def delete_tmp_dir(self, datastore_id, tmp_dir):
     """ Deletes a temp image directory by moving it to a GC directory """
     file_path = os_datastore_path(datastore_id, tmp_dir)
     if not os.path.exists(file_path):"Tmp dir %s not" % file_path)
         raise DirectoryNotFound("Directory %s not found" % file_path)
Esempio n. 2
 def delete_tmp_dir(self, datastore_id, tmp_dir):
     """ Deletes a temp image directory by moving it to a GC directory """
     file_path = os_datastore_path(datastore_id, tmp_dir)
     if not os.path.exists(file_path):"Tmp dir %s not" % file_path)
         raise DirectoryNotFound("Directory %s not found" % file_path)
Esempio n. 3
    def create_image(self, image_id, datastore_id):
        """ Create a temp image on given datastore, return its path.
        datastore_type = self._get_datastore_type(datastore_id)
        if datastore_type == DatastoreType.VSAN:
            # on VSAN, tmp_dir is [datastore]/image_[image_id]/tmp_image_[uuid]
            # Because VSAN does not allow moving top-level directories, we place tmp_image
            # under image's dir.
            relative_path = os.path.join(compond_path_join(IMAGE_FOLDER_NAME_PREFIX, image_id),
                                         compond_path_join(TMP_IMAGE_FOLDER_NAME_PREFIX, str(uuid.uuid4())))
            tmp_dir = os_datastore_path(datastore_id, relative_path)
            # on VMFS/NFS/etc, tmp_dir is [datastore]/tmp_image_[uuid]
            tmp_dir = os_datastore_path(datastore_id,
                                        compond_path_join(TMP_IMAGE_FOLDER_NAME_PREFIX, str(uuid.uuid4())))

        # return datastore path, so that it can be passed to nfc client
        return os_to_datastore_path(tmp_dir)
    def create_image(self, image_id, datastore_id):
        """ Create a temp image on given datastore, return its path.
        datastore_type = self._get_datastore_type(datastore_id)
        if datastore_type == DatastoreType.VSAN:
            # on VSAN, tmp_dir is [datastore]/image_[image_id]/tmp_image_[uuid]
            # Because VSAN does not allow moving top-level directories, we place tmp_image
            # under image's dir.
            relative_path = os.path.join(compond_path_join(IMAGE_FOLDER_NAME_PREFIX, image_id),
                                         compond_path_join(TMP_IMAGE_FOLDER_NAME_PREFIX, str(uuid.uuid4())))
            tmp_dir = os_datastore_path(datastore_id, relative_path)
            # on VMFS/NFS/etc, tmp_dir is [datastore]/tmp_image_[uuid]
            tmp_dir = os_datastore_path(datastore_id,
                                        compond_path_join(TMP_IMAGE_FOLDER_NAME_PREFIX, str(uuid.uuid4())))

        # return datastore path, so that it can be passed to nfc client
        return os_to_datastore_path(tmp_dir)
Esempio n. 5
    def _copy_to_tmp_image(self, source_datastore, source_id, dest_datastore, dest_id):
        """ Copy an image into a temp location.
            1. Lock a tmp image destination file with an exclusive lock. This
            is to prevent the GC thread from garbage collecting directories
            that are actively being used.
            The temp directory name contains a random UUID to prevent
            collisions with concurrent copies
            2. Create the temp directory.
            3. Copy the metadata file over.
            4. Copy the vmdk over.

            @return the tmp image directory on success.
        ds_type = self._get_datastore_type(dest_datastore)
        if ds_type == DatastoreType.VSAN:
            tmp_image_dir = os_datastore_path(dest_datastore,
                                              compond_path_join(IMAGE_FOLDER_NAME_PREFIX, dest_id),
                                              compond_path_join(TMP_IMAGE_FOLDER_NAME_PREFIX, str(uuid.uuid4())))
            tmp_image_dir = os_datastore_path(dest_datastore,
                                              compond_path_join(TMP_IMAGE_FOLDER_NAME_PREFIX, str(uuid.uuid4())))

        # Create the temp directory

        # Copy the metadata file if it exists.
        source_meta = os_metadata_path(source_datastore, source_id, IMAGE_FOLDER_NAME_PREFIX)
        if os.path.exists(source_meta):
                dest_meta = os.path.join(tmp_image_dir, metadata_filename(dest_id))
                shutil.copy(source_meta, dest_meta)
                self._logger.exception("Failed to copy metadata file %s", source_meta)

