Esempio n. 1
def main():

    options = get_options()

    # build a graph of HPO terms, so we can trace paths between terms
    hpo_ontology = Ontology(options.ontology)
    graph = hpo_ontology.get_graph()
    alt_node_ids = hpo_ontology.get_alt_ids()
    obsolete_ids = hpo_ontology.get_obsolete_ids()

    # load HPO terms and probands for each gene
    print("loading HPO terms and probands by gene")
    hpo_by_proband = load_participants_hpo_terms(options.phenotypes_path, \
        alt_node_ids, obsolete_ids)
    probands_by_gene = load_genes(options.genes_path)

    if options.permute:
        probands_by_gene = permute_probands(probands_by_gene)


    print("analysing similarity")
        analyse_genes(graph, hpo_by_proband, probands_by_gene, \
            options.output, options.iterations, options.score_type)
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        sys.exit("HPO similarity exited.")
def main():

    options = get_options()

    # build a graph of HPO terms, so we can trace paths between terms
    hpo_ontology = Ontology(options.ontology)
    hpo_graph = hpo_ontology.get_graph()
    alt_node_ids = hpo_ontology.get_alt_ids()
    obsolete_ids = hpo_ontology.get_obsolete_ids()

    # load HPO terms and probands for each gene
    print("loading HPO terms and probands by gene")
    hpo_by_proband = load_participants_hpo_terms(options.phenotypes_path, alt_node_ids, obsolete_ids)
    probands_by_gene = load_genes(options.genes_path)

    if options.permute:
        probands_by_gene = permute_probands(probands_by_gene)

    hpo_graph = ICSimilarity(hpo_by_proband, hpo_graph)

    print("analysing similarity")
            hpo_graph, hpo_by_proband, probands_by_gene, options.output, options.iterations, options.score_type
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        sys.exit("HPO similarity exited.")
Esempio n. 3
    def setUp(self):
        """ construct a CalculateSimilarity object for unit tests

        path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "obo.txt")
        ontology = Ontology(path)
        self.graph = ontology.get_graph()

        self.hpo_terms = {
            "person_01": ["HP:0000924"],
            "person_02": ["HP:0000118", "HP:0002011"],
            "person_03": ["HP:0000707", "HP:0002011"]

