Esempio n. 1
 def test_fast_query(self, hthp: HtHeatpump):
     values = hthp.fast_query()
     assert isinstance(values, dict), "'values' must be of type dict"
     assert len(values) == len(HtParams.of_type("MP"))
     for n, v in values.items():
         assert n in HtParams
         assert v is not None
         assert HtParams[n].in_limits(v)
Esempio n. 2
class TestHtHeatpump:
    def test_open_connection(self, hthp: HtHeatpump):
        assert hthp.is_open
        with pytest.raises(IOError):
        #assert 0

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("action", [
        VerifyAction.NONE(), {VerifyAction.NAME},
        {VerifyAction.NAME, VerifyAction.MIN},
        {VerifyAction.NAME, VerifyAction.MIN, VerifyAction.MAX},
            VerifyAction.NAME, VerifyAction.MIN, VerifyAction.MAX,
        }, {VerifyAction.MIN, VerifyAction.MAX, VerifyAction.VALUE},
        {VerifyAction.MAX, VerifyAction.VALUE}, {VerifyAction.VALUE},
    def test_verify_param_action(self, cmdopt_device: str,
                                 cmdopt_baudrate: int, action: set):
        hp = HtHeatpump(device=cmdopt_device, baudrate=cmdopt_baudrate)
        val = hp.verify_param_action
        assert isinstance(val, set)
        hp.verify_param_action = action
        assert hp.verify_param_action == action
        hp.verify_param_action = val
        #assert 0

    def test_verify_param_error(self, cmdopt_device: str,
                                cmdopt_baudrate: int):
        hp = HtHeatpump(device=cmdopt_device, baudrate=cmdopt_baudrate)
        val = hp.verify_param_error
        assert isinstance(val, bool)
        hp.verify_param_error = True
        assert hp.verify_param_error is True
        hp.verify_param_error = False
        assert hp.verify_param_error is False
        hp.verify_param_error = val
        #assert 0

    def test_send_request(self, cmdopt_device: str, cmdopt_baudrate: int):
        hp = HtHeatpump(device=cmdopt_device, baudrate=cmdopt_baudrate)
        with pytest.raises(IOError):
        #assert 0

    def test_read_response(self, cmdopt_device: str, cmdopt_baudrate: int):
        hp = HtHeatpump(device=cmdopt_device, baudrate=cmdopt_baudrate)
        with pytest.raises(IOError):
        #assert 0

    def test_get_serial_number(self, hthp: HtHeatpump):
        rid = hthp.get_serial_number()
        assert isinstance(rid, int), "'rid' must be of type int"
        assert rid > 0
        #assert 0

    def test_get_version(self, hthp: HtHeatpump):
        version = hthp.get_version()
        # ( "3.0.20", 2321 )
        assert isinstance(version, tuple), "'version' must be of type tuple"
        assert len(version) == 2
        ver_str, ver_num = version
        assert isinstance(ver_str, str), "'ver_str' must be of type str"
        m = re.match(r"^(\d+).(\d+).(\d+)$", ver_str)
        assert m is not None, "invalid version string [{!r}]".format(ver_str)
        assert isinstance(ver_num, int), "'ver_num' must be of type int"
        assert ver_num > 0
        resp = hthp.read_response()
        m = re.match(r"^SP,NR=9,.*NAME=([^,]+).*VAL=([^,]+).*$", resp)
        assert m is not None, "invalid response for query of the software version [{!r}]".format(
        assert ver_str ==
        assert ver_num == int(
        #assert 0

    def test_get_date_time(self, hthp: HtHeatpump):
        date_time = hthp.get_date_time()
        # (datetime.datetime(...), 2)  # 2 = Tuesday
        assert isinstance(date_time,
                          tuple), "'date_time' must be of type tuple"
        assert len(date_time) == 2
        dt, weekday = date_time
        assert isinstance(dt,
                          datetime.datetime), "'dt' must be of type datetime"
        assert isinstance(weekday, int), "'weekday' must be of type int"
        assert weekday in range(1, 8)
        #assert 0

    def test_set_date_time(self, hthp: HtHeatpump):
        pass  # TODO
        #assert 0

    def test_set_date_time_raises_TypeError(self, cmdopt_device: str,
                                            cmdopt_baudrate: int):
        hp = HtHeatpump(device=cmdopt_device, baudrate=cmdopt_baudrate)
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            hp.set_date_time(123)  # type: ignore
        #assert 0

