Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, db, islandid, session):
		@param db: db instance with island table
		@param islandid: id of island in that table
		@param session: reference to Session instance
        super(Island, self).__init__(worldid=islandid)
        self.session = session

        x, y, filename = db(
            "SELECT x, y, file FROM island WHERE rowid = ? - 1000",
        self.__init(Point(x, y), filename)

        # create building indexers
        self.building_indexers = {}
        self.building_indexers[BUILDINGS.TREE_CLASS] = BuildingIndexer(
            WildAnimal.walking_range, self, self.session.random)

        # load settlements
        for (settlement_id, ) in db(
                "SELECT rowid FROM settlement WHERE island = ?", islandid):
            Settlement.load(db, settlement_id, self.session)

        # load buildings
        from import load_building
        for (building_worldid, building_typeid) in \
            db("SELECT rowid, type FROM building WHERE location = ?", islandid):
            load_building(self.session, db, building_typeid, building_worldid)
Esempio n. 2
class World(BuildingOwner, LivingObject, WorldObject):
	"""The World class represents an Unknown Horizons map with all its units, grounds, buildings, etc.

	   * players - a list of all the session's players - Player instances
	   * islands - a list of all the map's islands - Island instances
	   * grounds - a list of all the map's groundtiles
	   * ground_map - a dictionary that binds tuples of coordinates with a reference to the tile:
	                  { (x, y): tileref, ...}
	                 This is important for pathfinding and quick tile fetching.z
	   * full_map - a dictionary that binds tuples of coordinates with a reference to the tile (includes water and ground)
	   * island_map - a dictionary that binds tuples of coordinates with a reference to the island
	   * ships - a list of all the ships ingame - instances
	   * ship_map - same as ground_map, but for ships
	   * fish_indexer - a BuildingIndexer for all fish on the map
	   * session - reference to horizons.session.Session instance of the current game
	   * water - Dictionary of coordinates that are water
	   * water_body - Dictionary of water bodies {coords: area_number, ...}
	   * sea_number - The water_body number of the sea
	   * trader - The world's ingame free trader player instance
	   * pirate - The world's ingame pirate player instance
	   TUTORIAL: You should now check out the _init() function.
	log = logging.getLogger("world")
	def __init__(self, session):
		@param session: instance of session the world belongs to.
		self.inited = False
		self.session = session
		super(World, self).__init__(worldid=GAME.WORLD_WORLDID)

	def end(self):
		self.session = None = None
		self.players = None
		self.player = None
		self.ground_map = None
		self.full_map = None
		self.island_map = None
		self.water = None
		self.ships = None
		self.ship_map = None
		self.fish_indexer = None
		self.ground_units = None
		self.trader = None
		self.pirate = None
		self.islands = None
		self.diplomacy = None
		self.bullets = None
		super(World, self).end()

	def _init(self, savegame_db):
		@param savegame_db: Dbreader with loaded savegame database
		#load properties = {}
		for (name, value) in savegame_db("SELECT name, value FROM map_properties"):[name] = value

		# create playerlist
		self.players = []
		self.player = None # player sitting in front of this machine
		self.trader = None
		self.pirate = None

		# load player
		human_players = []
		for player_worldid, client_id in savegame_db("SELECT rowid, client_id FROM player WHERE is_trader = 0 and is_pirate = 0 ORDER BY rowid"):
			player = None
			# check if player is an ai
			ai_data = self.session.db("SELECT class_package, class_name FROM ai WHERE client_id = ?", client_id)
			if len(ai_data) > 0:
				class_package, class_name = ai_data[0]
				# import ai class and call load on it
				module = __import__(''+class_package, fromlist=[class_name])
				ai_class = getattr(module, class_name)
				player = ai_class.load(self.session, savegame_db, player_worldid)
			else: # no ai
				player = HumanPlayer.load(self.session, savegame_db, player_worldid)

			if client_id == horizons.main.fife.get_uh_setting("ClientID"):
				self.player = player
			elif client_id is not None and len(ai_data) == 0:
				# possible human player candidate with different client id

		if self.player is None:
			# we have no human player.
			# check if there is only one player with an id (i.e. human player)
			# this would be the case if the savegame originates from a different installation.
			# if there's more than one of this kind, we can't be sure what to select.
			# TODO: create interface for selecting player, if we want this
			if(len(human_players) == 1):
				# exactly one player, we can quite safely use this one
				self.player = human_players[0]
			elif not human_players and self.players:
				# the first player should be the human-ai hybrid
				self.player = self.players[0]

		if self.player is not None:
			self.player.inventory.add_change_listener(self.session.ingame_gui.update_gold, \

		if self.player is None and self.session.is_game_loaded():
			self.log.warning('WARNING: Cannot autoselect a player because there are no \
			or multiple candidates.')

