordinates(idx, "calfib") / 2.0 spece = self.fibers.table.read_coordinates(idx, "calfibe") / 2.0 ftf = self.fibers.table.read_coordinates(idx, "fiber_to_fiber") if self.survey == "hdr1": mask = self.fibers.table.read_coordinates(idx, "Amp2Amp") mask = (mask > 1e-8) * (np.median(ftf, axis=1) > 0.5)[:, np.newaxis] else: mask = self.fibers.table.read_coordinates(idx, "calfibe") mask = (mask > 1e-8) * (np.median(ftf, axis=1) > 0.5)[:, np.newaxis] * (spec != 0) expn = np.array(self.fibers.table.read_coordinates(idx, "expnum"), dtype=int) mf_array = self.fibers.table.read_coordinates( idx, "multiframe").astype(str) fiber_id_array = self.fibers.table.read_coordinates( idx, "fiber_id").astype(str) else: fib_table = get_fibers_table( self.shot, coord, survey=self.survey, radius=radius * u.arcsec, verbose=False, ) if np.size(fib_table) < fiber_lower_limit: return None ifux = fib_table["ifux"] ifuy = fib_table["ifuy"] ra = fib_table["ra"] dec = fib_table["dec"] if ffsky: if self.survey == 'hdr2.1': spec = fib_table["spec_fullsky_sub"] / 2.0 else: spec = fib_table["calfib_ffsky"] / 2.0 else: spec = fib_table["calfib"] / 2.0 spece = fib_table["calfibe"] / 2.0 ftf = fib_table["fiber_to_fiber"] if self.survey == "hdr1": mask = fib_table["Amp2Amp"] mask = (mask > 1e-8) * (np.median(ftf, axis=1) > 0.5)[:, np.newaxis] else: mask = fib_table["calfibe"] mask = (mask > 1e-8) * (np.median(ftf, axis=1) > 0.5)[:, np.newaxis] expn = np.array(fib_table["expnum"], dtype=int) mf_array = fib_table['multiframe'] try: fiber_id_array = fib_table['fiber_id'] except: fiber_id_array = [] if self.survey == 'hdr2.1': if verbose: print('Removing extinction of E(B-V)=0.02') #apply HDR2.1 E(B-V)=0.02 extinction fix to fiber arrays fix = get_2pt1_extinction_fix() spec /= fix(self.wave) spece /= fix(self.wave) ifux[:] = ifux + self.dither_pattern[expn - 1, 0] ifuy[:] = ifuy + self.dither_pattern[expn - 1, 1] xc, yc = self.convert_radec_to_ifux_ifuy(ifux, ifuy, ra, dec, coord.ra.deg, coord.dec.deg) if return_fiber_info: return ifux, ifuy, xc, yc, ra, dec, spec, spece, mask, fiber_id_array, mf_array else: return ifux, ifuy, xc, yc, ra, dec, spec, spece, mask def get_starcatalog_params(self): """ Load Star Catalog coordinates, g' magnitude, and star ID Returns ------- coords: SkyCoord Object SkyCoord object of the ra and dec's of the stars gmag: numpy array (float) g' magnitude of the stars in the star catalog starid: numpy array (int) Object ID from the original catalog of the stars (e.g., SDSS) """ if not hasattr(self, "shoth5"): pass else: self.shoth5 = open_shot_file(self.shot, survey=survey) #self.log.warning("Please do load_shot to get star catalog params.") #return None ras = self.shoth5.root.Astrometry.StarCatalog.cols.ra_cat[:] decs = self.shoth5.root.Astrometry.StarCatalog.cols.dec_cat[:] gmag = self.shoth5.root.Astrometry.StarCatalog.cols.g[:] starid = self.shoth5.root.Astrometry.StarCatalog.cols.star_ID[:] coords = SkyCoord(ras * u.deg, decs * u.deg, frame="fk5") return coords, gmag, starid def intersection_area(self, d, R, r): """ Return the area of intersection of two circles. The circles have radii R and r, and their centers are separated by d. Parameters ---------- d : float separation of the two circles R : float Radius of the first circle r : float Radius of the second circle """ if d <= abs(R - r): # One circle is entirely enclosed in the other. return np.pi * min(R, r)**2 if d >= r + R: # The circles don't overlap at all. return 0 r2, R2, d2 = r**2, R**2, d**2 alpha = np.arccos((d2 + r2 - R2) / (2 * d * r)) beta = np.arccos((d2 + R2 - r2) / (2 * d * R)) answer = (r2 * alpha + R2 * beta - 0.5 * (r2 * np.sin(2 * alpha) + R2 * np.sin(2 * beta))) return answer def tophat_psf(self, radius, boxsize, scale, fibradius=0.75): """ Tophat PSF profile image (taking fiber overlap with fixed radius into account) Parameters ---------- radius: float Radius of the tophat PSF boxsize: float Size of image on a side for Moffat profile scale: float Pixel scale for image Returns ------- zarray: numpy 3d array An array with length 3 for the first axis: PSF image, xgrid, ygrid """ xl, xh = (0.0 - boxsize / 2.0, 0.0 + boxsize / 2.0 + scale) yl, yh = (0.0 - boxsize / 2.0, 0.0 + boxsize / 2.0 + scale) x, y = (np.arange(xl, xh, scale), np.arange(yl, yh, scale)) xgrid, ygrid = np.meshgrid(x, y) t = np.linspace(0.0, np.pi * 2.0, 360) r = np.arange(radius - fibradius, radius + fibradius * 7.0 / 6.0, 1.0 / 6.0 * fibradius) xr, yr, zr = ([], [], []) for i, ri in enumerate(r): xr.append(np.cos(t) * ri) yr.append(np.sin(t) * ri) zr.append( self.intersection_area(ri, radius, fibradius) * np.ones(t.shape) / (np.pi * fibradius**2)) xr, yr, zr = [np.hstack(var) for var in [xr, yr, zr]] psf = griddata(np.array([xr, yr]).swapaxes(0, 1), zr, (xgrid, ygrid), method="linear") psf[np.isnan(psf)] = 0.0 zarray = np.array([psf, xgrid, ygrid]) zarray[0] /= zarray[0].sum() return zarray def gaussian_psf(self, xstd, ystd, theta, boxsize, scale): """ Gaussian PSF profile image Parameters ---------- xstd: float Standard deviation of the Gaussian in x before rotating by theta ystd: float Standard deviation of the Gaussian in y before rotating by theta theta: float Rotation angle in radians. The rotation angle increases counterclockwise boxsize: float Size of image on a side for Moffat profile scale: float Pixel scale for image Returns ------- zarray: numpy 3d array An array with length 3 for the first axis: PSF image, xgrid, ygrid """ M = Gaussian2D() M.x_stddev.value = xstd M.y_stddev.value = ystd M.theta.value = theta xl, xh = (0.0 - boxsize / 2.0, 0.0 + boxsize / 2.0 + scale) yl, yh = (0.0 - boxsize / 2.0, 0.0 + boxsize / 2.0 + scale) x, y = (np.arange(xl, xh, scale), np.arange(yl, yh, scale)) xgrid, ygrid = np.meshgrid(x, y) zarray = np.array([M(xgrid, ygrid), xgrid, ygrid]) zarray[0] /= zarray[0].sum() return zarray def moffat_psf(self, seeing, boxsize, scale, alpha=3.5): """ Moffat PSF profile image Parameters ---------- seeing: float FWHM of the Moffat profile boxsize: float Size of image on a side for Moffat profile scale: float Pixel scale for image alpha: float Power index in Moffat profile function Returns ------- zarray: numpy 3d array An array with length 3 for the first axis: PSF image, xgrid, ygrid """ M = Moffat2D() M.alpha.value = alpha M.gamma.value = 0.5 * seeing / np.sqrt(2**(1.0 / M.alpha.value) - 1.0) xl, xh = (0.0 - boxsize / 2.0, 0.0 + boxsize / 2.0 + scale) yl, yh = (0.0 - boxsize / 2.0, 0.0 + boxsize / 2.0 + scale) x, y = (np.arange(xl, xh, scale), np.arange(yl, yh, scale)) xgrid, ygrid = np.meshgrid(x, y) Z = self.moffat_psf_integration(xgrid.ravel(), ygrid.ravel(), seeing, boxsize=boxsize + 1.5, alpha=alpha) Z = np.reshape(Z, xgrid.shape) zarray = np.array([Z, xgrid, ygrid]) #zarray[0] /= zarray[0].sum() return zarray def moffat_psf_integration(self, xloc, yloc, seeing, boxsize=14., scale=0.1, alpha=3.5): ''' Based on Remedy code from G. Zeimann Moffat PSF profile image Parameters ---------- seeing: float FWHM of the Moffat profile boxsize: float Size of image on a side for Moffat profile scale: float Pixel scale for image alpha: float Power index in Moffat profile function Returns ------- zarray: numpy 3d array An array with length 3 for the first axis: PSF image, xgrid, ygrid ''' M = Moffat2D() M.alpha.value = alpha M.gamma.value = 0.5 * seeing / np.sqrt(2**(1. / M.alpha.value) - 1.) xl, xh = (0. - boxsize / 2., 0. + boxsize / 2. + scale) yl, yh = (0. - boxsize / 2., 0. + boxsize / 2. + scale) x, y = (np.arange(xl, xh, scale), np.arange(yl, yh, scale)) xgrid, ygrid = np.meshgrid(x, y) Z = M(xgrid, ygrid) Z = Z / Z.sum() V = xloc * 0. cnt = 0 for xl, yl in zip(xloc, yloc): d = np.sqrt((xgrid - xl)**2 + (ygrid - yl)**2) sel = d <= 0.75 adj = np.pi * 0.75**2 / (sel.sum() * scale**2) V[cnt] = np.sum(Z[sel]) * adj cnt += 1 return V def model_psf( self, gmag_limit=21.0, radius=8.0, pixscale=0.25, boundary=[-21.0, 21.0, -21.0, 21.0], interp_kind="linear", ): """ Model the VIRUS on-sky PSF for a set of three exposures Parameters ---------- gmag_limit: float Only stars brighter than this value will be used to model the psf radius: float Radius in arcseconds used to collect fibers around a given coord pixscale: float Pixel scale in arcseconds of the psf image boundary: list of 4 values [x_lower, x_higher, y_lower, y_higher] limits for including a star in ifu coordinates interp_kind: str Kind of interpolation to pixelated grid from fiber intensity Returns ------- zarray: numpy 3d array An array with length 3 for the first axis: PSF image, xgrid, ygrid """ # Fit a box in a circle (0.95 factor for caution) boxsize = int(np.sqrt(2.0) * radius * 0.95 / pixscale) * pixscale coords, gmag, starid = self.get_starcatalog_params() psf_list = [] for i, coord in enumerate(coords): # Only use stars that are bright enough and not near the edge if gmag[i] > gmag_limit:"PSF model StarID: %i too faint: %0.2f" % (starid[i], gmag[i])) continue result = self.get_fiberinfo_for_coord(coord, radius=radius) if result is None: continue ifux, ifuy, xc, yc, ra, dec, data, datae, mask = result in_bounds = ((xc > boundary[0]) * (xc < boundary[1]) * (yc > boundary[2]) * (yc < boundary[3])) if not in_bounds:"PSF model StarID: %i on edge: %0.2f, %0.2f" % (starid[i], xc, yc)) continue psfi = self.make_collapsed_image( xc, yc, ifux, ifuy, data, mask, boxsize=boxsize, scale=pixscale, interp_kind=interp_kind, ) psf_list.append(psfi) if len(psf_list) == 0: self.log.warning("No suitable stars for PSF") self.log.warning('Using default moffat PSF with 1.8" seeing') return self.moffat_psf(1.8, boxsize, pixscale)"%i suitable stars for PSF" % len(psf_list)) C = np.array(psf_list) avg_psf_image = np.median(C[:, 0, :, :], axis=0) avg_psf_image[np.isnan(avg_psf_image)] = 0.0 zarray = np.array([avg_psf_image, C[0, 1], C[0, 2]]) return zarray def make_collapsed_image( self, xc, yc, xloc, yloc, data, mask, scale=0.25, seeing_fac=1.8, boxsize=4.0, wrange=[3470, 5540], nchunks=11, convolve_image=False, interp_kind="linear", ): """ Collapse spectra to make a single image on a rectified grid. This may be done for a wavelength range and using a number of chunks of wavelength to take ADR into account. Parameters ---------- xc: float The ifu x-coordinate for the center of the collapse frame yc: float The ifu y-coordinate for the center of the collapse frame xloc: numpy array The ifu x-coordinate for each fiber yloc: numpy array The ifu y-coordinate for each fiber data: numpy 2d array The calibrated spectra for each fiber mask: numpy 2d array The good fiber wavelengths to be used in collapsed frame scale: float Pixel scale for output collapsed image seeing_fac: float seeing_fac = 2.35 * radius of the Gaussian kernel used if convolving the images to smooth out features. Unit: arcseconds boxsize: float Length of the side in arcseconds for the convolved image wrange: list The wavelength range to use for collapsing the frame nchunks: int Number of chunks used to take ADR into account when collapsing the fibers. Use a larger number for a larger wavelength. A small wavelength may only need one chunk convolve_image: bool If true, the collapsed frame is smoothed at the seeing_fac scale interp_kind: str Kind of interpolation to pixelated grid from fiber intensity Returns ------- zarray: numpy 3d array An array with length 3 for the first axis: PSF image, xgrid, ygrid """ a, b = data.shape N = int(boxsize / scale) xl, xh = (xc - boxsize / 2.0, xc + boxsize / 2.0) yl, yh = (yc - boxsize / 2.0, yc + boxsize / 2.0) x, y = (np.linspace(xl, xh, N), np.linspace(yl, yh, N)) xgrid, ygrid = np.meshgrid(x, y) S = np.zeros((a, 2)) area = np.pi * 0.75**2 sel = (self.wave > wrange[0]) * (self.wave <= wrange[1]) I = np.arange(b) ichunk = [np.mean(xi) for xi in np.array_split(I[sel], nchunks)] ichunk = np.array(ichunk, dtype=int) cnt = 0 image_list = [] if convolve_image: seeing = seeing_fac / scale G = Gaussian2DKernel(seeing / 2.35) if interp_kind