Esempio n. 1
def backward(hmm, Obs, c=None):
    Calculate the probability of a partial observation sequence
    from t+1 to T, given some state t.
    Obs: observation sequence
    hmm: model
    c: the scaling coefficients from forward algorithm
    returns: B_t(i) 
    # Number of states in observation sequence
    T = len(Obs)
    # Get index sequence of observation sequence to access the observable symbol prob distribution matrix
    Obs = symbol_index(hmm, Obs)
    # Allocate output array
    Beta = numpy.zeros([ hmm.N, T ], float) 

    # Inductive Step:
    for t in reversed(xrange(T)):
        # Base Case
        Beta[ :, t ] = 1.0 if t == T - 1 else \, (hmm.B(t + 1)[ :, Obs[ t + 1 ] ] * Beta[ :, t + 1 ]))  # Inductive Step
        if c is not None:
            # Rarely, Beta might blow up when Alpha is exactly zero. This is not a problem without
            # scaling. For simplicity, cap Beta.
            # TODO: it might be safer to restart the algorithm with no scaling instead.  
            Beta[ :, t ] = numpy.minimum(Beta[ :, t ] * c[ t ], 1e+100) 
#            print t, Beta[:, t], c[t]
    return Beta
Esempio n. 2
def forward(hmm, Obs, scaling=True):
    Calculate the probability of an observation sequence, Obs,
    given the model, P(Obs|hmm).
    Obs: observation sequence
    hmm: model
    returns: P(Obs|hmm)
    # Number of states in observation sequence
    T = len(Obs)
    # Get index sequence of observation sequence to access the observable symbol prob distribution matrix
    Obs = symbol_index(hmm, Obs)
    # Allocate output array, scaling array 
    Alpha = numpy.zeros([ hmm.N, T ], float)
    if scaling:
        c = numpy.zeros([ T ], float)
#    print 'forward sweep'
#    print 'Obs', Obs
    for t in xrange(T):
#        print 't', t
#        if t > 0:
#            print 'A', hmm.A(t - 1)
#            print 'B', hmm.B(t)
#            print 'Obs[t]', Obs[t]
#            print 'B[:, Obs[t]]', hmm.B(t)[ :, Obs[ t ] ]
        Alpha[ :, t ] = (hmm.Pi if t == 0  # Base Case
                         else[ :, t - 1 ], hmm.A(t - 1))  # Induction Step:
                         ) * hmm.B(t)[ :, Obs[ t ] ]
        if scaling:
            c[ t ] = 1.0 / numpy.sum(Alpha[ :, t ])
            Alpha[ :, t] = Alpha[ :, t] * c[ t ]
            #print t, Alpha[:, t], c[t]
    return (-(numpy.sum(numpy.log(c))), Alpha, c) if scaling else (numpy.sum(Alpha[ :, T - 1 ]), Alpha)
Esempio n. 3
def backward(hmm, Obs, c=None):
    Calculate the probability of a partial observation sequence
    from t+1 to T, given some state t.
    Obs: observation sequence
    hmm: model
    c: the scaling coefficients from forward algorithm
    returns: B_t(i) 
    # Number of states in observation sequence
    T = len(Obs)
    # Get index sequence of observation sequence to access the observable symbol prob distribution matrix
    Obs = symbol_index(hmm, Obs)
    # Allocate output array
    Beta = numpy.zeros([hmm.N, T], float)

    # Inductive Step:
    for t in reversed(xrange(T)):
        # Base Case
        Beta[ :, t ] = 1.0 if t == T - 1 else \, (hmm.B(t + 1)[ :, Obs[ t + 1 ] ] * Beta[ :, t + 1 ]))  # Inductive Step
        if c is not None:
            # Rarely, Beta might blow up when Alpha is exactly zero. This is not a problem without
            # scaling. For simplicity, cap Beta.
            # TODO: it might be safer to restart the algorithm with no scaling instead.
            Beta[:, t] = numpy.minimum(Beta[:, t] * c[t], 1e+100)

#            print t, Beta[:, t], c[t]

    return Beta
Esempio n. 4
def viterbi(hmm, Obs, scaling=True):
    Calculate P(Q|Obs, hmm) and yield the state sequence Q* that
    maximizes this probability. 
    Obs: observation sequence
    hmm: model
    # Number of states in observation sequence
    T = len(Obs)
    # Get index sequence of observation sequence to access the observable symbol prob distribution matrix
    Obs = symbol_index(hmm, Obs)

    # Initialization
    # Delta[ i,j ] = max_q1,q2,...,qt P( q1, q2,...,qt = i, O_1, O_2,...,O_t|hmm )
    # this is the highest prob along a single path at time t ending in state S_i
    Delta = numpy.zeros([hmm.N, T], float)
    # Track Maximal States
    Psi = numpy.zeros([hmm.N, T], int)

    #    print 'scaling', scaling
    if scaling:
        Delta[:, 0] = _log(hmm.Pi) + _log(hmm.B(0)[:, Obs[0]])
        Delta[:, 0] = hmm.Pi * hmm.B(0)[:, Obs[0]]
#    print 't', 0
#    print 10 ** Delta[:, 0][numpy.newaxis].transpose()