        # Create the timestamp file

        self._host_client.copy_disk(vmdk_path(source_datastore, source_id, IMAGE_FOLDER_NAME_PREFIX),
                                    os.path.join(tmp_image_dir, "%s.vmdk" % dest_id))
        return tmp_image_dir
    def _copy_to_tmp_image(self, source_datastore, source_id, dest_datastore, dest_id):
        """ Copy an image into a temp location.
            1. Lock a tmp image destination file with an exclusive lock. This
            is to prevent the GC thread from garbage collecting directories
            that are actively being used.
            The temp directory name contains a random UUID to prevent
            collisions with concurrent copies
            2. Create the temp directory.
            3. Copy the metadata file over.
            4. Copy the vmdk over.

            @return the tmp image directory on success.
        ds_type = self._get_datastore_type(dest_datastore)
        if ds_type == DatastoreType.VSAN:
            tmp_image_dir = os_datastore_path(dest_datastore,
                                              compond_path_join(IMAGE_FOLDER_NAME_PREFIX, dest_id),
                                              compond_path_join(TMP_IMAGE_FOLDER_NAME_PREFIX, str(uuid.uuid4())))
            tmp_image_dir = os_datastore_path(dest_datastore,
                                              compond_path_join(TMP_IMAGE_FOLDER_NAME_PREFIX, str(uuid.uuid4())))

        # Create the temp directory

        # Copy the metadata file if it exists.
        source_meta = os_metadata_path(source_datastore, source_id, IMAGE_FOLDER_NAME_PREFIX)
        if os.path.exists(source_meta):
                dest_meta = os.path.join(tmp_image_dir, metadata_filename(dest_id))
                shutil.copy(source_meta, dest_meta)
                self._logger.exception("Failed to copy metadata file %s", source_meta)

        # Create the timestamp file

        self._host_client.copy_disk(vmdk_path(source_datastore, source_id, IMAGE_FOLDER_NAME_PREFIX),
                                    os.path.join(tmp_image_dir, "%s.vmdk" % dest_id))
        return tmp_image_dir
Esempio n. 7
    def _move_image(self, image_id, datastore, tmp_dir):
        Atomic move of a tmp folder into the image datastore. Handles
        concurrent moves by locking a well know derivative of the image_id
        while doing the atomic move.
        The exclusive file lock ensures that only one move is successful.
        Has the following side effects:
            a - If the destination image already exists, it is assumed that
            someone else successfully copied the image over and the temp
            directory is deleted.
            b - If we fail to acquire the file lock after retrying 3 times,
            or the atomic move fails, the tmp image directory will be left
            behind and needs to be garbage collected later.

        image_id: String.The image id of the image being moved.
        datastore: String. The datastore id of the datastore.
        tmp_dir: String. The absolute path of the temp image directory.

        raises: OsError if the move fails
                AcquireLockFailure, InvalidFile if we fail to lock the
                destination image.
        ds_type = self._get_datastore_type(datastore)
        image_path = os_datastore_path(
            datastore, compond_path_join(IMAGE_FOLDER_NAME_PREFIX, image_id))"_move_image: %s => %s, ds_type: %s" %
                          (tmp_dir, image_path, ds_type))

        if not os.path.exists(tmp_dir):
            raise ImageNotFoundException("Temp image %s not found" % tmp_dir)

            with FileBackedLock(image_path, ds_type, retry=300,
                                wait_secs=0.1):  # wait lock for 30 seconds
                if self._check_image_repair(image_id, datastore):
                    raise DiskAlreadyExistException("Image already exists")

