def __init__(self, origin=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), normal=(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), inside=True): self._origin = hoomd.make_scalar3(*origin) self._normal = hoomd.make_scalar3(*normal) self.inside = inside
def set_params(self, fx, fy, fz, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax): self.check_initialization() f = hoomd.make_scalar3(fx, fy, fz) min = hoomd.make_scalar3(xmin, ymin, zmin) max = hoomd.make_scalar3(xmax, ymax, zmax) self.cpp_force.setParams(f, min, max)
def __init__(self, r=None, rx=None, ry=None, rz=None, P=hoomd.make_scalar3(0, 0, 0), group=None): util.print_status_line() period = 1 # Error out in MPI simulations if (hoomd.is_MPI_available()): if globals.system_definition.getParticleData( ).getDomainDecomposition(): globals.msg.error( "constrain.ellipsoid is not supported in multi-processor simulations.\n\n" ) raise RuntimeError("Error initializing updater.") # Error out if no radii are set if (r is None and rx is None and ry is None and rz is None): globals.msg.error( "no radii were defined in update.constraint_ellipsoid.\n\n") raise RuntimeError("Error initializing updater.") # initialize the base class _updater.__init__(self) # Set parameters P = hoomd.make_scalar3(P[0], P[1], P[2]) if (r is not None): rx = ry = rz = r # create the c++ mirror class if not globals.exec_conf.isCUDAEnabled(): if (group is not None): self.cpp_updater = hoomd.ConstraintEllipsoid( globals.system_definition, group.cpp_group, P, rx, ry, rz) else: self.cpp_updater = hoomd.ConstraintEllipsoid( globals.system_definition, globals.group_all.cpp_group, P, rx, ry, rz) else: if (group is not None): self.cpp_updater = hoomd.ConstraintEllipsoidGPU( globals.system_definition, group.cpp_group, P, rx, ry, rz) else: self.cpp_updater = hoomd.ConstraintEllipsoidGPU( globals.system_definition, globals.group_all.cpp_group, P, rx, ry, rz) self.setupUpdater(period) # store metadata = group self.P = P self.rx = rx self.ry = ry self.rz = rz self.metadata_fields = ['group', 'P', 'rx', 'ry', 'rz']
def __init__(self, r=0.0, origin=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), axis=(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), inside=True): self.r = r self._origin = hoomd.make_scalar3(*origin) self._axis = hoomd.make_scalar3(*axis) self.inside = inside
def __init__(self, group, P, r): util.print_status_line() # Error out in MPI simulations if (hoomd.is_MPI_available()): if globals.system_definition.getParticleData( ).getDomainDecomposition(): globals.msg.error( "constrain.sphere is not supported in multi-processor simulations.\n\n" ) raise RuntimeError("Error initializing constraint force.") # initialize the base class _constraint_force.__init__(self) # create the c++ mirror class P = hoomd.make_scalar3(P[0], P[1], P[2]) if not globals.exec_conf.isCUDAEnabled(): self.cpp_force = hoomd.ConstraintSphere(globals.system_definition, group.cpp_group, P, r) else: self.cpp_force = hoomd.ConstraintSphereGPU( globals.system_definition, group.cpp_group, P, r) globals.system.addCompute(self.cpp_force, self.force_name) # store metadata = group self.P = P self.r = r self.metadata_fields = ['group', 'P', 'r']
def __init__(self, group, P, r): util.print_status_line(); # Error out in MPI simulations if (hoomd.is_MPI_available()): if globals.system_definition.getParticleData().getDomainDecomposition(): globals.msg.error("constrain.sphere is not supported in multi-processor simulations.\n\n") raise RuntimeError("Error initializing constraint force.") # initialize the base class _constraint_force.__init__(self); # create the c++ mirror class P = hoomd.make_scalar3(P[0], P[1], P[2]); if not globals.exec_conf.isCUDAEnabled(): self.cpp_force = hoomd.ConstraintSphere(globals.system_definition, group.cpp_group, P, r); else: self.cpp_force = hoomd.ConstraintSphereGPU(globals.system_definition, group.cpp_group, P, r); globals.system.addCompute(self.cpp_force, self.force_name); # store metadata = group self.P = P self.r = r self.metadata_fields = ['group','P', 'r']
def __init__(self, fx=None, fy=None, fz=None, xmin=None, xmax=None, ymin=None, ymax=None, zmin=None, zmax=None): util.print_status_line() # initialize the base class _force.__init__(self) # handle the optional arguments box = globals.system_definition.getParticleData().getBox() if xmin is None: xmin = box.xlo - 0.5 if xmax is None: xmax = box.xhi + 0.5 if ymin is None: ymin = box.ylo - 0.5 if ymax is None: ymax = box.yhi + 0.5 if zmin is None: zmin = box.zlo - 0.5 if zmax is None: zmax = box.zhi + 0.5 f = hoomd.make_scalar3(fx, fy, fz) min = hoomd.make_scalar3(xmin, ymin, zmin) max = hoomd.make_scalar3(xmax, ymax, zmax) # initialize the reflected c++ class if not globals.exec_conf.isCUDAEnabled(): self.cpp_force = _cuboid_force_plugin.CuboidForceCompute( globals.system_definition, f, min, max) else: self.cpp_force = _cuboid_force_plugin.CuboidForceComputeGPU( globals.system_definition, f, min, max) globals.system.addCompute(self.cpp_force, self.force_name)
def __init__(self, group, P, r): util.print_status_line(); # initialize the base class _constraint_force.__init__(self); # create the c++ mirror class P = hoomd.make_scalar3(P[0], P[1], P[2]); if not globals.exec_conf.isCUDAEnabled(): self.cpp_force = hoomd.ConstraintSphere(globals.system_definition, group.cpp_group, P, r); else: self.cpp_force = hoomd.ConstraintSphereGPU(globals.system_definition, group.cpp_group, P, r); globals.system.addCompute(self.cpp_force, self.force_name);
def process_coeff(self, coeff): es = coeff['es'] n = coeff['n'] roff = coeff['roff'] return hoomd.make_scalar3(es, n, roff)
def process_field_coeff(self, field): return hoomd.make_scalar3(field[0], field[1], field[2])
def __init__( self, seed, f_lst, orientation_link=True, rotation_diff=0, constraint=None, group=None, ): util.print_status_line() # initialize the base class _force.__init__(self) # input check if (f_lst is not None): for element in f_lst: if type(element) != tuple or len(element) != 3: raise RuntimeError( "Active force passed in should be a list of 3-tuples (fx, fy, fz)" ) # assign constraints if (constraint is not None): if (constraint.__class__.__name__ is "constraint_ellipsoid"): P = constraint.P rx = constraint.rx ry = constraint.ry rz = constraint.rz else: raise RuntimeError( "Active force constraint is not accepted (currently only accepts ellipsoids)" ) else: P = hoomd.make_scalar3(0, 0, 0) rx = 0 ry = 0 rz = 0 # create the c++ mirror class if not globals.exec_conf.isCUDAEnabled(): if (group is not None): self.cpp_force = hoomd.ActiveForceCompute( globals.system_definition, group.cpp_group, seed, f_lst, orientation_link, rotation_diff, P, rx, ry, rz) else: self.cpp_force = hoomd.ActiveForceCompute( globals.system_definition, globals.group_all.cpp_group, seed, f_lst, orientation_link, rotation_diff, P, rx, ry, rz) else: if (group is not None): self.cpp_force = hoomd.ActiveForceComputeGPU( globals.system_definition, group.cpp_group, seed, f_lst, orientation_link, rotation_diff, P, rx, ry, rz) else: self.cpp_force = hoomd.ActiveForceComputeGPU( globals.system_definition, globals.group_all.cpp_group, seed, f_lst, orientation_link, rotation_diff, P, rx, ry, rz) # store metadata self.metdata_fields = [ 'group', 'seed', 'orientation_link', 'rotation_diff', 'constraint' ] = group self.seed = seed self.orientation_link = orientation_link self.rotation_diff = rotation_diff self.constraint = constraint globals.system.addCompute(self.cpp_force, self.force_name)
def normal(self, normal): self._normal = hoomd.make_scalar3(*normal)
def origin(self, origin): self._origin = hoomd.make_scalar3(*origin)
def axis(self, axis): self._axis = hoomd.make_scalar3(*axis)
def process_coeff(self, coeff): k = coeff['k'] r0 = coeff['r0'] roff = coeff['roff'] return hoomd.make_scalar3(k, r0, roff)
def process_field_coeff(self, field): return hoomd.make_scalar3(field[0],field[1],field[2])