		# load islands
		self.islands = []
		for (islandid,) in savegame_db("SELECT rowid + 1000 FROM island"):
			island = Island(savegame_db, islandid, self.session)

		#calculate map dimensions
		self.min_x, self.min_y, self.max_x, self.max_y = 0, 0, 0, 0
		for i in self.islands:
			self.min_x = i.rect.left if self.min_x is None or i.rect.left < self.min_x else self.min_x
			self.min_y = if self.min_y is None or < self.min_y else self.min_y
			self.max_x = i.rect.right if self.max_x is None or i.rect.right > self.max_x else self.max_x
			self.max_y = i.rect.bottom if self.max_y is None or i.rect.bottom > self.max_y else self.max_y
		self.min_x -= 10
		self.min_y -= 10
		self.max_x += 10
		self.max_y += 10

		self.map_dimensions = Rect.init_from_borders(self.min_x, self.min_y, self.max_x, self.max_y)

		#add water
		self.log.debug("Filling world with water...")
		self.ground_map = {}
		default_grounds = Entities.grounds[int('default_ground', GROUND.WATER))]

		# extra world size that is added so that he player can't see the "black void"
		border = 30
		for x in xrange(self.min_x-border, self.max_x+border, 10):
			for y in xrange(self.min_y-border, self.max_y+border, 10):
				ground = default_grounds(self.session, x, y)
				for x_offset in xrange(0,10):
					if x+x_offset < self.max_x and x+x_offset>= self.min_x:
						for y_offset in xrange(0,10):
							if y+y_offset < self.max_y and y+y_offset >= self.min_y:
								self.ground_map[(x+x_offset, y+y_offset)] = ground

		# remove parts that are occupied by islands, create the island map and the full map
		self.island_map = {}
		self.full_map = copy.copy(self.ground_map)
		for island in self.islands:
			for coords in island.ground_map:
				if coords in self.ground_map:
					self.full_map[coords] = island.ground_map[coords]
					del self.ground_map[coords]
					self.island_map[coords] = island

		# load world buildings (e.g. fish)
		for (building_worldid, building_typeid) in \
		    savegame_db("SELECT rowid, type FROM building WHERE location = ?", self.worldid):
			load_building(self.session, savegame_db, building_typeid, building_worldid)

		# use a dict because it's directly supported by the pathfinding algo
		self.water = dict.fromkeys(list(self.ground_map), 1.0)
		self.sea_number = self.water_body[(self.min_x, self.min_y)]

		# assemble list of water and coastline for ship, that can drive through shallow water
		# NOTE: this is rather a temporary fix to make the fisher be able to move
		# since there are tile between coastline and deep sea, all non-constructible tiles
		# are added to this list as well, which will contain a few too many
		self.water_and_coastline = copy.copy(self.water)
		for island in self.islands:
			for coord, tile in island.ground_map.iteritems():
				if 'coastline' in tile.classes or 'constructible' not in tile.classes:
					self.water_and_coastline[coord] = 1.0

		# create ship position list. entries: ship_map[(x, y)] = ship
		self.ship_map = {}
		self.ground_unit_map = {}

		# create shiplist, which is currently used for saving ships
		# and having at least one reference to them
		self.ships = []
		self.ground_units = []

		# create bullets list, used for saving bullets in ongoing attacks
		self.bullets = []

		if self.session.is_game_loaded():
			# there are 0 or 1 trader AIs so this is safe
			trader_data = savegame_db("SELECT rowid FROM player WHERE is_trader = 1")
			if trader_data:
				self.trader = Trader.load(self.session, savegame_db, trader_data[0][0])
			# there are 0 or 1 pirate AIs so this is safe
			pirate_data = savegame_db("SELECT rowid FROM player WHERE is_pirate = 1")
			if pirate_data:
				self.pirate = Pirate.load(self.session, savegame_db, pirate_data[0][0])

