def get_violation_definitions(cls): return { 'empty.anchors': { 'title': _('Empty anchor(s) found'), 'description': _('Empty anchors are not good for Search Engines. ' 'Empty anchors were found for links to: %s.'), 'value_parser': cls.get_empty_anchors_parsed_value, 'category': _('SEO'), 'generic_description': _('By using empty anchor text won\'t prevent search ' 'engines from indexing your pages but you will lose a ' 'good opportunity to add relevance to your pages. ' 'Google uses anchor text in order to qualify the ' 'resources you create a reference to. ' 'In consequences if a page got links with "example" ' 'as anchor text pointing to itself, this page ' 'relevance on "example" request will increase. ' 'So better do not let empty anchor text and choose ' 'wisely the words (or keywords) you use in it.') } }
def get_fact_definitions(cls): return { 'page.title': { 'title': _('Page Title'), 'description': lambda value: value, 'category': _('SEO'), } }
def get_fact_definitions(cls): return { 'page.last_modified': { 'title': _('Last-Modified'), 'description': lambda value: value, 'category': _('HTTP'), 'unit': 'datetime' } }
def get_violation_definitions(cls): return { 'invalid.url_word_separator': { 'title': _('URLs should use hyphens to separate words'), 'description': cls.get_url_with_underscore_message(), 'category': _('SEO'), 'generic_description': cls.get_url_with_underscore_message() } }
def get_fact_definitions(cls): return { 'robots.url': { 'title': _('Robots file URL'), 'description': lambda value: value, 'category': _('SEO'), 'unit': 'link', } }
def get_fact_definitions(cls): return { 'page.google_analytics': { 'title': _('Google Analytics'), 'description': lambda value: list(value), 'unit': 'google-analytics', 'category': _('SEO'), } }
def get_fact_definitions(cls): return { 'meta.tags': { 'title': _('Meta Tags'), 'description': lambda value: value, 'unit': 'values', 'category': _('Meta'), } }
def get_fact_definitions(cls): return { "page.heading_hierarchy": { "title": _("Heading Hierarchy"), "description": lambda value: list(value), "unit": "heading-hierarchy", "category": _("SEO"), } }
def get_fact_definitions(cls): return { 'page.heading_hierarchy': { 'title': _('Heading Hierarchy'), 'description': lambda value: list(value), 'unit': 'heading-hierarchy', 'category': _('SEO'), }, }
def get_violation_definitions(cls): return { 'page.body.not_found': { 'title': _('Page body not found'), 'description': _('Body was not found on %s.'), 'category': _('Semantics'), 'generic_description': _( 'The <body> tag defines the documents body\'s, it\'s contains ' 'all the content of an HTML document. The ausence of a this tag ' 'represents a no content and sematically invalid webpage.' ), } }
def get_violation_definitions(cls): return { 'absent.metatags.open_graph': { 'title': _('Open Graph tags not found'), 'description': _('Some tags are missing: %(tags)s'), 'value_parser': cls.get_open_graph_parsed_value, 'category': _('SEO'), 'generic_description': _( 'Validates the absent of Open Graph metatags. ' 'They allow the Facebook Crawler to generate ' 'previews when your content is shared on Facebook.' ) }, }
def get_violation_definitions(cls): return { 'absent.meta.tags': { 'title': _('Required Meta Tags were not found'), 'description': _("Meta tags for %s were not found."), 'value_parser': lambda value: ', '.join(value), 'category': _('HTTP'), 'generic_description': _( 'Validates the absent of user defined MetaTags. ' 'This values are configurable by Holmes Configuration.' ), 'unit': 'list' } }