Esempio n. 4
 def setUp(self):
     """ construct a CalculateSimilarity object for unit tests
     path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "obo.txt")
     ontology = Ontology(path)
     graph = ontology.get_graph()
     self.hpo_terms = {
         "person_01": ["HP:0000924"],
         "person_02": ["HP:0000118", "HP:0002011"],
         "person_03": ["HP:0000707", "HP:0002011"]
     self.hpo_graph = CalculateSimilarity(self.hpo_terms, graph)
Esempio n. 5
 def setUp(self):
     """ construct an Ontology object for unit tests
     path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "obo.txt")
     self.ontology = Ontology(path)
Esempio n. 6
class TestOntologyPy(unittest.TestCase):
    """ test the Ontology class
    def setUp(self):
        """ construct an Ontology object for unit tests
        path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "obo.txt")
        self.ontology = Ontology(path)
    def test_setup(self):
        """ test that the Ontology class has loaded the test obo file correctly
        self.assertEqual(self.ontology.hpo_header, HEADER)
        self.assertEqual(self.ontology.hpo_list, HPO_LIST)
    def test_load_hpo_database(self):
        """ check that load_hpo_database works (also in the class initialisation)
        path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "obo.txt")
        temp_header, temp_hpo = self.ontology.load_hpo_database(path)
        self.assertEqual(temp_header, HEADER)
        self.assertEqual(temp_hpo, HPO_LIST)
    def test_add_hpo_attributes_to_node(self):
        """ test that add_hpo_attributes_to_node works correctly
        # construct a node without any alternate IDs
        node_id = "HP:0000118"
        tags = {'comment': [Value('This is the root of the phenotypic abnormality subontology of the HPO.', None)], \
            'synonym': [Value('Organ abnormality', ('EXACT []',))], \
            'name': [Value('Phenotypic abnormality', None)], \
            'is_a': [Value('HP:0000001', None)], \
            'id': [Value('HP:0000118', None)], \
            'def': [Value('A phenotypic abnormality.', ('[HPO:probinson]',))]}
        graph = networkx.DiGraph()
        self.ontology.add_hpo_attributes_to_node(graph, node_id, tags)
        self.assertEqual(set(graph.node[node_id].keys()), \
            set(["comment", "synonym", "name", "def", "is_a", "id"]))
        self.assertEqual(graph.node[node_id]["comment"], \
            "This is the root of the phenotypic abnormality subontology of the HPO.")
        self.assertEqual(graph.node[node_id]["synonym"], "Organ abnormality")
        self.assertEqual(graph.node[node_id]["name"], "Phenotypic abnormality")
        self.assertEqual(graph.node[node_id]["def"], "A phenotypic abnormality.")
        self.assertEqual(graph.node[node_id]["is_a"], "HP:0000001")
        self.assertEqual(graph.node[node_id]["id"], "HP:0000118")
    def test_track_alt_ids(self):
        """ check that track_alt_ids works correctly
        # construct a node without any alternate IDs
        node_id = "HP:0000118"
        tags = {'comment': [Value('This is the root of the phenotypic abnormality subontology of the HPO.', None)], \
            'synonym': [Value('Organ abnormality', ('EXACT []',))], \
            'name': [Value('Phenotypic abnormality', None)], \
            'is_a': [Value('HP:0000001', None)], \
            'id': [Value('HP:0000118', None)], \
            'def': [Value('A phenotypic abnormality.', ('[HPO:probinson]',))]}
        # if we track the node, it shouldn't add anything to the empty ref_ids,
        # or alt_ids
        self.ontology.track_alt_ids(tags, node_id)
        self.assertEqual(self.ontology.ref_ids, {})
        self.assertEqual(self.ontology.alt_ids, {})
        # construct a node with some alternate IDs
        node_id = "HP:0000707"
        tags = {'comment': [Value('The nervous system comprises the neuraxis (brain, spinal cord, and ventricles), the autonomic nervous system, the enteric nervous system, and the peripheral nervous system.', None)], \
            'synonym': [Value('Neurologic abnormalities', ('EXACT []',)), \
                        Value('Neurological abnormality', ('EXACT []',))], \
            'name': [Value('Abnormality of the nervous system', None)], \
            'id': [Value('HP:0000707', None)], \
            'is_a': [Value('HP:0000118', None)], \
            'alt_id': [Value('HP:0001333', None), Value('HP:0006987', None)], \
            'def': [Value('An abnormality of the `nervous system` (FMA:7157).', ('[HPO:probinson]',))]}
        # now when we track the node, it should add in the alternate IDs
        self.ontology.track_alt_ids(tags, node_id)
        self.assertEqual(self.ontology.ref_ids, {node_id: ['HP:0001333', 'HP:0006987']})
        self.assertEqual(self.ontology.alt_ids["HP:0001333"], node_id)
        self.assertEqual(self.ontology.alt_ids["HP:0006987"], node_id)
    def test_is_obsolete(self):
        """ check that is_obsolete works correctly
        # check that some tags with a True is_obsolete entry is True
        tags = {'is_obsolete': [Value('true', None)], \
            'id': [Value('HP:0000489', None)], \
            'name': [Value('Abnormality of globe location or size', None)]}
        # check that some tags with a False is_obsolete entry is False
        tags = {'is_obsolete': [Value('false', None)], \
            'id': [Value('HP:0000489', None)], \
            'name': [Value('Abnormality of globe location or size', None)]}
        # check that some tags without an is_obsolete entry is False
        tags = {'id': [Value('HP:0000707', None)], \
            'name': [Value('Abnormality of the nervous system', None)]}
    def test_get_graph(self):
        """ test that building a graph with get_graph works correctly
        graph = self.ontology.get_graph()
        # check that all the nodes (aside from the obsolete node) have been
        # included
        self.assertEqual(set(graph.nodes()), \
            set(['HP:0000001', 'HP:0000118', 'HP:0000707', 'HP:0000924', 'HP:0002011',]))
        # check that the graph info is set correctly from the HPO header
        self.assertEqual(graph.graph, HEADER)
        # check that the edges match what is expected foir each node
        self.assertEqual(graph.edges('HP:0000001'), [("HP:0000001", "HP:0000118")])
        self.assertEqual(set(graph.edges('HP:0000118')), \
            set([("HP:0000118", "HP:0000707"), ("HP:0000118", "HP:0000924")]))
        self.assertEqual(graph.edges('HP:0000924'), [])
        # check that, as part of setting the graph up, we have constructed the
        # correct set of obsolete IDs
        self.assertEqual(self.ontology.obsolete_ids, set(["HP:0000489"]))
Esempio n. 7
import json
from StringIO import StringIO 
import pymongo

