def test_get_jinjaenv():
    Should return an instance of a 'jinja2.Environment'
    exporter = JinjaExport()

    assert isinstance(exporter.get_jinjaenv(), Environment)
def test_pack_release():
    In un packed release mode, a 'report' document is created for each report
    then a 'summary' document is created and finally the CSS file.

    Documents contents are not checked, just their existence and template build
    without any errors.
    exporter = JinjaExport()

    # Directly fill report registry
    r = ReportStore([])
    r.registry = OrderedDict(SAMPLE_REPORT)

    results = exporter.release(pack=False)

    assert len(results) == 6
    assert results[0]["document"] == "path-1.html"
    assert results[1]["document"] == "path-2.html"
    assert results[2]["document"] == "path-3.html"
    assert results[3]["document"] == "path-4.html"
    assert results[4]["document"] == "index.html"
    assert results[5]["document"] == "main.css"
def test_validate_notexisting():
    Unexisting path should be invalid and return an error message.
    exporter = JinjaExport(template_dir="/home/wrong")

    msg = "Given template directory does not exists: /home/wrong"

    assert exporter.validate() == msg
def test_validate_success():
    Existing path should be valid and does not return any message.

    We just use the default path that should always be valid.
    exporter = JinjaExport()

    assert exporter.validate() == False
def test_get_template():
    Every registered templates from exporter 'TEMPLATES' attribute
    should be an existing and valid template for Jinja when it try to load it.
    exporter = JinjaExport()

    for k, v in exporter.TEMPLATES.items():
        assert isinstance(exporter.get_template(v), Template)
def test_validate_missing_files(settings):
    Directory which misses some required templates should be invalid and return
    an error message.

    Use an existing directory from application but which is not a template
    exporter = JinjaExport(template_dir=settings.tests_dir)

    msg = ("Some required files are missing from template directory: "
           "audit.html, report.html, main.css, summary.html")

    assert exporter.validate() == msg
def test_pack_release():
    In packed release mode, only one 'audit' document is created and finally the
    CSS file.

    Documents contents are not checked, just their existence and template build
    without any errors.
    exporter = JinjaExport()

    # Directly fill report registry
    r = ReportStore([])
    r.registry = OrderedDict(SAMPLE_REPORT)

    results = exporter.release(pack=True)

    assert len(results) == 2
    assert results[0]["document"] == "index.html"
    assert results[1]["document"] == "main.css"