def get_violation_definitions(cls): return { 'link.redirect.302': { 'title': _('Link with 302 redirect'), 'description': _( 'Link with 302 redirect, in most cases, should ' 'not be used. Redirects were found for ' 'link: %s.'), 'category': _('HTTP'), 'generic_description': _( 'Validates temporary redirections (302). ' 'They should not be used in the most cases, instead ' 'is best to use a 301 permanent redirect.' ) }, 'link.redirect.307': { 'title': _('Link with 307 redirect'), 'description': _( 'Link with 307 redirect, in most cases, should ' 'not be used. Redirects were found for ' 'link: %s.'), 'category': _('HTTP'), 'generic_description': _( 'Validates temporary redirections (307). ' 'They should not be used in the most cases, instead ' 'is best to use a 301 permanent redirect.' ) }, }
def get_fact_definitions(cls): return { 'page.css': { 'title': _('CSS'), 'description': lambda value: list(value), 'unit': 'css', 'category': _('Static'), }, 'total.requests.css': { 'title': _('Total CSS requests'), 'description': lambda value: '%d' % value, 'category': _('HTTP'), 'unit': 'number' }, 'total.size.css': { 'title': _('Total CSS size'), 'description': lambda value: '%d' % value, 'unit': 'kb', 'category': _('SEO'), }, 'total.size.css.gzipped': { 'title': _('Total CSS size gzipped'), 'description': lambda value: '%d' % value, 'unit': 'kb', 'category': _('SEO'), } }
def get_violation_definitions(cls): return { 'invalid.images.alt': { 'title': _('Image(s) without alt attribute'), 'description': _( 'Images without alt text are not good for ' 'Search Engines. Images without alt were ' 'found for: %(images)s.'), 'value_parser': cls.get_without_alt_parsed_value, 'category': _('SEO'), 'generic_description': _( 'Images without alt attribute are not good for ' 'search engines. They are searchable by the content ' 'of this attribute, so if it\'s empty, it cause bad ' 'indexing optimization.' ) }, 'invalid.images.alt_too_big': { 'title': _('Image(s) with alt attribute too big'), 'description': _( 'Images with alt text bigger than %(max_size)d chars are ' 'not good for search engines. Images with a too big alt ' 'were found for: %(images)s.'), 'value_parser': cls.get_alt_too_big_parsed_value, 'category': _('SEO'), 'generic_description': _( 'Images with alt text too long are not good to SEO. ' 'This maximum value are configurable ' 'by Holmes configuration.' ), 'unit': 'number' } }
def get_fact_definitions(cls): return { 'page.links': { 'title': _('Links to'), 'description': lambda value: list(value), 'unit': 'links', 'category': _('SEO'), }, 'total.number.links': { 'title': _('Link count'), 'description': lambda value: value, 'category': _('HTTP'), 'unit': 'number' }, 'total.number.invalid_links': { 'title': _('Total invalid links'), 'description': lambda value: value, 'category': _('Semantics'), 'unit': 'number' }, 'page.invalid_links': { 'title': _('Invalid Links'), 'description': lambda value: list(value), 'unit': 'invalid-links', 'category': _('Semantics'), } }
def get_violation_definitions(cls): return { 'link.broken': { 'title': _('Broken link(s) found'), 'description': _( 'This page contains broken links to %(links)s ' '(the urls failed to load or timed-out after 10 seconds). ' 'This can lead your site to lose rating with ' 'search engines and is misleading to users.'), 'value_parser': cls.get_links_parsed_value, 'category': _('HTTP'), 'generic_description': _( 'Validates hyperlinks with a invalid resource. ' 'The pointed resource can be a Client or a ' 'Server Error, they can be timeout load or, ' 'in most cases, means a not founded page.' ) }, 'link.moved.temporarily': { 'title': _('Moved Temporarily'), 'description': _( 'A link from your page to "%(links)s" is using a 302 or ' '307 redirect. It passes 0%% of link juice (ranking ' 'power) and, in most cases, should not be used. Use ' '301 instead.'), 'value_parser': cls.get_links_parsed_value, 'category': _('HTTP'), 'generic_description': _( 'Validates links that uses a 302 or 307 redirect. ' 'In this cases, it passes 0% of link juice (ranking ' 'power) and, in most cases, should not be used. Use of ' '301 is recommended.' ) } }