    def test_get_last_fault(self, hthp: HtHeatpump):
        fault = hthp.get_last_fault()
        # (29, 20, datetime.datetime(...), "EQ_Spreizung")
        assert isinstance(fault, tuple), "'fault' must be of type tuple"
        assert len(fault) == 4
        index, error, dt, msg = fault
        assert isinstance(index, int), "'index' must be of type int"
        assert 0 <= index < hthp.get_fault_list_size()
        assert isinstance(error, int), "'error' must be of type int"
        assert error >= 0
        assert isinstance(dt,
                          datetime.datetime), "'dt' must be of type datetime"
        assert isinstance(msg, str), "'msg' must be of type str"
        #assert 0

    def test_get_fault_list_size(self, hthp: HtHeatpump):
        size = hthp.get_fault_list_size()
        assert isinstance(size, int), "'size' must be of type int"
        assert size >= 0
        #assert 0

    def test_get_fault_list(self, hthp: HtHeatpump):
        fault_list = hthp.get_fault_list()
        # [ { "index": 29,  # fault list index
        #     "error": 20,  # error code
        #     "datetime": datetime.datetime(...),  # date and time of the entry
        #     "message": "EQ_Spreizung",  # error message
        #     },
        #   # ...
        #   ]
        assert isinstance(fault_list,
                          list), "'fault_list' must be of type list"
        for entry in fault_list:
            assert isinstance(entry, dict), "'entry' must be of type dict"
            index = entry["index"]
            assert isinstance(index, int), "'index' must be of type int"
            assert 0 <= index < hthp.get_fault_list_size()
            error = entry["error"]
            assert isinstance(error, int), "'error' must be of type int"
            assert error >= 0
            dt = entry["datetime"]
            assert isinstance(
                dt, datetime.datetime), "'dt' must be of type datetime"
            msg = entry["message"]
            assert isinstance(msg, str), "'msg' must be of type str"
        #assert 0

    def test_get_fault_list_with_index(self, hthp: HtHeatpump):
        size = hthp.get_fault_list_size()
        assert isinstance(size, int), "'size' must be of type int"
        assert size >= 0
        for i in range(size):
            fault_list = hthp.get_fault_list(i)
            assert isinstance(fault_list,
                              list), "'fault_list' must be of type list"
            assert len(fault_list) == 1
            entry = fault_list[0]
            assert isinstance(entry, dict), "'entry' must be of type dict"
            index = entry["index"]
            assert isinstance(index, int), "'index' must be of type int"
            assert 0 <= index < hthp.get_fault_list_size()
            error = entry["error"]
            assert isinstance(error, int), "'error' must be of type int"
            assert error >= 0
            dt = entry["datetime"]
            assert isinstance(
                dt, datetime.datetime), "'dt' must be of type datetime"
            msg = entry["message"]
            assert isinstance(msg, str), "'msg' must be of type str"
        #assert 0

    def test_get_fault_list_with_index_raises_IOError(self, hthp: HtHeatpump):
        with pytest.raises(IOError):
            hthp.get_fault_list(-1)  # index=-1 is invalid
        with pytest.raises(IOError):
            hthp.get_fault_list(9999)  # index=9999 is invalid
        #assert 0

    def test_get_fault_list_with_indices(self, hthp: HtHeatpump):
        size = hthp.get_fault_list_size()
        for cnt in range(size + 1):
            indices = random.sample(range(size), cnt)
            fault_list = hthp.get_fault_list(*indices)
            assert isinstance(fault_list,
                              list), "'fault_list' must be of type list"
            for entry in fault_list:
                assert isinstance(entry, dict), "'entry' must be of type dict"
                index = entry["index"]
                assert isinstance(index, int), "'index' must be of type int"
                assert 0 <= index < hthp.get_fault_list_size()
                error = entry["error"]
                assert isinstance(error, int), "'error' must be of type int"
                assert error >= 0
                dt = entry["datetime"]
                assert isinstance(
                    dt, datetime.datetime), "'dt' must be of type datetime"
                msg = entry["message"]
                assert isinstance(msg, str), "'msg' must be of type str"
        #assert 0