not in ["linear", "cubic"]: self.log.warning('interp_kind must be "linear" or "cubic"') self.log.warning('Using "linear" for interp_kind') interp_kind = "linear" for chunk, mchunk in zip( np.array_split(data[:, sel], nchunks, axis=1), np.array_split(mask[:, sel], nchunks, axis=1), ): marray =, mask=mchunk < 1e-8) image =, axis=1) image = image / S[:, 0] = xloc - self.ADRx[ichunk[cnt]] S[:, 1] = yloc - self.ADRy[ichunk[cnt]] cnt += 1 grid_z = (griddata( S[~image.mask],[~image.mask], (xgrid, ygrid), method=interp_kind, ) * scale**2 / area) if convolve_image: grid_z = convolve(grid_z, G) image_list.append(grid_z) image = np.median(image_list, axis=0) image[np.isnan(image)] = 0.0 zarray = np.array([image, xgrid - xc, ygrid - yc]) return zarray def make_narrowband_image( self, xc, yc, xloc, yloc, data, mask, error=None, scale=0.25, seeing_fac=1.8, boxsize=4.0, wrange=[3470, 5540], nchunks=11, convolve_image=False, interp_kind="linear", ): """ Sum spectra across a wavelength range or filter to make a single image on a rectified grid. ADR will be calculated at mean wavelength in wrange. Parameters ---------- xc: float The ifu x-coordinate for the center of the collapse frame yc: float The ifu y-coordinate for the center of the collapse frame xloc: numpy array The ifu x-coordinate for each fiber yloc: numpy array The ifu y-coordinate for each fiber data: numpy 2d array The calibrated spectra for each fiber error: numpy 2d array Optional 2D array with fiber errors mask: numpy 2d array The good fiber wavelengths to be used in collapsed frame scale: float Pixel scale for output collapsed image seeing_fac: float seeing_fac = 2.35 * radius of the Gaussian kernel used if convolving the images to smooth out features. Unit: arcseconds boxsize: float Length of the side in arcseconds for the convolved image wrange: list The wavelength range to use for collapsing the frame convolve_image: bool If true, the collapsed frame is smoothed at the seeing_fac scale interp_kind: str Kind of interpolation to pixelated grid from fiber intensity Returns ------- zarray: numpy 3d array An array with length 3 for the first axis: wavelength summed image across wrange in units of 10^-17/ergs/cm^2 xgrid, ygrid in relative arcsec from center coordinates """ a, b = data.shape N = int(boxsize / scale) xl, xh = (xc - boxsize / 2.0, xc + boxsize / 2.0) yl, yh = (yc - boxsize / 2.0, yc + boxsize / 2.0) x, y = (np.linspace(xl, xh, N), np.linspace(yl, yh, N)) xgrid, ygrid = np.meshgrid(x, y) S = np.zeros((a, 2)) area = np.pi * 0.75**2 sel = (self.wave > wrange[0]) * (self.wave <= wrange[1]) I = np.arange(b) if convolve_image: seeing = seeing_fac / scale G = Gaussian2DKernel(seeing / 2.35) if interp_kind not in ["linear", "cubic"]: self.log.warning('interp_kind must be "linear" or "cubic"') self.log.warning('Using "linear" for interp_kind') interp_kind = "linear" marray =[:, sel], mask=mask[:, sel] < 1e-8) image = 2. *, axis=1) # multiply for 2AA bins if error is not None: marray =[:, sel], mask=mask[:, sel] < 1e-8) error_image = np.sqrt(2. ***2, axis=1)) # multiply for 2AA bins. Add error in quadrature S[:, 0] = xloc - np.mean(self.ADRx[sel]) S[:, 1] = yloc - np.mean(self.ADRy[sel]) grid_z = (griddata( S[~image.mask],[~image.mask], (xgrid, ygrid), method=interp_kind, ) * scale**2 / area) if error is not None: grid_z_error = (griddata( S[~error_image.mask],[~error_image.mask], (xgrid, ygrid), method=interp_kind, ) * scale**2 / area) if convolve_image: grid_z = convolve(grid_z, G) if error is not None: grid_z_error = convolve(grid_z_error, G) if error is None: image = grid_z image[np.isnan(image)] = 0.0 zarray = np.array([image, xgrid - xc, ygrid - yc]) else: image = grid_z image[np.isnan(image)] = 0.0 image_error = grid_z_error image_error[np.isnan(image)] = 0.0 zarray = np.array([image, image_error, xgrid - xc, ygrid - yc]) return zarray def get_psf_curve_of_growth(self, psf): """ Analyse the curve of growth for an input psf Parameters ---------- psf: numpy 3d array zeroth dimension: psf image, xgrid, ygrid Returns ------- r: numpy array radius in arcseconds cog: numpy array curve of growth for psf """ r = np.sqrt(psf[1]**2 + psf[2]**2).ravel() inds = np.argsort(r) maxr = psf[1].max() sel = r[inds] <= maxr cog = np.cumsum(psf[0].ravel()[inds][sel]) / np.sum( psf[0].ravel()[inds][sel]) return r[inds][sel], cog def build_weights(self, xc, yc, ifux, ifuy, psf, I=None, fac=None, return_I_fac=False): """ Build weight matrix for spectral extraction. Parameters ---------- xc: float The ifu x-coordinate for the center of the collapse frame yc: float The ifu y-coordinate for the center of the collapse frame xloc: numpy array The ifu x-coordinate for each fiber yloc: numpy array The ifu y-coordinate for each fiber psf: numpy 3d array zeroth dimension: psf image, xgrid, ygrid I : callable (Optional) a function that returns the PSF function for a given x, y. If this is passed the psf image is ignored, otherwise it is computed (default: None). fac : float (Optional) scale factor to account for area differences between the PSF image and the fibers. If None this is computed from the PSF grid (default: None) return_I_fac : bool (Optional) return the computed (or input) I and fac values (see above). This saves compute time if you call this function many times with the same PSF, as you can pass these values back in the next time you run. Returns ------- weights: numpy 2d array (len of fibers by wavelength dimension) Weights for each fiber as function of wavelength for extraction I """ SX = np.zeros(len(ifux)) SY = np.zeros(len(ifuy)) weights = np.zeros((len(ifux), len(self.wave))) if not I: T = np.array([psf[1].ravel(), psf[2].ravel()]).swapaxes(0, 1) I = LinearNDInterpolator(T, psf[0].ravel(), fill_value=0.0) if not fac: scale = np.abs(psf[1][0, 1] - psf[1][0, 0]) #area = 0.75 ** 2 * np.pi #area = 1.7671458676442586 #fac = area / scale ** 2 # scale to fiber size already included in moffat_psf_integration? fac = 1.0 # Avoid using a loop to speed things up, uses more memory though SX = np.tile(ifux, len(self.wave)).reshape(len(self.wave), len(ifux)).T SY = np.tile(ifuy, len(self.wave)).reshape(len(self.wave), len(ifuy)).T ADRx3D = np.repeat(self.ADRx, len(ifux)).reshape(len(self.wave), len(ifux)).T ADRy3D = np.repeat(self.ADRy, len(ifuy)).reshape(len(self.wave), len(ifuy)).T SX = SX - ADRx3D - xc SY = SY - ADRy3D - yc weights = fac * I(SX, SY) if not return_I_fac: return weights else: return weights, I, fac def build_weights_old(self, xc, yc, ifux, ifuy, psf): """ Build weight matrix for spectral extraction Parameters ---------- xc: float The ifu x-coordinate for the center of the collapse frame yc: float The ifu y-coordinate for the center of the collapse frame xloc: numpy array The ifu x-coordinate for each fiber yloc: numpy array The ifu y-coordinate for each fiber psf: numpy 3d array zeroth dimension: psf image, xgrid, ygrid Returns ------- weights: numpy 2d array (len of fibers by wavelength dimension) Weights for each fiber as function of wavelength for extraction I, fac : only returned if return_I_fac = True, see description above. """ S = np.zeros((len(ifux), 2)) T = np.array([psf[1].ravel(), psf[2].ravel()]).swapaxes(0, 1) I = LinearNDInterpolator(T, psf[0].ravel(), fill_value=0.0) weights = np.zeros((len(ifux), len(self.wave))) scale = np.abs(psf[1][0, 1] - psf[1][0, 0]) area = 0.75**2 * np.pi for i in np.arange(len(self.wave)): S[:, 0] = ifux - self.ADRx[i] - xc S[:, 1] = ifuy - self.ADRy[i] - yc # don't rescale by area factor - already done in moffat_psf_integration? weights[:, i] = I(S[:, 0], S[:, 1]) #* area / scale ** 2 return weights def get_spectrum(self, data, error, mask, weights, remove_low_weights=True, sclean_bad=True, return_scleaned_mask=False): """ Weighted spectral extraction Parameters ---------- data: numpy 2d array (number of fibers by wavelength dimension) Flux calibrated spectra for fibers within a given radius of the source. The radius is defined in get_fiberinfo_for_coord(). error: numpy 2d array Error of the flux calibrated spectra mask: numpy 2d array (bool) Mask of good wavelength regions for each fiber weights: numpy 2d array (float) Normalized extraction model for each fiber remove_low_weights : bool remove the contribution from fibers with weights less than 10% the median (default: True). sclean_bad : bool replace bad data in the way described by Karl Gebhardt and implemented in his `fitradecsp` code return_scleaned_mask : bool if true return a mask the same shape as the data if any of the Returns ------- spectrum: numpy 1d array Flux calibrated extracted spectrum spectrum_error: numpy 1d array Error for the flux calibrated extracted spectrum scleaned : numpy 2d array Only returned if `return_scleaned_mask` is true. A mask which is 1 in elements where sclean replaced bad data """ scleaned = np.zeros_like(data) # Replace bad data with an average if sclean_bad: for i in range(data.shape[0]): data[i, :], error[i, :], mask[i, :], scleaned[i, :] = sclean( self.wave, data[i, :], error[i, :], mask[i, :]) spectrum = np.sum(data * mask * weights, axis=0) / np.sum( mask * weights**2, axis=0) spectrum_error = np.sqrt( np.sum(error**2 * mask * weights, axis=0) / np.sum(mask * weights**2, axis=0)) # Only use wavelengths with enough weight to avoid large noise spikes if remove_low_weights: w = np.sum(mask * weights**2, axis=0) sel = w < 0.05 spectrum[sel] = np.nan spectrum_error[sel] = np.nan if return_scleaned_mask: return spectrum, spectrum_error, scleaned else: return spectrum, spectrum_error def close(self): """ Close open shot h5 file if open """ if self.shoth5 is not None: self.shoth5.close()
def main(argv=None): """ Main Function """ parser = get_parser() args = parser.parse_args(argv) args.log = setup_logging() class FiberImage2D(tb.IsDescription): detectid = tb.Int64Col(pos=0) im_wave = tb.Float32Col(args.width, pos=1) im_sum = tb.Float32Col((args.height, args.width), pos=2) im_array = tb.Float32Col((4, args.height, args.width), pos=3) if args.merge: fileh = tb.open_file("merged_im2D.h5", "w") fibim2D_table = fileh.create_table(fileh.root, "FiberImages", FiberImage2D, "Fiber Cutout Images", expectedrows=1000000) phot_table = fileh.create_table(fileh.root, "PhotImages", PhotImage, "Photometric Images", expectedrows=1000000) spec_table = fileh.create_table(fileh.root, "Spec1D", Spec1D, "Aperture Summed Spectrum", expectedrows=1000000) files = sorted(glob.glob("im2D*.h5")) for file in files:'Ingesting %s' % file) fileh_i = tb.open_file(file, "r") fibim2D_table_i = phot_table_i = spec_table_i = fibim2D_table.append(fibim2D_table_i) phot_table.append(phot_table_i) spec_table.append(spec_table_i) fileh_i.close() fibim2D_table.flush() phot_table.flush() spec_table.flush() fibim2D_table.cols.detectid.create_csindex() phot_table.cols.detectid.create_csindex() spec_table.cols.detectid.create_csindex() fibim2D_table.flush() phot_table.flush() spec_table.flush() fileh.close() sys.exit("Merged h5 files in current directory. Exiting") shotid_i = args.shotid detects = Detections(args.survey, loadtable=False) if args.infile: try: catalog =, format="ascii") except: catalog = selcat = catalog["shotid"] == args.shotid detectlist = np.array(catalog["detectid"][selcat]) elif args.dets: if op.exists(args.dets): try: catalog =, format="ascii") selcat = catalog["shotid"] == int(shotid_i) detectlist = np.array(catalog["detectid"][selcat]) except: detectlist = np.loadtxt(args.dets, dtype=int) else: args.log.warning('No dets for ' + str(shotid_i)) sys.exit() if len(detectlist) == 0: sys.exit() # open up catalog library from elixer catlib = catalogs.CatalogLibrary()"Opening shot: " + str(shotid_i)) fibers = Fibers(args.shotid, survey=args.survey) if args.h5file: fileh = tb.open_file("im2D_" + str(args.shotid) + ".h5", "w") fibim2D_table = fileh.create_table(fileh.root, "FiberImages", FiberImage2D, "Fiber Cutout Images") phot_table = fileh.create_table(fileh.root, "PhotImages", PhotImage, "Photometric