def set_remote_instance(self, remote_inst): self.remote_inst_id = get_instance_id(self.cur, remote_inst) if remote_inst else "" if self.inst_id: if self.inst_id == self.remote_inst_id: raise Exception("Remote instance same as local") elif not self.remote_inst_id: raise Exception("Neither local nor remote instance is set")
def __init__(self, cur): VolumeHolder.__init__(self) CursorWrapper.__init__(self, cur) inst_name = get_option("instance", None) self.inst_id = get_instance_id(cur, inst_name) self.alt_repre = get_option("storage_alternative", None) self.mime_type = get_option("server_mime_type", None) self.check_locality = get_option("server_check_locality", True)
def do_add_instance(self): self.cur.execute( """insert into instances(instance_name) values(%s) on conflict do nothing returning id""", (self.inst_name, )) row = self.cur.fetchone() self.inst_id = row[0] if row else get_instance_id( self.cur, self.inst_name)
def __init__(self, cur): self.cur = cur self.volume_id = None self.member_count = 0 self.zip_front = None self.zip_back = None self.volume_threshold = int( get_option('volume_threshold', str(1024 * 1024 * 1024))) self.compress_backoff = int(get_option('compress_backoff', str(3600))) inst_name = get_option("instance", None) self.inst_id = get_instance_id(cur, inst_name)
def __init__(self, single_action, conn, cur): VolumeHolder.__init__(self) HostCheck.__init__(self, cur) inst_name = get_option("instance", None) self.instance_id = get_instance_id( cur, inst_name) # self.inst_id already used by HostCheck self.mem_cache = MemCache( int(get_option('parse_cache_high_mark', "2000")), int(get_option('parse_cache_low_mark', "1000"))) if get_option('download_preference', 'novelty') == 'novelty': self.preference = NoveltyPreference( int(get_option('novelty_high_mark', "20000")), int(get_option('novelty_low_mark', "15000"))) else: self.preference = BreathPreference() self.single_action = single_action self.conn = conn self.notification_threshold = int( get_option('parse_notification_threshold', "1000")) page_limit = get_option("page_limit", None) self.page_limit = int(page_limit) if page_limit else None self.page_count = 0 self.max_url_len = int(get_option("max_url_len", "512")) # ignore case flag would be better dynamic, but Python 3.5.2 # doesn't support that... url_blacklist_rx = get_option("url_blacklist_rx", "[.](?:jpe?g|pdf|png)$") self.url_blacklist_rx = re.compile(url_blacklist_rx, re.I) if url_blacklist_rx else None url_whitelist_rx = get_option("url_whitelist_rx", None) self.url_whitelist_rx = re.compile(url_whitelist_rx, re.I) if url_whitelist_rx else None self.comp_param = True if get_option("comp_param", True) else False if self.comp_param: self.cur.execute("""select nameval from param_blacklist order by nameval""") rows = self.cur.fetchall() self.param_blacklist = set((row[0] for row in rows))
def __init__(self, cur, inst_name=None): CursorWrapper.__init__(self, cur) self.own_max_num_conn = int(get_option('own_max_num_conn', "4")) self.healthcheck_interval = int(get_option("healthcheck_interval", "100")) self.healthcheck_threshold = int(get_option("healthcheck_threshold", "80")) if self.healthcheck_threshold <= 0: # disabled self.healthcheck_interval = 0 self.target_queue = [] # of TargetBase descendants self.progressing = [] # of URL IDs self.volume_progressing = [] # of volume IDs self.total_checked = 0 self.total_processed = 0 self.total_error = 0 server_name = get_mandatory_option('server_name') raw_port = get_option('server_port', "8888") self.endpoint_root = "http://%s:%d" % (server_name, int(raw_port)) inst_name = get_option("instance", None) self.inst_id = get_instance_id(cur, inst_name) self.remote_inst_id = None # None => not initialized, "" => remote doesn't have instance
def __init__(self, cur): CursorWrapper.__init__(self, cur) inst_name = get_option("instance", None) self.inst_id = get_instance_id(cur, inst_name)
def __init__(self, cur): self.cur = cur # no CursorWrapper methods needed here inst_name = get_option("instance", None) self.inst_id = get_instance_id(cur, inst_name)