Esempio n. 1
def body_calendar(request):

    obj = Users_trace() =
    obj.ip = str(request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'])

 #Grigorian date today.
    gr_day = int(request.GET['uday'])
    gr_month = int(request.GET['umonth'])
    gr_year =  int(request.GET['uyear'])
    cal = AncientCalendar(gr_day, gr_month, gr_year)

    dayold = cal.getJulianDate()
    daynew = cal.getGrigorianDate()
    weekday = cal.getWeekday(verbose='on')
    weekname = cal.getWeekdayname().format(red="<span style='color:red'>", end="</span>")
    tone = cal.getTone()
    saints = cal.getSaint().format(red="<span style='color:red'>", end="</span>")
    food =  cal.getFast()
    bows = cal.getBow()

    d = {'dayold':dayold,'daynew':daynew,'weekday':weekday,'weekname':weekname,'tone':tone,'saints':saints,'food':food,'bows':bows}
    st = int(request.GET['uday'])
    if st < 10:
        d2 = '0'+ str(st)
        d2 = str(st)
    st = int(request.GET['umonth'])
    if st < 10:
        d3 = '0'+ str(st)
        d3 = str(st)
    userdate= str(request.GET['uyear']) + '/'+d3+'/'+d2

    d.update({'udate': userdate})

    t = get_template("info.html")
    c = Context(d)

    html = t.render(c)
    return HttpResponse(html)
Esempio n. 2
    def calendar(gr_day, gr_month, gr_year):
        """Print formatted calendar. """

        cal = AncientCalendar(gr_day, gr_month, gr_year)
        out = ''
        out += '\n\n' + \
            textwrap.fill(cal.getGrigorianDate(verbose='on'), initial_indent='  ', subsequent_indent='  ') + '\n' + \
            textwrap.fill(cal.getJulianDate(verbose='on'), initial_indent='  ', subsequent_indent='  ') + '\n\n' + \
            textwrap.fill(cal.getWeekday(verbose='on'), initial_indent='  ', subsequent_indent='  ') + '\n' +\
            textwrap.fill(cal.getTone(), initial_indent='  ', subsequent_indent='  ') + '\n\n' + \
            textwrap.fill(cal.getWeekdayname().format(red='\033[31m',  bold='\033[33m', end='\033[0m',
                          sx='ⵛ', gl='ⵛ', tw='⊕', pl='☩', redgui=''), width=100, initial_indent='  ', subsequent_indent='  ') + '\n\n' + \
            textwrap.fill(cal.getSaint().format(red='\033[31m', end='\033[0m', sx='ⵛ', gl='ⵛ',  pl='☩', tw='⊕', redgui=''),
                          width=100, initial_indent='  ', subsequent_indent='  ') + '\n\n' + \
            textwrap.fill(cal.getFast(), initial_indent='  ', subsequent_indent='  ') + '\n' +\
            textwrap.fill(cal.getBow(), width=110, initial_indent='  ', subsequent_indent='  ') + '\n\n'
        return out
Esempio n. 3
def calendar_xml(request):

    xml = str(request.GET['xml'])

    if xml == '':
        d={'errorno':'1','text':'Tage "xml" in GET not found'}
        t = get_template("error.html")
        c = Context(d)
        html = t.render(c)
        return HttpResponse(html)
    n1 = xml.find('<date>')
    if n1 == -1:
        d={'errorno':'2','text':'Tage <date> not found'}
        t = get_template("error.html")
        c = Context(d)
        html = t.render(c)
        return HttpResponse(html)

    n2 = xml.find('</date>')
    if n2 == -1:
        d={'errorno':'3','text':'Tage </date> not found'}
        t = get_template("error.html")
        c = Context(d)
        html = t.render(c)
        return HttpResponse(html)
    if n2 - n1 <10:
        d={'errorno':'4','text':'Tags <date></date> is bad'}
        t = get_template("error.html")
        c = Context(d)
        html = t.render(c)
        return HttpResponse(html)
    date_string = xml[n1+6:n2].strip()
    if len(date_string) != 10:
        d={'errorno':'5','text':'Date format is 01/01/2000'}
        t = get_template("error.html")
        c = Context(d)
        html = t.render(c)
        return HttpResponse(html)

    gr_day = int(date_string[0:2])
    gr_month = int(date_string[4:5])
    gr_year =  int(int(date_string[7:10]))
    cal = AncientCalendar(gr_day, gr_month, gr_year)

    dayold = cal.getJulianDate()
    daynew = cal.getGrigorianDate()
    weekday = cal.getWeekday(verbose='on')
    weekname = cal.getWeekdayname()#.format(red="<span style='color:red'>", end="</span>")
    tone = cal.getTone()
    saints = cal.getSaint()#.format(red="<span style='color:red'>", end="</span>")
    food =  cal.getFast()
    bows = cal.getBow()

    d = {'dayold':dayold,'daynew':daynew,'weekday':weekday,'weekname':weekname,'tone':tone,'saints':saints,'food':food,'bows':bows,'userdate':date_string}

    t = get_template("xml.html")
    c = Context(d)
    html = t.render(c)
    return HttpResponse(html)
Esempio n. 4
def search_saints(search_string, mode="text"):
    """Search saints and feasts in year menology.
    :param search_string: search input string (e.g. saint name).
    :param mode: text or html.