def get_violation_definitions(cls): return { 'absent.metatags': { 'title': _('Meta tags not present'), 'description': _( 'No meta tags found on this page. This is damaging for ' 'Search Engines.' ), 'category': _('HTTP'), 'generic_description': _( 'Validates the presence of metatags. They are important ' 'to inform metadata about the HTML document. ' 'The absent of metatags are damaging for search ' 'engines. Meta elements are typically used to specify ' 'page description, keywords, author of the document, last ' 'modified, and other metadata.' ) }, 'page.metatags.description_too_big': { 'title': _('Maximum size of description meta tag'), 'description': _( 'The meta description tag is longer than %(max_size)s ' 'characters. It is best to keep meta descriptions ' 'shorter for better indexing on search engines.' ), 'category': _('SEO'), 'generic_description': _( 'Validates the size of a description metatag. It is best ' 'to keep meta descriptions shorter for better indexing on ' 'search engines. This limit is configurable by Holmes ' 'Configuration.' ), 'unit': 'number' } }
def get_violation_definitions(cls): return { 'total.requests.css': { 'title': _('Too many CSS requests'), 'description': _( 'This page has %(total_css_files)d CSS request ' '(%(over_limit)d over limit). Having too many ' 'requests impose a tax in the browser due to handshakes.'), 'category': _('Performance'), 'generic_description': _( 'Pages with too many CSS requests aren\'t good to ' 'performance. Overflowing this limit of requests can ' 'impose a tax in the browser due to handshakes. This ' 'limit of requests per page is configurable.' ), 'unit': 'number' }, 'total.size.css': { 'title': _('CSS size in kb is too big'), 'description': _( 'There\'s %.2fkb of CSS in this page and that ' 'adds up to more download time slowing down the ' 'page rendering to the user.'), 'category': _('Performance'), 'generic_description': _( 'Pages with too big CSS files aren\'t good to performance. ' 'Having this limit of file sizes overflow adds up to more ' 'download time slowing down the page rendering to the user. ' 'This limit of requests per page is configurable.' ), 'unit': 'number' }, }
def get_violation_definitions(cls): return { 'total.requests.js': { 'title': _('Too many JavaScript requests'), 'description': _( 'This page has %(total_js_files)d JavaScript request ' '(%(over_limit)d over limit). Having too many requests ' 'impose a tax in the browser due to handshakes.'), 'category': _('Performance'), 'generic_description': _( 'A site with too many JavaScript requests per page can ' 'deacrease the page load speed and performance. This ' 'limits are configurable in Holmes configuration.' ), 'unit': 'number' }, 'total.size.js': { 'title': _('JavaScript size in kb is too big'), 'description': _( 'There\'s %.2fkb of JavaScript in this page and ' 'that adds up to more download time slowing down ' 'the page rendering to the user.'), 'category': _('Performance'), 'generic_description': _( 'A site with a too big total JavaScript size per page can ' 'decrease the page load speed and performance. This ' 'limits are configurable in Holmes configuration.' ), 'unit': 'number' } }
def get_violation_definitions(cls): return { 'total.requests.js': { 'title': _('Too many JavaScript requests'), 'description': _('This page has %(total_js_files)d JavaScript request ' '(%(over_limit)d over limit). Having too many requests ' 'impose a tax in the browser due to handshakes.'), 'category': _('Performance'), 'generic_description': _('A site with too many JavaScript requests per page can ' 'deacrease the page load speed and performance. This ' 'limits are configurable in Holmes configuration.'), 'unit': 'number' }, 'total.size.js': { 'title': _('JavaScript size in kb is too big'), 'description': _('There\'s %.2fkb of JavaScript in this page and ' 'that adds up to more download time slowing down ' 'the page rendering to the user.'), 'category': _('Performance'), 'generic_description': _('A site with a too big total JavaScript size per page can ' 'decrease the page load speed and performance. This ' 'limits are configurable in Holmes configuration.'), 'unit': 'number' } }