		# load all units (we do it here cause all buildings are loaded by now)
		for (worldid, typeid) in savegame_db("SELECT rowid, type FROM unit ORDER BY rowid"):
			Entities.units[typeid].load(self.session, savegame_db, worldid)

		if self.session.is_game_loaded():
			# let trader command it's ships. we have to do this here cause ships have to be
			# initialised for this, and trader has to exist before ships are loaded.
			if self.trader:

			# let pirate command it's ships. we have to do this here cause ships have to be
			# initialised for this, and pirate has to exist before ships are loaded.
			if self.pirate:

			# load the AI players
			# this has to be done here because otherwise the ships and other objects won't exist
			AIPlayer.load_abstract_buildings(self.session.db) # TODO: find a better place for this
			for player in self.players:
				if not isinstance(player, HumanPlayer):

		# load bullets
		if self.session.is_game_loaded():
			for (worldid, sx, sy, dx, dy, speed, img) in savegame_db("SELECT worldid, startx, starty, destx, desty, speed, image FROM bullet"):
				Bullet(img, Point(sx, sy), Point(dx, dy), speed, self.session, False, worldid)

		# load ongoing attacks
		if self.session.is_game_loaded():
			Weapon.load_attacks(self.session, savegame_db)

		# load diplomacy
		self.diplomacy = Diplomacy()
		if self.session.is_game_loaded():
			self.diplomacy.load(self, savegame_db)

		# add diplomacy notification listeners
		def notify_change(caller, change_type, a, b):
			player1 =
			player2 =

			#check if status really changed, if so update status string
			if change_type == 'friend':
				status = 'friends'
			elif change_type == 'enemy':
				status = 'enemies'
				status = 'neutral'

			self.session.ingame_gui.message_widget.add(self.max_x/2, self.max_y/2, 'DIPLOMACY_STATUS_CHANGED',
				{'player1' : player1, 'player2' : player2, 'status' : status})


		self.inited = True
		To dig deeper, you should now continue to horizons/world/,
		to check out how buildings and settlements are added to the map"""

	def _init_water_bodies(self):
		""" This function runs the flood fill algorithm on the water to make it easy to recognise different water bodies """
		moves = [(-1, -1), (-1, 0), (-1, 1), (0, -1), (0, 1), (1, -1), (1, 0), (1, 1)]

		n = 0
		self.water_body = dict.fromkeys(self.water)
		for coords, num in self.water_body.iteritems():
			if num is not None:

			self.water_body[coords] = n
			queue = deque([coords])
			while queue:
				x, y = queue[0]
				for dx, dy in moves:
					coords2 = (x + dx, y + dy)
					if coords2 in self.water_body and self.water_body[coords2] is None:
						self.water_body[coords2] = n
			n += 1

	def init_fish_indexer(self):
		self.fish_indexer = BuildingIndexer(16, self.full_map)
		for tile in self.ground_map.itervalues():
			if tile.object is not None and == BUILDINGS.FISH_DEPOSIT_CLASS:

	def init_new_world(self, trader_enabled, pirate_enabled, natural_resource_multiplier):
		This should be called if a new map is loaded (not a savegame, a fresh
		map). In other words when it is loaded for the first time.

		NOTE: commands for creating the world objects are executed directly,
		      bypassing the manager
		      This is necessary because else the commands would be transmitted
		      over the wire in network games.

		@return: the coordinates of the players first ship

		# workaround: the creation of all the objects causes a lot of logging output, we don't need
		#             therefore, reset the levels for now
		loggers_to_silence = { 'world.production' : None }
		for logger_name in loggers_to_silence:
			logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name)
			loggers_to_silence[logger_name] = logger.getEffectiveLevel()
			logger.setLevel( logging.WARN )

		# add a random number of environmental objects

		# reset loggers, see above
		for logger_name, level in loggers_to_silence.iteritems():

		# add free trader
		if trader_enabled:
			self.trader = Trader(self.session, 99999, u"Free Trader", Color())

		ret_coords = None
		for player in self.players:
			# Adding ships for the players
			# hack to place the ship on the development map
			point = self.get_random_possible_ship_position()
			# Execute command directly, not via manager, because else it would be transmitted over the
			# network to other players. Those however will do the same thing anyways.
			ship = CreateUnit(player.worldid, UNITS.PLAYER_SHIP_CLASS, point.x, point.y)(
			# give ship basic resources
			for res, amount in self.session.db("SELECT resource, amount FROM start_resources"):
				ship.inventory.alter(res, amount)
			if player is self.player:
				ret_coords = point.to_tuple()
		AIPlayer.load_abstract_buildings(self.session.db) # TODO: find a better place for this

