def load_dexter():
    """Load the dexter data set.

    .. note:: Deprecated in hub-toolbox 2.3
              Will be removed in hub-toolbox 3.0.
              Please use IO.load_dexter() instead.

    return IO.load_dexter()
    def __init__(self, D:np.ndarray=None, classes:np.ndarray=None,
                 vectors:np.ndarray=None, metric:str='distance'):
        """Initialize a quick hubness analysis.

        D : ndarray, optional (default: None)
            The n x n symmetric distance (similarity) matrix.
            Default: load example dataset (dexter).

        classes : ndarray, optional (default: None)
            The 1 x n class labels. Required for k-NN, GK.

        vectors : ndarray, optional (default: None)
            The m x n vector data. Required for IntrDim estimation.

        metric : {'distance', 'similarity'}
            Define whether `D` is a distance or similarity matrix.

        self.has_class_data, self.has_vector_data = False, False
        if D is None:
                  'NO PARAMETERS GIVEN! Loading & evaluating DEXTER data set.'
                  'DEXTER is a text classification problem in a bag-of-word \n'
                  'representation. This is a two-class classification problem\n'
                  'with sparse continuous input variables. \n'
                  'This dataset is one of five datasets of the NIPS 2003\n'
                  'feature selection challenge.\n'
            self.D, self.classes, self.vectors = IO.load_dexter()
            self.has_class_data, self.has_vector_data = True, True
            self.metric = 'distance'
            # copy data and ensure correct type (not int16 etc.)
            self.D = np.copy(D).astype(np.float64)
            if classes is None:
                self.classes = None
                self.classes = np.copy(classes).astype(np.float64)
                self.has_class_data = True
            if vectors is None:
                self.vectors = None
                self.vectors = np.copy(vectors).astype(np.float64)
                self.has_vector_data = True
            self.metric = metric
        self.n = len(self.D)
        self.experiments = []