def get_violation_definitions(cls): return { 'link.redirect.302': { 'title': _('Link with 302 redirect'), 'description': _('Link with 302 redirect, in most cases, should ' 'not be used. Redirects were found for ' 'link: %s.'), 'category': _('HTTP'), 'generic_description': _('Validates temporary redirections (302). ' 'They should not be used in the most cases, instead ' 'is best to use a 301 permanent redirect.') }, 'link.redirect.307': { 'title': _('Link with 307 redirect'), 'description': _('Link with 307 redirect, in most cases, should ' 'not be used. Redirects were found for ' 'link: %s.'), 'category': _('HTTP'), 'generic_description': _('Validates temporary redirections (307). ' 'They should not be used in the most cases, instead ' 'is best to use a 301 permanent redirect.') }, }
def get_fact_definitions(cls): return { "page.js": { "title": _("JS"), "description": lambda value: list(value), "unit": "js", "category": _("Static"), }, "total.requests.js": { "title": _("Total JS requests"), "description": lambda value: value, "category": _("HTTP"), "unit": "number", }, "total.size.js": { "title": _("Total JS size"), "description": lambda value: "%d" % value, "unit": "kb", "category": _("SEO"), }, "total.size.js.gzipped": { "title": _("Total JS size gzipped"), "description": lambda value: "%d" % value, "unit": "kb", "category": _("SEO"), }, }
def get_violation_definitions(cls): return { '': { 'title': _('Domain Blacklist'), 'description': _('Some links are blacklisted: %s'), 'value_parser': cls.get_blacklist_parsed_value, 'category': _('SEO'), 'generic_description': _( 'Detected domain blacklisted hyperlinks. ' 'Links with this violation are those that have anchors ' 'to websites added in Holmes\'s Black List configuration.' ), 'unit': 'list' } }
def get_violation_definitions(cls): return { 'presence.meta.robots.noindex': { 'title': _('Meta Robots with value of noindex'), 'description': cls.META_ROBOTS_NO_INDEX, 'category': _('SEO'), 'generic_description': cls.META_ROBOTS_NO_INDEX }, 'presence.meta.robots.nofollow': { 'title': _('Meta Robots with value of nofollow'), 'description': cls.META_ROBOTS_NO_FOLLOW, 'category': _('SEO'), 'generic_description': cls.META_ROBOTS_NO_FOLLOW } }
def get_violation_definitions(cls): return { 'page.body.not_found': { 'title': _('Page body not found'), 'description': _('Body was not found on %s.'), 'category': _('Semantics'), 'generic_description': _('The <body> tag defines the documents body\'s, it\'s contains ' 'all the content of an HTML document. The ausence of a this tag ' 'represents a no content and sematically invalid webpage.'), } }
def get_violation_definitions(cls): return { 'page.last_modified.not_found': { 'title': _('Last-Modified not found'), 'description': _('Last-Modified was not found on %s.'), 'category': _('HTTP'), 'generic_description': _( 'The Last-Modified Header information allows Web Crawlers ' '(like Holmes) and search engines to know if the page is ' 'modified since the last content retrival. If ' 'Last-Modified wasn\'t present, all requests made by ' 'this engines on the page will proccess all the content ' 'and can be performatically bad to the server.' ) } }
def get_url_with_underscore_message(cls): return _('Google treats a hyphen as a word separator, but does ' 'not treat an underscore that way. Google treats and ' 'underscore as a word joiner, so red_sneakers is the ' 'same as redsneakers to Google. This has been confirmed ' 'directly by Google themselves, including the fact that ' 'using dashes over underscores will have a (minor) ' 'ranking benefit.')