client = pymongo.MongoClient(host=mongo_host, port=int(mongo_port))

path = '/slms/UGI/vm_exports/vyp/phenotips/uclex_files/hp.obo'
ontology = Ontology(path)
hpo_graph = ontology.get_graph()

for l in sys.stdin.readlines():
      io = StringIO(l)
      mode_of_inheritance= [i['id'] for i in p.get('global_mode_of_inheritance',[])]
      for f in p.get('features',[]):
          if f['id'].startswith('MIM'):
              hpo+=[x['hpo_term'] for x in phizz.query_disease([f['id']])]
      if hpo:
    def setUp(self):
        """ construct an Ontology object for unit tests

        path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "obo.txt")
        self.ontology = Ontology(path)
class TestOntologyPy(unittest.TestCase):
    """ test the Ontology class
    def setUp(self):
        """ construct an Ontology object for unit tests

        path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "obo.txt")
        self.ontology = Ontology(path)

    def test_setup(self):
        """ test that the Ontology class has loaded the test obo file correctly

        self.assertEqual(self.ontology.hpo_header, HEADER)
        self.assertEqual(self.ontology.hpo_list, HPO_LIST)

    def test_load_hpo_database(self):
        """ check that load_hpo_database works (also in the class initialisation)

        path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "obo.txt")
        temp_header, temp_hpo = self.ontology.load_hpo_database(path)

        self.assertEqual(temp_header, HEADER)
        self.assertEqual(temp_hpo, HPO_LIST)

    def test_add_hpo_attributes_to_node(self):
        """ test that add_hpo_attributes_to_node works correctly

        # construct a node without any alternate IDs
        node_id = "HP:0000118"
        tags = {'comment': [Value('This is the root of the phenotypic abnormality subontology of the HPO.', None)], \
            'synonym': [Value('Organ abnormality', ('EXACT []',))], \
            'name': [Value('Phenotypic abnormality', None)], \
            'is_a': [Value('HP:0000001', None)], \
            'id': [Value('HP:0000118', None)], \
            'def': [Value('A phenotypic abnormality.', ('[HPO:probinson]',))]}

        graph = networkx.DiGraph()

        self.ontology.add_hpo_attributes_to_node(graph, node_id, tags)

        self.assertEqual(set(graph.node[node_id].keys()), \
            set(["comment", "synonym", "name", "def", "is_a", "id"]))

        self.assertEqual(graph.node[node_id]["comment"], \
            "This is the root of the phenotypic abnormality subontology of the HPO.")
        self.assertEqual(graph.node[node_id]["synonym"], "Organ abnormality")
        self.assertEqual(graph.node[node_id]["name"], "Phenotypic abnormality")
                         "A phenotypic abnormality.")
        self.assertEqual(graph.node[node_id]["is_a"], "HP:0000001")
        self.assertEqual(graph.node[node_id]["id"], "HP:0000118")

    def test_track_alt_ids(self):
        """ check that track_alt_ids works correctly

