Esempio n. 1
def analyse_corpus_files(corpus):
        Reusable script function for analysing the audio files comprising a corpus.
    file_list = corpus.list_audio_files()
    analyser = EssentiaAnalyser()
    for audio_file in file_list:
        except EssentiaError, e:
            log.error("Essentia threw an error (%s), skipping this one: '%s'" 
                % (e, audio_file))
Esempio n. 2
def gaia_transform(points):
        Takes a dict of point names and filepaths.
        Creates a DataSet and performs the standard transformations 
    ds = DataSet.mergeFiles(points)
    ds = transform(ds, 'fixlength')
    ds = transform(ds, 'cleaner')
    for desc in get_unused_descriptors():
            ds = transform(ds, 'remove', desc)
        except Exception, e:
            log.error("Problem removing this descriptor: %s" % e)
Esempio n. 3
def process_highlevel(corpus, filepath, chop):
        Utility method used to test the hierarchical system and create
        high level segments along with analysis and constituent units
        stored in a gaia dataset for a given ``corpus`` and file from that 
        ``corpus`` .
    units = corpus.list_audio_units(audio_filename=filepath, chop=chop)
    new_segments = []
    m = Mosaic()
    analyser = EssentiaAnalyser()
    for u in units:
        if not os.path.isfile(switch_ext(u, '.yaml')):
            log.error("Cannot find analysis, assume that this file is silent: '%s'" % u)
        log.debug("Number of units in mosaic is: %d, length of mosaic is %d" % (len(m.units), m.length))
        # This AND clause prevents a Gaia Dataset of only 1 Point being created.
        # The problem is that if the dataset only has one point then all 
        # descriptors get removed during 'cleaner' analysis
        if m.length > 5 and len(m.units) > 1: 
            log.debug("Current length of mosaic is %f, adding to list" % m.length)
            m = Mosaic()
    if len(new_segments) == 0:
        log.warn("Retrieved only 1 high level mosaic unit of length: %f" % m.length)
    if m != new_segments[-1]:
        log.debug("The final mosaic is of length %f only" % new_segments[-1].length)
        log.debug("The last mosaic has a length of: %f" % m.length)
        new_segments[-1] = m
    log.debug("Finished assembling units into segments of > 5s")
    log.debug("There are %d segments in total to be processed for %s" % (len(new_segments), os.path.basename(filepath)))
    highlevel_dir = corpus._make_segments_dir(filepath, 'highlevel_%s' % chop)
    for index, seg in enumerate(new_segments):
        path = os.path.join(highlevel_dir, '%05d.wav' % index)
        log.debug("Analysing audio: %s" % path)
        unit_dict = {}
        log.debug("Segment has %d units" % len(seg.units))
        for unit in seg.units:
            #path_comps = os.path.split(os.path.dirname(unit.filepath))
            #chop_dir = path_comps[1]
            #name = os.path.split(path_comps[0])[1] + '_' + chop_dir + \
            #    '_' + switch_ext(os.path.basename(unit.filepath), '')
            unit_dict.update({switch_ext(unit.filepath, '.yaml'): switch_ext(unit.filepath, '.yaml')})
        tu_ds = gaia_transform(unit_dict), '%05d.db' % index))
Esempio n. 4
    def set_bin(self, bin_name):
            Allows dynamic switching of binary analysers, e.g. for analysing 
            solely low level features one can enjoy a much faster analysis 
            process by switching the analyser binary. The only constraint is 
            that the new binary must be stored in the same directory as the 
            default setting (read from

        new_bin = os.path.join(settings.ESSENTIA_BIN_DIR, bin_name)
        if os.path.isfile(new_bin):
  "Using new essentia bin: '%s'" % new_bin)
            self.ESSENTIA_BIN = new_bin
            log.error("'%s' is not a file, keeping original: '%s'" 
               % (new_bin, self.ESSENTIA_BIN))
Esempio n. 5
    files = [f for f in glob('*.wav')]
    for af in files:
        log.debug("Found a wav file: '%s'" % af)
        nf = strip_all(af)
        os.rename(af, nf)

def strip_all(input_string):
        Remove problem characters from filenames.
        Minimises annoying errors later on. Better safe than sorry!!
    new_string = input_string.replace(' ', '').replace('_', '').replace('-','').replace('(', '').replace(')', '').replace(',', '').replace("'", "").replace('&', '')
    # This expects at least 1 '.' to be present - i.e. the lowest count is 1
    return new_string.replace('.','',(new_string.count('.'))-1)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if not os.path.isdir(TEST_DATA_DIR):
        log.error("The test data directory read from settings does not exist!:%s"
            % TEST_DATA_DIR

Esempio n. 6
def highlevel_mosaic(target, tcorpus, scorpus, scope=5):
        This will be used to test the highlevel mosaicing process.
        The scope variable controls the number of results which are returned 
        for each target unit which is sought.

    # Create a temporary file for the mosaic audio
    filepath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'temp_mosaic.wav')
    if os.path.isfile(filepath):
    mosaic = Mosaic(filepath)
    cost = RepeatUnitCost()
    context = Context()
    gridder = Gridder()
    units = tcorpus.list_audio_units(audio_filename=target, chop='highlevel')
    hdb = scorpus.get_gaia_unit_db(chop='highlevel_%s' % self.chop)
    distance = get_mood_distance(hdb)
    v = View(hdb, distance)
    results = {}
    for f in units:
        p = Point()
        p.load(switch_ext(f, '.yaml'))
        unit_name = switch_ext(os.path.basename(f), '')
        p_m = hdb.history().mapPoint(p)
    log.debug("Ok, now we have a dict with each target segment, along with its corresponding nearest matches in source db")
    log.debug("Check to see that we have every second of target audio accounted for - I think not!") 
    #return results
    #new_results = results.copy()
    ds = DataSet()
    for r in results:
        units = []
        for u in results[r]:
            ds.load(switch_ext(u[0], '.db'))
            for n in ds.pointNames():
        new_ds = gaia_transform(dict(zip(units, units)))
    #return results
    # Very important - target units must be in correct order
    index = 0
    index_skip = 0
    for r in sorted(results.keys()):
        tds = DataSet()
        tds.load(switch_ext(r, '.db'))
        #return tds, results
        sds = results[r]
        source_set = set(sds.layout().descriptorNames())
        target_set = set(tds.layout().descriptorNames())
        remove_from_source = source_set.difference(target_set)
        remove_from_target = target_set.difference(source_set)
        if len(remove_from_source) > 0:
            log.debug("Will try to remove %s from the source DataSet" % remove_from_source)
                sds = transform(results[r], 'remove', {'descriptorNames':list(remove_from_source)})
            except Exception, e:
                log.error("Failed to remove %s from source DataSet" % list(remove_from_source))
                return results[r], tds
        if len(remove_from_target) > 0:
            log.debug("Will try to remove %s from the target DataSet" % remove_from_source)
                tds = transform(tds, 'remove', {'descriptorNames':list(remove_from_target)})
            except Exception, e:
                log.error("Failed to remove %s from target DataSet" % list(remove_from_target))
                return results[r], tds
Esempio n. 7
        sv = View(sds, get_low_level_distance(sds))
        log.debug("Beginning to loop through units for this segment")
        #return tds, sds, gridder, sv
        for pname in sorted(tds.pointNames()):
            I don't think I need to map the point in this instance 
            as we have already transformed the DataSet.
            try, analyse_corpus:
                p_m = sds.history().mapPoint(p)
            except Exception, e:
                log.error("Error mapping %s to %s: %s" % (p, sds, e))
                return tds, p, sds
            print pname
            if os.path.basename(pname) != '%07d.yaml' % (index + index_skip):
                log.error("Current unit is %s => Missing a unit '%07d.yaml'- it must be silent... Index is %d, index skip is %d" % (pname, (index + index_skip), index, index_skip))
                u = MosaicUnit(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(pname), '%07d.wav' % (index + index_skip)))
                u.silent = True
                index_skip += 1

            p = Point()
            p_m = sds.history().mapPoint(p)
            unit_results = sv.nnSearch(p_m).get(scope)
            log.debug("For %s, the closest matching points are: %s" % (pname, unit_results))
            log.debug("Applying repition cost")
            unit_results = cost.get_results(unit_results)
            log.debug("Results are now: %s" % str(unit_results))
            log.debug("Applying Context cost")
            unit_results = context.get_results(unit_results)