def __init__(self, config, environment, choice="prop", llb=False, explo="babbling", n_explo_points=0, choose_children_mode='competence', choose_children_local=True):
        self.config = config
        self.environment = environment
        self.choice = choice
        self.llb = llb
        self.explo = explo
        self.n_explo_points = n_explo_points
        self.choose_children_mode = choose_children_mode
        self.ccm_local = choose_children_local
        self.conf = self.config.agent
        self.expl_dims = self.config.agent.m_dims
        self.inf_dims = self.config.agent.s_dims

        self.t = 1
        self.modules = {}
        self.chosen_modules = {}
        self.mid_control = ''
        self.last_space_children_choices = {}
        self.hierarchy = Hierarchy() # Build Hierarchy
        for motor_space in self.config.m_spaces.values():
        for mid in self.config.modules.keys(): # Build modules
            #[set.add(self.modules[mid].controled_vars, cvar) for cmid in self.config.modules[mid]['children'] if self.hierarchy.is_mod(cmid) for cvar in self.modules[cmid].controled_vars]             
        for mid in self.modules.keys():
            self.last_space_children_choices[mid] = Queue.Queue()
Esempio n. 2
    def clusterSelected(self, event=None):
        popup = Toplevel(self)

        hierarchy = None

        if (self.displayRepresentatives):
            hierarchy = Hierarchy(representatives=map(
                lambda s: self.findHierarchy(s).hierarchy, self.selected))
            reps = []

            for tag in self.selected:
                reps += self.findHierarchy(tag).hierarchy.representatives

            hierarchy = Hierarchy(representatives=reps)

        frame = GraphFrame(popup, hierarchy)
        frame.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)
Esempio n. 3
 def __init__(self, groupSize, dirs):
     self.groupSize = groupSize
     self.dir = dirs
     if not os.path.exists(self.dir):
     self.VP2AS = defaultdict(set)
     self.VP2path = defaultdict(set)
     self.fullVP = set()
     self.partialVP = set()
     self.VPGroup = list()
     self.fileNum = -1
     self.tier = Hierarchy('asrel.txt')
Esempio n. 4
    def to_tree(self, root_id, priority_list=[]):
        Use a BFS from the root to decide the level of each node in the graph.
        Associate the children to their parents according to a priority_list.
            dag  - a directer acyclic graph, format should be a dictionary
                   whose keys are all the node IDs and values are lists
                   of theirs children
            root - the ID of the node that should be the root of the tree
        if root_id not in self:
            raise KeyError('The chosen root is not in the GODag %s:' % root_id)

        tree = Hierarchy()
        tree.create_node(self[root_id].name, root_id, parent=None)

        parents = [root_id]

        level = 0
        while parents:
  "Tree level %02d, %d nodes" % (level, len(parents)))
            children = set()

            child_to_parent_list = {}
            for parent in parents:
                for child in [ for c in self[parent].children]:
                    if tree.get_node(child) is not None:
                    child_to_parent_list.setdefault(child, []).append(parent)

            # associate each child with the parent with the highest priority
            # in the priority list
            for child, parent_list in child_to_parent_list.iteritems():
                parent = parent_list[
                    0]  # by default, choose the first parent in the list

                # if one of the IDs in the priority list is a parent, use that
                # one instead
                for go_id in priority_list:
                    if go_id in parent_list:
                        parent = go_id

                # we have to get rid of all colons in the names of the
                # tree because Paver treats them as delimiters between
                # display name and systematic name
                child_name = self[child].name.replace(':', ';')
                tree.create_node(child_name, child, parent)

            parents = list(children)
            level += 1

        return tree
Esempio n. 5
    def to_shallow_tree(self, root_id):
        Use a BFS from the root to decide the level of each node in the graph.
        For each child, keep only one of the edges leading to it so it will
        have a single parent, from the previous level. Choose these edges 
        in a way which will keep the tree balanced (probably not optimally 
        though). This will assure that only one of the shortest paths from 
        the root to every node is kept.
            dag  - a directer acyclic graph, format should be a dictionary
                   whose keys are all the node IDs and values are lists
                   of theirs children
            root - the ID of the node that should be the root of the tree
        if root_id not in self:
            raise KeyError('The chosen root is not in the GODag %s:' % root_id)

        tree = Hierarchy()
        tree.create_node(self[root_id].name, root_id, parent=None)

        parents = [root_id]

        while parents:
            children = set()

            child_to_parent_list = {}
            for parent in parents:
                for child in [ for c in self[parent].children]:
                    if tree.get_node(child) is not None:
                    child_to_parent_list.setdefault(child, []).append(parent)

            # the following list will contain pairs, counting the number of
            # children that each parent has.
            child_counts = [[0, p] for p in parents]
            for child, parent_list in child_to_parent_list.iteritems():
                # give this child to the parent with the least children
                for i, (counter, parent) in enumerate(child_counts):
                    if parent in parent_list:

                # we have to get rid of all colons in the names of the
                # tree because Paver treats them as delimiters between
                # display name and systematic name
                child_name = self[child].name.replace(':', ';')
                tree.create_node(child_name, child, parent)
                child_counts[i][0] += 1

        return tree
Esempio n. 6
    def to_tree(self, root_id, priority_list=[]):
        Use a BFS from the root to decide the level of each node in the graph.
        Associate the children to their parents according to a priority_list.
            dag  - a directer acyclic graph, format should be a dictionary
                   whose keys are all the node IDs and values are lists
                   of theirs children
            root - the ID of the node that should be the root of the tree
        if root_id not in self:
            raise KeyError('The chosen root is not in the GODag %s:' % root_id)
        tree = Hierarchy()
        tree.create_node(self[root_id].name, root_id, parent=None)
        parents = [root_id]
        level = 0
        while parents:
  "Tree level %02d, %d nodes" % (level, len(parents)))
            children = set()
            child_to_parent_list = {}
            for parent in parents:
                for child in [ for c in self[parent].children]:
                    if tree.get_node(child) is not None:
                    child_to_parent_list.setdefault(child, []).append(parent)

            # associate each child with the parent with the highest priority
            # in the priority list
            for child, parent_list in child_to_parent_list.iteritems():
                parent = parent_list[0] # by default, choose the first parent in the list
                # if one of the IDs in the priority list is a parent, use that
                # one instead
                for go_id in priority_list:
                    if go_id in parent_list:
                        parent = go_id
                # we have to get rid of all colons in the names of the 
                # tree because Paver treats them as delimiters between
                # display name and systematic name
                child_name = self[child].name.replace(':', ';')
                tree.create_node(child_name, child, parent)
            parents = list(children)
            level += 1

        return tree
Esempio n. 7
 def to_shallow_tree(self, root_id):
     Use a BFS from the root to decide the level of each node in the graph.
     For each child, keep only one of the edges leading to it so it will
     have a single parent, from the previous level. Choose these edges 
     in a way which will keep the tree balanced (probably not optimally 
     though). This will assure that only one of the shortest paths from 
     the root to every node is kept.
         dag  - a directer acyclic graph, format should be a dictionary
                whose keys are all the node IDs and values are lists
                of theirs children
         root - the ID of the node that should be the root of the tree
     if root_id not in self:
         raise KeyError('The chosen root is not in the GODag %s:' % root_id)
     tree = Hierarchy()
     tree.create_node(self[root_id].name, root_id, parent=None)
     parents = [root_id]
     while parents:
         children = set()
         child_to_parent_list = {}
         for parent in parents:
             for child in [ for c in self[parent].children]:
                 if tree.get_node(child) is not None:
                 child_to_parent_list.setdefault(child, []).append(parent)
         # the following list will contain pairs, counting the number of
         # children that each parent has.
         child_counts = [[0, p] for p in parents]
         for child, parent_list in child_to_parent_list.iteritems():
             # give this child to the parent with the least children
             for i, (counter, parent) in enumerate(child_counts):
                 if parent in parent_list:
             # we have to get rid of all colons in the names of the 
             # tree because Paver treats them as delimiters between
             # display name and systematic name
             child_name = self[child].name.replace(':', ';')
             tree.create_node(child_name, child, parent)
             child_counts[i][0] += 1
     return tree
Esempio n. 8
    def __init__(self, name="NoName", mintime=0., maxtime=0.):
        Creates a new Transcription instance.

        @param name: (str) the name of the transcription
        @param mintime in seconds
        @param maxtime in seconds

        super(Transcription, self).__init__()
        self.__name      = u'NoName'
        self.__mintime   = mintime
        self.__maxtime   = maxtime
        self.__tiers     = [] # a list of Tier() instances
        self.__media     = [] # a list of Media() instances
        self.__ctrlvocab = [] # a list of CtrlVocab() instances
        self._hierarchy  = Hierarchy()

Esempio n. 9
def main(args):

    if(len(args) != 3):
        print "Usage: C clustering.pkl"
        print "     C is the cluster in clustering.pkl to display"

    C = int(args[1])
    path = args[2]

    print "Loading"
    clustering = utils.load_obj(path)
    #clustering  = doc.get_docs_nested(driver.get_data_dir("very_small"))
    hierarchy = Hierarchy.createHierarchy(clustering)

    print "Starting GUI"
    root = Tk()
    frame = GraphFrame(root, hierarchy)
Esempio n. 10
    def __pb_classificate_click(self):
            self.__amount_of_objects = int(self.ui.le_amount_of_objects.text())

        except ValueError:
        # self.__distances = [[0.0, 6.0, 5.0], [6.0, 0.0, 2.0], [5.0, 2.0, 0.0]]
        self.__distances = self.__generate_random_distances(
        hierarchy = Hierarchy(self.__distances, self.__amount_of_objects)
Esempio n. 11
def main():
    d = Diagnosis()
    c = Category()
    l = Level()
    q = Question()
    e = Emergency_followup()
    hist = Historik()
    value_list = [3, 4, 5, 4, 5, 6, 6, 5, 4]
    #answer = q.get_question("sex.txt", 1)
    #cat_list = c.get_category_questions("sex.txt")
    #answer = l.get_level_category(3)
    h = Hierarchy()
    #answer = h.get_hierarchy_categories()
    I = Interface()
    #answer = I.get_questions_all()
    #answer = I.get_question_akut()
    #answer = d.setup_diagnosis()
    #answer = d.read_diagnosis()
    #answer = d.write_diagnosis("this is question nr 3", "A diagnos")
    #answer = d.get_diagnosis("this is question nr 3")
    #answer = e.setup_followup()
    #answer = e.change_followup("How have your general health been today?", "Go for a run")
    #answer = e.read_followup("How have your general health been today?")
    #answer = e.new_followup()
    #answer = I.interface_questions_akut()
    #answer = I.interface_daily_questions()
    #answer = hist.set_historik_total([1, 2 , 3, 6])
    #answer = hist.get_historik_all_total()
    answer = l.level_count()