                if ds_type == DatastoreType.VSAN:
                    # on VSAN, move all files under [datastore]/image_[image_id]/tmp_image_[uuid]/* to
                    # [datastore]/image_[image_id]/*.
                    # Also we do not delete tmp_image folder in success case, because VSAN accesses it
                    # when creating linked VM, even the folder is now empty.
                    for entry in os.listdir(tmp_dir):
                        shutil.move(os.path.join(tmp_dir, entry),
                                    os.path.join(image_path, entry))
                    # on VMFS/NFS/etc, rename [datastore]/tmp_image_[uuid] to [datastore]/tmp_image_[image_id]
                    self._host_client.move_file(tmp_dir, image_path)
            self._logger.exception("Move image %s to %s failed" %
                                   (image_id, image_path))
Esempio n. 8
    def _move_image(self, image_id, datastore, tmp_dir):
        Atomic move of a tmp folder into the image datastore. Handles
        concurrent moves by locking a well know derivative of the image_id
        while doing the atomic move.
        The exclusive file lock ensures that only one move is successful.
        Has the following side effects:
            a - If the destination image already exists, it is assumed that
            someone else successfully copied the image over and the temp
            directory is deleted.
            b - If we fail to acquire the file lock after retrying 3 times,
            or the atomic move fails, the tmp image directory will be left
            behind and needs to be garbage collected later.

        image_id: String.The image id of the image being moved.
        datastore: String. The datastore id of the datastore.
        tmp_dir: String. The absolute path of the temp image directory.

        raises: OsError if the move fails
                AcquireLockFailure, InvalidFile if we fail to lock the
                destination image.
        ds_type = self._get_datastore_type(datastore)
        image_path = os_datastore_path(datastore, compond_path_join(IMAGE_FOLDER_NAME_PREFIX, image_id))"_move_image: %s => %s, ds_type: %s" % (tmp_dir, image_path, ds_type))

        if not os.path.exists(tmp_dir):
            raise ImageNotFoundException("Temp image %s not found" % tmp_dir)

            with FileBackedLock(image_path, ds_type, retry=300, wait_secs=0.1):  # wait lock for 30 seconds
                if self._check_image_repair(image_id, datastore):
                    raise DiskAlreadyExistException("Image already exists")

                if ds_type == DatastoreType.VSAN:
                    # on VSAN, move all files under [datastore]/image_[image_id]/tmp_image_[uuid]/* to
                    # [datastore]/image_[image_id]/*.
                    # Also we do not delete tmp_image folder in success case, because VSAN accesses it
                    # when creating linked VM, even the folder is now empty.
                    for entry in os.listdir(tmp_dir):
                        shutil.move(os.path.join(tmp_dir, entry), os.path.join(image_path, entry))
                    # on VMFS/NFS/etc, rename [datastore]/tmp_image_[uuid] to [datastore]/tmp_image_[image_id]
                    self._host_client.move_file(tmp_dir, image_path)
            self._logger.exception("Move image %s to %s failed" % (image_id, image_path))
Esempio n. 9
    def get_datastore(self, disk_id):
        for datastore in self._ds_manager.get_datastore_ids():
            disk = os_vmdk_path(datastore, disk_id)
            if os.path.isfile(disk):
                return datastore

        # Extra logging to help debug failures where host2 cannot find disk created by host1 on a shared datastore
        self._logger.error("get_disk_datastore failed: disk=%s, datastores=%s" %
                           (disk_id, self._ds_manager.get_datastore_ids()))
        for datastore in self._ds_manager.get_datastore_ids():
            p1 = os_datastore_root(datastore)
            p2 = os_datastore_path(datastore, compond_path_join(DISK_FOLDER_NAME_PREFIX, disk_id))
            p3 = os_vmdk_path(datastore, disk_id)
            self._logger.error("get_disk_datastore check_path: %s:%s, %s:%s, %s:%s" %
                               (p1, os.path.isdir(p1), p2, os.path.isdir(p2), p3, os.path.isfile(p3)))

        return None
Esempio n. 10
    def get_datastore(self, disk_id):
        for datastore in self._ds_manager.get_datastore_ids():
            disk = os_vmdk_path(datastore, disk_id)
            if os.path.isfile(disk):
                return datastore

        # Extra logging to help debug failures where host2 cannot find disk created by host1 on a shared datastore
            "get_disk_datastore failed: disk=%s, datastores=%s" %
            (disk_id, self._ds_manager.get_datastore_ids()))
        for datastore in self._ds_manager.get_datastore_ids():
            p1 = os_datastore_root(datastore)
            p2 = os_datastore_path(
                datastore, compond_path_join(DISK_FOLDER_NAME_PREFIX, disk_id))
            p3 = os_vmdk_path(datastore, disk_id)
                "get_disk_datastore check_path: %s:%s, %s:%s, %s:%s" %
                (p1, os.path.isdir(p1), p2, os.path.isdir(p2), p3,

        return None