Esempio n. 1
def transformation_synthesis(
    freqScaling=np.array([0, 1.2, 2.01, 1.2, 2.679, .7, 3.146, .7]),
    freqStretching=np.array([0, 1, 2.01, 1, 2.679, 1.5, 3.146, 1.5]),
    timeScaling=np.array([0, 0, 2.138, 2.138 - 1.0, 3.146, 3.146])):
	transform the analysis values returned by the analysis function and synthesize the sound
	inputFile: name of input file
	fs: sampling rate of input file	
	hfreq, hmag: harmonic frequencies and magnitudes
	mYst: stochastic residual
	freqScaling: frequency scaling factors, in time-value pairs (value of 1 no scaling)
	freqStretching: frequency stretching factors, in time-value pairs (value of 1 no stretching)
	timbrePreservation: 1 preserves original timbre, 0 it does not
	timeScaling: time scaling factors, in time-value pairs

    # size of fft used in synthesis
    Ns = 512

    # hop size (has to be 1/4 of Ns)
    H = 128

    # frequency scaling of the harmonics
    hfreqt, hmagt = HT.harmonicFreqScaling(hfreq, hmag, freqScaling,
                                           freqStretching, timbrePreservation,

    # time scaling the sound
    yhfreq, yhmag, ystocEnv = HPST.hpsTimeScale(hfreqt, hmagt, mYst,

    # synthesis from the trasformed hps representation
    y, yh, yst = HPS.hpsModelSynth(yhfreq, yhmag, np.array([]), ystocEnv, Ns,
                                   H, fs)

    # write output sound
    outputFile = 'output_sounds/' + os.path.basename(
        inputFile)[:-4] + '_hpsModelTransformation.wav'
    UF.wavwrite(y, fs, outputFile)

    # create figure to plot
    plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))

    # frequency range to plot
    maxplotfreq = 15000.0

    # plot spectrogram of transformed stochastic compoment
    plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
    numFrames = int(ystocEnv[:, 0].size)
    sizeEnv = int(ystocEnv[0, :].size)
    frmTime = H * np.arange(numFrames) / float(fs)
    binFreq = (.5 * fs) * np.arange(sizeEnv * maxplotfreq /
                                    (.5 * fs)) / sizeEnv
        frmTime, binFreq,
        np.transpose(ystocEnv[:, :int(sizeEnv * maxplotfreq / (.5 * fs)) + 1]))

    # plot transformed harmonic on top of stochastic spectrogram
    if (yhfreq.shape[1] > 0):
        harms = yhfreq * np.less(yhfreq, maxplotfreq)
        harms[harms == 0] = np.nan
        numFrames = int(harms[:, 0].size)
        frmTime = H * np.arange(numFrames) / float(fs)
        plt.plot(frmTime, harms, color='k', ms=3, alpha=1)
        plt.xlabel('time (sec)')
        plt.ylabel('frequency (Hz)')
        plt.title('harmonics + stochastic spectrogram')

    # plot the output sound
    plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
    plt.plot(np.arange(y.size) / float(fs), y)
    plt.axis([0, y.size / float(fs), min(y), max(y)])
    plt.xlabel('time (sec)')
    plt.title('output sound: y')

def transformation_synthesis(inputFile, fs, hfreq, hmag, mYst, freqScaling = np.array([0, 1.2, 2.01, 1.2, 2.679, .7, 3.146, .7]), 
	freqStretching = np.array([0, 1, 2.01, 1, 2.679, 1.5, 3.146, 1.5]), timbrePreservation = 1, 
	timeScaling = np.array([0, 0, 2.138, 2.138-1.0, 3.146, 3.146])):
	transform the analysis values returned by the analysis function and synthesize the sound
	inputFile: name of input file
	fs: sampling rate of input file	
	hfreq, hmag: harmonic frequencies and magnitudes
	mYst: stochastic residual
	freqScaling: frequency scaling factors, in time-value pairs (value of 1 no scaling)
	freqStretching: frequency stretching factors, in time-value pairs (value of 1 no stretching)
	timbrePreservation: 1 preserves original timbre, 0 it does not
	timeScaling: time scaling factors, in time-value pairs
	# size of fft used in synthesis
	Ns = 512

	# hop size (has to be 1/4 of Ns)
	H = 128
	# frequency scaling of the harmonics 
	hfreqt, hmagt = HT.harmonicFreqScaling(hfreq, hmag, freqScaling, freqStretching, timbrePreservation, fs)