Images") spec_table = fileh.create_table(fileh.root, "Spec1D", Spec1D, "Aperture Summed Spectrum") for detectid_i in detectlist: # add data to HDF5 file row = fibim2D_table.row row["detectid"] = detectid_i sel = detects.detectid == detectid_i try: row["im_wave"] = get_2Dimage_wave(detectid_i, detects, fibers, width=args.width, height=args.height) except: args.log.error("Could not get wave array for %s" % detectid_i) try: row["im_sum"] = get_2Dimage(detectid_i, detects, fibers, width=args.width, height=args.height) except: args.log.error("Could not get Fiber sum for %s" % detectid_i) try: im_arr, fiber_table = get_2Dimage_array(detectid_i, detects, fibers, width=args.width, height=args.height) row["im_array"] = im_arr except: args.log.error("Could not get 4 Fiber info for %s" % detectid_i) row.append() row_spec = spec_table.row spec_tab = detects.get_spectrum(detectid_i) row_spec["detectid"] = detectid_i row_spec["spec1D"] = spec_tab["spec1d"] row_spec["spec1D_err"] = spec_tab["spec1d_err"] row_spec.append() row_phot = phot_table.row # add in phot image, need RA/DEC from catalog # sel_det = detects.detectid == detectid_i # coord = detects.coords[sel_det] det_row = detects.hdfile.root.Detections.read_where( 'detectid == detectid_i') coord = SkyCoord(ra=det_row["ra"] * u.deg, dec=det_row["dec"] * u.deg) row_phot["detectid"] = detectid_i # ignore the Fall data for now if coord.dec.value > 10: try: cutout = catlib.get_cutouts( position=coord, radius=5, aperture=None, dynamic=False, filter="r", first=True, )[0] if cutout["instrument"] == "HSC": # get shape to ensure slicing on cropped images phot = np.shape(cutout["cutout"].data) row_phot["im_phot"] = cutout["cutout"].data header = cutout["cutout"].wcs.to_header() row_phot["im_phot_hdr"] = header.tostring() except: pass #args.log.warning("No imaging available for source") else: pass row_phot.append() spec_table.flush() phot_table.flush() fibim2D_table.flush() fileh.close() else: for detectid_i in detectlist: save_2Dimage( detectid_i, detects, fibers, width=args.width, height=args.height, path=args.path, ) if args.ra and args.dec: # NOTE this has not been updated yet.. will build functionality soon obj_coords = SkyCoord(args.ra * u.deg, args.dec * u.deg, frame="icrs") idx = fibers.query_region_idx(obj_coords, radius=(args.rad / 3600.0)) output = Table() output["ra"] = fibers.coords.ra[idx] * u.deg output["dec"] = fibers.coords.dec[idx] * u.deg filenames = [] fileidx = 101 for i in idx: filename = "tmp" + str(fileidx) + ".dat" filenames.append(filename) save_rsp_spectrum( fibers, i, file=filename, ) fileidx += 1 output["filename"] = np.array(filenames) ascii.write(output, "fib_coords.dat", overwrite=True) fibers.close() detects.close() tb.file._open_files.close_all()
class Extract: def __init__(self, wave=None): """ Initialize Extract class Parameters ---------- wave: numpy 1d array wavelength of calfib extension for hdf5 files, does not need to be set unless needed by development team """ if wave is not None: self.wave = wave else: self.wave = self.get_wave() self.get_ADR() self.log = setup_logging("Extract") def set_dither_pattern(self, dither_pattern=None): """ Set dither pattern (default if None given) Parameters ---------- dither_pattern: numpy array (length of exposures) only necessary if the dither pattern isn't the default """ if dither_pattern is None: self.dither_pattern = np.array([[0.0, 0.0], [1.27, -0.73], [1.27, 0.73]]) else: self.dither_pattern = dither_pattern def get_wave(self): """ Return implicit wavelength solution for calfib extension """ return np.linspace(3470, 5540, 1036) def get_ADR(self, angle=0.0): """ Use default ADR from Karl Gebhardt (adjusted by Greg Zeimann) Parameters ---------- angle: float angle=0 along x-direction, appropriate if observing at PA dither_pattern: numpy array (length of exposures) only necessary if the dither pattern isn't the default """ wADR = [3500.0, 4000.0, 4500.0, 5000.0, 5500.0] ADR = [-0.74, -0.4, -0.08, 0.08, 0.20] ADR = np.polyval(np.polyfit(wADR, ADR, 3), self.wave) self.ADRx = np.cos(np.deg2rad(angle)) * ADR self.ADRy = np.sin(np.deg2rad(angle)) * ADR def load_shot(self, shot_input, survey=LATEST_HDR_NAME, dither_pattern=None, fibers=True): """ Load fiber info from hdf5 for given shot_input Parameters ---------- shot_input: str e.g., 20190208v024 or 20190208024 """ self.shot = shot_input self.survey = survey if fibers: self.fibers = Fibers(self.shot, survey=survey) self.shoth5 = self.fibers.hdfile else: self.fibers = None self.shoth5 = open_shot_file(self.shot, survey=survey) self.set_dither_pattern(dither_pattern=dither_pattern) def convert_radec_to_ifux_ifuy(self, ifux, ifuy, ra, dec, rac, decc): """ Input SkyCoord object for sources to extract Parameters ---------- coord: SkyCoord object single ra and dec to turn into ifux and ifuy coordinates """ if len(ifuy) < 2: return None, None ifu_vect = np.array([ifuy[1] - ifuy[0], ifux[1] - ifux[0]]) radec_vect = np.array([(ra[1] - ra[0]) * np.cos(np.deg2rad(dec[0])), dec[1] - dec[0]]) V = np.sqrt(ifu_vect[0]**2 + ifu_vect[1]**2) W = np.sqrt(radec_vect[0]**2 + radec_vect[1]**2) scale_vect = np.array([3600.0, 3600.0]) v = ifu_vect * np.array([1.0, 1.0]) w = radec_vect * scale_vect W = np.sqrt(np.sum(w**2)) ang1 = np.arctan2(v[1] / V, v[0] / V) ang2 = np.arctan2(w[1] / W, w[0] / W) ang1 += (ang1 < 0.0) * 2.0 * np.pi ang2 += (ang2 < 0.0) * 2.0 * np.pi theta = ang1 - ang2 dra = (rac - ra[0]) * np.cos(np.deg2rad(dec[0])) * 3600.0 ddec = (decc - dec[0]) * 3600.0 dx = np.cos(theta) * dra - np.sin(theta) * ddec dy = np.sin(theta) * dra + np.cos(theta) * ddec yc = dx + ifuy[0] xc = dy + ifux[0] return xc, yc def get_fiberinfo_for_coord(self, coord, radius=3.5, ffsky=False, return_fiber_info=False): """ Grab fibers within a radius and get relevant info Parameters ---------- coord: SkyCoord Object a single SkyCoord object for a given ra and dec radius: radius to extract fibers in arcsec