		# add a pirate ship
		if pirate_enabled:
			self.pirate = Pirate(self.session, 99998, "Captain Blackbeard", Color())

		# Fire a message for new world creation
		self.session.ingame_gui.message_widget.add(self.max_x/2, self.max_y/2, 'NEW_WORLD')
		assert ret_coords is not None, "Return coords are None. No players loaded?"
		return ret_coords

	def _add_resource_deposits(self, resource_multiplier):
		Place clay deposits and mountains.

		The algorithm:
		1. calculate the manhattan distance from each island tile to the sea
		2. calculate the value of a tile
		3. calculate the value of an object's location as min(covered tile values)
		4. for each island place a number of clay deposits and mountains
		5. place a number of extra clay deposits and mountains without caring about the island
		* the probability of choosing a resource deposit location is proportional to its value

		@param natural_resource_multiplier: multiply the amount of clay deposits and mountains by this.

		moves = [(-1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1), (1, 0)]
		ClayDeposit = Entities.buildings[BUILDINGS.CLAY_DEPOSIT_CLASS]
		Mountain = Entities.buildings[BUILDINGS.MOUNTAIN_CLASS]
		clay_deposit_locations = []
		mountain_locations = []

		def get_valid_locations(usable_part, island, width, height):
			"""Return a list of all valid locations for a width times height object in the format [(value, (x, y), island), ...]."""
			locations = []
			offsets = list(itertools.product(xrange(width), xrange(height)))
			for x, y in sorted(usable_part):
				min_value = None
				for dx, dy in offsets:
					coords = (x + dx, y + dy)
					if coords in usable_part:
						value = usable_part[coords]
						min_value = value if min_value is None or min_value > value else min_value
						min_value = None
				if min_value:
					locations.append((1.0 / min_value, (x, y), island))
			return locations

		def place_objects(locations, max_objects, object_class):
			"""Place at most max_objects objects of the given class."""
			if not locations:

			total_sum = [0]
			last_sum = 0
			for value in zip(*locations)[0]:
				last_sum += value

			for _ in xrange(max_objects):
				for _ in xrange(7): # try to place the object 7 times
					object_sum = self.session.random.random() * last_sum
					pos = bisect.bisect_left(total_sum, object_sum, 0, len(total_sum) - 2)
					x, y = locations[pos][1]
					if object_class.check_build(self.session, Point(x, y), check_settlement = False):
						Build(object_class, x, y, ownerless = True, island = locations[pos][2])(issuer = None)

		for island in self.islands:
			# mark island tiles that are next to the sea
			queue = deque()
			distance = {}
			for (x, y), tile in island.ground_map.iteritems():
				if len(tile.classes) == 1: # could be a shallow to deep water tile
					for dx, dy in moves:
						coords = (x + dx, y + dy)
						if coords in self.water_body and self.water_body[coords] == self.sea_number:
							distance[(x, y)] = 1
							queue.append((x, y, 1))

			# calculate the manhattan distance to the sea
			while queue:
				x, y, dist = queue[0]
				for dx, dy in moves:
					coords = (x + dx, y + dy)
					if coords in distance:
					if coords in self.water_body and self.water_body[coords] == self.sea_number:
					distance[coords] = dist + 1
					queue.append((coords[0], coords[1], dist + 1))

			# calculate tiles' values
			usable_part = {}
			for coords, dist in distance.iteritems():
				if coords in island.ground_map and 'constructible' in island.ground_map[coords].classes:
					usable_part[coords] = (dist + 5) ** 2

			# place the local clay deposits
			local_clay_deposit_locations = get_valid_locations(usable_part, island, *ClayDeposit.size)
			local_clay_deposits_base = 0.3 + len(local_clay_deposit_locations) ** 0.7 / 60.0
			num_local_clay_deposits = int(max(0, resource_multiplier * min(3, local_clay_deposits_base + abs(self.session.random.gauss(0, 0.7)))))
			place_objects(local_clay_deposit_locations, num_local_clay_deposits, ClayDeposit)

