def __init__(self, context=None):
     :param context: An optional string that give a name to a corba context instance
     self.v_max = -1  # bounds on the linear velocity for the root, negative values mean unused
     self.a_max = -1  # bounds on the linear acceleration for the root, negative values mean unused
     self.root_translation_bounds = [0] * 6  # bounds on the root translation position (-x, +x, -y, +y, -z, +z)
     self.root_rotation_bounds = [-3.14, 3.14, -0.01, 0.01, -0.01,
                                  0.01]  # bounds on the rotation of the root (-z, z, -y, y, -x, x)
     # The rotation bounds are only used during the random sampling, they are not enforced along the path
     self.extra_dof = 6  # number of extra config appended after the joints configuration, 6 to store linear root velocity and acceleration = 0.5  # friction coefficient between the robot and the environment
     self.used_limbs = []  # names of the limbs that must be in contact during all the motion
     self.size_foot_x = 0  # size of the feet along the x axis
     self.size_foot_y = 0  # size of the feet along the y axis
     self.q_init = []
     self.q_goal = []
     self.context = context
     if context:
         loadServerPlugin(context, '')
         loadServerPlugin(context, '')
         self.hpp_client = Client(context=context)
         self.rbprm_client = RbprmClient(context=context)
         self.hpp_client = None
         self.rbprm_client = None
def build_fullbody(Robot, genLimbsDB=True, context = None):
    Build an rbprm FullBody instance
    :param Robot: The class of the robot
    :param genLimbsDB: if true, generate the limbs database
    :param context: An optional string that give a name to a corba context instance
    :return: a fullbody instance and a problemsolver containing this fullbody
    # Local import, as they are optional dependencies
    from hpp.corbaserver import createContext, loadServerPlugin, Client, ProblemSolver
    from hpp.corbaserver.rbprm import Client as RbprmClient
    if context:
        loadServerPlugin(context, '')
        loadServerPlugin(context, '')
        hpp_client = Client(context=context)
        rbprm_client = RbprmClient(context=context)
        hpp_client = None
        rbprm_client = None
    fullBody = Robot(client = hpp_client, clientRbprm = rbprm_client)
    fullBody.setJointBounds("root_joint", [-100, 100, -100, 100, -100, 100])
    fullBody.client.robot.setExtraConfigSpaceBounds([-100, 100, -100, 100, -100, 100, -100, 100, -100, 100, -100, 100])
    fullBody.setReferenceConfig(fullBody.referenceConfig[::] + [0] * 6)
    fullBody.setPostureWeights(fullBody.postureWeights[::] + [0] * 6)
        if genLimbsDB:
            fullBody.loadAllLimbs("static", nbSamples=100)
            fullBody.loadAllLimbs("static", nbSamples=1)
    except AttributeError:
        print("WARNING initScene : fullBody do not have loadAllLimbs, some scripts may fails.")
    ps = ProblemSolver(fullBody)
    fullBody.setCurrentConfig(fullBody.referenceConfig[::] + [0] * 6)
    return fullBody, ps
Esempio n. 3
import os
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from math import pi, fabs
from hpp.corbaserver.manipulation import Client, ConstraintGraph, Rule, \
    ConstraintGraphFactory, ProblemSolver
from hpp.corbaserver.manipulation.ur5 import Robot
from hpp.gepetto.manipulation import ViewerFactory
from hpp.corbaserver import loadServerPlugin
from hpp_idl.hpp import Equality, EqualToZero

parser = ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-N', default=20, type=int)
args = parser.parse_args()

loadServerPlugin("corbaserver", "")

Robot.urdfFilename = \
Robot.srdfFilename = \
dir = os.getenv('PWD')

class Sphere(object):
    rootJointType = 'freeflyer'
    packageName = 'hpp_environments'
    urdfName = 'construction_set/sphere'
    urdfSuffix = ""
    srdfSuffix = ""
Esempio n. 4
from hpp.corbaserver.manipulation.robot import CorbaClient
from hpp.corbaserver import loadServerPlugin

from common_hpp import *

# parse arguments
p = argparse.ArgumentParser(
    'Initialize estimation for the demo of Pyrene manipulating a box')
               help="The name of the ROS param containing the URDF.")
args = p.parse_args()

loadServerPlugin("estimation", "")

