Esempio n. 1
def unsharp(input_image, output_image):
  Helper Functions
    def clamp(val, min_, max_):
        local = hcl.scalar(val)
        with hcl.if_(val < min_):
            local[0] = min_
        with hcl.elif_(val > max_):
            local[0] = max_
        return local[0]

    def clamp2D(tensor, min_, max_):
        return hcl.compute(tensor.shape,
                           lambda x, y: clamp(tensor[x, y], min_, max_),
                           name="clamped_" +

    def clamp3D(tensor, min_, max_):
        return hcl.compute(tensor.shape,
                           lambda x, y, c: clamp(tensor[x, y, c], min_, max_),
                           name="clamped_" +

    def kernel_f(x):
        return hcl.exp(-(x * x) / (2 * 1.5 * 1.5)) / sqrt(2 * 3.14159 * 1.5)

    def kernel(x):
        return kernel_f(x) * 255 / (kernel_f(0) + kernel_f(1) * 2 +
                                    kernel_f(2) * 2 + kernel_f(3) * 2 +
                                    kernel_f(4) * 2)

    rx = hcl.reduce_axis(-4, 5, "rx")
    ry = hcl.reduce_axis(-4, 5, "ry")
    my = hcl.reduce_axis(0, 640, "my")

    gray = hcl.compute((480, 640),
                       lambda x, y: (input_image[x, y, 0] * 77 + input_image[
                           x, y, 1] * 150 + input_image[x, y, 2] * 29) >> 8,
    blur = hcl.compute(
        lambda x, y: hcl.sum(gray[rx + x, ry + y] * kernel(rx) * kernel(ry),
                             axis=[rx, ry]),
    sharpen = clamp2D(
                    lambda x, y: gray[x, y] * 2 - blur[x, y],
                    name="sharpen"), 0, 255)
    ratio = clamp2D(
            lambda x, y: sharpen[x, y] * 32 / hcl.max(gray[x, my], axis=my),
            name="ratio"), 0, 255)
    out = clamp3D(
                    lambda x, y, c: ratio[x, y] * input_image[x, y, c] >> 5,
                    name="out"), 0, 255)
    U = hcl.update(output_image, lambda x, y, c: out[x, y, c])

    return U
Esempio n. 2
 def dev(gx, gy, org):
     assert gx.shape == gy.shape, "mismatch"
     rx = hcl.reduce_axis(0, 255, "rx")
     ry = hcl.reduce_axis(0, 255, "ry")
     mat_sum = hcl.compute(gx.shape, lambda nn, ff, xx, yy:
                   gx[nn, ff, xx, yy] + gy[nn, ff, xx, yy], name="add")
     return hcl.compute(mat_sum.shape, lambda nn, ff, xx, yy:
                   mat_sum[nn, ff, xx, yy] * 255.0 / hcl.max(mat_sum[nn, ff, rx, ry], axis=[rx, ry]),
                   name = "derv")
Esempio n. 3
def softmax(out, x):
    assert len(x.shape) == 2, "only support 2-dim softmax"
    m, n = x.shape
    k = hcl.reduce_axis(0, n)
    max_elem = hcl.compute((m, ), lambda i: hcl.max(x[i, k], axis=k))
    k = hcl.reduce_axis(0, n)
    expsum = hcl.compute(
        (m, ), lambda i: hcl.sum(hcl.exp(x[i, k] - max_elem[i]), axis=k))
    return hcl.update(out,
                      lambda i, j: hcl.exp(x[i, j] - max_elem[i]) / expsum[i])