ffsky: bool Flag to choose local (ffsky=False) or full frame (ffsky=True) sky subtraction return_fiber_info: bool Return full fibers table. This is needed to get additional masking and to debug fiberid weights Returns ------- ifux: numpy array (length of number of fibers) ifu x-coordinate accounting for dither_pattern ifuy: numpy array (length of number of fibers) ifu y-coordinate accounting for dither_pattern ra: numpy array (length of number of fibers) Right ascension of fibers dec: numpy array (length of number of fibers) Declination of fibers spec: numpy 2d array (number of fibers by wavelength dimension) Calibrated spectra for each fiber spece: numpy 2d array (number of fibers by wavelength dimension) Error for calibrated spectra mask: numpy 2d array (number of fibers by wavelength dimension) Mask of good values for each fiber and wavelength fiberid: numpy array (length of number of fibers) array of fiberids for fibers used in the extraction. Returned only if return_fiber_info is True multiframe_array: numpy array (length of number of fibers array of amp IDs/multiframe values for each fiber. Return only if return_fiber_info is True """ fiber_lower_limit = 7 if self.fibers: idx = self.fibers.query_region_idx(coord, radius=radius) if len(idx) < fiber_lower_limit: return None ifux = self.fibers.table.read_coordinates(idx, "ifux") ifuy = self.fibers.table.read_coordinates(idx, "ifuy") ra = self.fibers.table.read_coordinates(idx, "ra") dec = self.fibers.table.read_coordinates(idx, "dec") if ffsky: spec = self.fibers.table.read_coordinates( idx, "spec_fullsky_sub") / 2.0 else: spec = self.fibers.table.read_coordinates(idx, "calfib") / 2.0 spece = self.fibers.table.read_coordinates(idx, "calfibe") / 2.0 ftf = self.fibers.table.read_coordinates(idx, "fiber_to_fiber") if self.survey == "hdr1": mask = self.fibers.table.read_coordinates(idx, "Amp2Amp") mask = (mask > 1e-8) * (np.median(ftf, axis=1) > 0.5)[:, np.newaxis] else: mask = self.fibers.table.read_coordinates(idx, "calfibe") mask = (mask > 1e-8) * (np.median(ftf, axis=1) > 0.5)[:, np.newaxis] expn = np.array(self.fibers.table.read_coordinates(idx, "expnum"), dtype=int) mf_array = self.fibers.table.read_coordinates( idx, "multiframe").astype(str) fiber_id_array = self.fibers.table.read_coordinates( idx, "fiber_id").astype(str) else: fib_table = get_fibers_table(self.shot, coord, survey=self.survey, radius=radius) if np.size(fib_table) < fiber_lower_limit: return None ifux = fib_table["ifux"] ifuy = fib_table["ifuy"] ra = fib_table["ra"] dec = fib_table["dec"] if ffsky: spec = fib_table["spec_fullsky_sub"] else: spec = fib_table["calfib"] spece = fib_table["calfibe"] ftf = fib_table["fiber_to_fiber"] if self.survey == "hdr1": mask = fib_table["Amp2Amp"] mask = (mask > 1e-8) * (np.median(ftf, axis=1) > 0.5)[:, np.newaxis] else: mask = fib_table["calfibe"] mask = (mask > 1e-8) * (np.median(ftf, axis=1) > 0.5)[:, np.newaxis] expn = np.array(fib_table["expnum"], dtype=int) mf_array = fib_table['multiframe'] try: fiber_id_array = fib_table['fiber_id'] except: fiber_id_array = [] ifux[:] = ifux + self.dither_pattern[expn - 1, 0] ifuy[:] = ifuy + self.dither_pattern[expn - 1, 1] xc, yc = self.convert_radec_to_ifux_ifuy(ifux, ifuy, ra, dec, coord.ra.deg, coord.dec.deg) if return_fiber_info: return ifux, ifuy, xc, yc, ra, dec, spec, spece, mask, fiber_id_array, mf_array else: return ifux, ifuy, xc, yc, ra, dec, spec, spece, mask def get_starcatalog_params(self): """ Load Star Catalog coordinates, g' magnitude, and star ID Returns ------- coords: SkyCoord Object SkyCoord object of the ra and dec's of the stars gmag: numpy array (float) g' magnitude of the stars in the star catalog starid: numpy array (int) Object ID from the original catalog of the stars (e.g., SDSS) """ if not hasattr(self, "shoth5"): self.log.warning("Please do load_shot to get star catalog params.") return None ras = self.shoth5.root.Astrometry.StarCatalog.cols.ra_cat[:] decs = self.shoth5.root.Astrometry.StarCatalog.cols.dec_cat[:] gmag = self.shoth5.root.Astrometry.StarCatalog.cols.g[:] starid = self.shoth5.root.Astrometry.StarCatalog.cols.star_ID[:] coords = SkyCoord(ras * u.deg, decs * u.deg, frame="fk5") return coords, gmag, starid def intersection_area(self, d, R, r): """ Return the area of intersection of two circles. The circles have radii R and r, and their centers are separated by d. Parameters ---------- d : float separation of the two circles R : float Radius of the first circle r : float Radius of the second circle """ if d <= abs(R - r): # One circle is entirely enclosed in the other. return np.pi * min(R, r)**2 if d >= r + R: # The circles don't overlap at all. return 0 r2, R2, d2 = r**2, R**2, d**2 alpha = np.arccos((d2 + r2 - R2) / (2 * d * r)) beta = np.arccos((d2 + R2 - r2) / (2 * d * R)) answer = (r2 * alpha + R2 * beta - 0.5 * (r2 * np.sin(2 * alpha) + R2 * np.sin(2 * beta))) return answer def tophat_psf(self, radius, boxsize, scale, fibradius=0.75): """ Tophat PSF profile image (taking fiber overlap with fixed radius into account) Parameters ---------- radius: float Radius of the tophat PSF boxsize: float Size of image on a side for Moffat profile scale: float Pixel scale for image Returns ------- zarray: numpy 3d array An array with length 3 for the first axis: PSF image, xgrid, ygrid """ xl, xh = (0.0 - boxsize / 2.0, 0.0 + boxsize / 2.0 + scale) yl, yh = (0.0 - boxsize / 2.0, 0.0 + boxsize / 2.0 + scale) x, y = (np.arange(xl, xh, scale), np.arange(yl, yh, scale)) xgrid, ygrid = np.meshgrid(x, y) t = np.linspace(0.0, np.pi * 2.0, 360) r = np.arange(radius - fibradius, radius + fibradius * 7.0 / 6.0, 1.0 / 6.0 * fibradius) xr, yr, zr = ([], [], []) for i, ri in enumerate(r): xr.append(np.cos(t) * ri) yr.append(np.sin(t) * ri) zr.append( self.intersection_area(ri, radius, fibradius) * np.ones(t.shape) / (np.pi * fibradius**2)) xr, yr, zr = [np.hstack(var) for var in [xr, yr, zr]] psf = griddata(np.array([xr, yr]).swapaxes(0, 