cg.setConstraints (graph = True, lockDof = lockAll) res = ps.client.manipulation.problem.applyConstraints (cg.nodes['free'], q_init) if not res[0]: raise Exception ('Init configuration could not be projected.') q_init_proj = res [1] res = ps.client.manipulation.problem.applyConstraints (cg.nodes['free'], q_goal) if not res[0]: raise Exception ('Goal configuration could not be projected.') q_goal_proj = res [1] ps.setInitialConfig (q_init_proj) ps.addGoalConfig (q_goal_proj) from hpp.corbaserver import Benchmark import random, sys b = Benchmark (robot.client.basic, robot, ps) b.seedRange = random.sample (xrange (100000), 20) # b.iterPerCase = 3 b.tryResumeAndDelete () try: results = except: sys.exit(1) b.writeResume (filename = "results.pickle")
res = ps.client.manipulation.problem.applyConstraints (cg.nodes['free'], q_goal_monotone) if not res[0]: raise Exception ('Goal configuration could not be projected.') q_goal_monotone_proj = res [1] res = ps.client.manipulation.problem.applyConstraints (cg.nodes['free'], q_goal_inverted) if not res[0]: raise Exception ('Goal configuration could not be projected.') q_goal_inverted_proj = res [1] ps.setInitialConfig (q_init_proj) # ps.addGoalConfig (q_goal_monotone_proj) ps.addGoalConfig (q_goal_inverted_proj) # from hpp.corbaserver import Benchmark import sys from hpp.corbaserver import Benchmark b = Benchmark (robot.client.basic, robot, ps) b.seedRange = xrange (20) b.iterPerCase = 1 b.tryResumeAndDelete () try: except: sys.exit(1) b.writeResume (filename = "results.pickle")
q_init = [2.1, -5.81216, -1, 1 , 0, 0, 0] q_goal = [-3, -4.3, 1, 0.7071, 0.7071, 0, 0] v(q_init) robot.setJointBounds ('base_joint_xyz', [-5.5, 6.5, -12, 0, -5, 6]) # robot.setJointBounds ('base_joint_SO3', [-pi, pi, -pi, pi, -pi, pi, -pi, pi]) ps.setInitialConfig (q_init) ps.addGoalConfig (q_goal) from hpp.corbaserver import Benchmark benchmark = Benchmark (robot.client, robot, ps) ps.client.problem.setRandomSeed(1927402002) benchmark.seedRange = range (50) benchmark.iterPerCase = 1 results = benchmark.writeDatabase("dbHPP.db","abstract","abstractLogs.log",True) #------------------------------------------------------------------ # name = cubicles # robot = cubicles_robot # world = cubicles_env from math import pi from hpp.corbaserver.hpp_ompl_benchmark.cubicles import Robot robot = Robot('ompl') from hpp.corbaserver import ProblemSolver ps = ProblemSolver (robot) from hpp.gepetto import Viewer v = Viewer (ps)