# Inductive Step:
    if scaling:
        for t in xrange(1, T):
            nus = Delta[:, t - 1] + _log(hmm.A(t - 1).transpose())
            Delta[:, t] = nus.max(1) + _log(hmm.B(t)[:, Obs[t]])
            Psi[:, t] = nus.argmax(1)
#            print 't', t
#            print 'A',
#            print hmm.A(t - 1)
#            print 'nus'
#            print 10 ** nus
#            print 'Delta'
#            print 10 ** Delta[:, t][numpy.newaxis].transpose()
#            print 'Psi'
#            print Psi[:, t][numpy.newaxis].transpose()
        for t in xrange(1, T):
            nus = Delta[:, t - 1] * hmm.A(t - 1).transpose()
            Delta[:, t] = nus.max(1) * hmm.B(t)[:, Obs[t]]
            Psi[:, t] = nus.argmax(1)

#    print 10 ** Delta
#    print Psi

# Calculate State Sequence, Q*:
    Q_star = [numpy.argmax(Delta[:, T - 1])]
    for t in reversed(xrange(T - 1)):
        Q_star.insert(0, Psi[Q_star[0], t + 1])

    return (numpy.array(Q_star), Delta, Psi)
Esempio n. 5
def viterbi(hmm, Obs, scaling=True):
    Calculate P(Q|Obs, hmm) and yield the state sequence Q* that
    maximizes this probability. 
    Obs: observation sequence
    hmm: model
    # Number of states in observation sequence
    T = len(Obs)
    # Get index sequence of observation sequence to access the observable symbol prob distribution matrix
    Obs = symbol_index(hmm, Obs)
    # Initialization
    # Delta[ i,j ] = max_q1,q2,...,qt P( q1, q2,...,qt = i, O_1, O_2,...,O_t|hmm )
    # this is the highest prob along a single path at time t ending in state S_i
    Delta = numpy.zeros([ hmm.N, T ], float)
    # Track Maximal States
    Psi = numpy.zeros([ hmm.N, T ], int)

#    print 'scaling', scaling
    if scaling:
        Delta[ :, 0 ] = _log(hmm.Pi) + _log(hmm.B(0)[ :, Obs[ 0 ] ])
        Delta[ :, 0 ] = hmm.Pi * hmm.B(0)[ :, Obs[ 0] ]
#    print 't', 0
#    print 10 ** Delta[:, 0][numpy.newaxis].transpose()
    # Inductive Step:
    if scaling:
        for t in xrange(1, T):
            nus = Delta[ :, t - 1 ] + _log(hmm.A(t - 1).transpose())
            Delta[ :, t ] = nus.max(1) + _log(hmm.B(t)[ :, Obs[ t ] ])
            Psi[ :, t ] = nus.argmax(1)
#            print 't', t
#            print 'A',
#            print hmm.A(t - 1)
#            print 'nus'
#            print 10 ** nus
#            print 'Delta'
#            print 10 ** Delta[:, t][numpy.newaxis].transpose()
#            print 'Psi'
#            print Psi[:, t][numpy.newaxis].transpose()
        for t in xrange(1, T):
            nus = Delta[ :, t - 1 ] * hmm.A(t - 1).transpose()
            Delta[ :, t ] = nus.max(1) * hmm.B(t)[ :, Obs[ t ] ]
            Psi[ :, t ] = nus.argmax(1)
#    print 10 ** Delta
#    print Psi
    # Calculate State Sequence, Q*:
    Q_star = [ numpy.argmax(Delta[ :, T - 1 ]) ]
    for t in reversed(xrange(T - 1)) :
        Q_star.insert(0, Psi[ Q_star[ 0 ], t + 1 ])

    return (numpy.array(Q_star), Delta, Psi)
Esempio n. 6
def forward(hmm, Obs, scaling=True):
    Calculate the probability of an observation sequence, Obs,
    given the model, P(Obs|hmm).
    Obs: observation sequence
    hmm: model
    returns: P(Obs|hmm)
    # Number of states in observation sequence
    T = len(Obs)
    # Get index sequence of observation sequence to access the observable symbol prob distribution matrix
    Obs = symbol_index(hmm, Obs)
    # Allocate output array, scaling array
    Alpha = numpy.zeros([hmm.N, T], float)
    if scaling:
        c = numpy.zeros([T], float)

#    print 'forward sweep'
#    print 'Obs', Obs
    for t in xrange(T):
        #        print 't', t
        #        if t > 0:
        #            print 'A', hmm.A(t - 1)
        #            print 'B', hmm.B(t)
        #            print 'Obs[t]', Obs[t]
        #            print 'B[:, Obs[t]]', hmm.B(t)[ :, Obs[ t ] ]
        Alpha[:, t] = (
            hmm.Pi if t == 0  # Base Case
            else[:, t - 1], hmm.A(t - 1))  # Induction Step:
        ) * hmm.B(t)[:, Obs[t]]
        if scaling:
            c[t] = 1.0 / numpy.sum(Alpha[:, t])
            Alpha[:, t] = Alpha[:, t] * c[t]
            #print t, Alpha[:, t], c[t]

    return (-(numpy.sum(numpy.log(c))), Alpha,
            c) if scaling else (numpy.sum(Alpha[:, T - 1]), Alpha)