			# place the local mountains
			local_mountain_locations = get_valid_locations(usable_part, island, *Mountain.size)
			local_mountains_base = 0.1 + len(local_mountain_locations) ** 0.5 / 120.0
			num_local_mountains = int(max(0, resource_multiplier * min(2, local_mountains_base + abs(self.session.random.gauss(0, 0.8)))))
			place_objects(local_mountain_locations, num_local_mountains, Mountain)

		# place some extra clay deposits
		extra_clay_base = len(clay_deposit_locations) ** 0.8 / 400.0
		num_extra_clay_deposits = int(round(max(1, resource_multiplier * min(7, len(self.islands) * 1.0 + 2, extra_clay_base + abs(self.session.random.gauss(0, 1))))))
		place_objects(clay_deposit_locations, num_extra_clay_deposits, ClayDeposit)

		# place some extra mountains
		extra_mountains_base = len(mountain_locations) ** 0.8 / 700.0
		num_extra_mountains = int(round(max(1, resource_multiplier * min(4, len(self.islands) * 0.5 + 2, extra_mountains_base + abs(self.session.random.gauss(0, 0.7))))))
		place_objects(mountain_locations, num_extra_mountains, Mountain)

	def _add_nature_objects(self, natural_resource_multiplier):
		Place trees, wild animals, fish deposits, clay deposits, and mountains.

		@param natural_resource_multiplier: multiply the amount of fish deposits, clay deposits, and mountains by this.

		if not int('RandomTrees', 1)):

		Tree = Entities.buildings[BUILDINGS.TREE_CLASS]
		FishDeposit = Entities.buildings[BUILDINGS.FISH_DEPOSIT_CLASS]
		fish_directions = [(i, j) for i in xrange(-1, 2) for j in xrange(-1, 2)]

		# add trees, wild animals, and fish
		for island in self.islands:
			for (x, y), tile in sorted(island.ground_map.iteritems()):
				# add tree to every nth tile and an animal to one in every M trees
				if self.session.random.randint(0, 2) == 0 and \
				   Tree.check_build(self.session, tile, check_settlement = False):
					building = Build(Tree, x, y, ownerless = True, island = island)(issuer = None)
					building.finish_production_now() # make trees big and fill their inventory
					if self.session.random.randint(0, WILD_ANIMAL.POPUlATION_INIT_RATIO) == 0: # add animal to every nth tree
						CreateUnit(island.worldid, UNITS.WILD_ANIMAL_CLASS, x, y)(issuer = None)
					if self.session.random.random() > WILD_ANIMAL.FOOD_AVAILABLE_ON_START:
						building.inventory.alter(RES.WILDANIMALFOOD_ID, -1)

				if 'coastline' in tile.classes and self.session.random.random() < natural_resource_multiplier / 4.0:
					# try to place fish: from the current position go to a random directions twice
					for (x_dir, y_dir) in self.session.random.sample(fish_directions, 2):
						# move a random amount in both directions
						fish_x = x + x_dir * self.session.random.randint(3, 9)
						fish_y = y + y_dir * self.session.random.randint(3, 9)
						# now we have the location, check if we can build here
						if (fish_x, fish_y) in self.ground_map:
							Build(FishDeposit, fish_x, fish_y, ownerless = True, island = self)(issuer = None)

	def get_random_possible_ground_unit_position(self):
		"""Returns a position in water, that is not at the border of the world"""
		offset = 2
		while True:
			x = self.session.random.randint(self.min_x + offset, self.max_x - offset)
			y = self.session.random.randint(self.min_y + offset, self.max_y - offset)

			if (x, y) in self.ground_unit_map:

			for island in self.islands:
				if (x, y) in island.path_nodes.nodes:
					return Point(x, y)

	def get_random_possible_ship_position(self):
		"""Returns a position in water, that is not at the border of the world"""
		offset = 2
		while True:
			x = self.session.random.randint(self.min_x + offset, self.max_x - offset)
			y = self.session.random.randint(self.min_y + offset, self.max_y - offset)

			if (x, y) in self.ship_map:
				continue # don't place ship where there is already a ship