def validate(self): css_files = self.get_css_requests() js_files = self.get_js_requests() img_files = self.get_img_requests() self.add_fact(key='total.requests', value=len(css_files) + len(js_files) + len(img_files), title=_('Total requests'))
def get_violation_definitions(cls): return { 'invalid.links.nofollow': { 'title': _('Links with rel="nofollow"'), 'description': _( 'Links with rel="nofollow" to the same ' 'domain as the page make it harder for search ' 'engines to crawl the website. Links with ' 'rel="nofollow" were found for hrefs (%(links)s).'), 'value_parser': cls.get_links_nofollow_parsed_value, 'category': _('SEO'), 'generic_description': _( 'Validates links with rel="nofollow", this whos links to ' 'the same domain as the page make it harder for search ' 'engines to crawl the website.' ) } }
def get_violation_definitions(cls): return { 'absent.meta.tags': { 'title': _('Required Meta Tags were not found'), 'description': _("Meta tags for %s were not found."), 'value_parser': lambda value: ', '.join(value), 'category': _('HTTP'), 'generic_description': _('Validates the absent of user defined MetaTags. ' 'This values are configurable by Holmes Configuration.'), 'unit': 'list' } }
def get_violation_definitions(cls): return { 'page.last_modified.not_found': { 'title': _('Last-Modified not found'), 'description': _('Last-Modified was not found on %s.'), 'category': _('HTTP'), 'generic_description': _('The Last-Modified Header information allows Web Crawlers ' '(like Holmes) and search engines to know if the page is ' 'modified since the last content retrival. If ' 'Last-Modified wasn\'t present, all requests made by ' 'this engines on the page will proccess all the content ' 'and can be performatically bad to the server.') } }
def get_violation_definitions(cls): return { '': { 'title': _('Domain Blacklist'), 'description': _('Some links are blacklisted: %s'), 'value_parser': cls.get_blacklist_parsed_value, 'category': _('SEO'), 'generic_description': _('Detected domain blacklisted hyperlinks. ' 'Links with this violation are those that have anchors ' 'to websites added in Holmes\'s Black List configuration.'), 'unit': 'list' } }
def validate(self): css_files = self.get_css_requests() js_files = self.get_js_requests() img_files = self.get_img_requests() self.add_fact( key='total.requests', value=len(css_files) + len(js_files) + len(img_files), title=_('Total requests') )
def get_violation_definitions(cls): return { 'page.heading_hierarchy.size': { 'title': _('Maximum size of a heading hierarchy'), 'description': _( 'Heading hierarchy values bigger than %(max_size)s ' 'characters aren\'t good for Search Engines. This ' 'elements were found: ' '<ul class="violation-hh-list">%(hh_list)s</ul>'), 'value_parser': cls.get_violation_parsed_value, 'category': _('SEO'), 'generic_description': _( 'Heading hierarchy tags with values too big aren\'t good ' 'for search engines. The definition of this maximum size ' 'can be configurable on Holmes.' ), 'unit': 'number' } }
class MetaRobotsValidator(Validator): META_ROBOTS_NO_INDEX = _('A meta tag with the robots="noindex" ' 'attribute tells the search engines that ' 'they should not index this page.') META_ROBOTS_NO_FOLLOW = _('A meta tag with the robots="nofollow" ' 'attribute tells the search engines that they ' 'should not follow any links in this page.') @classmethod def get_violation_definitions(cls): return { 'presence.meta.robots.noindex': { 'title': _('Meta Robots with value of noindex'), 'description': cls.META_ROBOTS_NO_INDEX, 'category': _('SEO'), 'generic_description': cls.META_ROBOTS_NO_INDEX }, 'presence.meta.robots.nofollow': { 'title': _('Meta Robots with value of nofollow'), 'description': cls.META_ROBOTS_NO_FOLLOW, 'category': _('SEO'), 'generic_description': cls.META_ROBOTS_NO_FOLLOW } } def validate(self): tags = self.get_meta_tags() for tag in tags: if tag['key'] == 'robots' and tag['content'] == 'noindex': self.add_violation(key='presence.meta.robots.noindex', value=None, points=80) if tag['key'] == 'robots' and tag['content'] == 'nofollow': self.add_violation(key='presence.meta.robots.nofollow', value=None, points=50) def get_meta_tags(self): return'meta.tags', None)
