Esempio n. 1
        def get_launcher(cls, sources, sinks, keywords, symbol_table):
            kernel_h, kernel_w = keywords['kernel_size']
            pad_h, pad_w = keywords['padding']
            stride_h, stride_w = keywords['stride']
            num, channels, height, width = symbol_table[sources[0].name].shape
            channels_col = channels * kernel_h * kernel_w
            height_col = (height + 2 * pad_h - kernel_h) // stride_h + 1
            width_col = (width + 2 * pad_w - kernel_w) // stride_w + 1
            out_channels, height_col, width_col = symbol_table[sinks[0].name].shape[1:]
            col_data = hmarray((channels_col, height_col * width_col))
            bias_multiplier = hmarray(

            im2col_global_size = channels * height_col * width_col

            im2col = Template("""
    void im2col(float* data_im, float* data_col, int bot_offset) {
      #pragma omp parallel for
      for (int index = 0; index < $global_size; index++) {
        int h_index = index / $width_col;
        int w_out = index - h_index * $width_col;
        int channel_in = h_index / $height_col;
        int h_out = h_index - channel_in * $height_col;
        int channel_out = channel_in * $kernel_h * $kernel_w;
        int h_in = h_out * $stride_h - $pad_h;
        int w_in = w_out * $stride_w - $pad_w;
        float* data_col_ptr = data_col;
        data_col_ptr += (channel_out * $height_col + h_out) * $width_col + w_out;
        const float* data_im_ptr = data_im + bot_offset;
        data_im_ptr += (channel_in * $height + h_in) * $width + w_in;
        for (int i = 0; i < $kernel_h; ++i) {
          for (int j = 0; j < $kernel_w; ++j) {
            int h = h_in + i;
            int w = w_in + j;
            *data_col_ptr = (h >= 0 && w >= 0 && h < $height && w < $width) ?
                data_im_ptr[i * $width + j] : 0;
            data_col_ptr += $height_col * $width_col;
    """).substitute(global_size=im2col_global_size, stride_h=stride_h,
                    stride_w=stride_w, pad_h=pad_h, pad_w=pad_w,
                    kernel_h=kernel_h, kernel_w=kernel_w, width=width,
                    height=height, height_col=height_col,
            lib = hm_compile_and_load(im2col)
            im2col = lib.im2col

            class ConvLauncher(object):
                def __init__(self, sources, sinks):
                    self.sources = sources
                    self.sinks = sinks

                def compile(self):

                def launch(self, symbol_table, wait_for):
                    bottom = symbol_table[sources[0].name]
                    bot_offset =[1:])
                    weights = symbol_table[sources[1].name]
                    bias = symbol_table[sources[2].name]
                    top = symbol_table[sinks[0].name]
                    im2col.argtypes = tuple(
                        np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(p.dtype, p.ndim, p.shape) for p in
                        [bottom, col_data]) + (ct.c_int, )
                    if len(weights.shape) > 2:
                        weights = weights.reshape(weights.shape[0],[1:]))
                    for i in range(bottom.shape[0]):
                        im2col(bottom, col_data, i * bot_offset)
                        top[i] =[0], height_col, width_col)
                        top[i] += bias[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
            return ConvLauncher(sources, sinks)
Esempio n. 2
        def get_launcher(cls, sources, sinks, keywords, symbol_table):
            bottom = symbol_table[sources[0].name]
            num = bottom.shape[0]
            channels = bottom.shape[1]
            scale_shape = list(bottom.shape)
            scale_shape[1] = 1
            scale = hmarray(tuple(scale_shape))
            spatial_dim = int([2:]))
            count =