Esempio n. 12
def main(input_data, basement, num_layers, multiplier, num_patches, features):
    if os.path.isfile(input_data):
        data = load_file(input_data)
    elif os.path.isdir(input_data):
        data = load_folder(input_data)
        raise Exception('{} is neither file nor directory'.format(input_data))
    if features:
            features = [int(f) for f in features.split(',')]
            raise Exception('Bad features: {}. Expecting a bunch of integers separated by comma'.format(features))
        if len(features) != num_layers:
            raise Exception('{} features specified, but total number of layers is {}'.format(len(features), num_layers))

    H = Hierarchy(data)
    for i in xrange(num_layers):
        mult = 0 if i == 0 else multiplier
        f = features[i] if features else 100
        H.add_layer(basement * (multiplier ** i), f, num_patches, mult)
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(__file__, description='CSV to Block Diagram Converter')
    parser.add_argument('--path', '-p', help='Enter file path to csv directory', required=True)
    parser.add_argument('--dot', '-d', help='Generate dot files', required=False, type=bool)
    parser.add_argument('--clips', '-c', help='Generate CLIPS facts', required=False, type=bool)
    args = parser.parse_args()
    csv_dir_path = args.path
    read_csv = ReadCSV()
    hier = Hierarchy()
    for (directory, _, files) in walk(csv_dir_path):
        for f in files:
                if len(f.split('.')) == 2 and f.split('.')[1] == 'csv':
                    csv_name, csv_obj = read_csv.read_csv(directory, f)
                    hier.collect_first_row(csv_name, csv_obj)
            except NameError as e:
                print e.message

    hierarchy = hier.sorted_graph
    levels = hier.levels

    for (directory, _, files) in walk(csv_dir_path):
        for f in files:
                if len(f.split('.')) == 2 and f.split('.')[1] == 'csv':
                    read_csv.read_csv_contents(directory, f)
            except NameError as e:
                print e.message

    knol = read_csv.knol_all
    layout = BlockDiagramLayout(levels, knol, hierarchy)

    dot_out_dir = layout.dot_out_dir
    block_out_dir = layout.block_out_dir

    # write dot for individual blocks
        gen_dot = GenerateDot(dot_out_dir, block_out_dir)
        print '-' * 100
        print 'GENERATE DOT FILE(S)'
        print '-' * 100
        block_map = {}
        for i, block in enumerate(knol.keys()):
            print i+1, '=', block.replace('.csv', '')
            block_map[i+1] = block
        choice = raw_input('Choose block(s) for dot file generation (space separated): ')
        gen_dot.generate_dot(choice, block_map, knol)

    # generate CLIPS facts for individual blocks
    if args.clips:
        gen_clips = GenerateCLIPS()
        print '-' * 100
        print 'GENERATE CLIPS FACTS'
        print '-' * 100
        block_map = {}
        for i, block in enumerate(knol.keys()):
            print i + 1, '=', block.replace('.csv', '')
            block_map[i + 1] = block
        choice = raw_input('Choose block(s) for CLIPS facts generation (space separated): ')
        gen_clips.generate_clips_facts(choice, block_map, knol)
Esempio n. 14
    parser.add_argument("--supervised_data_dir", default=None)
    parser.add_argument("--results_folder", default=None)
    args = parser.parse_args()

    val_file = os.path.join(p.data_dir, '') if not args.supervised else os.path.join(args.supervised_data_dir, '')

        email_sender = EmailSender(smtp_server=p.smtp_server, port=p.port, sender_email=p.sender_email, sender_password=args.sender_password, receiver_email=p.receiver_email, subject="%s: testing %s model" % (socket.gethostname(), args.model_type))
        email_sender.send_email("Starting to test %s model." % args.model_type)
        email_sender = None

    if args.supervised:
        hierarchy_file = os.path.join(args.supervised_data_dir, 'hierarchy.pkl')
        if not os.path.exists(hierarchy_file):
            hierarchy_file = os.path.join(args.checkpoint_folder, 'hierarchy.pkl')
        hierarchy_file = os.path.join(args.checkpoint_folder, 'hierarchy.pkl')

    hierarchy = Hierarchy.from_dict(read_pickle(hierarchy_file))

        main(args.model_type, val_file, args.checkpoint_folder, hierarchy, supervised=args.supervised, device=args.device, email_sender=email_sender, results_folder=args.results_folder, noload=args.noload)
#        nprocs = 2
#        main_distributed = distributed_wrapper(main, nprocs)
#        main_distributed(args.model_type, val_file, args.checkpoint_folder, device=args.device)
    except Exception as e:
        if email_sender is not None:
            email_sender("Got an exception:\n%s" % e)
        raise e
Esempio n. 15
class Transcription( MetaObject ):
    @authors: Brigitte Bigi
    @contact: [email protected]
    @license: GPL, v3
    @summary: Generic representation of an annotated file.

    Transcriptions in SPPAS are represented with:
        - meta data: a serie of tuple key/value
        - a name (used as Id)
        - tiers
        - a hierarchy
        - controlled vocabularies (yet not used)

    Inter-tier relations are managed by establishing alignment or association
    links between 2 tiers:
        - alignment: annotations of a tier A (child) have only Time instances
          included in those of annotations of tier B (parent);
        - association: annotations of a tier A have exactly Time instances
          included in those of annotations of tier B.

    >>> transcription = Transcription()
    >>> formertier = transcription.NewTier("parent")
    >>> lattertier = transcription.NewTier("child")
    >>> transcription.GetHierarchy().addLink("TimeAlignment", formertier, lattertier)


    def __init__(self, name="NoName", mintime=0., maxtime=0.):
        Creates a new Transcription instance.

        @param name: (str) the name of the transcription
        @param mintime in seconds
        @param maxtime in seconds

        super(Transcription, self).__init__()
        self.__name      = u'NoName'
        self.__mintime   = mintime
        self.__maxtime   = maxtime
        self.__tiers     = [] # a list of Tier() instances
        self.__media     = [] # a list of Media() instances
        self.__ctrlvocab = [] # a list of CtrlVocab() instances
        self._hierarchy  = Hierarchy()


    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def GetHierarchy(self):
        Return the Hierarchy instance.

        return self._hierarchy

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def GetName(self):
        Return the string of the name of the transcription.

        return self.__name

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def SetName(self, name):
        Set a new name (the name is also used as Id, to identify a Transcription)

        @param name (str)
        @raise UnicodeDecodeError

        name = ' '.join(name.split())

        if isinstance(name, unicode):
            self.__name = name
                self.__name = name.decode("utf-8")
            except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
                raise e

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def Set(self, tiers, name='NoName'):
        Set a transcription.

        @param tiers: Transcription or list of Tier instances.
        @raise TypeError:

        if isinstance(tiers, Transcription):
            self.metadata    = tiers.metadata
            self._hierarchy  = tiers._hierarchy
            self.__media     = tiers.__media
            self.__ctrlvocab = tiers.__ctrlvocab
            self.__name      = tiers.__name
            self.__mintime   = tiers.__mintime
            self.__maxtime   = tiers.__maxtime
            self.__tiers     = tiers.__tiers

        if all(isinstance(tier, Tier) for tier in tiers) is False:
            raise TypeError("Transcription or List of Tier instances argument required, not %r" % tiers)

        self.__tiers = [tier for tier in tiers]
        self.__media     = set( [tier.GetMedia() for tier in tiers] )
        self.__ctrlvocab = set( [tier.GetCtrlVocab() for tier in tiers] )

        self.__name  = name

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def Copy(self):
        Return a copy of the transcription.

        return copy.deepcopy(self)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def SetSherableProperties(self, other):
        Set some of the properties of other to self: media, ctrlvocab.

        if not isinstance(other, Transcription):
            raise TypeError("Can not set properties. Expected Transcription instance, got %s."%type(other))

        self.SetMedia( other.GetMedia() )
        self.SetCtrlVocab( other.GetCtrlVocab() )

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Media
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def GetMedia(self):
        return self.__media

    def GetMediaFromId(self, idm):
        idt = idm.strip()
        for m in self.__media:
            if == idt:
                return m
        return None

    def AddMedia(self, newmedia):
        if not isinstance(newmedia, Media):
            raise TypeError("Can not add media in Transcription. Expected Media instance, got %s."%type(newmedia))
        ids = [ for m in self.__media ]
        if in ids:
            raise ValueError('A media is already defined with the same identifier %s'
        self.__media.append( newmedia )

    def RemoveMedia(self, oldmedia):
        if not isinstance(oldmedia, Media) or not oldmedia in self.__media:
            raise TypeError("Can not remove media of Transcription.")
        self.__media.remove( oldmedia )
        for tier in self.__tiers:
            if tier.GetMedia() == oldmedia:

    def SetMedia(self, media):
        self.__media = []
        for m in media:
            self.AddMedia( m )

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Controlled vocabularies
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def GetCtrlVocab(self):
        return self.__ctrlvocab

    def GetCtrlVocabFromId(self, idt):
        idt = idt.strip()
        for c in self.__ctrlvocab:
            if == idt:
                return c
        return None

    def AddCtrlVocab(self, ctrlvocab):
        if not isinstance(ctrlvocab, CtrlVocab):
            raise TypeError("Unknown controlled vocabulary error in")

    def RemoveCtrlVocab(self, ctrlvocab):
        if not isinstance(ctrlvocab, CtrlVocab):
            raise TypeError("Unknown controlled vocabulary error in")
        for tier in self.__tiers:
            if tier.GetCtrlVocab() == ctrlvocab:

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Tiers
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def GetMinTime(self):
        Return the minimum time value.


        return self.__mintime

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def SetMinTime(self, mintime):
        Set the minimum time value.

        self.__mintime = mintime

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def GetMaxTime(self):
        Return the maximum time value.

        # In theory, maxtime represents the duration of the annotated media.
        # Then, it can not be lesser than the end of the last annotation...
        # But... none of the annotation formats indicate such duration!
        # So, we do what we can with what we have.
        if self.GetEnd() > self.__maxtime:
            self.__maxtime = self.GetEnd()

        return self.__maxtime

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def SetMaxTime(self, maxtime):
        Set the maximum time value.

        self.__maxtime = maxtime

        if self.__maxtime < self.GetEnd():
            raise Exception(
                'Impossible to fix a max time value '
                'lesser than the end of annotations.')