        # construct a node without any alternate IDs
        node_id = "HP:0000118"
        tags = {'comment': [Value('This is the root of the phenotypic abnormality subontology of the HPO.', None)], \
            'synonym': [Value('Organ abnormality', ('EXACT []',))], \
            'name': [Value('Phenotypic abnormality', None)], \
            'is_a': [Value('HP:0000001', None)], \
            'id': [Value('HP:0000118', None)], \
            'def': [Value('A phenotypic abnormality.', ('[HPO:probinson]',))]}

        # if we track the node, it shouldn't add anything to the empty ref_ids,
        # or alt_ids
        self.ontology.track_alt_ids(tags, node_id)
        self.assertEqual(self.ontology.ref_ids, {})
        self.assertEqual(self.ontology.alt_ids, {})

        # construct a node with some alternate IDs
        node_id = "HP:0000707"
        tags = {'comment': [Value('The nervous system comprises the neuraxis (brain, spinal cord, and ventricles), the autonomic nervous system, the enteric nervous system, and the peripheral nervous system.', None)], \
            'synonym': [Value('Neurologic abnormalities', ('EXACT []',)), \
                        Value('Neurological abnormality', ('EXACT []',))], \
            'name': [Value('Abnormality of the nervous system', None)], \
            'id': [Value('HP:0000707', None)], \
            'is_a': [Value('HP:0000118', None)], \
            'alt_id': [Value('HP:0001333', None), Value('HP:0006987', None)], \
            'def': [Value('An abnormality of the `nervous system` (FMA:7157).', ('[HPO:probinson]',))]}

        # now when we track the node, it should add in the alternate IDs
        self.ontology.track_alt_ids(tags, node_id)
                         {node_id: ['HP:0001333', 'HP:0006987']})
        self.assertEqual(self.ontology.alt_ids["HP:0001333"], node_id)
        self.assertEqual(self.ontology.alt_ids["HP:0006987"], node_id)

    def test_is_obsolete(self):
        """ check that is_obsolete works correctly

        # check that some tags with a True is_obsolete entry is True
        tags = {'is_obsolete': [Value('true', None)], \
            'id': [Value('HP:0000489', None)], \
            'name': [Value('Abnormality of globe location or size', None)]}

        # check that some tags with a False is_obsolete entry is False
        tags = {'is_obsolete': [Value('false', None)], \
            'id': [Value('HP:0000489', None)], \
            'name': [Value('Abnormality of globe location or size', None)]}

        # check that some tags without an is_obsolete entry is False
        tags = {'id': [Value('HP:0000707', None)], \
            'name': [Value('Abnormality of the nervous system', None)]}

    def test_get_graph(self):
        """ test that building a graph with get_graph works correctly

        graph = self.ontology.get_graph()

        # check that all the nodes (aside from the obsolete node) have been
        # included
        self.assertEqual(set(graph.nodes()), \
            set(['HP:0000001', 'HP:0000118', 'HP:0000707', 'HP:0000924', 'HP:0002011',]))

        # check that the graph info is set correctly from the HPO header
        self.assertEqual(graph.graph, HEADER)

        # check that the edges match what is expected foir each node
                         [("HP:0000001", "HP:0000118")])
        self.assertEqual(set(graph.edges('HP:0000118')), \
            set([("HP:0000118", "HP:0000707"), ("HP:0000118", "HP:0000924")]))
        self.assertEqual(graph.edges('HP:0000924'), [])

        # check that, as part of setting the graph up, we have constructed the
        # correct set of obsolete IDs
        self.assertEqual(self.ontology.obsolete_ids, set(["HP:0000489"]))