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("name, param", HtParams.items())
    def test_get_param(self, hthp: HtHeatpump, name: str, param: HtParam):
        value = hthp.get_param(name)
        assert value is not None, "'value' must not be None"
        assert param.in_limits(value)
        #assert 0

    def test_get_param_raises_KeyError(self, cmdopt_device: str,
                                       cmdopt_baudrate: int):
        hp = HtHeatpump(device=cmdopt_device, baudrate=cmdopt_baudrate)
        with pytest.raises(KeyError):
        #assert 0

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("name, param", HtParams.items())
    def test_set_param(self, hthp: HtHeatpump, name: str, param: HtParam):
        pass  # TODO
        #assert 0

    def test_set_param_raises_KeyError(self, cmdopt_device: str,
                                       cmdopt_baudrate: int):
        hp = HtHeatpump(device=cmdopt_device, baudrate=cmdopt_baudrate)
        with pytest.raises(KeyError):
            hp.set_param("BlaBlaBla", 123)
        #assert 0

        "name, param",
        [(name, param) for name, param in HtParams.items()
         if param.data_type in (HtDataTypes.INT, HtDataTypes.FLOAT)])
    def test_set_param_raises_ValueError(self, cmdopt_device: str,
                                         cmdopt_baudrate: int, name: str,
                                         param: HtParam):
        hp = HtHeatpump(device=cmdopt_device, baudrate=cmdopt_baudrate)
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            hp.set_param(name, param.min_val - 1,
                         ignore_limits=False)  # type: ignore
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            hp.set_param(name, param.max_val + 1,
                         ignore_limits=False)  # type: ignore
        #assert 0

    def test_in_error(self, hthp: HtHeatpump):
        in_error = hthp.in_error
        assert isinstance(in_error, bool), "'in_error' must be of type bool"
        assert in_error == hthp.get_param("Stoerung")
        #assert 0

    def test_query(self, hthp: HtHeatpump):
        values = hthp.query()
        # { "HKR Soll_Raum": 21.0,
        #   "Stoerung": False,
        #   "Temp. Aussen": 8.8,
        #   # ...
        #   }
        assert isinstance(values, dict), "'values' must be of type dict"
        assert len(values) == len(HtParams)
        for n, v in values.items():
            assert n in HtParams
            assert v is not None
            assert HtParams[n].in_limits(v)
        #assert 0

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("names", [
        random.sample(HtParams.keys(), cnt)
        for cnt in range(len(HtParams) + 1)
    def test_query_with_names(self, hthp: HtHeatpump, names: List[str]):
        values = hthp.query(*names)
        # { "HKR Soll_Raum": 21.0,
        #   "Stoerung": False,
        #   "Temp. Aussen": 8.8,
        #   # ...
        #   }
        assert isinstance(values, dict), "'values' must be of type dict"
        assert not names or len(values) == len(set(names))
        for n, v in values.items():
            assert n in HtParams
            assert not names or n in names
            assert v is not None
            assert HtParams[n].in_limits(v)
        #assert 0

    def test_fast_query(self, hthp: HtHeatpump):
        values = hthp.fast_query()
        assert isinstance(values, dict), "'values' must be of type dict"
        assert len(values) == len(HtParams.of_type("MP"))
        for n, v in values.items():
            assert n in HtParams
            assert v is not None
            assert HtParams[n].in_limits(v)
        #assert 0

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("names", [
        random.sample(HtParams.of_type("MP").keys(), cnt)
        for cnt in range(len(HtParams.of_type("MP")) + 1)
    def test_fast_query_with_names(self, hthp: HtHeatpump, names: List[str]):
        values = hthp.fast_query(*names)
        assert isinstance(values, dict), "'values' must be of type dict"
        assert not names or len(values) == len(set(names))
        for n, v in values.items():
            assert n in HtParams
            assert not names or n in names
            assert v is not None
            assert HtParams[n].in_limits(v)
        #assert 0

    def test_fast_query_with_names_raises_KeyError(self, cmdopt_device: str,
                                                   cmdopt_baudrate: int):
        hp = HtHeatpump(device=cmdopt_device, baudrate=cmdopt_baudrate)
        with pytest.raises(KeyError):
        #assert 0