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def GetSize(self):
        Return the number of tiers in the transcription.

        return len(self.__tiers)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def NewTier(self, name="Empty"):
        Add a new empty tier at the end of the transcription.

        @param name: (str) the name of the tier to create
        @return: newly created empty tier

        tier = Tier(name)

        return tier

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def Add(self, tier, index=None):
        Add a new tier at a given index.

        Index must be lower than the transcription size.
        By default, the tier is appended at the end of the list.

        @param tier (Tier) the tier to add to the transcription
        @param index (int) the position in the list of tiers
        @raise IndexError
        @return: Tier index


        if tier.GetEnd() > self.__maxtime:
            self.__maxtime = tier.GetEndValue()
        if tier.GetBegin() < self.__mintime:
            self.__mintime = tier.GetBeginValue()

        if index is not None:
            if index >= len(self.__tiers) or index < 0:
                raise IndexError
            self.__tiers.insert(index, tier)
            index = len(self.__tiers)-1

        # TODO: IDEM WITH CTRLVOCAB....????

        return index

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def Append(self, tier):
        Append a tier in the transcription.

        @param tier (Tier) the tier to add to the transcription
        @return Tier index (int)


        if tier.GetEnd() > self.__maxtime:
            self.__maxtime = tier.GetEndValue()
        if tier.GetBegin() < self.__mintime:
            self.__mintime = tier.GetBeginValue()

        # TODO: IDEM WITH CTRLVOCAB....???

        return len(self.__tiers)-1

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def Pop(self, index=-1):
        Pop a tier of the transcription.

        @param index: the index of the tier to pop. Default is the last one.
        @raise IndexError
        @return: Return the removed tier

        if self.IsEmpty():
            raise IndexError("Pop from empty transcription.")

            return self.__tiers.pop(index)
        except IndexError as e:
            raise e

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def Remove(self, index):
        Remove a tier of the transcription.

        @param index: the index of the tier to remove.
        @raise IndexError:

        if index >= len(self.__tiers) or index < 0:
            raise IndexError

        del self.__tiers[index]

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def GetIndex(self, name, case_sensitive=True):
        Get the index of a tier from its name.

        @param name: (str) EXACT name of the tier
        @param case_sensitive: (bool)
        @return: Return the tier index or -1

        t = self.Find(name, case_sensitive)
        for i, tier in enumerate(self.__tiers):
            if t is tier:
                return i

        return -1

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def Find(self, name, case_sensitive=True):
        Find a tier from its name.

        @param name: (str) EXACT name of the tier
        @param case_sensitive: (bool)
        @return: Return the tier or None

        for tier in self:
            if case_sensitive:
                if tier.GetName() == name.strip():
                    return tier
                if tier.GetName().lower() == name.strip().lower():
                    return tier

        return None

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def GetBeginValue(self):
        Return the smaller begin time value of all tiers.
        Return 0 if the transcription contains no tiers.

        @return: Float value, or 0 if the transcription contains no tiers.

        if self.IsEmpty():
            return 0.

        return min(tier.GetBeginValue() for tier in self.__tiers)

    def GetBegin(self):
        return self.GetBeginValue()

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def GetEndValue(self):
        Return the higher end time value of all tiers.
        Return 0 if the transcription contains no tiers.

        @return: Float value, or 0 if the transcription contains no tiers.

        if self.IsEmpty():
            return 0.

        return max(tier.GetEndValue() for tier in self.__tiers)

    def GetEnd(self):
        return self.GetEndValue()

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def IsEmpty(self):
        Ask the transcription to be empty or not.
        A transcription is empty if it does not contain tiers.

        @return: bool

        return len(self.__tiers) == 0

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Input/Output
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def read(self):
        name = self.__class__.__name__
        raise NotImplementedError("%s does not support read()." % name)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def write(self):
        name = self.__class__.__name__
        raise NotImplementedError("%s does not support write()." % name)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Private
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def __rename(self, tier):
        name = tier.GetName()
        i = 2
        while self.Find(name) is not None:
            name = u"%s-%d" % (tier.GetName(), i)
            i += 1

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Overloads
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.__tiers)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def __iter__(self):
        for x in self.__tiers:
            yield x

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def __getitem__(self, i):
        return self.__tiers[i]
Esempio n. 16
class Supervisor(Observable):
    def __init__(self, config, environment, choice="prop", llb=False, explo="babbling", n_explo_points=0, choose_children_mode='competence', choose_children_local=True):
        self.config = config
        self.environment = environment
        self.choice = choice
        self.llb = llb
        self.explo = explo
        self.n_explo_points = n_explo_points
        self.choose_children_mode = choose_children_mode
        self.ccm_local = choose_children_local
        self.conf = self.config.agent
        self.expl_dims = self.config.agent.m_dims
        self.inf_dims = self.config.agent.s_dims