            kernels = Template("""
    #include <float.h>
    #include <math.h>
    void kernel_copy(float* data, float* out) {
      #pragma omp parallel for
      for (int index = 0; index < $count; index++) {
        out[index] = data[index];
    void kernel_channel_max(float* data, float* out) {
      #pragma omp parallel for
      for (int index = 0; index < $num_times_spatial; index++) {
        int n = index / $spatial_dim;
        int s = index % $spatial_dim;
        float maxval = -FLT_MAX;
        for (int c = 0; c < $channels; ++c) {
          maxval = fmax(data[(n * $channels + c) * $spatial_dim + s], maxval);
        out[index] = maxval;
    void kernel_channel_subtract(float* channel_max, float* data) {
      #pragma omp parallel for
      for (int index = 0; index < $count; index++) {
        int n = index / $channels / $spatial_dim;
        int s = index % $spatial_dim;
        data[index] -= channel_max[n * $spatial_dim + s];
    void kernel_exp(float* data, float* out) {
      #pragma omp parallel for
      for (int index = 0; index < $count; index++) {
        out[index] = exp(data[index]);
    void kernel_channel_sum(float* data, float* channel_sum) {
      #pragma omp parallel for
      for (int index = 0; index < $num_times_spatial; index++) {
        int n = index / $spatial_dim;
        int s = index % $spatial_dim;
        float sum = 0;
        for (int c = 0; c < $channels; ++c) {
          sum += data[(n * $channels + c) * $spatial_dim + s];
        channel_sum[index] = sum;
    void kernel_channel_div(float* channel_sum, float* data) {
      #pragma omp parallel for
      for (int index = 0; index < $count; index++) {
        int n = index / $channels / $spatial_dim;
        int s = index % $spatial_dim;
        data[index] /= channel_sum[n * $spatial_dim + s];
                    num_times_spatial=num * spatial_dim,
            lib = hm_compile_and_load(kernels)

            copy_kern = lib.kernel_copy
            max_kern = lib.kernel_channel_max
            sub_kern = lib.kernel_channel_subtract
            exp_kern = lib.kernel_exp
            sum_kern = lib.kernel_channel_sum
            div_kern = lib.kernel_channel_div

            class SoftmaxLauncher(object):
                def __init__(self, sources, sinks):
                    self.sources = sources
                    self.sinks = sinks

                def compile(self):

                def launch(self, symbol_table, wait_for):
                    bottom = symbol_table[sources[0].name]
                    top = symbol_table[sinks[0].name]
                    copy_kern.argtypes = tuple(
                        np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(p.dtype, p.ndim, p.shape)
                        for p in [bottom, top])
                    copy_kern(bottom, top)
                    max_kern.argtypes = tuple(
                        np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(p.dtype, p.ndim, p.shape)
                        for p in [top, scale])
                    max_kern(top, scale)
                    sub_kern.argtypes = tuple(
                        np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(p.dtype, p.ndim, p.shape)
                        for p in [scale, top])
                    sub_kern(scale, top)
                    exp_kern.argtypes = tuple(
                        np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(p.dtype, p.ndim, p.shape)
                        for p in [top, top])
                    exp_kern(top, top)
                    sum_kern.argtypes = tuple(
                        np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(p.dtype, p.ndim, p.shape)
                        for p in [top, scale])
                    sum_kern(top, scale)
                    div_kern.argtypes = tuple(
                        np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(p.dtype, p.ndim, p.shape)
                        for p in [scale, top])
                    div_kern(scale, top)

            return SoftmaxLauncher(sources, sinks)
Esempio n. 3
    def get_launcher(cls, sources, sinks, keywords, symbol_table):
        u = symbol_table[sources[0].name]
        func = Template("""
#include <math.h>
#define max(a,b) \
  ({ __typeof__ (a) _a = (a); \
      __typeof__ (b) _b = (b); \
      _a > _b ? _a : _b; })
#define min(a,b) \
  ({ __typeof__ (a) _a = (a); \
      __typeof__ (b) _b = (b); \
      _a < _b ? _a : _b; })
void fn(float* Ix, float* v, float* It, float* Iy,
        float* denom, float* u, float* u_new, float* v_new) {
    for (int index = 0; index < $size; index++) {
        float _hm_generated_6;
        float _hm_generated_7;
        float _hm_generated_5;
        float _hm_generated_4;
        float _hm_generated_8;
        float _hm_generated_3;
        float ubar, vbar, t;

            int x = index % $width;
            int y = index / $width;
            float accum = 0.0;

            accum += 0.0833333333333f * u[max(y + -1, 0) * $width + max(x + -1, 0)];
            accum += 0.166666666667f * u[max(y + -1, 0) * $width + x];
            accum += 0.0833333333333f * u[max(y + -1, 0) * $width + min(x + 1, $width - 1)];
            accum += 0.166666666667f * u[y * $width + max(x + -1, 0)];
            accum += 0.166666666667f * u[y * $width + min(x + 1, $width - 1)];
            accum += 0.0833333333333f * u[min(y + 1, $height - 1) * $width + max(x + -1, 0)];
            accum += 0.166666666667f * u[min(y + 1, $height - 1) * $width + x];
            accum += 0.0833333333333f * u[min(y + 1, $height - 1) * $width + min(x + 1, $width - 1)];

            ubar = accum;

            int x = index % $width;
            int y = index / $width;
            float accum = 0.0;

            accum += 0.0833333333333f * v[max(y + -1, 0) * $width + max(x + -1, 0)];
            accum += 0.166666666667f * v[max(y + -1, 0) * $width + x];
            accum += 0.0833333333333f * v[max(y + -1, 0) * $width + min(x + 1, $width - 1)];
            accum += 0.166666666667f * v[y * $width + max(x + -1, 0)];
            accum += 0.166666666667f * v[y * $width + min(x + 1, $width - 1)];
            accum += 0.0833333333333f * v[min(y + 1, $height - 1) * $width + max(x + -1, 0)];
            accum += 0.166666666667f * v[min(y + 1, $height - 1) * $width + x];
            accum += 0.0833333333333f * v[min(y + 1, $height - 1) * $width + min(x + 1, $width - 1)];

            vbar = accum;
        _hm_generated_5 = Iy[index] * vbar;
        _hm_generated_6 = Ix[index] * ubar;
        _hm_generated_4 = _hm_generated_6 + _hm_generated_5;
        _hm_generated_3 = _hm_generated_4 + It[index];
        t = _hm_generated_3 / denom[index];
        _hm_generated_7 = Ix[index] * t;
        u_new[index] = ubar - _hm_generated_7;
        _hm_generated_8 = Iy[index] * t;
        v_new[index] = vbar - _hm_generated_8;
}""").substitute(, width=u.shape[1], height=u.shape[0])
        lib = hm_compile_and_load(func)
        fn = lib.fn

        class UpdateUVLauncher(object):
            def __init__(self, sources, sinks):
                self.sources = sources
                self.sinks = sinks

            def compile(self):

            def launch(self, symbol_table, wait_for):
                u = symbol_table[sources[0].name]
                v = symbol_table[sources[1].name]
                Ix = symbol_table[sources[2].name]
                Iy = symbol_table[sources[3].name]
                It = symbol_table[sources[4].name]
                denom = symbol_table[sources[5].name]
                new_u = symbol_table[sinks[0].name]
                new_v = symbol_table[sinks[1].name]
                fn.argtypes = tuple(
                    np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(p.dtype, p.ndim, p.shape)
                    for p in [u, v, Ix, Iy, It, denom, new_u, new_v])

                fn(Ix, v, It, Iy, denom, u, new_u, new_v)

        return UpdateUVLauncher(sources, sinks)
        def get_launcher(cls, sources, sinks, keywords, symbol_table):
            bottom = symbol_table[sources[0].name]
            num = bottom.shape[0]
            channels = bottom.shape[1]
            scale_shape = list(bottom.shape)
            scale_shape[1] = 1
            scale = hmarray(tuple(scale_shape))
            spatial_dim = int([2:]))
            count =