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("names", [
        random.sample(HtParams.of_type("SP").keys(), cnt)
        for cnt in range(1,
                         len(HtParams.of_type("SP")) + 1)
    def test_fast_query_with_names_raises_ValueError(self, cmdopt_device: str,
                                                     cmdopt_baudrate: int,
                                                     names: List[str]):
        hp = HtHeatpump(device=cmdopt_device, baudrate=cmdopt_baudrate)
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        #assert 0

    def test_get_time_progs(self, hthp: HtHeatpump):
        time_progs = hthp.get_time_progs()
        assert isinstance(time_progs,
                          List), "'time_progs' must be of type list"
        assert len(time_progs) > 0
        assert all(
            [isinstance(time_prog, TimeProgram) for time_prog in time_progs])
        #assert 0

        range(5))  # TODO range(5) -> range(len(hthp.get_time_progs()))
    def test_get_time_prog(self, hthp: HtHeatpump, index: int):
        time_prog = hthp.get_time_prog(index, with_entries=False)
        assert isinstance(
            time_prog, TimeProgram), "'time_prog' must be of type TimeProgram"
        time_prog = hthp.get_time_prog(index, with_entries=True)
        assert isinstance(
            time_prog, TimeProgram), "'time_prog' must be of type TimeProgram"
        #assert 0

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("index", [-1, 5])
    def test_get_time_prog_raises_IOError(self, hthp: HtHeatpump, index: int):
        with pytest.raises(IOError):
            hthp.get_time_prog(index, with_entries=False)
        with pytest.raises(IOError):
            hthp.get_time_prog(index, with_entries=True)
        #assert 0

        "index, day, num",
        [  # for ALL time program entries
            (index, day, num) for index in range(5) for day in range(7)
            for num in range(7)
    def test_get_time_prog_entry(self, hthp: HtHeatpump, index: int, day: int,
                                 num: int):
        entry = hthp.get_time_prog_entry(index, day, num)
        assert isinstance(
            entry, TimeProgEntry), "'entry' must be of type TimeProgEntry"
        #assert 0

        "index, day, num",
            (5, 0, 0),  # index=5 is invalid
            (0, 7, 0),  # day=7 is invalid
            (0, 0, 7),  # num=7 is invalid
    def test_get_time_prog_entry_raises_IOError(self, hthp: HtHeatpump,
                                                index: int, day: int,
                                                num: int):
        with pytest.raises(IOError):
            hthp.get_time_prog_entry(index, day, num)
        #assert 0

    def test_set_time_prog_entry(self, hthp: HtHeatpump):
        pass  # TODO
        #assert 0

    def test_set_time_prog(self, hthp: HtHeatpump):
        pass  # TODO
Esempio n. 3
def main():
        format="%(asctime)s %(levelname)s [%(name)s|%(funcName)s]: %(message)s"

    hp = HtHeatpump("/dev/ttyUSB0", baudrate=115200)

    rid = hp.get_serial_number()
    print("connected successfully to heat pump with serial number {:d}".format(
    ver = hp.get_version()
    print("software version = {} ({:d})".format(ver[0], ver[1]))

    names = HtParams.of_type("MP").keys()

    t_query = t_fast_query = 0.0
    for i in range(10):
        start = timer()
        values = hp.query(*names)
        t_query += (timer() - start)
        start = timer()
        values = hp.fast_query(*names)
        t_fast_query += (timer() - start)
    i += 1
    t_query = t_query / i
    t_fast_query = t_fast_query / i

    print("\n" + "-" * 100)
    print("HtHeatpump.query({:d})      execution time: {:.3f} sec".format(
        len(names), t_query))
    print("HtHeatpump.fast_query({:d}) execution time: {:.3f} sec".format(
        len(names), t_fast_query))
    print("-> {:.3f} x faster".format(t_query / t_fast_query))

    while True:
        print("\n" + "-" * 100)
        rand_names = random.sample(names, random.randint(0, len(names)))
        # fast query for the given parameter(s)
        values = hp.fast_query(*rand_names)
        # print the current value(s) of the retrieved parameter(s)
        print(", ".join(
            map(lambda name: "{!r} = {}".format(name, values[name]), values)))
        #for name in sorted(values.keys()):
        #    print("{:{width}} [{},{:02d}]: {}".format(name,
        #                                              HtParams[name].dp_type,
        #                                              HtParams[name].dp_number,
        #                                              values[name],
        #                                              width=len(max(values.keys(), key=len))))
        for i in range(5, 0, -1):
            sys.stdout.write("\rContinue in {:d}s ...".format(i))
        print("\rContinue in 0s ...")

    hp.logout()  # try to logout for an ordinary cancellation (if possible)