			# check if there is an island nearby (check only important coords)
			position_possible = True
			for first_sign in (-1, 0, 1):
				for second_sign in (-1, 0, 1):
					point_to_check = Point( x + offset*first_sign, y + offset*second_sign )
					if self.get_island(point_to_check) is not None:
						position_possible = False
			if not position_possible: # propagate break
				continue # try another coord

			break # all checks successful

		return Point(x, y)

	def get_random_possible_coastal_ship_position(self):
		"""Returns a position in water, that is not at the border of the world
		but on the coast of an island"""
		offset = 2
		while True:
			x = self.session.random.randint(self.min_x + offset, self.max_x - offset)
			y = self.session.random.randint(self.min_y + offset, self.max_y - offset)

			if (x, y) in self.ship_map:
				continue # don't place ship where there is already a ship

			result = Point(x, y)
			if self.get_island(result) is not None:
				continue # don't choose a point on an island

			# check if there is an island nearby (check only important coords)
			for first_sign in (-1, 0, 1):
				for second_sign in (-1, 0, 1):
					point_to_check = Point( x + first_sign, y + second_sign )
					if self.get_island(point_to_check) is not None:
						return result

	def get_tiles_in_radius(self, position, radius, shuffle=False):
		"""Returns a all tiles in the radius around the point.
		This is a generator, make sure you use it appropriately.
		@param position: Point instance
		@return List of tiles in radius.
		for point in self.get_points_in_radius(position, radius, shuffle):
			yield self.get_tile(point)

	def get_points_in_radius(self, position, radius, shuffle=False):
		"""Returns all points in the radius around the point.
		This is a generator, make sure you use it appropriately.
		@param position: Point instance
		@return List of points in radius.
		assert isinstance(position, Point)
		points = Circle(position, radius)
		if shuffle:
			points = list(points)
		for point in points:
			if self.map_dimensions.contains_without_border(point):
				# don't yield if point is not in map, those points don't exist
				yield point

	def setup_player(self, id, name, color, local, is_ai, difficulty_level):
		"""Sets up a new Player instance and adds him to the active world.
		Only used for new games. Loading old players is done in _init().
		@param local: bool, whether the player is the one sitting on front of this machine."""
		inv = self.session.db.get_player_start_res()
		player = None
		if local:
			if is_ai: # a human controlled AI player
				player = AIPlayer(self.session, id, name, color, difficulty_level, inventory=inv)
				player = HumanPlayer(self.session, id, name, color, difficulty_level, inventory=inv)
			self.player = player
			self.player.inventory.add_change_listener(self.session.ingame_gui.update_gold, \
		elif is_ai:
			player = AIPlayer(self.session, id, name, color, difficulty_level, inventory=inv)
			player = Player(self.session, id, name, color, difficulty_level, inventory=inv)

	def get_tile(self, point):
		"""Returns the ground at x, y.
		@param point: coords as Point
		@return: instance of Ground at x, y
		return self.full_map[(point.x, point.y)]

	def get_settlement(self, point):
		"""Returns settlement on point. Very fast (O(1)).
		Returns None if point isn't on world.
		@param point: instance of Point
		@return: instance of Settlement or None"""
			return self.get_tile(point).settlement
		except KeyError:
			return None

	def settlements(self):
		"""Returns all settlements on world"""
		settlements = []
		for i in self.islands:
		return settlements

	def get_building(self, point):
		"""Returns the building at the position x, y.
		@param point: Point instance
		@return: Building class instance if a building is found, else None."""
		i = self.get_island(point)
		return None if i is None else i.get_building(point)

	def get_island(self, point):
		"""Returns the island for that coordinate, if none is found, returns None.
		@param point: instance of Point"""
		tup = point.to_tuple()
		if tup not in self.island_map:
			return None
		return self.island_map[tup]

	def get_islands_in_radius(self, point, radius):
		"""Returns all islands in a certain radius around a point.
		@return set of islands in radius"""
		islands = set()
		for island in self.islands:
			for tile in island.get_surrounding_tiles(point, radius):
		return islands

	def get_branch_offices(self, position=None, radius=None, owner=None, include_friendly=False):
		"""Returns all branch offices on the map. Optionally only those in range
		around the specified position.
		@param position: Point or Rect instance.
		@param radius: int radius to use.
		@param owner: Player instance, list only branch offices belonging to this player.
		@param include_friendly also list the branch offices belonging to friends
		@return: List of branch offices.
		branchoffices = []
		islands = []
		if radius is not None and position is not None:
			islands = self.get_islands_in_radius(position, radius)
			islands = self.islands

