Esempio n. 1
def get_events(data, stations, coincidence, timestamps,
    """Get event data of a coincidence

    Return a list of events making up a coincidence.

    :param data: the PyTables data file
    :param stations: a list of HiSPARC event tables (normally from
        different stations, hence the name)
    :param coincidence: a coincidence, as returned by
    :param timestamps: the list of timestamps, as returned by
    :param get_raw_traces: boolean.  If true, return the compressed adc
        values instead of the uncompressed traces.

    :return: a list of tuples.  Each tuple consists of (station, event,
        traces), where event is the event row from PyTables and traces is
        a list of the uncompressed traces.

    events = []

    for event in coincidence:
        timestamp, station, index = timestamps[event]
        event_table = data.getNode(stations[station], 'events')
        blob_table = data.getNode(stations[station], 'blobs')
        event = event_table[index]
        if not get_raw_traces:
            traces = get_traces(blob_table, event['traces'])
            traces = [blob_table[x] for x in event['traces']]
        events.append((stations[station], event, traces))

    return events
Esempio n. 2
def plot_trace(station_group, idx):
    events =
    blobs = station_group.blobs

    traces_idx = events[idx]['traces']
    traces = get_traces(blobs, traces_idx)
    traces = array(traces)
    x = arange(traces.shape[1])
    x *= 2.5

    plot(x, traces.T)
    xlim(0, 200)

    #line_styles = ['solid', 'dashed', 'dotted', 'dashdotted']
    line_styles = ['black', 'black!80', 'black!60', 'black!40']
    styles = (u for u in line_styles)

    graph = GraphArtist(width=r'.5\linewidth')
    for trace in traces:
        graph.plot(x, trace / 1000, mark=None,
    graph.set_xlabel(r"Time [\si{\nano\second}]")
    graph.set_ylabel(r"Signal [\si{\volt}]")
    graph.set_xlimits(0, 200)'plots/traces')
Esempio n. 3
def get_events(data, stations, coincidence, timestamps, get_raw_traces=False):
    """Get event data of a coincidence

    Return a list of events making up a coincidence.

    :param data: the PyTables data file
    :param stations: a list of HiSPARC event tables (normally from
        different stations, hence the name)
    :param coincidence: a coincidence, as returned by
    :param timestamps: the list of timestamps, as returned by
    :param get_raw_traces: boolean.  If true, return the compressed adc
        values instead of the uncompressed traces.

    :return: a list of tuples.  Each tuple consists of (station, event,
        traces), where event is the event row from PyTables and traces is
        a list of the uncompressed traces.

    events = []

    for event in coincidence:
        timestamp, station, index = timestamps[event]
        event_table = data.getNode(stations[station], 'events')
        blob_table = data.getNode(stations[station], 'blobs')
        event = event_table[index]
        if not get_raw_traces:
            traces = get_traces(blob_table, event['traces'])
            traces = [blob_table[x] for x in event['traces']]
        events.append((stations[station], event, traces))

    return events