        self.t = 1
        self.modules = {}
        self.chosen_modules = {}
        self.chosen_spaces = {}
        for s_space in self.config.s_spaces:
            self.chosen_spaces[s_space] = 0
        self.mid_control = ''
        self.last_space_children_choices = {}
        self.credit_tool_move = {}
        self.credit_hand_move = {}
        self.hierarchy = Hierarchy() # Build Hierarchy
        for motor_space in self.config.m_spaces.values():
        for mid in self.config.modules.keys(): # Build modules
            #[set.add(self.modules[mid].controled_vars, cvar) for cmid in self.config.modules[mid]['children'] if self.hierarchy.is_mod(cmid) for cvar in self.modules[cmid].controled_vars]             
        for mid in self.modules.keys():
            self.last_space_children_choices[mid] = Queue.Queue()
            self.credit_tool_move[mid] = 0
            self.credit_hand_move[mid] = 0
    def init_module(self, mid):
        self.modules[mid] = Module(self.config, mid)
        self.chosen_modules[mid] = 0
#         for space in self.config.modules[mid]['m_list']:
#             self.hierarchy.add_motor_space(space) 
        for space in self.config.modules[mid]['m_list']:
            self.hierarchy.add_edge_space_module(mid, space)
        self.hierarchy.add_edge_module_space(mid, self.config.modules[mid]['s'])
    def choose_interesting_space(self, mode='softmax'):
        s_spaces = self.config.s_spaces
        interests = {}
        for s_space in s_spaces.keys():
            if s_space == "s_h":
                interests[s_space] = self.modules["mod1"].interest()
            elif s_space == "s_t1":
                interests[s_space] = self.modules["mod2"].interest()
#             elif s_space == "s_t2":
#                 interests[s_space] = self.modules["mod3"].interest()
            elif s_space == "s_o":
                interests[s_space] = np.sum([self.modules[mid].interest() for mid in ["mod3", "mod4"]])
        self.emit('interests', [self.t, interests])
        if mode == 'random':
            s_space = np.random.choice(self.interests.keys())
        elif mode == 'greedy':
            eps = 0.2
            if np.random.random() < eps:
                s_space = np.random.choice(self.interests.keys())
                s_space = max(interests, key=interests.get)
        elif mode == 'softmax':
            temperature = 0.1
            w = interests.values()
            s_space = s_spaces.keys()[softmax_choice(w, temperature)]
        elif mode == 'prop':
            w = interests.values()
            s_space = s_spaces.keys()[prop_choice(w, eps=0.2)]
            if self.t % 200 == 1:
                print 'iterations', self.t - 1
                print "competences", np.array([self.modules[mid].competence() for mid in self.modules.keys()])
                print "progresses", np.array([self.modules[mid].interest_model.current_progress for mid in self.modules.keys()])
                print "interests", np.array([self.modules[mid].interest() for mid in self.modules.keys()])
                print "sm db n points", [len(self.modules[mid].sensorimotor_model.model.imodel.fmodel.dataset) for mid in self.modules.keys()]
                print "im db n points", [len(self.modules[mid].interest_model.data_xc) for mid in self.modules.keys()]
                print self.chosen_modules
                print "made tool moved object", self.credit_tool_move
                print "made hand moved object", self.credit_hand_move
        self.chosen_spaces[s_space] = self.chosen_spaces[s_space] + 1
        return s_space
#     def choose_babbling_module(self, auto_create=False, progress_threshold=1e-2, mode='softmax', weight_by_level=False):
#         interests = {}
#         for mid in self.modules.keys():
#             interests[mid] = self.modules[mid].interest()
#             self.emit('interest_' + mid, [self.t, interests[mid]])
#             self.emit('competence_' + mid, [self.t, self.modules[mid].competence()])
#         max_progress = max(interests.values())
# #         self.emit('babbling_module', "mod2")
# #         return "mod2"
#         #print "max_progress", max_progress
#         if not auto_create or max_progress > progress_threshold:
#             if mode == 'random':
#                 mid = np.random.choice(self.modules.keys())
#             elif mode == 'greedy':
#                 eps = 0.1
#                 if np.random.random() < eps:
#                     mid = np.random.choice(self.modules.keys())
#                 else:
#                     mid = max(interests, key=interests.get)
#             elif mode == 'softmax':
#                 temperature = 0.1
#                 mids = interests.keys()
#                 w = interests.values()
#                 #print "progresses", w
#                 #print "competences", [mod.competence() for mod in self.modules.values()]
#                 if weight_by_level:
#                     levels = self.hierarchy.module_levels()
#                     for i in range(len(mids)):
#                         f = 2.0
#                         w[i] = w[i] * np.power(f, max(levels.values()) - levels[mids[i]])
#                 #print w
#                 mid = mids[softmax_choice(w, temperature)]
#             elif mode == 'prop':
#                 mids = interests.keys()
#                 w = interests.values()
#                 if self.t % 200 == 1:
#     #                 print
#     #                 print "influence ", self.influence
#                     print
#                     print 'iterations', self.t - 1
#                     print "competences", np.array([self.modules[mid].competence() for mid in self.modules.keys()])
#                     if sum(w) > 0:
#                         print "interests", np.array(w)
# #                         print "interesting objects:", int(((w[3] + w[6]) / sum(w))*100), "%"
# #                         print "cumulated:", int((self.chosen_modules["mod4"] + self.chosen_modules["mod7"]) / float(sum(self.chosen_modules.values())) * 100), "%"
#                     print "sm db n points", [len(self.modules[mid].sensorimotor_model.model.imodel.fmodel.dataset) for mid in self.modules.keys()]
#                     print "im db n points", [len(self.modules[mid].interest_model.data_xc) for mid in self.modules.keys()]
#                     print self.chosen_modules
#                     #print self.babbling_module
#                 if weight_by_level:
#                     levels = self.hierarchy.module_levels()
#                     for i in range(len(mids)):
#                         f = 10.0
#                         w[i] = w[i] * np.power(f, max(levels.values()) - levels[mids[i]])
#                 #print w
#                 mid = mids[prop_choice(w, eps=0.1)]
#             self.chosen_modules[mid] = self.chosen_modules[mid] + 1
#             #print self.chosen_modules
#             self.emit('babbling_module', mid)
#             return mid
#         else:
#             return self.create_module()
    def fast_forward(self, log, forward_im=False):
        #ms_list = []
        for m,s in zip(log.logs['motor'], log.logs['sensori']):
            ms = np.append(m,s)
            #ms_list += [ms]
        for mid, mod in self.modules.iteritems():
            mod.fast_forward_models(log, ms_list=None, from_log_mod=mid, forward_im=forward_im)        
    def eval_mode(self): 
        self.sm_modes = {}
        for mod in self.modules.values():
            self.sm_modes[mod.mid] = mod.sensorimotor_model.mode
            mod.sensorimotor_model.mode = 'exploit'
    def learning_mode(self): 
        for mod in self.modules.values():
            mod.sensorimotor_model.mode = self.sm_modes[mod.mid]
    def check_bounds_dmp(self, m_ag):
        return bounds_min_max(m_ag, self.conf.m_mins, self.conf.m_maxs)
    def motor_babbling(self):
        return rand_bounds(self.conf.m_bounds)[0]
    def motor_primitive(self, m): return m
    def rest_params(self): return self.environment.rest_params()
    def sensory_primitive(self, s): return s    
    def get_eval_dims(self, s): return self.set_ms(s = s)[self.config.eval_dims]  
    def set_ms(self, m=None, s=None):
        ms = zeros(self.conf.ndims)
        if m is not None:
            ms[self.conf.m_dims] = m
        if s is not None:
            ms[self.conf.s_dims] = s
        return ms
    def set_ms_seq(self, m=None, s=None):
        ms = zeros(self.conf.ndims)
        if m is not None:
            ms[self.conf.m_dims] = m
        if s is not None:
            ms[self.conf.s_dims] = s
        return [ms]
    def get_m(self, ms): return ms[self.conf.m_dims]
    def get_s(self, ms): return ms[self.conf.s_dims]
    def update_sensorimotor_models(self, ms):
        #print 'ms', ms
        for mid in ["mod1", "mod2"]:
            self.modules[mid].update_sm(self.modules[mid].get_m(ms), self.modules[mid].get_s(ms))
        #print 'ms2', ms
        obj_end_pos_y = ms[10] + ms[-1]
        tool1_moved = (abs(ms[-6] - ms[-4]) > 0.0001)
        #tool2_moved = (abs(ms[-5] - ms[-3]) > 0.0001)
        tool1_touched_obj = tool1_moved and (abs(ms[-4] - obj_end_pos_y) < 0.0001)
        #tool2_touched_obj = tool2_moved and (abs(ms[-3] - obj_end_pos_y) < 0.0001)
        obj_moved = abs(ms[-1]) > 0.0001
        obj_moved_with_hand = obj_moved and (not tool1_touched_obj)# and (not tool2_touched_obj)
        if tool1_touched_obj:
            if not self.mid_control  == '': 
                self.credit_tool_move[self.mid_control] += 1
        if obj_moved_with_hand:
            if not self.mid_control  == '': 
                self.credit_hand_move[self.mid_control] += 1
        if tool1_touched_obj or (tool1_moved and not obj_moved_with_hand):
            self.modules["mod4"].update_sm(self.modules["mod4"].get_m(ms), self.modules["mod4"].get_s(ms))
            #print ms
            #print "tool1 moved"
            return "mod4"
#         elif tool2_touched_obj or (tool2_moved and not obj_moved_with_hand):
#             self.modules["mod6"].update_sm(self.modules["mod6"].get_m(ms), self.modules["mod6"].get_s(ms))
#             #print ms
#             #print "tool2 moved"
#             return "mod6"
            self.modules["mod3"].update_sm(self.modules["mod3"].get_m(ms), self.modules["mod3"].get_s(ms))
            #print "no tool moved"
            return "mod3" if obj_moved else None
    def choose_space_child(self, s_space, s, mode="competence", local="local", k=1):
        Choose the children of space s_space among modules that have
        the good sensori spaces, maximizing competence.
            possible_mids = self.hierarchy.space_children(s_space)
        except KeyError:
            print "s_space not found in hierarchy"
            return None
        if len(possible_mids) == 1:
            mid = possible_mids[0]  
            return mid 
        eps = 0.05
        if mode == "competence":
            if local:
#                 for mid in ["mod2", "mod5", 'mod6']:
#                     dists, idxs = self.modules[mid].sensorimotor_model.model.imodel.fmodel.dataset.nn_y(s, k=1)
#                     print mid, dists, idxs, self.modules[mid].sensorimotor_model.model.imodel.fmodel.dataset.get_xy(idxs[0]), y, s
                competences = [self.modules[pmid].competence_reached(s) for pmid in possible_mids]
#                 print "sm db n points", [len(self.modules[mid].sensorimotor_model.model.imodel.fmodel.dataset) for mid in self.modules.keys()]
                competences = [self.modules[pmid].competence() for pmid in possible_mids]
            #print "choose space child", competences
            if k == 1:
                mid = possible_mids[greedy(competences, eps)]
                #print "chosen mid", mid
                return mid
                mid = possible_mids[greedy(competences)]
                return [(1. - (eps/2.) if pmid == mid else eps/2.) for pmid in possible_mids]
        if mode == "competence_prop":
            if local:
#                 for mid in ["mod2", "mod5", 'mod6']:
#                     dists, idxs = self.modules[mid].sensorimotor_model.model.imodel.fmodel.dataset.nn_y(s, k=1)
#                     print mid, dists, idxs, self.modules[mid].sensorimotor_model.model.imodel.fmodel.dataset.get_xy(idxs[0]), y, s
                competences = [self.modules[pmid].competence_reached(s) for pmid in possible_mids]
                #print "choose space child", competences
#                 print "sm db n points", [len(self.modules[mid].sensorimotor_model.model.imodel.fmodel.dataset) for mid in self.modules.keys()]
                competences = [self.modules[pmid].competence() for pmid in possible_mids]
            if k == 1:
                mid = possible_mids[prop_choice(competences, eps)]
                return mid
                rectified = 1. / np.array(competences)
                probas = rectified / np.sum(rectified)
                return ((1. - eps) * probas + eps/2.)
        elif mode == "interest":  
            if local=="local":
                interests = [self.modules[pmid].interest_pt(s) for pmid in possible_mids]
                interests = [self.modules[pmid].interest() for pmid in possible_mids]
            #print "choose space child", interests
            if k == 1:
                mid = possible_mids[greedy(interests, eps=eps)]
                #print "chosen mid", mid
                return mid
                mid = possible_mids[greedy(interests)]
                return [(1. - (eps/2.) if pmid == mid else eps/2.) for pmid in possible_mids]
        elif mode == "interest_prop":  
            if local=="local":
                interests = [self.modules[pmid].interest_pt(s) for pmid in possible_mids]
                interests = [self.modules[pmid].interest() for pmid in possible_mids]
            #print "choose space child", interests
            if k == 1:
                mid = possible_mids[prop_choice(interests, eps=eps)]
                #print "chosen mid", mid
                return mid
                return ((1. - eps) * (np.array(interests) / np.sum(interests)) + eps/2.)
        elif mode == "random":   
            mid = np.random.choice(possible_mids)
            self.chosen_modules[mid] = self.chosen_modules[mid] + 1
            return mid
    def get_mid_children(self, mid, m, mode="competence", local="local"):
        children = []
        i = 0
        for space in self.config.modules[mid]['m_list']:
            if self.hierarchy.is_motor_space(space):
                s = m[i:i + len(space)] # TO TEST
                i = i + len(space)
                children.append(self.choose_space_child(space, s, mode, local))         
        self.emit('chidren_choice_' + mid, [self.t, children])
        #print "Choice of children of mid", mid, children 
        return children
    def produce_module(self, mid, babbling=True, s=None, s_dims=None, allow_explore=False, explore=None, n_explo_points=0, context_ms=None):
        mod = self.modules[mid]  
        #print "produce module ", mid, babbling, s, allow_explore, n_explo_points
        if self.explo == "all":
            mod.sensorimotor_model.mode = 'explore'
        elif self.explo == "babbling" and babbling:
            mod.sensorimotor_model.mode = 'explore'
        elif self.explo == "motor":
            expl = True
            m_list = self.hierarchy.module_children(mid)
            for m_space in m_list:
                if not m_space in self.hierarchy.motor_spaces:

                    expl = False
            if expl:
                mod.sensorimotor_model.mode = 'explore'
                mod.sensorimotor_model.mode = 'exploit'
        elif allow_explore:
            mod.sensorimotor_model.mode = 'explore'
            mod.sensorimotor_model.mode = 'exploit'
        if explore is not None:
            mod.sensorimotor_model.mode = 'explore' if explore else 'exploit'
        if babbling:
            m_deps = mod.produce(context_ms=context_ms)
            #print "Produce babbling", mid, "s =", mod.s, "m=", m_deps
            m_deps = mod.inverse(s, s_dims=s_dims)
            #print "Produce not babbling", mid, "m =", m_deps
        mod.sensorimotor_model.mode = 'exploit'
        #print m_deps
        lower_explore = not (hasattr(mod.sensorimotor_model, "context_was_new") and mod.sensorimotor_model.context_was_new)
        if not lower_explore:
            explore = False
        #print "produce module", mid, "lower_explore", lower_explore, "explore", explore
        if self.choose_children_mode == 'interest_babbling':
            if babbling:
                ccm = "interest"
                ccm = "competence"  
            ccm = self.choose_children_mode           
        children = self.get_mid_children(mid, m_deps, mode=ccm, local=self.ccm_local)
        deps_actions = []
        i = 0
        for dep in children:
            if self.hierarchy.is_module(dep):
                m_dep = m_deps[i:i+len(self.config.modules[dep]['s'])]
                i = i + len(self.config.modules[dep]['s'])
                deps_actions.append(self.produce_module(dep, babbling=False, s=m_dep, allow_explore=False, explore=explore))
                m_dep = m_deps[i:i+len(dep)]
                i = i + len(dep)
                #print "Action prim mod", mid, "m_dims", dep, "m_deps", m_dep
                deps_actions.append(Action(m_dep, m_dims=dep))
        #print "Action mod", mid, "operator", self.config.modules[mid]['operator'], "m_deps", m_deps, 'actions=',deps_actions
        return Action(m_deps, operator=self.config.modules[mid]['operator'], actions=deps_actions)
    def produce(self, context_ms=None):
        for mid in self.modules.keys():
            self.last_space_children_choices[mid] = Queue.Queue()
#         mid = self.choose_babbling_module(mode=self.choice, weight_by_level=self.llb)
#         self.mid_control = mid   
#         action = self.produce_module(mid, n_explo_points=self.n_explo_points, context_ms=context_ms)
#         self.action = action
#         #print "Action", action.n_iterations, "mid", mid
#         #self.action.print_action()
#         m_seq = action.get_m_seq(len(self.conf.m_dims))
        s_space = self.choose_interesting_space(mode=self.choice)
        #print "chosen s_space", s_space
        if s_space == "s_o":
            s = - np.array([0.] + context_ms)
            s = rand_bounds(np.array([self.conf.mins[self.config.s_spaces[s_space]], self.conf.maxs[self.config.s_spaces[s_space]]]))[0]
        #print "m_seq", m_seq
        self.m_seq = self.inverse(s_space, s, babbling=True, context=context_ms)
        #print "Produce ", self.t
        self.t = self.t + 1
        return self.m_seq
    def inverse(self, s_space, s, babbling=False, context=None, explore=None):
        if s_space == "s_o":
            s = np.array(list(context) + list(s))
            s = np.array(s)
        ccm = self.choose_children_mode           
        mid = self.choose_space_child(self.config.s_spaces[s_space], s, mode=ccm, local=self.ccm_local)
        self.chosen_modules[mid] = self.chosen_modules[mid] + 1
        #print "chosen mid", mid
        if babbling:
            self.mid_control = mid
            #print self.mid_control
            self.modules[mid].s = s
            self.mid_control = None
        action = self.produce_module(mid, babbling=False, s=s, explore=explore)
        self.m_seq = action.get_m_seq(len(self.conf.m_dims))
        return self.m_seq
    def perceive(self, s_seq_, context=None, higher_module_perceive=True):
        s_seq = self.sensory_primitive(s_seq_)
        self.ms_seq = []
        for m, s in zip(self.m_seq, s_seq):
            ms = self.set_ms(m, s)
#             self.emit('agentM', m)
#             self.emit('agentS', s)
        last_ms = self.ms_seq[-1]
#         if abs(ms[-1]) > 0.01:
#             print self.t, "ms", last_ms
        mid = self.update_sensorimotor_models(last_ms)
        #print "mid_control", self.mid_control
        if self.mid_control is not None and (mid == self.mid_control or mid is None or self.mid_control in ["mod1", "mod2"]):
            self.modules[self.mid_control].update_im(self.modules[self.mid_control].get_m(last_ms), self.modules[self.mid_control].get_s(last_ms))
            #print "mid control upd"
    def subscribe_topics_mids(self, topics, observer):
        for topic in topics:
            for mid in self.modules.keys():
                self.subscribe(topic + '_' + mid, observer)
    def subscribe_topics_mods(self, topics, observer):
        for topic in topics:
            for mod in self.modules.values():
                mod.subscribe(topic + '_' + mod.mid, observer)
Esempio n. 17
class Supervisor(Observable):
    def __init__(


        self.config = config
        self.log = None
        self.environment = environment
        self.choice = choice
        self.llb = llb
        self.explo = explo
        self.n_explo_points = n_explo_points
        self.choose_children_mode = choose_children_mode
        self.ccm_local = choose_children_local
        self.allow_split_mod1 = allow_split_mod1

        self.conf = self.config.agent
        self.expl_dims = self.config.agent.m_dims
        self.inf_dims = self.config.agent.s_dims

        self.t = 1
        self.modules = {}
        self.chosen_modules = {}
        self.mid_control = ""
        self.last_space_children_choices = {}
        self.split_mod1_maxlen = 10
        self.previous_ms = deque([None] * self.split_mod1_maxlen, maxlen=self.split_mod1_maxlen)

        self.hierarchy = Hierarchy()  # Build Hierarchy
        for motor_space in self.config.m_spaces.values():

        for mid in self.config.modules.keys():  # Build modules
            # [set.add(self.modules[mid].controled_vars, cvar) for cmid in self.config.modules[mid]['children'] if self.hierarchy.is_mod(cmid) for cvar in self.modules[cmid].controled_vars]

        for mid in self.modules.keys():
            self.last_space_children_choices[mid] = Queue.Queue()

    def init_module(self, mid):
        self.modules[mid] = Module(self.config, mid)
        self.chosen_modules[mid] = 0
        for space in self.config.modules[mid]["m_list"]:
            self.hierarchy.add_edge_space_module(mid, space)
        self.hierarchy.add_edge_module_space(mid, self.config.modules[mid]["s"])

    def sensory_changed_mod1(self, threshold=0.1):
        print self.previous_ms
        std = np.std(self.previous_ms, axis=0)
        print std[self.config.modules["mod1"]["s"]]
        return [s_dim for s_dim in self.config.modules["mod1"]["s"] if abs(ms1[s_dim] - ms2[s_dim]) > threshold]

    def split_mod1(self, s_dims):
        print "SPLITING"
        print "iteration", self.t
        print "dimensions", s_dims
        old = self.modules["mod1"]
        conf = self.config.modules["mod1"].copy()
        new_conf = conf.copy()
        conf["s"] = sorted(list(set(conf["s"]) - set(s_dims)))
        new_conf["s"] = s_dims
        self.config.modules["mod1"] = conf
        n = len(self.config.modules.keys()) + 1
        new_mid = "mod" + str(n)
        self.config.modules[new_mid] = new_conf
        m_list =[0]
        s_list = self.log.logs["agentS"]
        ms_list = np.array(zip(m_list, s_list))
        self.modules["mod1"].sensorimotor_model.update_batch(ms_list[:, conf["m"]], ms_list[:, conf["s"]])
        self.modules[new_mid].sensorimotor_model.update_batch(ms_list[:, new_conf["m"]], ms_list[:, new_conf["s"]])
        self.modules["mod1"].interest_model.current_interest = old.interest_model.current_interest
        self.modules[new_mid].interest_model.current_interest = old.interest_model.current_interest

    def choose_babbling_module(self, auto_create=False, progress_threshold=1e-2, mode="softmax", weight_by_level=False):
        interests = {}
        for mid in self.modules.keys():
            interests[mid] = self.modules[mid].interest()
        self.emit("interests", [self.t, interests])

        if mode == "random":
            mid = np.random.choice(self.modules.keys())
        elif mode == "greedy":
            eps = 0.1
            if np.random.random() < eps:
                mid = np.random.choice(self.modules.keys())
                mid = max(interests, key=interests.get)
        elif mode == "softmax":
            temperature = 0.1
            mids = interests.keys()
            w = interests.values()
            if weight_by_level:
                levels = self.hierarchy.module_levels()
                for i in range(len(mids)):
                    f = 2.0
                    w[i] = w[i] * np.power(f, max(levels.values()) - levels[mids[i]])
            # print w
            mid = mids[softmax_choice(w, temperature)]

        elif mode == "prop":
            mids = interests.keys()
            w = interests.values()
            #             if self.t % 100 == 0:
            #                 print
            #                 print 'iteration', self.t
            #                 print "competences", np.array([self.modules[mid].competence() for mid in self.modules.keys()])
            #                 if sum(w) > 0:
            #                     print "interests", np.array(w)
            #                     print "interesting objects:", int(((w[3] + w[6]) / sum(w))*100), "%"
            #                     print "cumulated:", int((self.chosen_modules["mod4"] + self.chosen_modules["mod7"]) / float(sum(self.chosen_modules.values())) * 100), "%"
            #                 print self.chosen_modules
            # print "competences", [mod.competence() for mod in self.modules.values()]
            if weight_by_level:
                levels = self.hierarchy.module_levels()
                for i in range(len(mids)):
                    f = 10.0
                    w[i] = w[i] * np.power(f, max(levels.values()) - levels[mids[i]])
            # print w
            mid = mids[prop_choice(w, eps=0.1)]
        #             print
        #             print
        #             print self.chosen_modules
        #             print "chosen module:", mid

        elif mode == "prop-min":
            mids = interests.keys()
            w = interests.values()
            #             if self.t % 100 == 0:
            #                 print "interests", np.array(w), 'iteration', self.t, "competences", np.array([self.modules[mid].competence() for mid in self.modules.keys()]), int(((w[3] + w[4]-2*min(w)) / sum(np.array(w)-min(w)))*100), "%"
            mid = mids[prop_choice(np.array(w) - min(w), eps=0.1)]

        self.chosen_modules[mid] = self.chosen_modules[mid] + 1
        # print self.chosen_modules
        self.emit("babbling_module", mid)
        return mid

    def fast_forward(self, log, forward_im=False):
        ms_list = []
        for m, s in zip(log.logs["agentM"], log.logs["agentS"]):
            ms = np.append(m, s)
            ms_list += [ms]
        ms_array = np.array(ms_list)
        for mid, mod in self.modules.iteritems():
            mod.fast_forward_models(log, ms_array, mid, forward_im=forward_im)

    def eval_mode(self):
        self.sm_modes = {}
        for mod in self.modules.values():
            self.sm_modes[mod.mid] = mod.sensorimotor_model.mode
            mod.sensorimotor_model.mode = "exploit"

    def learning_mode(self):
        for mod in self.modules.values():
            mod.sensorimotor_model.mode = self.sm_modes[mod.mid]

    def check_bounds_dmp(self, m_ag):
        return bounds_min_max(m_ag, self.conf.m_mins, self.conf.m_maxs)

    def motor_babbling(self):
        return rand_bounds(self.conf.m_bounds)[0]

    def motor_primitive(self, m):
        return m

    def rest_params(self):
        return self.environment.rest_params()

    def sensory_primitive(self, s):
        return s

    def get_eval_dims(self, s):
        return self.set_ms(s=s)[self.config.eval_dims]

    def set_ms(self, m=None, s=None):
        ms = zeros(self.conf.ndims)
        if m is not None:
            ms[self.conf.m_dims] = m
        if s is not None:
            ms[self.conf.s_dims] = s
        return ms

    def set_ms_seq(self, m=None, s=None):
        ms = zeros(self.conf.ndims)
        if m is not None:
            ms[self.conf.m_dims] = m
        if s is not None:
            ms[self.conf.s_dims] = s
        return [ms]