footPlacement = True
projectRobotOnFloor = True
comConstraint = False
constantWaistYaw = True
fixedArmWhenGrasping = True

clients = CorbaClient(context="estimation")
if not clients.manipulation.problem.selectProblem("estimation"):

robot, ps, vf, table, objects = makeRobotProblemAndViewerFactory(
    clients, rolling_table=True, rosParam=args.ros_param)

q_neutral = robot.getCurrentConfig()
Esempio n. 5
from csv import reader, writer
import argparse, numpy as np
from hpp import Transform
from hpp.corbaserver import loadServerPlugin
from hpp.corbaserver.manipulation import Constraints, ConstraintGraph, \
    ProblemSolver, Rule
from hpp.corbaserver.manipulation.robot import CorbaClient, HumanoidRobot
from hpp.gepetto.manipulation import ViewerFactory
from hpp.corbaserver.manipulation.constraint_graph_factory import \

from common_hpp import createGripperLockedJoints, createLeftArmLockedJoints, \
    createRightArmLockedJoints, createQuasiStaticEquilibriumConstraint, \
    createWaistYawConstraint, defaultContext, shrinkJointRange

loadServerPlugin(defaultContext, "")

client = CorbaClient(context=defaultContext)

# parse arguments
p = argparse.ArgumentParser(
    description='Procuce motion to calibrate arms and camera')
               help="which arm: 'right' or 'left'")
Esempio n. 6
from common_hpp import *

# parse arguments
p = argparse.ArgumentParser (description=
                             'Initialize demo of Pyrene manipulating a box')
p.add_argument ('--context', type=str, metavar='context',
                help="identifier of ProblemSolver instance")
p.add_argument ('--ros-param', type=str, metavar='ros_param',
                help="The name of the ROS param containing the URDF.")
args = p.parse_args ()
if args.context != defaultContext:
    createContext (args.context)

print("context=" + args.context)
loadServerPlugin (args.context, "")

isSimulation = args.context == "simulation"

footPlacement = not isSimulation
comConstraint = not isSimulation
constantWaistYaw = not isSimulation
fixedArmWhenGrasping = not isSimulation

client = CorbaClient(context=args.context)
newProblem(client=client.manipulation, name=args.context)

robot, ps, vf, table, objects = makeRobotProblemAndViewerFactory(client, rolling_table=True,
if isSimulation:
    ps.setMaxIterProjection (1)
from hpp.corbaserver.practicals.manipulation.ur5 import Robot
from hpp.corbaserver.manipulation import ProblemSolver, Client
from hpp.gepetto.manipulation import ViewerFactory
from hpp.gepetto import PathPlayer
from hpp.corbaserver import loadServerPlugin
loadServerPlugin ("corbaserver", "")
Client ().problem.resetProblem ()

Robot.urdfName = "ur5_gripper"
Robot.urdfSuffix = ""
Robot.srdfSuffix = ""

class Pokeball (object):
  rootJointType = 'freeflyer'
  packageName = 'hpp_practicals'
  meshPackageName = 'hpp_practicals'
  urdfName = 'ur_benchmark/pokeball'
  urdfSuffix = ""
  srdfSuffix = ""

class Ground (object):
  rootJointType = 'anchor'
  packageName = 'hpp_practicals'
  urdfName = 'ur_benchmark/ground'
  meshPackageName = 'hpp_practicals'
  urdfSuffix = ""
  srdfSuffix = ""

class Box (object):
    rootJointType = 'anchor'
    packageName = 'hpp_practicals'
Esempio n. 8
# To run this test, you must launch both hppcorbaserver and roscore

from hpp.corbaserver import loadServerPlugin
from hpp.agimus import Client as AgimusClient
import rosgraph, sys

verbose = "--verbose" in sys.argv

master = rosgraph.Master("")
name = "hpp"

loadServerPlugin('corbaserver', "")

def get_node_uri():
        return master.lookupNode(name)
    except rosgraph.MasterError as e:
        return None

cl = AgimusClient()
discretization = cl.server.getDiscretization()

if verbose:
    print("HPP uri before initialization: " + str(get_node_uri()))
assert get_node_uri() == None, "HPP was not correctly disconnected from ROS"

success = discretization.initializeRosNode(name, False)
if verbose:
    print("started: " + str(success))