1), zr, (xgrid, ygrid), method="linear") psf[np.isnan(psf)] = 0.0 zarray = np.array([psf, xgrid, ygrid]) zarray[0] /= zarray[0].sum() return zarray def gaussian_psf(self, xstd, ystd, theta, boxsize, scale): """ Gaussian PSF profile image Parameters ---------- xstd: float Standard deviation of the Gaussian in x before rotating by theta ystd: float Standard deviation of the Gaussian in y before rotating by theta theta: float Rotation angle in radians. The rotation angle increases counterclockwise boxsize: float Size of image on a side for Moffat profile scale: float Pixel scale for image Returns ------- zarray: numpy 3d array An array with length 3 for the first axis: PSF image, xgrid, ygrid """ M = Gaussian2D() M.x_stddev.value = xstd M.y_stddev.value = ystd M.theta.value = theta xl, xh = (0.0 - boxsize / 2.0, 0.0 + boxsize / 2.0 + scale) yl, yh = (0.0 - boxsize / 2.0, 0.0 + boxsize / 2.0 + scale) x, y = (np.arange(xl, xh, scale), np.arange(yl, yh, scale)) xgrid, ygrid = np.meshgrid(x, y) zarray = np.array([M(xgrid, ygrid), xgrid, ygrid]) zarray[0] /= zarray[0].sum() return zarray def moffat_psf(self, seeing, boxsize, scale, alpha=3.5): """ Moffat PSF profile image Parameters ---------- seeing: float FWHM of the Moffat profile boxsize: float Size of image on a side for Moffat profile scale: float Pixel scale for image alpha: float Power index in Moffat profile function Returns ------- zarray: numpy 3d array An array with length 3 for the first axis: PSF image, xgrid, ygrid """ M = Moffat2D() M.alpha.value = alpha M.gamma.value = 0.5 * seeing / np.sqrt(2**(1.0 / M.alpha.value) - 1.0) xl, xh = (0.0 - boxsize / 2.0, 0.0 + boxsize / 2.0 + scale) yl, yh = (0.0 - boxsize / 2.0, 0.0 + boxsize / 2.0 + scale) x, y = (np.arange(xl, xh, scale), np.arange(yl, yh, scale)) xgrid, ygrid = np.meshgrid(x, y) zarray = np.array([M(xgrid, ygrid), xgrid, ygrid]) zarray[0] /= zarray[0].sum() return zarray def model_psf( self, gmag_limit=21.0, radius=8.0, pixscale=0.25, boundary=[-21.0, 21.0, -21.0, 21.0], interp_kind="linear", ): """ Model the VIRUS on-sky PSF for a set of three exposures Parameters ---------- gmag_limit: float Only stars brighter than this value will be used to model the psf radius: float Radius in arcseconds used to collect fibers around a given coord pixscale: float Pixel scale in arcseconds of the psf image boundary: list of 4 values [x_lower, x_higher, y_lower, y_higher] limits for including a star in ifu coordinates interp_kind: str Kind of interpolation to pixelated grid from fiber intensity Returns ------- zarray: numpy 3d array An array with length 3 for the first axis: PSF image, xgrid, ygrid """ # Fit a box in a circle (0.95 factor for caution) boxsize = int(np.sqrt(2.0) * radius * 0.95 / pixscale) * pixscale coords, gmag, starid = self.get_starcatalog_params() psf_list = [] for i, coord in enumerate(coords): # Only use stars that are bright enough and not near the edge if gmag[i] > gmag_limit:"PSF model StarID: %i too faint: %0.2f" % (starid[i], gmag[i])) continue result = self.get_fiberinfo_for_coord(coord, radius=radius) if result is None: continue ifux, ifuy, xc, yc, ra, dec, data, datae, mask = result in_bounds = ((xc > boundary[0]) * (xc < boundary[1]) * (yc > boundary[2]) * (yc < boundary[3])) if not in_bounds:"PSF model StarID: %i on edge: %0.2f, %0.2f" % (starid[i], xc, yc)) continue psfi = self.make_collapsed_image( xc, yc, ifux, ifuy, data, mask, boxsize=boxsize, scale=pixscale, interp_kind=interp_kind, ) psf_list.append(psfi) if len(psf_list) == 0: self.log.warning("No suitable stars for PSF") self.log.warning('Using default moffat PSF with 1.8" seeing') return self.moffat_psf(1.8, boxsize, pixscale)"%i suitable stars for PSF" % len(psf_list)) C = np.array(psf_list) avg_psf_image = np.median(C[:, 0, :, :], axis=0) avg_psf_image[np.isnan(avg_psf_image)] = 0.0 zarray = np.array([avg_psf_image, C[0, 1], C[0, 2]]) return zarray def make_collapsed_image( self, xc, yc, xloc, yloc, data, mask, scale=0.25, seeing_fac=1.8, boxsize=4.0, wrange=[3470, 5540], nchunks=11, convolve_image=False, interp_kind="linear", ): """ Collapse spectra to make a single image on a rectified grid. This may be done for a wavelength range and using a number of chunks of wavelength to take ADR into account. Parameters ---------- xc: float The ifu x-coordinate for the center of the collapse frame yc: float The ifu y-coordinate for the center of the collapse frame xloc: numpy array The ifu x-coordinate for each fiber yloc: numpy array The ifu y-coordinate for each fiber data: numpy 2d array The calibrated spectra for each fiber mask: numpy 2d array The good fiber wavelengths to be used in collapsed frame scale: float Pixel scale for output collapsed image seeing_fac: float seeing_fac = 2.35 * radius of the Gaussian kernel used if convolving the images to smooth out features. Unit: arcseconds boxsize: float Length of the side in arcseconds for the convolved image wrange: list The wavelength range to use for collapsing the frame nchunks: int Number of chunks used to take ADR into account when collapsing the fibers. Use a larger number for a larger wavelength. A small wavelength may only need one chunk convolve_image: bool If true, the collapsed frame is smoothed at the seeing_fac scale interp_kind: str Kind of interpolation to pixelated grid from fiber intensity Returns ------- zarray: numpy 3d array An array with length 3 for the first axis: PSF image, xgrid, ygrid """ a, b = data.shape N = int(boxsize / scale) xl, xh = (xc - boxsize / 2.0, xc + boxsize / 2.0) yl, yh = (yc - boxsize / 2.0, yc + boxsize / 2.0) x, y = (np.linspace(xl, xh, N), np.linspace(yl, yh, N)) xgrid, ygrid = np.meshgrid(x, y) S = np.zeros((a, 2)) area = np.pi * 0.75**2 sel = (self.wave > wrange[0]) * (self.wave <= wrange[1]) I = np.arange(b) ichunk = [np.mean(xi) for xi in np.array_split(I[sel], nchunks)] ichunk = np.array(ichunk, dtype=int) cnt = 0 image_list = [] if convolve_image: seeing = seeing_fac / scale G = Gaussian2DKernel(seeing / 2.35) if interp_kind not in ["linear", "cubic"]: self.log.warning('interp_kind must be "linear" or "cubic"') self.log.warning('Using "linear" for interp_kind') interp_kind = "linear" for chunk, mchunk in zip( np.array_split(data[:, sel], nchunks, axis=1), np.array_split(mask[:, sel], nchunks, axis=1), ): marray =, mask=mchunk < 1e-8) image =, axis=1) image = image / S[:, 0] = xloc - self.ADRx[ichunk[cnt]] S[:, 1] = yloc - self.ADRy[ichunk[cnt]] cnt += 1 grid_z = (griddata( S[~image.mask],[~image.mask], (xgrid, ygrid), method=interp_kind, ) * scale**2 / area) if convolve_image: grid_z = convolve(grid_z, G) image_list.append(grid_z) image = np.median(image_list, axis=0) image[np.isnan(image)] = 0.0 zarray = np.array([image, xgrid - xc, ygrid - yc]) return zarray def make_narrowband_image( self, xc, yc, xloc, yloc, data, mask, scale=0.25, seeing_fac=1.8, boxsize=4.0, wrange=[3470, 5540], nchunks=11, convolve_image=False, interp_kind="linear", ): """ Sum spectra across a wavelength range or filter to make a single image on a rectified grid. ADR will be calculated at mean wavelength in wrange. Parameters ---------- xc: float The ifu x-coordinate for the center of the collapse frame yc: float The ifu y-coordinate for the center of the collapse frame xloc: numpy array The ifu x-coordinate for each fiber yloc: numpy array The ifu y-coordinate for each fiber data: numpy 2d array The calibrated spectra for each fiber mask: numpy 2d array The good fiber wavelengths to be used in collapsed frame scale: float Pixel scale for output collapsed image seeing_fac: float seeing_fac = 2.35 * radius of the Gaussian kernel used if convolving the images to smooth out features. Unit: arcseconds boxsize: float Length of the side in arcseconds for the convolved image wrange: list The wavelength range to use for collapsing the frame convolve_image: bool If true, the collapsed frame is smoothed at the seeing_fac scale interp_kind: str Kind of interpolation to pixelated grid from fiber intensity Returns ------- zarray: numpy 3d array An array with length 3 for the first axis: wavelength summed image across wrange in units of 10^-17/ergs/cm^2 xgrid, ygrid in relative arcsec from center coordinates """ a, b = data.shape N = int(boxsize / scale) xl, xh = (xc - boxsize / 2.0, xc + boxsize / 2.0) yl, yh = (yc - boxsize / 2.0, yc + boxsize / 2.0) x, y = (np.linspace(xl, xh, N), np.linspace(yl, yh, N)) xgrid, ygrid = np.meshgrid(x, y) S = np.zeros((a, 2)) area = np.pi * 0.75**2 sel = (self.wave > wrange[0]) * (self.wave <= wrange[1]) I = np.arange(b) if convolve_image: seeing = seeing_fac / scale G = Gaussian2DKernel(seeing / 2.35) if interp_kind not in ["linear", "cubic"]: self.log.warning('interp_kind must be "linear" or "cubic"') self.log.warning('Using "linear" for interp_kind') interp_kind = "linear" marray =[:, sel], mask=mask[:, sel] < 1e-8) image = 2. *, axis=1) # multiply for 2AA bins S[:, 0] = xloc - np.mean(self.ADRx[sel]) S[:, 1] = yloc - np.mean(self.ADRy[sel]) grid_z = (griddata( S[~image.mask],[~image.mask], (xgrid, ygrid), method=interp_kind, ) * scale**2 / area) if convolve_image: grid_z = convolve(grid_z, G) image = grid_z image[np.isnan(image)] = 0.0 zarray = np.array([image, xgrid - xc, ygrid - yc]) return zarray def get_psf_curve_of_growth(self, psf): """ Analyse the curve of growth for an input psf Parameters ---------- psf: numpy 3d array zeroth dimension: psf image, xgrid, ygrid Returns ------- r: numpy array radius in arcseconds cog: numpy array curve of growth for psf """ r = np.sqrt(psf[1]**2 + psf[2]**2).ravel() inds = np.argsort(r) maxr = psf[1].max() sel = r[inds] <= maxr cog = np.cumsum(psf[0].ravel()[inds][sel]) / np.sum( psf[0].ravel()[inds][sel]) return r[inds][sel], cog def build_weights(self, xc, yc, ifux, ifuy, psf): """ Build weight matrix for spectral extraction Parameters ---------- xc: float The ifu x-coordinate for the center of the collapse frame yc: float The ifu y-coordinate for the center of the collapse frame xloc: numpy array The ifu x-coordinate for each fiber yloc: numpy array The ifu y-coordinate for each fiber psf: numpy 3d array zeroth dimension: psf image, xgrid, ygrid Returns ------- weights: numpy 2d array (len of fibers by wavelength dimension) Weights for each fiber as function of wavelength for extraction """ S = np.zeros((len(ifux), 2)) T = np.array([psf[1].ravel(), psf[2].ravel()]).swapaxes(0, 1) I = LinearNDInterpolator(T, psf[0].ravel(), fill_value=0.0) weights = np.zeros((len(ifux), len(self.wave))) scale = np.abs(psf[1][0, 1] - psf[1][0, 0]) area = 0.75**2 * np.pi for i in np.arange(len(self.wave)): S[:, 0] = ifux - self.ADRx[i] - xc S[:, 1] = ifuy - self.ADRy[i] - yc weights[:, i] = I(S[:, 0], S[:, 1]) * area / scale**2 return weights def get_spectrum(self, data, error, mask, weights): """ Weighted spectral extraction Parameters ---------- data: numpy 2d array (number of fibers by wavelength dimension) Flux calibrated spectra for fibers within a given radius of the source. The radius is defined in get_fiberinfo_for_coord(). error: numpy 2d array Error of the flux calibrated spectra mask: numpy 2d array (bool) Mask of good wavelength regions for each fiber weights: numpy 2d array (float) Normalized extraction model for each fiber Returns ------- spectrum: numpy 1d array Flux calibrated extracted spectrum spectrum_error: numpy 1d array Error for the flux calibrated extracted spectrum """ spectrum = np.sum(data * mask * weights, axis=0) / np.sum( mask * weights**2, axis=0) spectrum_error = np.sqrt( np.sum(error**2 * mask * weights, axis=0) / np.sum(mask * weights**2, axis=0)) # Only use wavelengths with enough weight to avoid large noise spikes w = np.sum(mask * weights**2, axis=0) sel = w < np.median(w) * 0.1 spectrum[sel] = np.nan spectrum_error[sel] = np.nan return spectrum, spectrum_error def close(self): """ Close open shot h5 file if open """ if self.shoth5 is not None: self.shoth5.close()