		for island in self.islands:
			for settlement in island.settlements:
				bo = settlement.branch_office
				if (radius is None or position is None or \
				    bo.position.distance(position) <= radius) and \
				   (owner is None or bo.owner == owner or include_friendly):
		return branchoffices

	def get_ships(self, position=None, radius=None):
		"""Returns all ships on the map. Optionally only those in range
		around the specified position.
		@param position: Point or Rect instance.
		@param radius: int radius to use.
		@return: List of ships.
		if position is not None and radius is not None:
			circle = Circle(position, radius)
			ships = []
			for ship in self.ships:
				if circle.contains(ship.position):
			return ships
			return self.ships

	def get_ground_units(self, position=None, radius=None):
		"""@see get_ships"""
		if position is not None and radius is not None:
			circle = Circle(position, radius)
			units = []
			for unit in self.ground_units:
				if circle.contains(unit.position):
			return units
			return self.ground_units

	def get_buildings(self, position=None, radius=None):
		"""@see get_ships"""
		buildings = []
		if position is not None and radius is not None:
			circle = Circle(position, radius)
			for island in self.islands:
				for building in island.buildings:
					if circle.contains(
			for island in self.islands:
				for building in island.buildings:
		return buildings

	def get_health_instances(self, position=None, radius=None):
		"""Returns all instances that have health"""
		instances = []
		for instance in self.get_ships(position, radius)+\
				self.get_ground_units(position, radius):
			if instance.has_component('health'):
		return instances

	def save(self, db):
		"""Saves the current game to the specified db.
		@param db: DbReader object of the db the game is saved to."""
		super(World, self).save(db)
		for name, value in
			db("INSERT INTO map_properties (name, value) VALUES (?, ?)", name, value)
		for island in self.islands:
		for player in self.players:
		if self.trader is not None:
		if self.pirate is not None:
		for ship in self.ships:
		for ground_unit in self.ground_units:
		for bullet in self.bullets:

	def get_checkup_hash(self):
		dict = {
			'rngvalue': self.session.random.random(),
			'settlements': [],
			'ships': [],
		for island in self.islands:
			for settlement in island.settlements:
				entry = {
					'owner': str(settlement.owner.worldid),
					'tax_settings': str(settlement.tax_settings),
					'inhabitants': str(settlement.inhabitants),
					'cumulative_running_costs': str(settlement.cumulative_running_costs),
					'cumulative_taxes': str(settlement.cumulative_taxes),
					'inventory': str(settlement.inventory._storage),
		for ship in self.ships:
			entry = {
				'owner': str(ship.owner.worldid),
				'position': ship.position.to_tuple(),
		return dict

	def notify_new_settlement(self):
		"""Called when a new settlement is created"""
		# make sure there's a trader ship for 2 settlements
		if self.trader and len(self.settlements) > self.trader.get_ship_count() * 2:

	def toggle_translucency(self):
		"""Make certain building types translucent"""
		if not hasattr(self, "_translucent_buildings"):
			self._translucent_buildings = set()

		if not self._translucent_buildings: # no translucent buildings saved => enable
			building_types = self.session.db.get_translucent_buildings()
			add = self._translucent_buildings.add
			from weakref import ref as create_weakref

			def get_all_buildings(world):
				for island in world.islands:
					for b in island.buildings:
						yield b
					for s in island.settlements:
						for b in s.buildings:
							yield b

			for b in get_all_buildings(self):
				if in building_types:
					fife_instance = b._instance
					add( create_weakref(fife_instance) )
					fife_instance.keep_translucency = True
					fife_instance.get2dGfxVisual().setTransparency( BUILDINGS.TRANSPARENCY_VALUE )

		else: # undo translucency
			for inst in self._translucent_buildings:
					inst().get2dGfxVisual().setTransparency( 0 )
					inst().keep_translucency = False
				except AttributeError:
					pass # obj has been deleted, inst() returned None
Esempio n. 3
	def init_fish_indexer(self):
		self.fish_indexer = BuildingIndexer(16, self.full_map)
		for tile in self.ground_map.itervalues():
			if tile.object is not None and == BUILDINGS.FISH_DEPOSIT_CLASS: