Esempio n. 1
def Steady_State_SS(guesses, chi_params, params, weights_SS, rho_vec, lambdas, theta, tau_bq, e):
    Parameters: Steady state distribution of capital guess as array
                size 2*S*J

    Returns:    Array of 2*S*J Euler equation errors
    J, S, T, beta, sigma, alpha, Z, delta, ltilde, nu, g_y, tau_payroll, retire, mean_income_data, a_tax_income, b_tax_income, c_tax_income, d_tax_income, h_wealth, p_wealth, m_wealth, b_ellipse, upsilon = params
    chi_b = np.tile(np.array(chi_params[:J]).reshape(1, J), (S, 1))
    chi_n = np.array(chi_params[J:])
    b_guess = guesses[0: S * J].reshape((S, J))
    K = house.get_K(b_guess, weights_SS)
    n_guess = guesses[S * J:-1].reshape((S, J))
    L = firm.get_L(e, n_guess, weights_SS)
    Y = firm.get_Y(K, L, params)
    w = firm.get_w(Y, L, params)
    r = firm.get_r(Y, K, params)
    BQ = (1 + r) * (b_guess * weights_SS * rho_vec.reshape(S, 1)).sum(0)
    b_s = np.array(list(np.zeros(J).reshape(1, J)) + list(b_guess[:-1, :]))
    b_splus1 = b_guess
    b_splus2 = np.array(list(b_guess[1:]) + list(np.zeros(J).reshape(1, J)))
    factor = guesses[-1]
    T_H = tax.get_lump_sum(r, b_s, w, e, n_guess, BQ, lambdas, factor, weights_SS, 'SS', params, theta, tau_bq)
    error1 = house.euler_savings_func(w, r, e, n_guess, b_s, b_splus1, b_splus2, BQ.reshape(1, J), factor, T_H, chi_b, params, theta, tau_bq, rho_vec, lambdas)
    error2 = house.euler_labor_leisure_func(w, r, e, n_guess, b_s, b_splus1, BQ.reshape(1, J), factor, T_H, chi_n, params, theta, tau_bq, lambdas)
    average_income_model = ((r * b_s + w * e * n_guess) * weights_SS).sum()
    error3 = [mean_income_data - factor * average_income_model]
    # Check and punish constraint violations
    mask1 = n_guess < 0
    error2[mask1] += 1e9
    mask2 = n_guess > ltilde
    error2[mask2] += 1e9
    if b_guess.sum() <= 0:
        error1 += 1e9
    tax1 = tax.total_taxes(r, b_s, w, e, n_guess, BQ, lambdas, factor, T_H, None, 'SS', False, params, theta, tau_bq)
    cons = house.get_cons(r, b_s, w, e, n_guess, BQ.reshape(1, J), lambdas, b_splus1, params, tax1)
    mask3 = cons < 0
    error2[mask3] += 1e9
    mask4 = b_guess[:-1] <= 0
    error1[mask4] += 1e9
    # print np.abs(np.array(list(error1.flatten()) + list(
    #     error2.flatten()) + error3)).max()
    return list(error1.flatten()) + list(
        error2.flatten()) + error3
Esempio n. 2
def wrguess(X, bssmat, nssmat, params, chi_b, chi_n, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, weights, e):
    J, S, T, beta, sigma, alpha, Z, delta, ltilde, nu, g_y, tau_payroll, retire, mean_income_data, a_tax_income, b_tax_income, c_tax_income, d_tax_income, h_wealth, p_wealth, m_wealth, b_ellipse, upsilon = params
    w, r, T_H, factor = X

    for j in xrange(J):
        # Solve the euler equations
        guesses = np.append(bssmat[:, j], nssmat[:, j])
        solutions = opt.fsolve(Euler_equation_solver, guesses * .9, args=(r, w, T_H, factor, j, params, chi_b, chi_n, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, weights, e), xtol=1e-13)
        bssmat[:,j] = solutions[:S]
        nssmat[:,j] = solutions[S:]
        theta = tax.replacement_rate_vals(nssmat[:, j], w, factor, e[:, j], J, weights[:, j])
        # print np.array(Euler_equation_solver(np.append(bssmat[:, j], nssmat[:, j]), r, w, T_H, factor, j, params, chi_b, chi_n, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, weights, e)).max()

    #Calculate demand for C, I, and Y
    BQ = (1+r) * (weights * rho.reshape(S,1)*bssmat).sum(0)
    theta = tax.replacement_rate_vals(nssmat, w, factor, e, J, weights)
    net_tax = tax.total_taxes(r, bssmat, w, e, nssmat, BQ, lambdas, factor, T_H, 0, 'SS', False, params, theta, tau_bq)
    b_s = np.array(list(np.zeros(J).reshape(1,J)) + list(bssmat[:-1]))
    cons = house.get_cons(r, b_s, w, e, nssmat, BQ, lambdas, bssmat, params, net_tax)
    C = (weights*cons).sum()
    B = house.get_K(bssmat, weights)
    Y = C / (1-(delta*alpha/(r+delta)))

    #Get demand for K and L
    K_demand = alpha*Y / (r+delta)
    L_demand = (1-alpha)*Y / w

    #Get the 2 errors from difference between supply and demand of K and L
    error1 = K_demand - B
    error2 = L_demand - firm.get_L(e, nssmat, weights)

    #Get other 2 errors from the factor equation and government constraint
    error3 = T_H - tax.get_lump_sum(r, b_s, w, e, nssmat, BQ, lambdas, factor, weights, 'SS', params, theta, tau_bq)
    # error3 = T_H - (weights*revenue).sum()
    mean_income_model = ((r * b_s + w * e * nssmat) * weights).sum()
    error4 = factor - mean_income_data / mean_income_model

    error = [error1, error2, error3, error4]
    # print error
    print max([abs(error1), abs(error2), abs(error3), abs(error4)])
    return error
Esempio n. 3
    var_names = ['solutions', 'chi_params']
    dictionary = {}
    for key in var_names:
        dictionary[key] = globals()[key]
    pickle.dump(dictionary, open("OUTPUT/Saved_moments/SS_experiment_solutions.pkl", "w"))

bssmat = solutions[0:(S-1) * J].reshape(S-1, J)
bq = solutions[(S-1)*J:S*J]
bssmat_s = np.array(list(np.zeros(J).reshape(1, J)) + list(bssmat))
bssmat_splus1 = np.array(list(bssmat) + list(bq.reshape(1, J)))
nssmat = solutions[S * J:2*S*J].reshape(S, J)
wss, rss, factor_ss, T_Hss = solutions[2*S*J:]

Kss = house.get_K(bssmat_splus1, omega_SS)
Lss = firm.get_L(e, nssmat, omega_SS)
Yss = firm.get_Y(Kss, Lss, parameters)

theta = tax.replacement_rate_vals(nssmat, wss, factor_ss, e, J, omega_SS)
BQss = (1+rss)*(np.array(list(bssmat) + list(bq.reshape(1, J))).reshape(
    S, J) * omega_SS * rho.reshape(S, 1)).sum(0)
b_s = np.array(list(np.zeros(J).reshape((1, J))) + list(bssmat))
taxss = tax.total_taxes(rss, b_s, wss, e, nssmat, BQss, lambdas, factor_ss, T_Hss, None, 'SS', False, parameters, theta, tau_bq)
cssmat = house.get_cons(rss, b_s, wss, e, nssmat, BQss.reshape(1, J), lambdas.reshape(1, J), bssmat_splus1, parameters, taxss)

house.constraint_checker_SS(bssmat, nssmat, cssmat, parameters)

Generate variables for graphs
Esempio n. 4
def new_SS_Solver(b_guess_init, n_guess_init, wguess, rguess, T_Hguess, factorguess, chi_n, chi_b, params, iterative_params, theta, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, weights):
    J, S, T, beta, sigma, alpha, Z, delta, ltilde, nu, g_y, tau_payroll, retire, mean_income_data, a_tax_income, b_tax_income, c_tax_income, d_tax_income, h_wealth, p_wealth, m_wealth, b_ellipse, upsilon = params
    maxiter, mindist = iterative_params
    w = wguess
    r = rguess
    T_H = T_Hguess
    factor = factorguess
    bssmat = b_guess_init
    nssmat = n_guess_init

    dist = 10
    iteration = 0
    dist_vec = np.zeros(maxiter)
    while (dist > mindist) and (iteration < maxiter):
        for j in xrange(J):
            # Solve the euler equations
            guesses = np.append(bssmat[:, j], nssmat[:, j])
            solutions = opt.fsolve(Euler_equation_solver, guesses * .9, args=(r, w, T_H, factor, j, params, chi_b, chi_n, theta, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, weights))
            bssmat[:,j] = solutions[:S]
            nssmat[:,j] = solutions[S:]
            # print np.array(Euler_equation_solver(np.append(bssmat[:, j], nssmat[:, j]), r, w, T_H, factor, j, params, chi_b, chi_n, theta, tau_bq, rho, lambdas)).max()

        K = house.get_K(bssmat, weights)
        L = firm.get_L(e, nssmat, weights)
        Y = firm.get_Y(K, L, params)
        new_r = firm.get_r(Y, K, params)
        new_w = firm.get_w(Y, L, params)
        b_s = np.array(list(np.zeros(J).reshape(1, J)) + list(bssmat[:-1, :]))
        average_income_model = ((new_r * b_s + new_w * e * nssmat) * weights).sum()
        new_factor = mean_income_data / average_income_model 
        new_BQ = (1+new_r)*(bssmat * weights * rho.reshape(S, 1)).sum(0)
        new_T_H = tax.get_lump_sum(new_r, b_s, new_w, e, nssmat, new_BQ, lambdas, factor, weights, 'SS', params, theta, tau_bq)

        r = misc_funcs.convex_combo(new_r, r, params)
        w = misc_funcs.convex_combo(new_w, w, params)
        factor = misc_funcs.convex_combo(new_factor, factor, params)
        T_H = misc_funcs.convex_combo(new_T_H, T_H, params)
        dist = np.array([abs(r-new_r)] + [abs(w-new_w)] + [abs(T_H-new_T_H)]).max()
        dist_vec[iteration] = dist
        if iteration > 10:
            if dist_vec[iteration] - dist_vec[iteration-1] > 0:
                nu /= 2.0
                print 'New value of nu:', nu
        iteration += 1
        print "Iteration: %02d" % iteration, " Distance: ", dist

    eul_errors = np.ones(J)
    b_mat = np.zeros((S, J))
    n_mat = np.zeros((S, J))
    for j in xrange(J):
        solutions1 = opt.fsolve(Euler_equation_solver, np.append(bssmat[:, j], nssmat[:, j])* .9, args=(r, w, T_H, factor, j, params, chi_b, chi_n, theta, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, weights), xtol=1e-13)
        eul_errors[j] = np.array(Euler_equation_solver(solutions1, r, w, T_H, factor, j, params, chi_b, chi_n, theta, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, weights)).max()
        b_mat[:, j] = solutions1[:S]
        n_mat[:, j] = solutions1[S:]
    print 'SS fsolve euler error:', eul_errors.max()
    solutions = np.append(b_mat.flatten(), n_mat.flatten())
    other_vars = np.array([w, r, factor, T_H])
    solutions = np.append(solutions, other_vars)
    return solutions
Esempio n. 5
# Make a vector of all one dimensional parameters, to be used in the following functions
income_tax_params = [a_tax_income, b_tax_income, c_tax_income, d_tax_income]
wealth_tax_params = [h_wealth, p_wealth, m_wealth]
ellipse_params = [b_ellipse, upsilon]
parameters = [J, S, T, beta, sigma, alpha, Z, delta, ltilde, nu, g_y, tau_payroll, retire, mean_income_data] + income_tax_params + wealth_tax_params + ellipse_params

N_tilde = omega.sum(1).sum(1)
omega_stationary = omega / N_tilde.reshape(T+S, 1, 1)

if get_baseline:
    initial_b = bssmat_splus1
    initial_n = nssmat
    initial_b = bssmat_init
    initial_n = nssmat_init
K0 = house.get_K(initial_b, omega_stationary[0])
b_sinit = np.array(list(np.zeros(J).reshape(1, J)) + list(initial_b[:-1]))
b_splus1init = initial_b
L0 = firm.get_L(e, initial_n, omega_stationary[0])
Y0 = firm.get_Y(K0, L0, parameters)
w0 = firm.get_w(Y0, L0, parameters)
r0 = firm.get_r(Y0, K0, parameters)
BQ0 = (1+r0)*(initial_b * omega_stationary[0] * rho.reshape(S, 1)).sum(0)
T_H_0 = tax.get_lump_sum(r0, b_sinit, w0, e, initial_n, BQ0, lambdas, factor_ss, omega_stationary[0], 'SS', parameters, theta, tau_bq)
tax0 = tax.total_taxes(r0, b_sinit, w0, e, initial_n, BQ0, lambdas, factor_ss, T_H_0, None, 'SS', False, parameters, theta, tau_bq)
c0 = house.get_cons(r0, b_sinit, w0, e, initial_n, BQ0.reshape(1, J), lambdas.reshape(1, J), b_splus1init, parameters, tax0)

Solve for equilibrium transition path by TPI
Esempio n. 6
wealth_tax_params = [h_wealth, p_wealth, m_wealth]
ellipse_params = [b_ellipse, upsilon]
parameters = [J, S, T, beta, sigma, alpha, Z, delta, ltilde, nu, g_y, g_n_ss, tau_payroll, retire, mean_income_data] + income_tax_params + wealth_tax_params + ellipse_params

N_tilde = omega.sum(1)
omega_stationary = omega / N_tilde.reshape(T+S, 1)

if get_baseline:
    initial_b = bssmat_splus1
    initial_n = nssmat
    initial_b = bssmat_init
    initial_n = nssmat_init

# Get an initial distribution of capital with the initial population distribution
K0 = house.get_K(initial_b, omega_stationary[0].reshape(S, 1), lambdas, g_n_vector[0])
b_sinit = np.array(list(np.zeros(J).reshape(1, J)) + list(initial_b[:-1]))
b_splus1init = initial_b
L0 = firm.get_L(e, initial_n, omega_stationary[0].reshape(S, 1), lambdas)
Y0 = firm.get_Y(K0, L0, parameters)
w0 = firm.get_w(Y0, L0, parameters)
r0 = firm.get_r(Y0, K0, parameters)
BQ0 = house.get_BQ(r0, initial_b, omega_stationary[0].reshape(S, 1), lambdas, rho.reshape(S, 1), g_n_vector[0])
T_H_0 = tax.get_lump_sum(r0, b_sinit, w0, e, initial_n, BQ0, lambdas, factor_ss, omega_stationary[0].reshape(S, 1), 'SS', parameters, theta, tau_bq)
tax0 = tax.total_taxes(r0, b_sinit, w0, e, initial_n, BQ0, lambdas, factor_ss, T_H_0, None, 'SS', False, parameters, theta, tau_bq)
c0 = house.get_cons(r0, b_sinit, w0, e, initial_n, BQ0.reshape(1, J), lambdas.reshape(1, J), b_splus1init, parameters, tax0)

Solve for equilibrium transition path by TPI
Esempio n. 7
 ,  1.63107201 ,  1.63390543 ,  1.5901486  ,  1.58143606 ,  1.58005578
 ,  1.59073213 ,  1.60190899 ,  1.60001831 ,  1.67763741 ,  1.70451784
 ,  1.85430468 ,  1.97291208 ,  1.97017228 ,  2.25518398 ,  2.43969757
 ,  3.21870602 ,  4.18334822 ,  4.97772026 ,  6.37663164 ,  8.65075992
 ,  9.46944758 , 10.51634777 , 12.13353793 , 11.89186997 , 12.07083882
 , 13.2992811  , 14.07987878 , 14.19951571 , 14.97943562 , 16.05601334
 , 16.42979341 , 16.91576867 , 17.62775142 , 18.4885405  , 19.10609921
 , 20.03988031 , 20.86564363 , 21.73645892 , 22.6208256  , 23.37786072
 , 24.38166073 , 25.22395387 , 26.21419653 , 27.05246704 , 27.86896121
 , 28.90029708 , 29.83586775 , 30.87563699 , 31.91207845 , 33.07449767
 , 34.27919965 , 35.57195873 , 36.95045988 , 38.62308152])

if SS_stage == 'first_run_for_guesses':
    b_guess_init = np.ones((S, J)) * .01
    n_guess_init = np.ones((S, J)) * .99 * ltilde
    Kg = house.get_K(b_guess_init, omega_SS)
    Lg = firm.get_L(e, n_guess_init, omega_SS)
    Yg = firm.get_Y(Kg, Lg, parameters)
    wguess = firm.get_w(Yg, Lg, parameters)
    rguess = firm.get_r(Yg, Kg, parameters)
    avIguess = ((rguess * b_guess_init + wguess * e * n_guess_init) * omega_SS).sum()
    factor_guess = [mean_income_data / avIguess]
    guesses = list(b_guess_init.flatten()) + list(n_guess_init.flatten()) + factor_guess
    chi_guesses = np.ones(S+J)
    chi_guesses[0:J] = np.array([5, 10, 90, 250, 250, 250, 250]) + chi_b_scal
    print 'Chi_b:', chi_guesses[0:J]
    chi_guesses[J:] = chi_n_guess
    chi_guesses = list(chi_guesses)
    final_chi_params = chi_guesses
    Steady_State_SS_X2 = lambda x: Steady_State_SS(x, final_chi_params, parameters, omega_SS, rho, lambdas, theta, tau_bq, e)
    solutions = opt.fsolve(Steady_State_SS_X2, guesses, xtol=1e-13)
Esempio n. 8
def SS_solver(b_guess_init, n_guess_init, wguess, rguess, T_Hguess, factorguess, chi_n, chi_b, params, iterative_params, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, weights, e):
    Solves for the steady state distribution of capital, labor, as well as w, r, T_H and the scaling factor, using an iterative method similar to TPI.
        b_guess_init = guesses for b (SxJ array)
        n_guess_init = guesses for n (SxJ array)
        wguess = guess for wage rate (scalar)
        rguess = guess for rental rate (scalar)
        T_Hguess = guess for lump sum tax (scalar)
        factorguess = guess for scaling factor to dollars (scalar)
        chi_n = chi^n_s (Sx1 array)
        chi_b = chi^b_j (Jx1 array)
        params = list of parameters (list)
        iterative_params = list of parameters that determine the convergence of the while loop (list)
        tau_bq = bequest tax rate (Jx1 array)
        rho = mortality rates (Sx1 array)
        lambdas = ability weights (Jx1 array)
        weights = population weights (Sx1 array)
        e = ability levels (SxJ array)
        solutions = steady state values of b, n, w, r, factor, T_H ((2*S*J+4)x1 array)
    J, S, T, beta, sigma, alpha, Z, delta, ltilde, nu, g_y, g_n_ss, tau_payroll, retire, mean_income_data, a_tax_income, b_tax_income, c_tax_income, d_tax_income, h_wealth, p_wealth, m_wealth, b_ellipse, upsilon = params
    maxiter, mindist_SS = iterative_params
    # Rename the inputs
    w = wguess
    r = rguess
    T_H = T_Hguess
    factor = factorguess
    bssmat = b_guess_init
    nssmat = n_guess_init

    dist = 10
    iteration = 0
    dist_vec = np.zeros(maxiter)
    while (dist > mindist_SS) and (iteration < maxiter):
        # Solve for the steady state levels of b and n, given w, r, T_H and factor
        for j in xrange(J):
            # Solve the euler equations
            guesses = np.append(bssmat[:, j], nssmat[:, j])
            solutions = opt.fsolve(Euler_equation_solver, guesses * .9, args=(r, w, T_H, factor, j, params, chi_b, chi_n, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, weights, e), xtol=1e-13)
            bssmat[:,j] = solutions[:S]
            nssmat[:,j] = solutions[S:]
            # print np.array(Euler_equation_solver(np.append(bssmat[:, j], nssmat[:, j]), r, w, T_H, factor, j, params, chi_b, chi_n, theta, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, e)).max()

        K = house.get_K(bssmat, weights.reshape(S, 1), lambdas.reshape(1, J), g_n_ss)
        L = firm.get_L(e, nssmat, weights.reshape(S, 1), lambdas.reshape(1, J))
        Y = firm.get_Y(K, L, params)
        new_r = firm.get_r(Y, K, params)
        new_w = firm.get_w(Y, L, params)
        b_s = np.array(list(np.zeros(J).reshape(1, J)) + list(bssmat[:-1, :]))
        average_income_model = ((new_r * b_s + new_w * e * nssmat) * weights.reshape(S, 1) * lambdas.reshape(1, J)).sum()
        new_factor = mean_income_data / average_income_model 
        new_BQ = house.get_BQ(new_r, bssmat, weights.reshape(S, 1), lambdas.reshape(1, J), rho.reshape(S, 1), g_n_ss)
        theta = tax.replacement_rate_vals(nssmat, new_w, new_factor, e, J, weights.reshape(S, 1), lambdas)
        new_T_H = tax.get_lump_sum(new_r, b_s, new_w, e, nssmat, new_BQ, lambdas.reshape(1, J), factor, weights.reshape(S, 1), 'SS', params, theta, tau_bq)

        r = misc_funcs.convex_combo(new_r, r, params)
        w = misc_funcs.convex_combo(new_w, w, params)
        factor = misc_funcs.convex_combo(new_factor, factor, params)
        T_H = misc_funcs.convex_combo(new_T_H, T_H, params)
        if T_H != 0:
            dist = np.array([misc_funcs.perc_dif_func(new_r, r)] + [misc_funcs.perc_dif_func(new_w, w)] + [misc_funcs.perc_dif_func(new_T_H, T_H)] + [misc_funcs.perc_dif_func(new_factor, factor)]).max()
            # If T_H is zero (if there are no taxes), a percent difference will throw NaN's, so we use an absoluate difference
            dist = np.array([misc_funcs.perc_dif_func(new_r, r)] + [misc_funcs.perc_dif_func(new_w, w)] + [abs(new_T_H - T_H)] + [misc_funcs.perc_dif_func(new_factor, factor)]).max()
        dist_vec[iteration] = dist
        # Similar to TPI: if the distance between iterations increases, then decrease the value of nu to prevent cycling
        if iteration > 10:
            if dist_vec[iteration] - dist_vec[iteration-1] > 0:
                nu /= 2.0
                print 'New value of nu:', nu
        iteration += 1
        print "Iteration: %02d" % iteration, " Distance: ", dist

    eul_errors = np.ones(J)
    b_mat = np.zeros((S, J))
    n_mat = np.zeros((S, J))
    # Given the final w, r, T_H and factor, solve for the SS b and n (if you don't do a final fsolve, there will be a slight mismatch, with high euler errors)
    for j in xrange(J):
        solutions1 = opt.fsolve(Euler_equation_solver, np.append(bssmat[:, j], nssmat[:, j])* .9, args=(r, w, T_H, factor, j, params, chi_b, chi_n, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, weights, e), xtol=1e-13)
        eul_errors[j] = np.array(Euler_equation_solver(solutions1, r, w, T_H, factor, j, params, chi_b, chi_n, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, weights, e)).max()
        b_mat[:, j] = solutions1[:S]
        n_mat[:, j] = solutions1[S:]
    print 'SS fsolve euler error:', eul_errors.max()
    solutions = np.append(b_mat.flatten(), n_mat.flatten())
    other_vars = np.array([w, r, factor, T_H])
    solutions = np.append(solutions, other_vars)
    return solutions
Esempio n. 9

    Generate the SS values of variables, including euler errors

bssmat = solutions[0:(S-1) * J].reshape(S-1, J)
bq = solutions[(S-1)*J:S*J]
bssmat_s = np.array(list(np.zeros(J).reshape(1, J)) + list(bssmat))
bssmat_splus1 = np.array(list(bssmat) + list(bq.reshape(1, J)))
nssmat = solutions[S * J:2*S*J].reshape(S, J)
wss, rss, factor_ss, T_Hss = solutions[2*S*J:]

Kss = house.get_K(bssmat_splus1, omega_SS.reshape(S, 1), lambdas, g_n_ss)
Lss = firm.get_L(e, nssmat, omega_SS.reshape(S, 1), lambdas)
Yss = firm.get_Y(Kss, Lss, parameters)

Iss = firm.get_I(Kss, Kss, delta, g_y, g_n_ss)

theta = tax.replacement_rate_vals(nssmat, wss, factor_ss, e, J, omega_SS.reshape(S, 1), lambdas)
BQss = house.get_BQ(rss, bssmat_splus1, omega_SS.reshape(S, 1), lambdas, rho.reshape(S, 1), g_n_ss)
b_s = np.array(list(np.zeros(J).reshape((1, J))) + list(bssmat))
taxss = tax.total_taxes(rss, b_s, wss, e, nssmat, BQss, lambdas, factor_ss, T_Hss, None, 'SS', False, parameters, theta, tau_bq)
cssmat = house.get_cons(rss, b_s, wss, e, nssmat, BQss.reshape(1, J), lambdas.reshape(1, J), bssmat_splus1, parameters, taxss)

Css = house.get_C(cssmat, omega_SS.reshape(S, 1), lambdas)

resource_constraint = Yss - (Css + Iss)
Esempio n. 10
def SS_solver(b_guess_init, n_guess_init, wguess, rguess, T_Hguess, factorguess, chi_n, chi_b, params, iterative_params, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, weights, e):
    J, S, T, beta, sigma, alpha, Z, delta, ltilde, nu, g_y, tau_payroll, retire, mean_income_data, a_tax_income, b_tax_income, c_tax_income, d_tax_income, h_wealth, p_wealth, m_wealth, b_ellipse, upsilon = params
    maxiter, mindist_SS = iterative_params
    w = wguess
    r = rguess
    T_H = T_Hguess
    factor = factorguess
    bssmat = b_guess_init
    nssmat = n_guess_init

    dist = 10
    iteration = 0
    dist_vec = np.zeros(maxiter)

    w_step = .1
    r_step = .01
    w_down = True
    r_down = True
    while (dist > mindist_SS) and (iteration < maxiter):
        for j in xrange(J):
            # Solve the euler equations
            guesses = np.append(bssmat[:, j], nssmat[:, j])
            solutions = opt.fsolve(Euler_equation_solver, guesses * .9, args=(r, w, T_H, factor, j, params, chi_b, chi_n, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, weights, e), xtol=1e-13)
            bssmat[:,j] = solutions[:S]
            nssmat[:,j] = solutions[S:]
            # print np.array(Euler_equation_solver(np.append(bssmat[:, j], nssmat[:, j]), r, w, T_H, factor, j, params, chi_b, chi_n, theta, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, e)).max()

        # Update factor, T_H
        b_s = np.array(list(np.zeros(J).reshape(1, J)) + list(bssmat[:-1, :]))
        average_income_model = ((r * b_s + w * e * nssmat) * weights).sum()
        new_factor = mean_income_data / average_income_model 
        BQ = (1+r)*(bssmat * weights * rho.reshape(S, 1)).sum(0)
        theta = tax.replacement_rate_vals(nssmat, w, factor, e, J, weights)
        new_T_H = tax.get_lump_sum(r, b_s, w, e, nssmat, BQ, lambdas, new_factor, weights, 'SS', params, theta, tau_bq)

        # Update w, r
        B_supply = house.get_K(bssmat, weights)
        L_supply = firm.get_L(e, nssmat, weights)
        total_tax = tax.total_taxes(r, b_s, w, e, nssmat, BQ, lambdas, new_factor, new_T_H, None, 'SS', False, params, theta, tau_bq)
        c_mat = house.get_cons(r, b_s, w, e, nssmat, BQ, lambdas, bssmat, params, total_tax)
        C = (c_mat*weights).sum()
        Y = C / (1-(delta*alpha/(r+delta)))
        B_demand = alpha * Y / (r + delta)
        L_demand = (1-alpha) * Y / w
        if B_demand - B_supply > mindist_SS:
            if r_down:
                r_step /= 2.0
                r_down = False
            r += r_step
            if not(r_down):
                r_step /= 2.0
                r_down = True
            r -= r_step
        if L_demand - L_supply > mindist_SS:
            if w_down:
                w_step /=2.0
                w_down = False
            w += w_step
            if not(w_down):
                w_step /= 2.0
                w_down = True
            w -= w_step

        factor = misc_funcs.convex_combo(new_factor, factor, params)
        T_H = misc_funcs.convex_combo(new_T_H, T_H, params)
        dist = np.array([misc_funcs.perc_dif_func(new_T_H, T_H)] + [misc_funcs.perc_dif_func(new_factor, factor)] + [misc_funcs.perc_dif_func(B_demand, B_supply)] + [misc_funcs.perc_dif_func(L_demand, L_supply)]).max()
        dist_vec[iteration] = dist
        if iteration > 10:
            if dist_vec[iteration] - dist_vec[iteration-1] > 0:
                nu /= 2.0
                print 'New value of nu:', nu
        iteration += 1
        print "Iteration: %02d" % iteration, " Distance: ", dist

    eul_errors = np.ones(J)
    b_mat = np.zeros((S, J))
    n_mat = np.zeros((S, J))
    for j in xrange(J):
        solutions1 = opt.fsolve(Euler_equation_solver, np.append(bssmat[:, j], nssmat[:, j])* .9, args=(r, w, T_H, factor, j, params, chi_b, chi_n, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, weights, e), xtol=1e-13)
        eul_errors[j] = np.array(Euler_equation_solver(solutions1, r, w, T_H, factor, j, params, chi_b, chi_n, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, weights, e)).max()
        b_mat[:, j] = solutions1[:S]
        n_mat[:, j] = solutions1[S:]
    print 'SS fsolve euler error:', eul_errors.max()
    solutions = np.append(b_mat.flatten(), n_mat.flatten())
    other_vars = np.array([w, r, factor, T_H])
    solutions = np.append(solutions, other_vars)
    return solutions
Esempio n. 11
    J, S, T, beta, sigma, alpha, Z, delta, ltilde, nu, g_y, g_n_ss,
    tau_payroll, retire, mean_income_data
] + income_tax_params + wealth_tax_params + ellipse_params

N_tilde = omega.sum(1)
omega_stationary = omega / N_tilde.reshape(T + S, 1)

if get_baseline:
    initial_b = bssmat_splus1
    initial_n = nssmat
    initial_b = bssmat_init
    initial_n = nssmat_init

# Get an initial distribution of capital with the initial population distribution
K0 = house.get_K(initial_b, omega_stationary[0].reshape(S, 1), lambdas,
b_sinit = np.array(list(np.zeros(J).reshape(1, J)) + list(initial_b[:-1]))
b_splus1init = initial_b
L0 = firm.get_L(e, initial_n, omega_stationary[0].reshape(S, 1), lambdas)
Y0 = firm.get_Y(K0, L0, parameters)
w0 = firm.get_w(Y0, L0, parameters)
r0 = firm.get_r(Y0, K0, parameters)
BQ0 = house.get_BQ(r0, initial_b, omega_stationary[0].reshape(S, 1), lambdas,
                   rho.reshape(S, 1), g_n_vector[0])
T_H_0 = tax.get_lump_sum(r0, b_sinit, w0, e, initial_n, BQ0, lambdas,
                         factor_ss, omega_stationary[0].reshape(S, 1), 'SS',
                         parameters, theta, tau_bq)
tax0 = tax.total_taxes(r0, b_sinit, w0, e, initial_n, BQ0, lambdas, factor_ss,
                       T_H_0, None, 'SS', False, parameters, theta, tau_bq)
c0 = house.get_cons(r0, b_sinit, w0, e, initial_n, BQ0.reshape(1, J),
                    lambdas.reshape(1, J), b_splus1init, parameters, tax0)