def get_violation_definitions(cls): return { 'page.heading_hierarchy.h1_not_found': { 'title': _('H1 Headings not found'), 'description': _('Your page does not contain any H1 headings. H1 headings ' 'help indicate the important topics of your page to ' 'search engines. While less important than good ' 'meta-titles and descriptions, H1 headings may still ' 'help define the topic of your page to search engines.'), 'category': 'SEO', 'generic_description': ('H1 headings help indicate the important topics of your ' 'page to search engines. While less important than good ' 'meta-titles and descriptions, H1 headings may still ' 'help define the topic of your page to search engines.') } }
def get_violation_definitions(cls): return { 'invalid.links.nofollow': { 'title': _('Links with rel="nofollow"'), 'description': _('Links with rel="nofollow" to the same ' 'domain as the page make it harder for search ' 'engines to crawl the website. Links with ' 'rel="nofollow" were found for hrefs (%(links)s).'), 'value_parser': cls.get_links_nofollow_parsed_value, 'category': _('SEO'), 'generic_description': _('Validates links with rel="nofollow", this whos links to ' 'the same domain as the page make it harder for search ' 'engines to crawl the website.') } }
def get_violation_definitions(cls): return { 'page.heading_hierarchy.h1_not_found': { 'title': _('H1 Headings not found'), 'description': _( 'Your page does not contain any H1 headings. H1 headings ' 'help indicate the important topics of your page to ' 'search engines. While less important than good ' 'meta-titles and descriptions, H1 headings may still ' 'help define the topic of your page to search engines.' ), 'category': 'SEO', 'generic_description': ( 'H1 headings help indicate the important topics of your ' 'page to search engines. While less important than good ' 'meta-titles and descriptions, H1 headings may still ' 'help define the topic of your page to search engines.' ) } }
def get_violation_definitions(cls): return { 'absent.meta.canonical': { 'title': _('Link with rel="canonical" not found'), 'description': _( 'As can be seen in this page ' '<a href="' '139394?hl=en">About rel="canonical"</a>, it\'s a good ' 'practice to include rel="canonical" urls in the pages ' 'for your website.' ), 'category': _('SEO'), 'generic_description': _( 'Validates the absent of link with rel="canonical" on ' 'the head of a page. This indicates the preferred URL ' 'to use to access the green dress post, so that the ' 'search results will be more likely to show users ' 'that URL structure.' ), 'unit': 'boolean' } }
def get_violation_definitions(cls): return { 'empty.anchors': { 'title': _('Empty anchor(s) found'), 'description': _( 'Empty anchors are not good for Search Engines. ' 'Empty anchors were found for links to: %s.'), 'value_parser': cls.get_empty_anchors_parsed_value, 'category': _('SEO'), 'generic_description': _( 'By using empty anchor text won\'t prevent search ' 'engines from indexing your pages but you will lose a ' 'good opportunity to add relevance to your pages. ' 'Google uses anchor text in order to qualify the ' 'resources you create a reference to. ' 'In consequences if a page got links with "example" ' 'as anchor text pointing to itself, this page ' 'relevance on "example" request will increase. ' 'So better do not let empty anchor text and choose ' 'wisely the words (or keywords) you use in it.') } }
def get_violation_definitions(cls): return { 'page.heading_hierarchy.size': { 'title': _('Maximum size of a heading hierarchy'), 'description': _('Heading hierarchy values bigger than %(max_size)s ' 'characters aren\'t good for Search Engines. This ' 'elements were found: ' '<ul class="violation-hh-list">%(hh_list)s</ul>'), 'value_parser': cls.get_violation_parsed_value, 'category': _('SEO'), 'generic_description': _('Heading hierarchy tags with values too big aren\'t good ' 'for search engines. The definition of this maximum size ' 'can be configurable on Holmes.'), 'unit': 'number' } }