	# time scaling the sound
	yhfreq, yhmag, ystocEnv = HPST.hpsTimeScale(hfreqt, hmagt, mYst, timeScaling)

	# synthesis from the trasformed hps representation 
	y, yh, yst = HPS.hpsModelSynth(yhfreq, yhmag, np.array([]), ystocEnv, Ns, H, fs)

	# write output sound 
	outputFile = 'output_sounds/' + os.path.basename(inputFile)[:-4] + '_hpsModelTransformation.wav'
	UF.wavwrite(y,fs, outputFile)

	# create figure to plot
	plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))

	# frequency range to plot
	maxplotfreq = 15000.0

	# plot spectrogram of transformed stochastic compoment
	numFrames = int(ystocEnv[:,0].size)
	sizeEnv = int(ystocEnv[0,:].size)
	frmTime = H*np.arange(numFrames)/float(fs)
	binFreq = (.5*fs)*np.arange(sizeEnv*maxplotfreq/(.5*fs))/sizeEnv                      
	plt.pcolormesh(frmTime, binFreq, np.transpose(ystocEnv[:,:sizeEnv*maxplotfreq/(.5*fs)+1]))

	# plot transformed harmonic on top of stochastic spectrogram
	if (yhfreq.shape[1] > 0):
		harms = yhfreq*np.less(yhfreq,maxplotfreq)
		harms[harms==0] = np.nan
		numFrames = int(harms[:,0].size)
		frmTime = H*np.arange(numFrames)/float(fs) 
		plt.plot(frmTime, harms, color='k', ms=3, alpha=1)
		plt.xlabel('time (sec)')
		plt.ylabel('frequency (Hz)')
		plt.title('harmonics + stochastic spectrogram')

	# plot the output sound
	plt.plot(np.arange(y.size)/float(fs), y)
	plt.axis([0, y.size/float(fs), min(y), max(y)])
	plt.xlabel('time (sec)')
	plt.title('output sound: y')

def transformation_synthesis_stereo(inputFile, fs, hfreq, hmag, mYst, freqScaling = np.array([0, 1.2, 2.01, 1.2, 2.679, .7, 3.146, .7]), 
    freqStretching = np.array([0, 1, 2.01, 1, 2.679, 1.5, 3.146, 1.5]), timbrePreservation = 1, 
    timeScaling = np.array([0, 0, 2.138, 2.138-1.0, 3.146, 3.146]),
    transform the analysis values returned by the analysis function and synthesize the sound
    inputFile: name of input file
    fs: sampling rate of input file    
    hfreq, hmag: harmonic frequencies and magnitudes
    mYst: stochastic residual
    freqScaling: tuple (for L and R channels) of arrays of frequency scaling factors, in time-value pairs (value of 1 no scaling)
    freqStretching: tuple (for L and R channels) of arrays of frequency stretching factors, in time-value pairs (value of 1 no stretching)
    timbrePreservation: tuple (for L and R channels) of arrays of 1 preserves original timbre, 0 it does not
    timeScaling: tuple (for L and R channels) of arrays of time scaling factors, in time-value pairs
    inputSound: original sound, used for auto-attenuation of the output sound
    # size of fft used in synthesis
    Ns = 512

    # hop size (has to be 1/4 of Ns)
    H = 128
    # frequency scaling of the harmonics 
    hfreqtLeft , hmagtLeft  = HT.harmonicFreqScaling(hfreq, hmag, freqScaling[0], freqStretching[0], timbrePreservation[0], fs)
    hfreqtRight, hmagtRight = HT.harmonicFreqScaling(hfreq, hmag, freqScaling[1], freqStretching[1], timbrePreservation[1], fs)

    # time scaling the sound
    yhfreqLeft , yhmagLeft , ystocEnvLeft  = HPST.hpsTimeScale(hfreqtLeft , hmagtLeft , mYst, timeScaling[0])
    yhfreqRight, yhmagRight, ystocEnvRight = HPST.hpsTimeScale(hfreqtRight, hmagtRight, mYst, timeScaling[1])

    # synthesis from the trasformed hps representation 
    yLeft,  yhLeft,  ystLeft  = HPS.hpsModelSynth(yhfreqLeft , yhmagLeft , np.array([]), ystocEnvLeft , Ns, H, fs)
    yRight, yhRight, ystRight = HPS.hpsModelSynth(yhfreqRight, yhmagRight, np.array([]), ystocEnvRight, Ns, H, fs)

