Esempio n. 1
def project_orbitals_mgs_low(obasis0, obasis1, exp0, exp1, eps=1e-10):
    '''Project the orbitals in ``exp0`` (wrt ``obasis0``) on ``obasis1`` and store in ``exp1`` with the modified Gram-Schmidt algorithm.


            The orbital basis for the original wavefunction expansion.

            The new orbital basis for the projected wavefunction expansion.

            The expansion of the original orbitals.

       exp1 (output)
            An output argument in which the projected orbitals will be stored.

       **Optional arguments:**

            A threshold for the renormalization in the Gram-Schmidt procedure

       The projection is based on the Modified Gram-Schmidt (MGS) process. In
       each iteration of the MGS, a renormalization is carried out. If the norm
       in this step is smaller than ``eps``, an error is raised.

       Note that ``exp1`` will be incomplete in several ways. The orbital
       energies are not copied. Only the occupied orbitals in ``exp0`` are
       projected. Coefficients of higher orbitals are set to zero. The orbital
       occupations are simply copied. This should be sufficient to construct
       an initial guess in a new orbital basis set based on a previous solution.

       If the number of orbitals in ``exp1`` is too small to store all projected
       orbitals, an error is raised.
    # Compute the overlap matrix of the combined orbital basis
    obasis_both = GOBasis.concatenate(obasis0, obasis1)
    lf = DenseLinalgFactory(obasis_both.nbasis)
    olp_both = lf.create_one_body()

    # Select the blocks of interest from the big overlap matrix
    olp_21 = olp_both._array[obasis0.nbasis:, :obasis0.nbasis]
    olp_22 = olp_both._array[obasis0.nbasis:, obasis0.nbasis:]

    # construct the projector
    projector =, olp_21)

    # project occupied orbitals
    i1 = 0
    for i0 in xrange(exp0.nfn):
        if exp0.occupations[i0] == 0.0:
        if i1 > exp1.nfn:
            raise ProjectionError('Not enough functions available in exp1 to store the projected orbitals.')
        exp1.coeffs[:,i1] =, exp0.coeffs[:,i0])
        exp1.occupations[i1] = exp0.occupations[i0]
        i1 += 1

    # clear all parts of exp1 that were not touched by the projection loop
    ntrans = i1
    del i1
    exp1.coeffs[:,ntrans:] = 0.0
    exp1.occupations[ntrans:] = 0.0
    exp1.energies[:] = 0.0

    # auxiliary function for the MGS algo
    def dot22(a, b):
        return, olp_22), b)

    # Apply the MGS algorithm to orthogonalize the orbitals
    for i1 in xrange(ntrans):
        orb = exp1.coeffs[:,i1]

        # Subtract overlap with previous orbitals
        for j1 in xrange(i1):
            other = exp1.coeffs[:,j1]
            orb -= other*dot22(other, orb)/np.sqrt(dot22(orb, orb))

        # Renormalize
        norm = np.sqrt(dot22(orb, orb))
        if norm < eps:
            raise ProjectionError('The norm of a vector in the MGS algorithm becomes too small. Orbitals are redundant in new basis.')
        orb /= norm
Esempio n. 2
def project_orbitals_mgs_low(obasis0, obasis1, exp0, exp1, eps=1e-10):
    '''Project the orbitals in ``exp0`` (wrt ``obasis0``) on ``obasis1`` and store in ``exp1`` with the modified Gram-Schmidt algorithm.


            The orbital basis for the original wavefunction expansion.

            The new orbital basis for the projected wavefunction expansion.

            The expansion of the original orbitals.

       exp1 (output)
            An output argument in which the projected orbitals will be stored.

       **Optional arguments:**

            A threshold for the renormalization in the Gram-Schmidt procedure

       The projection is based on the Modified Gram-Schmidt (MGS) process. In
       each iteration of the MGS, a renormalization is carried out. If the norm
       in this step is smaller than ``eps``, an error is raised.

       Note that ``exp1`` will be incomplete in several ways. The orbital
       energies are not copied. Only the occupied orbitals in ``exp0`` are
       projected. Coefficients of higher orbitals are set to zero. The orbital
       occupations are simply copied. This should be sufficient to construct
       an initial guess in a new orbital basis set based on a previous solution.

       If the number of orbitals in ``exp1`` is too small to store all projected
       orbitals, an error is raised.
    # Compute the overlap matrix of the combined orbital basis
    obasis_both = GOBasis.concatenate(obasis0, obasis1)
    lf = DenseLinalgFactory(obasis_both.nbasis)
    olp_both = lf.create_one_body()

    # Select the blocks of interest from the big overlap matrix
    olp_21 = olp_both._array[obasis0.nbasis:, :obasis0.nbasis]
    olp_22 = olp_both._array[obasis0.nbasis:, obasis0.nbasis:]

    # construct the projector
    projector =, olp_21)

    # project occupied orbitals
    i1 = 0
    for i0 in xrange(exp0.nfn):
        if exp0.occupations[i0] == 0.0:
        if i1 > exp1.nfn:
            raise ProjectionError(
                'Not enough functions available in exp1 to store the projected orbitals.'
        exp1.coeffs[:, i1] =, exp0.coeffs[:, i0])
        exp1.occupations[i1] = exp0.occupations[i0]
        i1 += 1

    # clear all parts of exp1 that were not touched by the projection loop
    ntrans = i1
    del i1
    exp1.coeffs[:, ntrans:] = 0.0
    exp1.occupations[ntrans:] = 0.0
    exp1.energies[:] = 0.0

    # auxiliary function for the MGS algo
    def dot22(a, b):
        return, olp_22), b)

    # Apply the MGS algorithm to orthogonalize the orbitals
    for i1 in xrange(ntrans):
        orb = exp1.coeffs[:, i1]

        # Subtract overlap with previous orbitals
        for j1 in xrange(i1):
            other = exp1.coeffs[:, j1]
            orb -= other * dot22(other, orb) / np.sqrt(dot22(orb, orb))

        # Renormalize
        norm = np.sqrt(dot22(orb, orb))
        if norm < eps:
            raise ProjectionError(
                'The norm of a vector in the MGS algorithm becomes too small. Orbitals are redundant in new basis.'
        orb /= norm