            kernels = Template("""
    #include <float.h>
    #include <math.h>
    void kernel_copy(float* data, float* out) {
      #pragma omp parallel for
      for (int index = 0; index < $count; index++) {
        out[index] = data[index];
    void kernel_channel_max(float* data, float* out) {
      #pragma omp parallel for
      for (int index = 0; index < $num_times_spatial; index++) {
        int n = index / $spatial_dim;
        int s = index % $spatial_dim;
        float maxval = -FLT_MAX;
        for (int c = 0; c < $channels; ++c) {
          maxval = fmax(data[(n * $channels + c) * $spatial_dim + s], maxval);
        out[index] = maxval;
    void kernel_channel_subtract(float* channel_max, float* data) {
      #pragma omp parallel for
      for (int index = 0; index < $count; index++) {
        int n = index / $channels / $spatial_dim;
        int s = index % $spatial_dim;
        data[index] -= channel_max[n * $spatial_dim + s];
    void kernel_exp(float* data, float* out) {
      #pragma omp parallel for
      for (int index = 0; index < $count; index++) {
        out[index] = exp(data[index]);
    void kernel_channel_sum(float* data, float* channel_sum) {
      #pragma omp parallel for
      for (int index = 0; index < $num_times_spatial; index++) {
        int n = index / $spatial_dim;
        int s = index % $spatial_dim;
        float sum = 0;
        for (int c = 0; c < $channels; ++c) {
          sum += data[(n * $channels + c) * $spatial_dim + s];
        channel_sum[index] = sum;
    void kernel_channel_div(float* channel_sum, float* data) {
      #pragma omp parallel for
      for (int index = 0; index < $count; index++) {
        int n = index / $channels / $spatial_dim;
        int s = index % $spatial_dim;
        data[index] /= channel_sum[n * $spatial_dim + s];
    """).substitute(count=count, num_times_spatial=num * spatial_dim,
                    channels=channels, spatial_dim=spatial_dim,
            lib = hm_compile_and_load(kernels)

            copy_kern = lib.kernel_copy
            max_kern = lib.kernel_channel_max
            sub_kern = lib.kernel_channel_subtract
            exp_kern = lib.kernel_exp
            sum_kern = lib.kernel_channel_sum
            div_kern = lib.kernel_channel_div

            class SoftmaxLauncher(object):
                def __init__(self, sources, sinks):
                    self.sources = sources
                    self.sinks = sinks

                def compile(self):

                def launch(self, symbol_table, wait_for):
                    bottom = symbol_table[sources[0].name]
                    top = symbol_table[sinks[0].name]
                    copy_kern.argtypes = tuple(
                        np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(p.dtype, p.ndim, p.shape)
                        for p in [bottom, top])
                    copy_kern(bottom, top)
                    max_kern.argtypes = tuple(
                        np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(p.dtype, p.ndim, p.shape)
                        for p in [top, scale])
                    max_kern(top, scale)
                    sub_kern.argtypes = tuple(
                        np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(p.dtype, p.ndim, p.shape)
                        for p in [scale, top])
                    sub_kern(scale, top)
                    exp_kern.argtypes = tuple(
                        np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(p.dtype, p.ndim, p.shape)
                        for p in [top, top])
                    exp_kern(top, top)
                    sum_kern.argtypes = tuple(
                        np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(p.dtype, p.ndim, p.shape)
                        for p in [top, scale])
                    sum_kern(top, scale)
                    div_kern.argtypes = tuple(
                        np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(p.dtype, p.ndim, p.shape)
                        for p in [scale, top])
                    div_kern(scale, top)

            return SoftmaxLauncher(sources, sinks)
Esempio n. 5
    def get_launcher(cls, sources, sinks, keywords, symbol_table):
        im0 = symbol_table[sources[0].name]
        size =
        func = Template("""
#include <math.h>
#define max(a,b) \
  ({ __typeof__ (a) _a = (a); \
      __typeof__ (b) _b = (b); \
      _a > _b ? _a : _b; })
#define min(a,b) \
  ({ __typeof__ (a) _a = (a); \
      __typeof__ (b) _b = (b); \
      _a < _b ? _a : _b; })
void fn(float* im0, float* Ix, float* Iy, float* It, float* im1,
        float* denom) {
    for (int index = 0; index < $size; index++) {
        float _hm_generated_2;
        float _hm_generated_0;
        float _hm_generated_1;

        It[index] = im1[index] - im0[index];

            int x = index % $width;
            int y = index / $width;
            float accum = 0.0;
            accum += -0.0833333333333f * im1[max(y + -2, 0) * $width + x];
            accum += -0.666666666667f * im1[max(y + -1, 0) * $width + x];
            accum += 0.666666666667f * im1[min(y + 1, $height - 1) * $width + x];
            accum += 0.0833333333333f * im1[min(y + 2, $height - 1) * $width + x];
            Iy[index] = accum;

            int x = index % $width;
            int y = index / $width;
            float accum = 0.0;
            accum += -0.0833333333333f * im1[y * $width + max(x + -2, 0)];
            accum += -0.666666666667f * im1[y * $width + max(x + -1, 0)];
            accum += 0.666666666667f * im1[y * $width + min(x + 1, $width - 1)];
            accum += 0.0833333333333f * im1[y * $width + min(x + 2, $width - 1)];
            Ix[index] = accum;
        _hm_generated_1 = pow(Iy[index], 2);
        _hm_generated_2 = pow(Ix[index], 2);
        _hm_generated_0 = _hm_generated_2 + _hm_generated_1;
        denom[index] = _hm_generated_0 + $alpha;

        lib = hm_compile_and_load(func)
        fn = lib.fn

        class GradientAndDenomLauncher(object):
            def __init__(self, sources, sinks):
                self.sources = sources
                self.sinks = sinks

            def compile(self):

            def launch(self, symbol_table, wait_for):
                im0 = symbol_table[sources[0].name]
                im1 = symbol_table[sources[1].name]
                It = symbol_table[sinks[0].name]
                Iy = symbol_table[sinks[1].name]
                Ix = symbol_table[sinks[2].name]
                denom = symbol_table[sinks[3].name]
                fn.argtypes = tuple(
                    np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(p.dtype, p.ndim, p.shape)
                    for p in [im0, im1, It, Iy, Ix, denom])

                fn(im0, Ix, Iy, It, im1, denom)

        return GradientAndDenomLauncher(sources, sinks)
    def get_launcher(cls, sources, sinks, keywords, symbol_table):
        u = symbol_table[sources[0].name]
        func = Template("""
#include <math.h>
#define max(a,b) \
  ({ __typeof__ (a) _a = (a); \
      __typeof__ (b) _b = (b); \
      _a > _b ? _a : _b; })
#define min(a,b) \
  ({ __typeof__ (a) _a = (a); \
      __typeof__ (b) _b = (b); \
      _a < _b ? _a : _b; })
void fn(float* Ix, float* v, float* It, float* Iy,
        float* denom, float* u, float* u_new, float* v_new) {
    for (int index = 0; index < $size; index++) {
        float _hm_generated_6;
        float _hm_generated_7;
        float _hm_generated_5;
        float _hm_generated_4;
        float _hm_generated_8;
        float _hm_generated_3;
        float ubar, vbar, t;

            int x = index % $width;
            int y = index / $width;
            float accum = 0.0;

            accum += 0.0833333333333f * u[max(y + -1, 0) * $width + max(x + -1, 0)];
            accum += 0.166666666667f * u[max(y + -1, 0) * $width + x];
            accum += 0.0833333333333f * u[max(y + -1, 0) * $width + min(x + 1, $width - 1)];
            accum += 0.166666666667f * u[y * $width + max(x + -1, 0)];
            accum += 0.166666666667f * u[y * $width + min(x + 1, $width - 1)];
            accum += 0.0833333333333f * u[min(y + 1, $height - 1) * $width + max(x + -1, 0)];
            accum += 0.166666666667f * u[min(y + 1, $height - 1) * $width + x];
            accum += 0.0833333333333f * u[min(y + 1, $height - 1) * $width + min(x + 1, $width - 1)];

            ubar = accum;

            int x = index % $width;
            int y = index / $width;
            float accum = 0.0;

            accum += 0.0833333333333f * v[max(y + -1, 0) * $width + max(x + -1, 0)];
            accum += 0.166666666667f * v[max(y + -1, 0) * $width + x];
            accum += 0.0833333333333f * v[max(y + -1, 0) * $width + min(x + 1, $width - 1)];
            accum += 0.166666666667f * v[y * $width + max(x + -1, 0)];
            accum += 0.166666666667f * v[y * $width + min(x + 1, $width - 1)];
            accum += 0.0833333333333f * v[min(y + 1, $height - 1) * $width + max(x + -1, 0)];
            accum += 0.166666666667f * v[min(y + 1, $height - 1) * $width + x];
            accum += 0.0833333333333f * v[min(y + 1, $height - 1) * $width + min(x + 1, $width - 1)];

            vbar = accum;
        _hm_generated_5 = Iy[index] * vbar;
        _hm_generated_6 = Ix[index] * ubar;
        _hm_generated_4 = _hm_generated_6 + _hm_generated_5;
        _hm_generated_3 = _hm_generated_4 + It[index];
        t = _hm_generated_3 / denom[index];
        _hm_generated_7 = Ix[index] * t;
        u_new[index] = ubar - _hm_generated_7;
        _hm_generated_8 = Iy[index] * t;
        v_new[index] = vbar - _hm_generated_8;
}""").substitute(, width=u.shape[1], height=u.shape[0])
        lib = hm_compile_and_load(func)
        fn = lib.fn

        class UpdateUVLauncher(object):
            def __init__(self, sources, sinks):
                self.sources = sources
                self.sinks = sinks

            def compile(self):

            def launch(self, symbol_table, wait_for):
                u = symbol_table[sources[0].name]
                v = symbol_table[sources[1].name]
                Ix = symbol_table[sources[2].name]
                Iy = symbol_table[sources[3].name]
                It = symbol_table[sources[4].name]
                denom = symbol_table[sources[5].name]
                new_u = symbol_table[sinks[0].name]
                new_v = symbol_table[sinks[1].name]
                fn.argtypes = tuple(
                    np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(p.dtype, p.ndim, p.shape) for p in
                    [u, v, Ix, Iy, It, denom, new_u, new_v])

                fn(Ix, v, It, Iy, denom, u, new_u, new_v)
        return UpdateUVLauncher(sources, sinks)
    def get_launcher(cls, sources, sinks, keywords, symbol_table):
        im0 = symbol_table[sources[0].name]
        size =
        func = Template("""
#include <math.h>
#define max(a,b) \
  ({ __typeof__ (a) _a = (a); \
      __typeof__ (b) _b = (b); \
      _a > _b ? _a : _b; })
#define min(a,b) \
  ({ __typeof__ (a) _a = (a); \
      __typeof__ (b) _b = (b); \
      _a < _b ? _a : _b; })
void fn(float* im0, float* Ix, float* Iy, float* It, float* im1,
        float* denom) {
    for (int index = 0; index < $size; index++) {
        float _hm_generated_2;
        float _hm_generated_0;
        float _hm_generated_1;

        It[index] = im1[index] - im0[index];

            int x = index % $width;
            int y = index / $width;
            float accum = 0.0;
            accum += -0.0833333333333f * im1[max(y + -2, 0) * $width + x];
            accum += -0.666666666667f * im1[max(y + -1, 0) * $width + x];
            accum += 0.666666666667f * im1[min(y + 1, $height - 1) * $width + x];
            accum += 0.0833333333333f * im1[min(y + 2, $height - 1) * $width + x];
            Iy[index] = accum;

            int x = index % $width;
            int y = index / $width;
            float accum = 0.0;
            accum += -0.0833333333333f * im1[y * $width + max(x + -2, 0)];
            accum += -0.666666666667f * im1[y * $width + max(x + -1, 0)];
            accum += 0.666666666667f * im1[y * $width + min(x + 1, $width - 1)];
            accum += 0.0833333333333f * im1[y * $width + min(x + 2, $width - 1)];
            Ix[index] = accum;
        _hm_generated_1 = pow(Iy[index], 2);
        _hm_generated_2 = pow(Ix[index], 2);
        _hm_generated_0 = _hm_generated_2 + _hm_generated_1;
        denom[index] = _hm_generated_0 + $alpha;
}""").substitute(size=size, alpha=keywords['alpha']**2, width=im0.shape[1],

        lib = hm_compile_and_load(func)
        fn = lib.fn
        class GradientAndDenomLauncher(object):
            def __init__(self, sources, sinks):
                self.sources = sources
                self.sinks = sinks

            def compile(self):

            def launch(self, symbol_table, wait_for):
                im0 = symbol_table[sources[0].name]
                im1 = symbol_table[sources[1].name]
                It = symbol_table[sinks[0].name]
                Iy = symbol_table[sinks[1].name]
                Ix = symbol_table[sinks[2].name]
                denom = symbol_table[sinks[3].name]
                fn.argtypes = tuple(
                    np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(p.dtype, p.ndim, p.shape) for p in
                    [im0, im1, It, Iy, Ix, denom])

                fn(im0, Ix, Iy, It, im1, denom)
        return GradientAndDenomLauncher(sources, sinks)
Esempio n. 8
        def get_launcher(cls, sources, sinks, keywords, symbol_table):
            kernel_h, kernel_w = keywords['kernel_size']
            pad_h, pad_w = keywords['padding']
            stride_h, stride_w = keywords['stride']
            num, channels, height, width = symbol_table[sources[0].name].shape
            channels_col = channels * kernel_h * kernel_w
            height_col = (height + 2 * pad_h - kernel_h) // stride_h + 1
            width_col = (width + 2 * pad_w - kernel_w) // stride_w + 1
            out_channels, height_col, width_col = symbol_table[
            col_data = hmarray((channels_col, height_col * width_col))
            bias_multiplier = hmarray(

            im2col_global_size = channels * height_col * width_col

            im2col = Template("""
    void im2col(float* data_im, float* data_col, int bot_offset) {
      #pragma omp parallel for
      for (int index = 0; index < $global_size; index++) {
        int h_index = index / $width_col;
        int w_out = index - h_index * $width_col;
        int channel_in = h_index / $height_col;
        int h_out = h_index - channel_in * $height_col;
        int channel_out = channel_in * $kernel_h * $kernel_w;
        int h_in = h_out * $stride_h - $pad_h;
        int w_in = w_out * $stride_w - $pad_w;
        float* data_col_ptr = data_col;
        data_col_ptr += (channel_out * $height_col + h_out) * $width_col + w_out;
        const float* data_im_ptr = data_im + bot_offset;
        data_im_ptr += (channel_in * $height + h_in) * $width + w_in;
        for (int i = 0; i < $kernel_h; ++i) {
          for (int j = 0; j < $kernel_w; ++j) {
            int h = h_in + i;
            int w = w_in + j;
            *data_col_ptr = (h >= 0 && w >= 0 && h < $height && w < $width) ?
                data_im_ptr[i * $width + j] : 0;
            data_col_ptr += $height_col * $width_col;
            lib = hm_compile_and_load(im2col)
            im2col = lib.im2col

            class ConvLauncher(object):
                def __init__(self, sources, sinks):
                    self.sources = sources
                    self.sinks = sinks

                def compile(self):

                def launch(self, symbol_table, wait_for):
                    bottom = symbol_table[sources[0].name]
                    bot_offset =[1:])
                    weights = symbol_table[sources[1].name]
                    bias = symbol_table[sources[2].name]
                    top = symbol_table[sinks[0].name]
                    im2col.argtypes = tuple(
                        np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(p.dtype, p.ndim, p.shape)
                        for p in [bottom, col_data]) + (ct.c_int, )
                    if len(weights.shape) > 2:
                        weights = weights.reshape(weights.shape[0],
                    for i in range(bottom.shape[0]):
                        im2col(bottom, col_data, i * bot_offset)
                        top[i] =
                            weights.shape[0], height_col, width_col)
                        top[i] += bias[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]

            return ConvLauncher(sources, sinks)
Esempio n. 9
        def get_launcher(cls, sources, sinks, keywords, symbol_table):
            num, channels, height, width = symbol_table[sources[0].name].shape
            local_size = keywords['local_size']
            alpha = keywords['alpha']
            k = keywords['k']
            beta = keywords['beta']
            compute_global = (num * channels * height * width, )
            fill_global = (num * height * width, )
            kernel = Template("""
    #include <math.h>
    void LRNFillScale(float* in_global, float* scale_global) {
      for (int index = 0; index < $fill_global; index++) {
        int w = index % $width;
        int h = (index / $width) % $height;
        int n = index / $width / $height;
        int offset = (n * $channels * $height + h) * $width + w;
        int step = $height * $width;
        float* in = in_global + offset;
        float* scale = scale_global + offset;
        int head = 0;
        int pre_pad = ($local_size - 1) / 2;
        int post_pad = $local_size - pre_pad - 1;
        float accum_scale = 0;
        // fill the scale at [n, :, h, w]
        // accumulate values
        while (head < post_pad && head < $channels) {
          accum_scale += in[head * step] * in[head * step];
        // both add and subtract
        while (head < $channels) {
          accum_scale += in[head * step] * in[head * step];
          if (head - $local_size >= 0) {
            accum_scale -= in[(head - $local_size) * step] * \
                in[(head - $local_size) * step];
          scale[(head - post_pad) * step] = $k + accum_scale * $alpha_over_size;
        // subtract only
        while (head < $channels + post_pad) {
          if (head - $local_size >= 0) {
            accum_scale -= in[(head - $local_size) * step] * \
                in[(head - $local_size) * step];
          scale[(head - post_pad) * step] = $k + accum_scale * $alpha_over_size;
    void LRNComputeOutput(float* in, float* scale, float* out) {
      for (int index = 0; index < $compute_global; index++) {
        out[index] = in[index] * pow(scale[index], (float)$negative_beta);
    """).substitute(width=width, height=height, channels=channels,
                    alpha_over_size=float(alpha) / local_size,
                    k=k, negative_beta=-beta, fill_global=fill_global[0],
            lib = hm_compile_and_load(kernel)
            fill_kern = lib.LRNFillScale

            compute_kern = lib.LRNComputeOutput

            class LrnLauncher(object):
                def __init__(self, sources, sinks):
                    self.sources = sources
                    self.sinks = sinks

                def compile(self):

                def launch(self, symbol_table, wait_for):
                    bottom = symbol_table[sources[0].name]
                    top = symbol_table[sinks[0].name]
                    scale = symbol_table[sinks[1].name]
                    fill_kern.argtypes = tuple(
                        np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(p.dtype, p.ndim, p.shape)
                        for p in [bottom, scale])
                    compute_kern.argtypes = tuple(
                        np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(p.dtype, p.ndim, p.shape)
                        for p in [bottom, scale, top])
                    fill_kern(bottom, scale)
                    compute_kern(bottom, scale, top)
            return LrnLauncher(sources, sinks)