Esempio n. 1
def init_pychan():
	"""General pychan initiation for uh"""
	global STYLES

	# quick hack to allow up_image/down_image values to be unicode
	# TODO solve this problem in a better way (e.g. passing str explicitly)
	# or waiting for a fix of
	from import ImageProperty

	def patch_imageproperty(func):
		def wrapper(self, obj, image):
			if isinstance(image, str):
				image = str(image)
			return func(self, obj, image)
		return wrapper

	ImageProperty.__set__ = patch_imageproperty(ImageProperty.__set__)

	# register custom widgets
	from horizons.gui.widgets.inventory import Inventory
	from horizons.gui.widgets.buysellinventory import BuySellInventory
	from horizons.gui.widgets.imagefillstatusbutton import ImageFillStatusButton
	from horizons.gui.widgets.progressbar import ProgressBar, TilingProgressBar
	# additionally, ImageButton is imported from widgets.imagebutton above
	from horizons.gui.widgets.imagebutton import CancelButton, DeleteButton, MainmenuButton, OkButton
	from horizons.gui.widgets.icongroup import TabBG, TilingHBox, hr
	from horizons.gui.widgets.stepslider import StepSlider
	from horizons.gui.widgets.unitoverview import HealthWidget, StanceWidget, WeaponStorageWidget
	from horizons.gui.widgets.tooltip import _Tooltip

	widgets = [OkButton, CancelButton, DeleteButton, MainmenuButton,
	           Inventory, BuySellInventory, ImageFillStatusButton,
	           ProgressBar, StepSlider, TabBG,
	           HealthWidget, StanceWidget, WeaponStorageWidget,
	           RenameLabel, RenameImageButton,
	           TilingHBox, TilingProgressBar, hr,
			 # This overwrites the ImageButton provided by FIFE!

	for widget in widgets:

	# add uh styles
	for name, stylepart in STYLES.items():
		pychan.manager.addStyle(name, stylepart)

	# patch default widgets
	for name, widget in list(pychan.widgets.WIDGETS.items()):

		def catch_gcn_exception_decorator(func):
			def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
					# only apply usable args, else it would crash when called through fife timers, *args, **kwargs)
				except RuntimeError as e:
			return wrapper

		widget.hide = catch_gcn_exception_decorator(widget.hide)

	from fife.extensions.pychan import ABox, HBox, Icon, Label, VBox
	# this is white list of widgets with tooltip.
	widgets_with_tooltip = [ABox, HBox, Icon, ImageButton, Label, VBox]

	for widget in widgets_with_tooltip:
		# Copy everything we need from the tooltip class (manual mixin).
		# TODO: Figure out if it is safe to use this instead:
		# widget.__bases__ += (_Tooltip, )
		for key, value in _Tooltip.__dict__.items():
			if not key.startswith("__"):
				setattr(widget, key, value)

		def add_tooltip_init(func):
			def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
				func(self, *args, **kwargs)
			return wrapper

		widget.__init__ = add_tooltip_init(widget.__init__)

		# these sometimes fail with "No focushandler set (did you add the widget to the gui?)."
		# see #1597 and #1647
		widget.requestFocus = catch_gcn_exception_decorator(widget.requestFocus)

	# FIXME hack pychan's text2gui function, it does an isinstance check that breaks
	# the lazy string from horizons.i18n. we should be passing unicode to
	# widgets all the time, therefore we don't need the additional check.
	def text2gui(text):
		# Drop unicode encoding for now.
		#unicodePolicy = horizons.globals.fife.pychan.manager.unicodePolicy
		#return text.encode("utf8",*unicodePolicy).replace("\t"," "*4).replace("[br]","\n")
		return text.replace("\t", " " * 4).replace("[br]", "\n")

	pychan.widgets.textfield.text2gui = text2gui
	pychan.widgets.basictextwidget.text2gui = text2gui