    # write output sound
    outputFile = 'output_sounds/' + os.path.basename(inputFile)[:-4] + '_hpsModelTransformation.wav'
    UF.wavwriteStereo(yLeft, yRight, fs, outputFile, inputSound)
    # create figure to plot
    plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12))
    # frequency range to plot
    maxplotfreq = 15000.0
    def plotTransformedSignals(channelName,subplot1,subplot2,yhfreq,ystocEnv,y):
        # plot spectrogram of transformed stochastic compoment
        numFrames = int(ystocEnv[:,0].size)
        sizeEnv = int(ystocEnv[0,:].size)
        frmTime = H*np.arange(numFrames)/float(fs)
        binFreq = (.5*fs)*np.arange(sizeEnv*maxplotfreq/(.5*fs))/sizeEnv                      
        plt.pcolormesh(frmTime, binFreq, np.transpose(ystocEnv[:,:sizeEnv*maxplotfreq/(.5*fs)+1]))
        # plot transformed harmonic on top of stochastic spectrogram
        if (yhfreq.shape[1] > 0):
            harms = yhfreq*np.less(yhfreq,maxplotfreq)
            harms[harms==0] = np.nan
            numFrames = int(harms[:,0].size)
            frmTime = H*np.arange(numFrames)/float(fs) 
            plt.plot(frmTime, harms, color='k', ms=3, alpha=1)
            plt.xlabel('time (sec)')
            plt.ylabel('frequency (Hz)')
            plt.title('harmonics + stochastic spectrogram (' + channelName + ')')

        # plot the output sound
        plt.plot(np.arange(y.size)/float(fs), y)
        plt.axis([0, y.size/float(fs), min(y), max(y)])
        plt.xlabel('time (sec)')
        plt.title('output sound: y (' + channelName + ')')

    plotTransformedSignals('Left' , 411, 413, yhfreqLeft,  ystocEnvLeft,  yLeft)
    plotTransformedSignals('Right', 412, 414, yhfreqRight, ystocEnvRight, yRight)

        5.8 - 0.4,
        5.8 - 0.4,
        5.902 - 0.4,
        5.902 - 0.4,
yhfreq, yhmag, ystocEnv = HPST.hpsTimeScale(hfreqt, hmagt, mYst, timeScaling)
y, yh, yst = HPS.hpsModelSynth(yhfreq, yhmag, np.array([]), ystocEnv, Ns, H, fs)
mY, pY = STFT.stftAnal(y, fs, w, N, H)
UF.wavwrite(y, fs, "cello-phrase-weird-transformation.wav")

# plot the spectrogram of the transformed sound
plt.figure(10, figsize=(16, 4.5))
maxplotfreq = 5000.0
numFrames = int(mY[:, 0].size)
frmTime = H * np.arange(numFrames) / float(fs)
binFreq = fs * np.arange(N * maxplotfreq / fs) / N
plt.pcolormesh(frmTime, binFreq, np.transpose(mY[:, : N * maxplotfreq / fs + 1]))
plt.xlabel("time (sec)")
plt.ylabel("frequency (Hz)")
plt.title("spectrogram of transformed sound")
Esempio n. 5
minf0 = 350
maxf0 = 700
f0et = 5
harmDevSlope = 0.01
stocf = 0.1

Ns = 512
H = 128

(fs, x) = UF.wavread(inputFile)
w = get_window(window, M)
hfreq, hmag, hphase, mYst = HPS.hpsModelAnal(x, fs, w, N, H, t, nH, minf0,
                                             maxf0, f0et, harmDevSlope,
                                             minSineDur, Ns, stocf)
timeScaling = np.array([0, 0, 2.138, 2.138 - 1.5, 3.146, 3.146])
yhfreq, yhmag, ystocEnv = HPST.hpsTimeScale(hfreq, hmag, mYst, timeScaling)

y, yh, yst = HPS.hpsModelSynth(yhfreq, yhmag, np.array([]), ystocEnv, Ns, H,

UF.wavwrite(y, fs, 'hps-transformation.wav')

plt.figure(figsize=(12, 9))

maxplotfreq = 14900.0

# plot the input sound
plt.subplot(4, 1, 1)
plt.plot(np.arange(x.size) / float(fs), x)
plt.axis([0, x.size / float(fs), min(x), max(x)])
plt.title('x (sax-phrase-short.wav')