    def get_m(self, ms):
        return ms[self.conf.m_dims]

    def get_s(self, ms):
        return ms[self.conf.s_dims]

    def update_sensorimotor_models(self, m, s):
        ms = self.set_ms(m, s)
        # self.emit('agentM', m)
        self.emit("agentS", s)
        for mod in self.modules.values():
            mod.update_sm(mod.get_m(ms), mod.get_s(ms))

    def choose_space_child(self, s_space, s, mode="competence", local="local"):
        Choose the children of space s_space among modules that have
        the good sensori spaces, maximizing competence.
            possible_mids = self.hierarchy.space_children(s_space)
        except KeyError:
            return None
        if len(possible_mids) == 1:
            return possible_mids[0]
        y = self.set_ms(s=s)[s_space]
        if mode == "competence":
            if local:
                competences = [
                    -self.modules[pmid].sensorimotor_model.model.imodel.fmodel.dataset.nn_y(y, k=1)[0][0]
                    for pmid in possible_mids
                competences = [self.modules[pmid].competence() for pmid in possible_mids]
            return possible_mids[np.array(competences).argmax()]

        elif mode == "interest_greedy":
            eps = 0.1
            if np.random.random() < eps:
                return np.random.choice(possible_mids)
                if local == "local":
                    interests = [self.modules[pmid].interest_pt(y) for pmid in possible_mids]
                    interests = [self.modules[pmid].interest() for pmid in possible_mids]
                return possible_mids[np.array(interests).argmax()]

        elif mode == "interest_prop":
            eps = 0.1
            if np.random.random() < eps:
                return np.random.choice(possible_mids)
                if local == "local":
                    interests = [self.modules[pmid].interest_pt(y) for pmid in possible_mids]
                    interests = [self.modules[pmid].interest() for pmid in possible_mids]
                return possible_mids[prop_choice(interests, eps=0.1)]

        elif mode == "random":
            mid = np.random.choice(possible_mids)
            return mid

    def get_mid_children(self, mid, m, mode="competence", local="local"):
        children = []
        i = 0
        for space in self.config.modules[mid]["m_list"]:
            if self.hierarchy.is_motor_space(space):
                s = m[i : i + len(space)]  # TO TEST
                i = i + len(space)
                children.append(self.choose_space_child(space, s, mode, local))
        # self.emit('chidren_choice_' + mid, [self.t, children])
        # print "Choice of children of mid", mid, children
        return children

    def produce_module(self, mid, babbling=True, s=None, s_dims=None, allow_explore=False, n_explo_points=0):
        mod = self.modules[mid]
        # print "produce module ", mid, babbling, s, allow_explore, n_explo_points
        if self.explo == "all":
            mod.sensorimotor_model.mode = "explore"
        elif self.explo == "babbling" and babbling:
            mod.sensorimotor_model.mode = "explore"
        elif self.explo == "motor":
            expl = True
            m_list = self.hierarchy.module_children(mid)
            for m_space in m_list:
                if not m_space in self.hierarchy.motor_spaces:

                    expl = False
            if expl:
                mod.sensorimotor_model.mode = "explore"
                mod.sensorimotor_model.mode = "exploit"
        elif allow_explore:
            mod.sensorimotor_model.mode = "explore"
            mod.sensorimotor_model.mode = "exploit"

        if babbling:
            m_deps = mod.produce()
            # print "Produce babbling", mid, "s =", mod.s, "m=", m_deps
            m_deps = mod.inverse(s, s_dims=s_dims)
            if hasattr(, "add_top_down_goal"):
        # also add td goal to other modules with same s space ?
            # print "Produce not babbling", mid, "m =", m_deps

        mod.sensorimotor_model.mode = "exploit"

        # print m_deps

        if n_explo_points > 0:
            for _ in range(n_explo_points):
                # print "explo point", mod.s
                action = self.produce_module(mid, babbling=False, s=mod.s, allow_explore=True, n_explo_points=0)
                m_seq = action.get_m_seq(len(self.conf.m_dims))
                self.t = self.t + 1
                s_seq = self.environment.update(m_seq, log=False)
                for m, s in zip(m_seq, s_seq):
                    self.update_sensorimotor_models(m, s)

            m_deps = mod.inverse(mod.s)

        if self.choose_children_mode == "interest_babbling":
            if babbling:
                ccm = "interest"
                ccm = "competence"
            ccm = self.choose_children_mode

        children = self.get_mid_children(mid, m_deps, mode=ccm, local=self.ccm_local)

        deps_actions = []
        i = 0
        for dep in children:
            if self.hierarchy.is_module(dep):
                m_dep = m_deps[i : i + len(self.config.modules[dep]["s"])]
                i = i + len(self.config.modules[dep]["s"])
                # self.modules[dep].top_down_points.put(m_dep)
                deps_actions.append(self.produce_module(dep, babbling=False, s=m_dep, allow_explore=False))
                m_dep = m_deps[i : i + len(dep)]
                i = i + len(dep)
                # print "Action prim mod", mid, "m_dims", dep, "m_deps", m_dep
                deps_actions.append(Action(m_dep, m_dims=dep))

        # print "Action mod", mid, "operator", self.config.modules[mid]['operator'], "m_deps", m_deps, 'actions=',deps_actions
        return Action(m_deps, operator=self.config.modules[mid]["operator"], actions=deps_actions)

    def produce(self):
        for mid in self.modules.keys():
            self.last_space_children_choices[mid] = Queue.Queue()

        mid = self.choose_babbling_module(mode=self.choice, weight_by_level=self.llb)
        self.mid_control = mid
        action = self.produce_module(mid, n_explo_points=self.n_explo_points)
        self.action = action
        m_seq = action.get_m_seq(len(self.conf.m_dims))
        self.m_seq = m_seq

        self.chosen_modules[mid] = self.chosen_modules[mid] + 1
        # print self.chosen_modules
        self.emit("module_to_credit", self.modules[mid].last_module_to_credit)

        self.t = self.t + 1
        return m_seq

    def perceive_module(self, mid, action, ms_seq):
        m_deps = []
        i = 0
        children = self.last_space_children_choices[mid].get()
        for idx, n_it, dep in zip(range(action.n_actions), action.n_iterations_actions, children):
            if self.hierarchy.is_module(dep):
                m_dep = self.perceive_module(dep, action.actions[idx], ms_seq[i : i + n_it])
                if action.operator == "seq":
                    i = i + n_it
                if action.operator == "seq":
                    i = i + n_it
        m_deps = [item for m_dep in m_deps for item in m_dep]
        s = ms_seq[-1][self.config.modules[mid]["s"]]
        self.modules[mid].perceive(m_deps, s, has_control=(mid == self.mid_control))
        return s

    def perceive(self, s_seq_, higher_module_perceive=True):
        s_seq = self.sensory_primitive(s_seq_)
        self.ms_seq = []
        for m, s in zip(self.m_seq, s_seq):
            ms = self.set_ms(m, s)
            self.emit("agentM", m)
            self.emit("agentS", s)

        last_ms = self.ms_seq[-1]
        for mid in self.modules.keys():
            m_deps = self.modules[mid].get_m(last_ms)
            s = self.modules[mid].get_s(last_ms)
            self.modules[mid].perceive(m_deps, s, has_control=mid == self.mid_control)

        if self.allow_split_mod1 and self.t > 2 + self.split_mod1_maxlen:
            split_dims = self.sensory_changed_mod1()
            if len(split_dims) == 0 or len(split_dims) == len(self.config.modules["mod1"]["s"]):

        self.emit("babbling_interest", self.modules[self.mid_control].last_interest)

    def subscribe_topics_mod(self, topics, observer):
        for topic in topics:
            for mid in self.modules.keys():
                self.subscribe(topic + "_" + mid, observer)

    def subscribe_mod(self, observer):
        for mod in self.modules.values():
            mod.subscribe("choice" + "_" + mod.mid, observer)
            mod.subscribe("progress" + "_" + mod.mid, observer)
            mod.subscribe("inference" + "_" + mod.mid, observer)
            mod.subscribe("perception" + "_" + mod.mid, observer)
            mod.subscribe("im_update" + "_" + mod.mid, observer)
Esempio n. 18
def print_s3_contents_boto3(connection, bucket):
    #for bucket in connection.buckets.all():
    for key in bucket.objects.all():

if __name__ == '__main__':
    boto3_connection = boto3.resource('s3')
    s3_client = boto3.client('s3')
    bucket = boto3_connection.Bucket('econ-demog')
    bucket_name = 'econ-demog'

    quote_page = ''

    quote_list = Hierarchy(quote_page)

    #key = boto.s3.key.Key(bucket,file_object)
    #filepath = '/home/david/PublicData/acs_files/'
    for i in quote_list.files:
        file_name = i[i.rfind('/') + 1:]
        folder = file_name[:-4]
        filepath = '/home/david/PublicData/acs_files/' + folder + '/'
        if not os.path.exists(filepath):
        quote_list.load_zip(i, filepath)
        acs_files = [f for f in listdir(filepath) if isfile(join(filepath, f))]