    month_word = {
        1: "января",
        2: "февраля",
        3: "марта",
        4: "апреля",
        5: "мая",
        6: "июня",
        7: "июля",
        8: "августа",
        9: "сентября",
        10: "октября",
        11: "ноября",
        12: "декабря",

    search_string = search_string.decode("utf8")
    year =
    year_menology = menology
    cal_out = []

    # List of weekday names.
    for month in range(1, 13):
        days_in_month = calendar.monthrange(year, month)[1]
        for day in range(1, days_in_month + 1):
            cal = AncientCalendar(day, month, year)
            weekdayname = cal.getWeekdayname()
            cal_out.extend([[gr_to_ju_in_search(day, month, year), weekdayname]])

    for i in cal_out:
        year_menology[i[0][1]][i[0][0]]["weekday"] = i[1]

    d = year_menology
    out = []
    pattern = re.compile(ur"{0}*".format(search_string), re.I | re.U)

    # Ищем в menology строку; если есть, добавляем в out.
    for key, value in d.iteritems():
        for key1, value1 in d[key].iteritems():
            for key2, value2 in d[key][key1].iteritems():
                if, str(value2).decode("utf8")):
                    out.extend([[ju_to_gr_in_search(key1, key, year), [key1, key], [value2]]])

    # Меняем элементы вложенного списка на значения словаря с названиями месяцев.
    for item in out:
        item[0][1], item[1][1] = month_word[item[0][1]], month_word[item[1][1]]

    string_out = ""

    # Вывод результата.
    if len(out) == 0:
        return u"Ваш запрос — «{}» не найден!".format(search_string)
    elif mode == "text":
        for item in out:
            string_out += (
                textwrap.fill(str(item[0][0]), initial_indent="  ")
                + "  "
                + item[0][1]
                + " по н. ст."
                + "\n"
                + textwrap.fill(str(item[1][0]), initial_indent="  ")
                + "  "
                + item[1][1]
                + " по ст. ст."
                + "\n"
                + textwrap.fill(str(item[2][0]).lstrip(), width=100, initial_indent="  ", subsequent_indent="  ")
                + "\n\n"
        return string_out.decode("utf8")
    elif mode == "html":
        for item in out:
            string_out += (
                '<span class="date">'
                + str(item[0][0])
                + " "
                + item[0][1]
                + " по н. ст."
                + "<br>"
                + "\n"
                + str(item[1][0])
                + " "
                + item[1][1]
                + " по ст. ст."
                + "</span>"
                + "<br>"
                + "\n"
                + '<span class="saint">'
                + str(item[2][0]).rstrip()
                + "\n"
                + "</span>"
                + "<br><br>"
                + "\n\n"
        return string_out.decode("utf8")
Esempio n. 5
def search_feasts(search_string):
    Search saints and feasts in year menology.
    :param search_string: search input string (e.g. saint or feast name).
    :return list, witch contains gregorian & julian dates and search result.
    if len(search_string) < 3:
        return dict(count=0, result=[])

    # TODO: Fix endings in the words: Андрей, Андриан
    endings = re.compile(
        ur"(ый|ой|ая|ое|ые|ому|а|ем|о|ов|у|е|й|" ur"ого|ал|ему|и|ство|ых|ох|ия|ий|ь|я|он|ют|ат|ин|ея)$", re.U

    search_string_clean = re.sub(endings, u"", search_string)
    pattern = re.compile(ur"(\b%s\w+\b)" % search_string_clean, re.I | re.U)

    if len(search_string) <= 5:
        endings = re.compile(ur"(а|ы|у|и|я)$", re.U)

        search_string_clean = re.sub(endings, u"", search_string)
        pattern = re.compile(ur"(\b%s[а-я]{0,2}\b)" % search_string_clean, re.I | re.U)

    date =
    year = convert_gregorian_to_julian(, date.month, date.year)[2]
    year_menology = menology
    cal_out = []

    # List of weekday names.
    for month in range(1, 13):
        days_in_month = calendar.monthrange(year, month)[1]
        for day in range(1, days_in_month + 1):
            cal = AncientCalendar(day, month, year, calendar="julian")
            weekdayname = cal.get_daily_feast()
            cal_out.extend([[list((day, month, year)), weekdayname]])

    # Construct year menology with movable feasts.
    for item in cal_out:
        year_menology[item[0][1]][item[0][0]]["weekday"] = item[1]

    d = year_menology
    out = []

    # Search string in menology.
    for _month, value in d.iteritems():
        for _day, value1 in d[_month].iteritems():
            for key2, content in d[_month][_day].iteritems():

                if, unicode(content)):
                    _date = (_day, _month, year)

    # Highliting search_string.
    start_str = u"{highlight_start}"
    end_str = u"{highlight_end}"

    pattern_highlite = re.compile(ur"(\b%s\w*\b)" % search_string_clean, re.I | re.U)

    tr = lambda m: start_str + + end_str

    result = [[t[0], t[1], pattern_highlite.sub(tr, t[2])] for t in out]
    # Count of serach results.
    count = len([re.findall(pattern, item[2]) for item in out])

    return dict(count=count, result=result)