def get_violation_definitions(cls): return { 'absent.meta.canonical': { 'title': _('Link with rel="canonical" not found'), 'description': _('As can be seen in this page ' '<a href="' '139394?hl=en">About rel="canonical"</a>, it\'s a good ' 'practice to include rel="canonical" urls in the pages ' 'for your website.'), 'category': _('SEO'), 'generic_description': _('Validates the absent of link with rel="canonical" on ' 'the head of a page. This indicates the preferred URL ' 'to use to access the green dress post, so that the ' 'search results will be more likely to show users ' 'that URL structure.'), 'unit': 'boolean' } }
def get_violation_definitions(cls): return { 'page.canonicalization.different_endpoints': { 'title': _('Canonical URLs have different endpoints'), 'description': _( 'This page have the canonical url`s "%(no_www_url)s" and ' '"%(www_url)s" with different endpoints. This both url`s ' 'should point to the same location. ' 'Not fixing this may cause search engines to be unsure as ' 'to which URL is the correct one to index.' ), 'category': _('SEO'), 'generic_description': _( 'Canonical URLs is a couple of URLs with and without ' 'the \'www\' prefix. For example: and ' 'are canonical URLs. This violation is about a root page with ' 'your canonical URLs pointing to different endpoints. This ' 'behavior is down ranked in Search Engines indexing.' ) }, 'page.canonicalization.no_301_redirect': { 'title': _('Canonical URLs have a non 301 redirect'), 'description': _( 'This Canonical url "%(effective_url)s" is redirecting to ' '"%(location)s" with a different than 301 status code: ' '%(status_code)s. This may cause search engines to be ' 'unsure to where the URL is being redirected.'), 'value_parser': cls.get_no_301_parsed_value, 'category': _('SEO'), 'generic_description': _( 'Canonical URLs is a couple of URLs with and without ' 'the \'www\' prefix. For example: and ' 'are canonical URLs. Canonical URLs should point to the ' 'same points. This violation is about a redirection of one ' 'of this URLs maked by a non 301 redirection. Redirections ' 'different than a 301 type may cause search engines to be ' 'unsure to where the URL is being redirected.' ) } }
def get_violation_definitions(cls): return { 'invalid.images.alt': { 'title': _('Image(s) without alt attribute'), 'description': _('Images without alt text are not good for ' 'Search Engines. Images without alt were ' 'found for: %(images)s.'), 'value_parser': cls.get_without_alt_parsed_value, 'category': _('SEO'), 'generic_description': _('Images without alt attribute are not good for ' 'search engines. They are searchable by the content ' 'of this attribute, so if it\'s empty, it cause bad ' 'indexing optimization.') }, 'invalid.images.alt_too_big': { 'title': _('Image(s) with alt attribute too big'), 'description': _('Images with alt text bigger than %(max_size)d chars are ' 'not good for search engines. Images with a too big alt ' 'were found for: %(images)s.'), 'value_parser': cls.get_alt_too_big_parsed_value, 'category': _('SEO'), 'generic_description': _('Images with alt text too long are not good to SEO. ' 'This maximum value are configurable ' 'by Holmes configuration.'), 'unit': 'number' } }
def get_fact_definitions(cls): return { 'total.sitemap.indexes': { 'title': _('Total SiteMap indexes'), 'category': _('SEO'), 'unit': 'number' }, 'total.sitemap.urls': { 'title': _('Total SiteMap urls'), 'category': _('SEO'), 'unit': 'number' }, 'total.size.sitemap': { 'title': _('Total SiteMap size'), 'unit': 'kb', 'category': _('SEO'), }, 'total.size.sitemap.gzipped': { 'title': _('Total SiteMap gzipped size'), 'unit': 'kb', 'category': _('SEO'), } }