        #k = bucket.new_key(folder)
Esempio n. 19
class Supervisor(Observable):
    def __init__(self, config, environment, choice="prop", llb=False, explo="babbling", n_explo_points=0, choose_children_mode='competence', choose_children_local=True):
        self.config = config
        self.environment = environment
        self.choice = choice
        self.llb = llb
        self.explo = explo
        self.n_explo_points = n_explo_points
        self.choose_children_mode = choose_children_mode
        self.ccm_local = choose_children_local
        self.conf = self.config.agent
        self.expl_dims = self.config.agent.m_dims
        self.inf_dims = self.config.agent.s_dims

        self.t = 1
        self.modules = {}
        self.chosen_modules = {}
        self.mid_control = ''
        self.last_space_children_choices = {}
        self.hierarchy = Hierarchy() # Build Hierarchy
        for motor_space in self.config.m_spaces.values():
        for mid in self.config.modules.keys(): # Build modules
            #[set.add(self.modules[mid].controled_vars, cvar) for cmid in self.config.modules[mid]['children'] if self.hierarchy.is_mod(cmid) for cvar in self.modules[cmid].controled_vars]             
        for mid in self.modules.keys():
            self.last_space_children_choices[mid] = Queue.Queue()
    def init_module(self, mid):
        self.modules[mid] = Module(self.config, mid)
        self.chosen_modules[mid] = 0
#         for space in self.config.modules[mid]['m_list']:
#             self.hierarchy.add_motor_space(space) 
        for space in self.config.modules[mid]['m_list']:
            self.hierarchy.add_edge_space_module(mid, space)
        self.hierarchy.add_edge_module_space(mid, self.config.modules[mid]['s'])
#         for space in self.config.modules[mid]['m_list']:
#             if self.hierarchy.is_motor_space(space):
#                 for m_dim in space:
#                     set.add(self.modules[mid].controled_vars, m_dim)
#             else:
#                 for cvar in self.modules[dep].controled_vars:
#                     set.add(self.modules[mid].controled_vars, cvar)
#        #[set.add(self.modules[mid].controled_vars, cvar) for cmid in self.config.modules[mid]['children'] for cvar in self.modules[cmid].controled_vars] 
#        print "Controled vars", mid, self.modules[mid].controled_vars        
#     def _new_mid(self):
#         return "mod" + str(len(self.modules.keys()) + 1)
#     def _random_operator(self):
#         return random.choice(self.config.operators)        
#     def _s_par_constrained(self, possible_s, m):
#         """
#         Return a random flatten subset of the set of possible s spaces, 
#         taking into account the constraint of parallel operator to not have bounded variables in s. 
#         """
#         return [s_space for s_space, s_dims in possible_s.items() if (len([m_dim for m_dim in m if m_dim in s_dims]) == 0)]# s_space that do not contain an item of m   
#     def _random_s(self, possible_s):        
#         if len(possible_s) > 0:
#             s_size = random.randint(1, len(possible_s))
#             s = random.choice(self._combinations(possible_s, s_size))
#             return list(s)
#         else:
#             return None
#     def _combinations(self, l, k=2):
#         return list(itertools.combinations(l, k))        
#     def _constraints_m(self, possible_m_comb):#TODO make hierarchy compute controled_vars
#         #print possible_m_comb, self.modules[possible_m_comb[0][0]].controled_vars
#         _possible_m_comb = []
#         for comb in possible_m_comb:
#             if self.hierarchy.is_mod(comb[0]):
#                 m1 = self.modules[comb[0]].controled_vars
#             else:
#                 m1 = set(self.config.m_spaces[comb[0]])
#             if self.hierarchy.is_mod(comb[1]):
#                 m2 = self.modules[comb[1]].controled_vars
#             else:
#                 m2 = set(self.config.m_spaces[comb[1]])
#             if set.isdisjoint(m1, m2):
#                 _possible_m_comb.append(comb)
#         #print "possible_m_comb", possible_m_comb, "_possible_m_comb", _possible_m_comb
#         return _possible_m_comb
#     def _random_par(self):
#         possible_deps = self._constraints_m(self._combinations(self.modules.keys() + self.config.m_spaces.keys()))
#         if len(possible_deps) == 0:
#             return []
#         else:
#             return random.choice(possible_deps)
#     def _random_seq(self):
#         return random.choice(self._combinations(self.modules.keys() + self.config.m_spaces.keys()))            
#     def _process_mid_m_deps(self, deps):        
#         m_spaces = []
#         for d in deps:
#             if self.hierarchy.is_mod(d):
#                 m_spaces.append(self.config.modules[d]['s'])
#             else:
#                 m_spaces.append(self.config.m_spaces[d])
#         #print "_process_mid_m_deps m:", m,  list(set(tuple([item for sublist in m for item in sublist])))
#         m = [item for sublist in m_spaces for item in sublist] # flatten         
#         return m
#     def _random_connexions(self):
#         op = self._random_operator()
#         if op == "par":
#             deps = self._random_par()
#         elif op == "seq":
#             deps = self._random_seq() 
#             #print "_random_connexions deps", deps
#         else:
#             raise NotImplementedError 
#         if deps == []:# if _random_par failed
#             return self._random_connexions() # possible infinite loop if really no possible new module ?
#         else:
#             m = self._process_mid_m_deps(deps)
#             #print "m", m, "possible_s", possible_s, "s_size", s_size, "s", s
#             if op == "par":
#                 possible_s_name = self._s_par_constrained(self.config.s_spaces, m)
#             else:
#                 possible_s_name = self.config.s_spaces.keys()
#             #print "_random_connexions possible_s=", possible_s_name
#             s = self._random_s(possible_s_name)
#             #print "_random_connexions s=", s
#             s = [item for s_space in s for item in self.config.s_spaces[s_space]]
#             if s is not None:
#                 print op, deps, m, s
#                 return op, deps, m, s
#             else:
#                 return self._random_connexions() # possible infinite loop if really no possible new module ?
    def create_module(self):
        mid = self._new_mid()
        op, mod_deps, m, s = self._random_connexions()
        #print "deps:", mod_deps, "m", m, "s:", s
        mconfig = dict(m = m,
                      s = s,                
                      operator = op,                      
                      babbling_name = 'goal',
                      sm_name = 'NSLWLR',
                      im_name = 'tree',
                      from_log = None,
                      children = mod_deps,
        print mid, mconfig
        self.config.modules[mid] = mconfig
        return mid
    def choose_babbling_module(self, auto_create=False, progress_threshold=1e-2, mode='softmax', weight_by_level=False):
        interests = {}
        for mid in self.modules.keys():
            interests[mid] = self.modules[mid].interest()
            self.emit('interest_' + mid, [self.t, interests[mid]])
            self.emit('competence_' + mid, [self.t, self.modules[mid].competence()])
        max_progress = max(interests.values())
#         self.emit('babbling_module', "mod2")
#         return "mod2"
        #print "max_progress", max_progress
        if not auto_create or max_progress > progress_threshold:
            if mode == 'random':
                mid = np.random.choice(self.modules.keys())
            elif mode == 'greedy':
                eps = 0.1
                if np.random.random() < eps:
                    mid = np.random.choice(self.modules.keys())
                    mid = max(interests, key=interests.get)
            elif mode == 'softmax':
                temperature = 0.1
                mids = interests.keys()
                w = interests.values()
                #print "progresses", w
                #print "competences", [mod.competence() for mod in self.modules.values()]
                if weight_by_level:
                    levels = self.hierarchy.module_levels()
                    for i in range(len(mids)):
                        f = 2.0
                        w[i] = w[i] * np.power(f, max(levels.values()) - levels[mids[i]])
                #print w
                mid = mids[softmax_choice(w, temperature)]
            elif mode == 'prop':
                mids = interests.keys()
                w = interests.values()
                #print "progresses", w
                #print "competences", [mod.competence() for mod in self.modules.values()]
                if weight_by_level:
                    levels = self.hierarchy.module_levels()
                    for i in range(len(mids)):
                        f = 10.0
                        w[i] = w[i] * np.power(f, max(levels.values()) - levels[mids[i]])
                #print w
                mid = mids[prop_choice(w, eps=0.1)]
            self.chosen_modules[mid] = self.chosen_modules[mid] + 1
            #print self.chosen_modules
            self.emit('babbling_module', mid)
            return mid
            return self.create_module()
    def fast_forward(self, log, forward_im=False):
        ms_list = []
        for m,s in zip(log.logs['agentM'], log.logs['agentS']):
            ms = np.append(m,s)
            ms_list += [ms]
        ms_array = np.array(ms_list)
        for mid, mod in self.modules.iteritems():
            mod.fast_forward_models(log, ms_array, mid, forward_im=forward_im)        
    def eval_mode(self): 
        self.sm_modes = {}
        for mod in self.modules.values():
            self.sm_modes[mod.mid] = mod.sensorimotor_model.mode
            mod.sensorimotor_model.mode = 'exploit'
    def learning_mode(self): 
        for mod in self.modules.values():
            mod.sensorimotor_model.mode = self.sm_modes[mod.mid]
    def check_bounds_dmp(self, m_ag):
        return bounds_min_max(m_ag, self.conf.m_mins, self.conf.m_maxs)
    def motor_babbling(self):
        return rand_bounds(self.conf.m_bounds)[0]
    def motor_primitive(self, m): return m
    def rest_params(self): return self.environment.rest_params()
    def sensory_primitive(self, s): return s    
    def get_eval_dims(self, s): return self.set_ms(s = s)[self.config.eval_dims]  
    def set_ms(self, m=None, s=None):
        ms = zeros(self.conf.ndims)
        if m is not None:
            ms[self.conf.m_dims] = m
        if s is not None:
            ms[self.conf.s_dims] = s
        return ms
    def set_ms_seq(self, m=None, s=None):
        ms = zeros(self.conf.ndims)
        if m is not None:
            ms[self.conf.m_dims] = m
        if s is not None:
            ms[self.conf.s_dims] = s
        return [ms]
    def get_m(self, ms): return ms[self.conf.m_dims]
    def get_s(self, ms): return ms[self.conf.s_dims]
    def update_sensorimotor_models(self, m, s):
        ms = self.set_ms(m, s)
        self.emit('agentM', m)
        self.emit('agentS', s)
        for mod in self.modules.values():
            mod.update_sm(mod.get_m(ms), mod.get_s(ms))    
    def choose_space_child(self, s_space, s, mode="competence", local="local"):
        Choose the children of space s_space among modules that have
        the good sensori spaces, maximizing competence.
            possible_mids = self.hierarchy.space_children(s_space)
        except KeyError:
            return None
        if len(possible_mids) == 1:
            return possible_mids[0]
        y = self.set_ms(s=s)[s_space]      
        if mode == "competence":
            if local:
                competences = [- self.modules[pmid].sensorimotor_model.model.imodel.fmodel.dataset.nn_y(y, k=1)[0][0] for pmid in possible_mids]
                competences = [self.modules[pmid].competence() for pmid in possible_mids]
            return possible_mids[np.array(competences).argmax()]
        elif mode == "interest_greedy":   
            eps = 0.1
            if np.random.random() < eps:
                return np.random.choice(possible_mids)
                if local=="local":
                    interests = [self.modules[pmid].interest_pt(y) for pmid in possible_mids]
                    interests = [self.modules[pmid].interest() for pmid in possible_mids]
                return possible_mids[np.array(interests).argmax()]  
        elif mode == "interest_prop":   
            eps = 0.1
            if np.random.random() < eps:
                return np.random.choice(possible_mids)
                if local=="local":
                    interests = [self.modules[pmid].interest_pt(y) for pmid in possible_mids]
                    interests = [self.modules[pmid].interest() for pmid in possible_mids]
                return possible_mids[prop_choice(interests, eps=0.1)]
        elif mode == "random":   
            mid = np.random.choice(possible_mids)
            return mid
    def get_mid_children(self, mid, m, mode="competence", local="local"):
        children = []
        i = 0
        for space in self.config.modules[mid]['m_list']:
            if self.hierarchy.is_motor_space(space):
                s = m[i:i + len(space)] # TO TEST
                i = i + len(space)
                children.append(self.choose_space_child(space, s, mode, local))         
        self.emit('chidren_choice_' + mid, [self.t, children])
        #print "Choice of children of mid", mid, children 
        return children
    def produce_module(self, mid, babbling=True, s=None, s_dims=None, allow_explore=False, n_explo_points=0):
        mod = self.modules[mid]  
        #print "produce module ", mid, babbling, s, allow_explore, n_explo_points
        if self.explo == "all":
            mod.sensorimotor_model.mode = 'explore'
        elif self.explo == "babbling" and babbling:
            mod.sensorimotor_model.mode = 'explore'
        elif self.explo == "motor":
            expl = True
            m_list = self.hierarchy.module_children(mid)
            for m_space in m_list:
                if not m_space in self.hierarchy.motor_spaces:

                    expl = False
            if expl:
                mod.sensorimotor_model.mode = 'explore'
                mod.sensorimotor_model.mode = 'exploit'
        elif allow_explore:
            mod.sensorimotor_model.mode = 'explore'
            mod.sensorimotor_model.mode = 'exploit'
        if babbling:
            m_deps = mod.produce()
            #print "Produce babbling", mid, "s =", mod.s, "m=", m_deps
            m_deps = mod.inverse(s, s_dims=s_dims)
            if hasattr(, "add_top_down_goal"):
       # also add td goal to other modules with same s space ?
            #print "Produce not babbling", mid, "m =", m_deps
        mod.sensorimotor_model.mode = 'exploit'
        #print m_deps
        if n_explo_points > 0:
            for _ in range(n_explo_points):
                #print "explo point", mod.s
                action = self.produce_module(mid, babbling=False, s=mod.s, allow_explore=True, n_explo_points=0)
                m_seq = action.get_m_seq(len(self.conf.m_dims))
                self.t = self.t + 1
                s_seq = self.environment.update(m_seq, log=False)
                for m, s in zip(m_seq, s_seq):
            m_deps = mod.inverse(mod.s)
        if self.choose_children_mode == 'interest_babbling':
            if babbling:
                ccm = "interest"
                ccm = "competence"  
            ccm = self.choose_children_mode           
        children = self.get_mid_children(mid, m_deps, mode=ccm, local=self.ccm_local)
        deps_actions = []
        i = 0
        for dep in children:
            if self.hierarchy.is_module(dep):
                m_dep = m_deps[i:i+len(self.config.modules[dep]['s'])]
                i = i + len(self.config.modules[dep]['s'])
                deps_actions.append(self.produce_module(dep, babbling=False, s=m_dep, allow_explore=False))
                m_dep = m_deps[i:i+len(dep)]
                i = i + len(dep)
                #print "Action prim mod", mid, "m_dims", dep, "m_deps", m_dep
                deps_actions.append(Action(m_dep, m_dims=dep))
        #print "Action mod", mid, "operator", self.config.modules[mid]['operator'], "m_deps", m_deps, 'actions=',deps_actions
        return Action(m_deps, operator=self.config.modules[mid]['operator'], actions=deps_actions)
#             elif self.config.learning['training_mode'] == 'par':
#                 if self.config.learning['par']['par_mode'] == 'exploring':
#                     exploring_mode = self.config.learning['par']['exploring']['exploring_mode']
#                     n_points = self.config.learning['par']['exploring'][exploring_mode]['n_points']
#                     if exploring_mode == 'random':
#                         for _ in range(n_points-1):
#                             for child in mod.mconf['children']:
#                                 self.modules[child].sensorimotor_model.mode = 'explore'
#                                 self.m = self.modules[child].set_m(self.m, 
#                                                                    self.modules[child].inverse(self.set_ms(s=s_child), 
#                                                                                                pref = 'explore_'))
#                             s_env = self.environment.update(self.m, log=False)
#                             s = self.sensory_primitive(s_env)
#                             self.update_sensorimotor_models(self.m,s)
#                         for child in mod.mconf['children']:
#                             self.modules[child].sensorimotor_model.mode = 'exploit'
#                             self.m = self.modules[child].set_m(self.m, 
#                                                                self.modules[child].inverse(self.get_ms(s=s_child)))
#                     elif exploring_mode == 'cma':
#                         for child in mod.mconf['children']:
#                             self.modules[child].sensorimotor_model.mode = 'exploit'
#                             cma_conf = self.config.learning['par']['exploring'][exploring_mode]
#                             self.wrap_explore_cma_fmin(self.modules[child], s_child)
#                             _, ids = self.modules[child].sensorimotor_model.dataset.nn_y(s_child, k=1)
#                             x0 = self.modules[child].sensorimotor_model.dataset.get_x(ids[0])
#                             bounds = [self.conf.m_mins,self.conf.m_maxs]
#                             #print 'bounds',bounds
#                             cma.fmin(self.cma_objective_function, 
#                                      x0=x0, 
#                                      sigma0=cma_conf['sigma0'], 
#                                      options={"verb_log": 0, 
#                                               'verbose':-9, 
#                                               'bounds':bounds, 
#                                               'popsize':cma_conf['popsize'], 
#                                               'maxfevals':n_points-1})
#                             self.modules[child].sensorimotor_model.mode = 'exploit'
#                             self.m = self.modules[child].inverse(self.get_ms(s=s_child))
#                     else:
#                         raise NotImplementedError
#                 else:
#                     raise NotImplementedError
#             else:
#                 raise NotImplementedError
#         movement = self.motor_primitive(self.m)
#         return movement
#     def wrap_explore_cma_fmin(self, mod, s_goal):
#         def f(m):
#             m_env = self.motor_primitive(m)
#             s_env = self.environment.update(m_env, log=False)
#             s = self.sensory_primitive(s_env)
#             self.update_sensorimotor_models(self.m,s)
#             smod = mod.get_s(self.set_ms(self.m,s))
#             error = linalg.norm(s_goal - smod)
#             #print "CMA function evaluation. m=", m, "s=", s, "s_goal=", s_goal, "error=", error
#             return error
#         self.cma_objective_function = f 
    def produce(self):
        for mid in self.modules.keys():
            self.last_space_children_choices[mid] = Queue.Queue()
        mid = self.choose_babbling_module(mode=self.choice, weight_by_level=self.llb)
        self.mid_control = mid   
        action = self.produce_module(mid, n_explo_points=self.n_explo_points)
        self.action = action
        #print "Action", action.n_iterations, "mid", mid
        m_seq = action.get_m_seq(len(self.conf.m_dims))
        #print "m_seq", m_seq
        self.m_seq = m_seq
        #print "Produce ", self.t
        self.t = self.t + 1
        return m_seq
    def perceive_module(self, mid, action, ms_seq):
        m_deps = []
        i = 0            
        children = self.last_space_children_choices[mid].get()
#         print "perceive0", mid, children
#         print "perceive0.5", action.n_iterations_actions, action.operator
        for idx, n_it, dep in zip(range(action.n_actions), action.n_iterations_actions, children):
            if self.hierarchy.is_module(dep):
                m_dep = self.perceive_module(dep, action.actions[idx], ms_seq[i:i+n_it])
                if action.operator == "seq":
                    i = i + n_it
                #print "Perceive1 module", mid, ms_seq, i, dep
                if action.operator == "seq":
                    i = i + n_it
        m_deps = [item for m_dep in m_deps for item in m_dep]
        s = ms_seq[-1][self.config.modules[mid]['s']]
        #print "Perceive2 module", mid, m_deps, s, (mid==self.mid_control))
        self.modules[mid].perceive(m_deps, s, has_control= (mid==self.mid_control))
        return s
    def perceive(self, s_seq_, higher_module_perceive=True):
        s_seq = self.sensory_primitive(s_seq_)
        self.ms_seq = []
        for m, s in zip(self.m_seq, s_seq):
            ms = self.set_ms(m, s)
            self.emit('agentM', m)
            self.emit('agentS', s)
            if s[-2] > 0: # One of the boxes
                print "m", m
                print "s", s
        self.perceive_module(self.mid_control, self.action, self.ms_seq)
        last_ms = self.ms_seq[-1]
        if higher_module_perceive:
            for mid_parent in self.hierarchy.parents_with_operator(self.mid_control, ["par", None]):
                m_deps = self.modules[mid_parent].get_m(last_ms)
                s = self.modules[mid_parent].get_s(last_ms)
                #print "perceive higher module", mid_parent, m_deps, s
                self.modules[mid_parent].perceive(m_deps, s, has_control= False)
    def subscribe_topics_mod(self, topics, observer):
        for topic in topics:
            for mid in self.modules.keys():
                self.subscribe(topic + '_' + mid, observer)
    def subscribe_mod(self, observer):
        for mod in self.modules.values():
            mod.subscribe('choice' + '_' + mod.mid, observer)
            mod.subscribe('progress' + '_' + mod.mid, observer)
            mod.subscribe('inference' + '_' + mod.mid, observer)
            mod.subscribe('perception' + '_' + mod.mid, observer)
            mod.subscribe('im_update' + '_' + mod.mid, observer)
Esempio n. 20
    #Read in dataset into annotations and vocabulary
    for filename in listdir(getcwd() + '/datasets/' + dataset):
        with open(Path(getcwd() + '/datasets/' + dataset + '/' + filename),
                  encoding='utf-8') as input_file:
            lines = input_file.readlines()
            assert len(lines) == 1
            annotations[filename] = lines[0].lower().strip().split(" ")
            for tag in annotations[filename]:
                if tag not in vocabulary:

    #Run smict, the first part of the algorithm
    subsumption_axioms, root_tag = smict(annotations, vocabulary, alpha)

    #Initialize hierarchy from subsumption axioms
    hierarchy = Hierarchy(subsumption_axioms, root_tag)

    #Perform subject clustering, the second part of our algorithm
    hierarchy = subject_clustering(hierarchy, annotations)

    #Prune the tree of empty clusters, the final part of our algorithm

    #Write pretty printed hierarchy and json summary of hierarchy
    with Path('smich_cluster_hierarchy_' + dataset).open(
            'w', encoding="utf-8") as output_file:
        write_hierarchy(output_file, hierarchy.get_root())

    with open('smich_cluster_hierarchy_json_' + dataset, 'w') as json_file:
        dump(generate_json_hierarchy(hierarchy), json_file)