Esempio n. 1
    def gradient(length: int, *colors) -> list:
        Generate a looped gradient from multiple evenly-spaced colors

        Uses the new HSLUV colorspace
        :param length: Total number of entries in the final gradient
        :param colors: Color stops, varargs

        :return: List of colors in the gradient

        luv_colors = [rgb_to_hsluv(to_color(x).rgb) for x in colors]

        steps = max(len(luv_colors), math.floor(length / (len(luv_colors))))
        gradient = []
        for color_idx in range(0, len(luv_colors) - 1):
            start = luv_colors[color_idx]
            end = luv_colors[(color_idx + 1)]

            for interp in range(0, steps):
                amount = float(interp) / float(steps)
                i = ColorUtils._circular_interp(start, end, amount)
                    Color.NewFromRgb(*hsluv_to_rgb([i[0], i[1], i[2]])))

        return gradient
Esempio n. 2
def darken(rgb, amount=.15):
    Darken a color by the given amount in HSLuv space.

    h, s, l = hsluv.rgb_to_hsluv(rgb)
    return hsluv.hsluv_to_rgb((h, s, (1 - amount)*l))
    def perturb(self, img):
        raw = img_to_matrix(img)

        perturbed = raw / 255.0
        w, h, c = perturbed.shape

        for i in range(w):
            for j in range(h):
                px_color = perturbed[i, j]
                hsl = np.array(rgb_to_hsluv(px_color))

                hsl *= self.mul
                hsl[0] = np.clip(hsl[0], 0, 360)
                hsl[1:] = np.clip(hsl[1:], 0, 100)

                perturbed[i, j] = hsluv_to_rgb(hsl)

        perturbed *= 255.0

        raw_img = Image.fromarray(raw.astype("uint8"), "RGB")
        perturbed_img = Image.fromarray(perturbed.astype("uint8"), "RGB")
        noise_img = ImageChops.difference(raw_img, perturbed_img)
        noise_img = Image.fromarray(img_to_matrix(noise_img) * 50, "RGB")
        # noise_img = ImageOps.invert(noise_img.convert("L")).convert("RGB")
        # print((img_to_matrix(noise_img) * 10).max())
        # noise_img = Image.fromarray(, "RGB")

        return raw_img, perturbed_img, noise_img
Esempio n. 4
    def convert_hex_color_strings_to_rgb_and_hsluv_arrays(color_hex_str_list):

        rgb_array_list = []
        hsluv_array_list = []

        for hex_color_str in color_hex_str_list:

            # Remove leading '#', if any
            hex_color_str = hex_color_str.lstrip("#")

            r = int(hex_color_str[0:2], 16)
            g = int(hex_color_str[2:4], 16)
            b = int(hex_color_str[4:6], 16)

            rgb_array = np.array([r, g, b], dtype="uint8").reshape((1, 1, 3))

            hsluv_tuple = rgb_to_hsluv((r / 255.0, g / 255.0, b / 255.0))
            hsluv_array = np.array(
                [hsluv_tuple[0], hsluv_tuple[1], hsluv_tuple[2]],
                dtype="float").reshape((1, 1, 3))

        return rgb_array_list, hsluv_array_list
Esempio n. 5
 def _hsva(color: Color) -> Color:
     return (*rgb_to_hsluv(color.rgb), color.alpha)
Esempio n. 6
 def hsl(self):
     return hsluv.rgb_to_hsluv(self.rgb)
Esempio n. 7
def channel(c, channel=0, amt=1):
    """Increment a rgb channel"""
    rgb = hsluv.hsluv_to_rgb(c)
    rgb[channel] = max(0, min(1, rgb[channel] + amt / 255))
    return hsluv.rgb_to_hsluv(rgb)
Esempio n. 8
 def rgba(self, value: ColorTuple) -> None:
     r, g, b = (value[0] / 255, value[1] / 255, value[2] / 255)
     self.hsluva = rgb_to_hsluv((r, g, b)) + (self.alpha, )